Chapter 7: Treason!

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It's been many weeks now at Winterfell, Robb has been wise when it comes to being the Lord of Winterfell, Kenway however isn't, he's losing himself in this Prophecy and after he had that dream, which he keeps on having every night now, Kenway isn't sure what he needs to do but he will do anything to stop that dream from becoming reality.

Robb: Treason?

Robb, Kenway and Theon are inside the main hall of Winterfell as Maester Luwin has brought the Lord of Winterfell a message from King's Landing, their father Eddard Stark has be arrested for treason, Kenway was shocked the hear what it said but what Robb said next confused him.

Robb: Sansa wrote this?

Kenway who is sat in front of the standing Robb as Theon is sat to Robb's left and Maester Luwin standing to his right.

Luwin: It is your sister's hand, but the queen's words. You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king.

Robb: Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his arse kissed?

Luwin: This is a royal command, my lord.

Kenway: It's a trap. You go south you wont be coming back.

Everyone looks to Kenway as Maester Luwin continues.

Luwin: If he refuse to obey...

Robb: I won't refuse.

Kenway: Robb, have you hit your head recently? Because you have lost your sanity.

Robb: His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing.

Kenway throw his hands up in frustration for the choice his brother is making, but then Robb spoke again.

Robb: But not alone.

Kenway looked to his brother as Robb smirked and nodded then looked to Maester Luwin.

Robb: Call the banners.

Theon and Kenway shared a smile as this is one of the only times they will actually get along.

Luwin: All of them, my lord?

Robb: They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?

Luwin: They have.

Robb: Now we see what their words are worth.

Maester Luwin bowed slightly then left the room leaving Robb, Kenway and Theon alone.

Theon: Are you afraid?

Robb looked to his hand to see it shacking, Robb is afraid, he's terrified and who wouldn't be, he's 17 and going to war with the King.

Robb: I must be.

Theon: Good.

Robb: Why is that good?

Kenway: It means you're not stupid.

Robb looked between the duo as for once both of them are on the same page, the trio then went back to what they were doing before as the crows of Winterfell flow to their destinations calling the Stark bannermen to arms...


It didn't take long, only a few days for the bannermen to answer the call, they all made their way to Winterfell as soon as they possible could and now they are sat around the table in the main hall of Winterfell as Robb and Kenway march their way towards the hall, but they stop at the door.

Kenway: What's wrong?

Kenway asked as to why Robb isn't walking into the main hall, Robb looked to his little brother.

Robb: What do you think I should do?

Kenway was confused by this, in the months that Robb has been Lord of Winterfell Robb has never asked for his opinion.

Kenway: What?

Robb: Your smart Kenny. One of the smartest people I know. I should have used your knowledge to my advantage instead of using you as my little brother. So what should I do?

Kenway was taken back by this, yes him and Robb are close but when Robb turned 13 name days Robb focused on becoming the best warrior he could be so they grew distant, but Robb is asking for his help now so Kenway will give it.

Kenway: Behind this door are some of the biggest ego's the North has ever seen. To them your just a boy nothing more. You need to make them see that YOUR Lord of Winterfell. That YOUR in control of this and not them. One sign of weakness and they'll throw you to the wolves.

Robb chuckled to his little brother as he patted his shoulder.

Robb: Stay close little brother.

Kenway nodded as they both walked into the main hall, Robb sat at the head of the table as Kenway sat to his left, Theon to Kenway's left and Bran to Theon's.

The feast went underway as there was wine and battle plans, but Lord Umber had to make his voice heard.

Umber: For 30 years I've been making corpses out of men, boy...

Kenway leaned to Robb and whispered.

Kenway: Don't take him calling you boy kindly.

Robb nodded as Lord Umber continued.

Umber: ... I'm the man you want leading the vanguard.

Robb nodded slightly just showing Lord Umber that he was listening to the Lords words, but Robb took his brother's advice and didn't show any weakness.

Robb: Galbart Glover will lead the van.

Lord Umber showed that he didn't like this as he raised his voice over the other voices echoing through the hall.

Umber: The bloody Wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover! I will lead the van or I will take my men and march them home.

Kenway looked to his brother Robb as this is the exact thing that Kenway was telling Robb about, Robb can not fold to Lord Umber or Robb will lose the respect from the rest of the men and they will think that they can push him around, believe it or not, this is a turning point to the war to come.

Kenway watched as Robb had his face covered by his hands but then looked over them to Lord Umber across from him.

Robb: You are welcome to do so, Lord Umber.

Kenway smirked and took a drink as Robb is staying in control, but his attention went back to Robb as Robb stood from his seat and kept the mean gaze on Umber.

Robb: And when I am done with the Lannister's, I will march back north, root you out of your keep and hang you for an oathbreaker.

Kenway had a smile on his face as Robb has gone way further then he thought he would as this now caught the attention of everyone else in the hall making it fall silent.

Umber: Oathbreaker, is it?!

Umber stood up in rage whilst a handful of his men that are in the hall joined him as well as Robb's men.

Umber: I'll not sit here and swallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass.

Umber then went to draw his sword but Robb's wolf, Grey Wind jumped on the table and took Lord Umber to the ground as everyone else in the hall stood including Kenway.

Umber yelled in pain as Grey Wind took two of his fingers whilst Robb stayed in full control.

Robb: My lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege lord.

Lord Umber stood back to his feet as Robb continued.

Robb: But doubtless the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me.

Umber kicked his stool in anger as Kenway still held his hand over the hilt of Cold Breath.

Umber: Your meat...

Umber looked around the room clearly seeing he's in a losing battle and accepts defeat to Robb.

Umber: Is bloody tough.

Umber says holding up his hand with three fingers on, he then started to chuckle, Robb followed then the whole hall followed their actions and started to laugh, but poor little Bran looked scared and confused at what just happened...


Kenway is in his quarters looking through more books and scrolls still trying to find as much as he possibly can about the prophecy and the dream he keeps on having, Midnight is asleep on his bed whilst Kenway's door opens and in walks Robb wearing his lord clothes.

Kenway: Where you going?

Robb: South.

Kenway looked to his brother as he was confused by this.

Kenway: Okay. I'll come with...

Robb: You can't.

Kenway was now standing in front of his older brother looking annoyed as Robb said that he would use Kenway's knowledge to his advantage but instead he's leaving him behind.

Robb: I need you to run Winterfell for me whilst I'm south. 

Kenway: You can't be serious?

Robb: There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. I need that to be you.

Kenway sat back down on his chair as this is kinda hurtful to him, he thought he was going to be able to fight for his father alongside his brother but it turns out he's not.

Robb: I asked you for your knowledge and I trust no one else more then you to keep Winterfell safe. Keep your little brothers safe.

Robb patted Kenway on his shoulder and went to leave to say goodbye to Bran and Reckon but before he left he had one more thing to say.

Robb: Oh, here...

Kenway looked to see Robb throw him a key, Kenway held the key confused as Robb finished.

Robb: Mother and father had it made for you for your 16th name day. But we won't be here for it. Winter is Coming Kenway. You need to be ready.

Robb left Kenway as he looked to the key curious now to what it could be but put it on the table, he knows what the key is to and it's to the Stark's private armory inside his mother's and father's quarters, it's where Ice lives and other historic piece of armor and weaponry that a Stark has used in their history.

Kenway looked back to the scrolls and books but something was off.

Kenway: How long have you been there?

Kenway asked looking back towards the door to see Reckon walking into the door.

Kenway: You should be in bed.

Reckon: Is Robb leaving?

Kenway: Robb's going to get Father, Sansa and Arya back to us. They'll be back soon.

Reckon: No they won't.

Reckon went to walk out but Kenway stopped him.

Kenway: Hey. The wolves will always find their way back to their pack. No matter how far any of us go we will always find our way back to you little pup.

Reckon smiled and hugged his brother, Kenway smiled at the hug and hugged back then lifted Reckon into the air.

Kenway: Now let's get you back to bed.

Reckon smiled and laughed as Kenway took him towards his quarters basically hanging him upside down...


Kenway is in his quarters after doing the Lords work for Winterfell, it's not as difficult as he expected, but it might help the fact that he knows what he's doing as he's read many books on this kind of thing, Robb's been sending many crows keeping him up to date with everything going on down south.

Kenway has faith that the gods will help his brother bring their family home and the Starks will live in Winterfell forever.

Kenway is busy as Midnight is sleeping at the fire pit when a knock came to his door, Kenway dropped what he was doing and answered it to see the wildling girl that Robb captured to help Bran.

Kenway: what can I do for you?

Kenway asks walking back to his desk. leaving the door open so she can enter, Kenway went back to work as he thought this was about something for Bran.

Osha closed the door behind her and walked towards him.

Osha: I came to thank you.

Kenway: For what?

Kenway asked not looking away from his duties as current Lord of Winterfell, but he had to when Osha sat on his desk just to the side of him.

Osha: For not slitting my throat. I cam to offer my services.

Kenway: Your help with Bran is service enough.

Osha: But it doesn't have to be...

Osha pushed his chest making his chair slide out from under the desk and straddled his waist, Midnight growled and got up thinking that Kenway was being attacked but Kenway held his hand to her telling her to wait.

Kenway: Your going the wrong way with this. I'm saving myself for the lady I have to wed.

Osha smiled down to the Black Wolf as he looks up to her.

Osha: And so you should. But do you want to give her your first...

Osha leant to his ear as she rubbed his body down to his pants.

Osha: ... Or your best~

Osha said nibbling his ear, Kenway grabbed her wrist and stood up making her get off him.

Kenway: Midnight.

Kenway's nearly fully grown Direwolf follows him towards the door, Kenway opens it allowing the wolf to walk out.

Kenway: Make sure were not disturbed.

Midnight sat down in front his door as Kenway shut it and turned to Osha, she smiled to him as Kenway walked over to her and kissed her as the both fell on his bed nearby...


It's now nightfall at Winterfell and Maester Luwin is walking towards Kenway's quarters with a sad look to his face and a message from a crow in his hand.

Maester Luwin reaches Kenway's quarters to see Midnight asleep at the door, Maester Luwin knocks the door and waits for Kenway to answer, he didn't have to wait long as Kenway answered the door without a shirt on but luckily for the Maester his pants were on.

Kenway looked passed Maester Luwin to see Midnight asleep.

Kenway: Thanks for keeping the door guarded.

Midnight opened one of her eyes and looked at him, she then huffed and went back to sleep.

Kenway: Trust me to get the lazy one.

Kenway said moving away from the open door allow the Maester to enter, Maester Luwin saw Osha in his bed as she looked to the Maester, but Maester Luwin minded his own business and handed Kenway the message.

Luwin: From the South, my Lord.

Kenway took the message as the Maester bowed and left the room closing the door behind him.

Osha: What is it?

Kenway opened the message and read it, Kenway's face dropped as he screwed the message up in his hand.

Osha: What is it, my Lord?

Kenway looked to her with a dead straight face.

Kenway: My father is dead. King Joffrey just took his head for Treason...


Meanwhile in the land of the Dothraki, Daenerys has burnt the body of her husband Khal Drogo with the witch that killed him tied to the fire.

The next morning after the fire finally burnt out, Jorah and a couple of other Dothraki's walked towards the burnt out fire pit to see Daenerys as naked as the day she entered the world and three newly hatched Dragon's cuddling into her body as if she was their mother.

Jorah: Blood of my blood.

Jorah said kneeling to Daenerys as everyone present followed his actions as Daenerys stood up with a dragon in her arm, one hanging off her arm and the last perched on her right shoulder, once she was fully standing and everyone was on their knees, she looked to Jorah as he looked up to her.

Daenerys: Find me the Black Wolf. Bring me Kenway Stark...


(To Be Continued)

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