Final Chapter: Saying Goodbye!

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Sunrise, daylight, the next morning, all of these is something no one thought they'd ever see again, however it came at a great lose, some many people dead and for nothing, they died protecting the realm sure but Kenway should have done more, instead now, he's wrapped up in bandages standing by the gate as he watched Deanerys at Jorah's dead body, resting on a pyre.

Kenway watched as she let a few tears fall, a couple of soft sobs, then leant to him pressing a kiss to his forehead, Kenway was still a little worried that the dead can still rise and held the hilt of Cold Breath, which is now back on his side, nothing happened though, she said something to his corpse, which no one could hear, Kenway only watched while Sansa gave the same reception to Theon, Kenway never liked Theon growing, the dislike between them was clear, now he can do nothing but respect him and regret not saying that before.

Those are of course not the only pyres out there, bodies waiting to be burnt as far as the eye can see, Kenway could only stand with Jon on his right, the rest of his family there and hold Deanerys hand in his left when she joined him there, Aemon beside her also holding her hand, Sansa walked towards Jon hugging her brother as Ghost watched looking at Midnight, resting peacefully on her own pyre, it was now Kenway's time to step forward.

Kenway: We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences, to fight together, and die together, so that we might live.

Arya, Bran, Rickon, Jamie, Briana all of them watched as Kenway gave a good speech, although it's not his place anymore, he's no longer King in the North, he'd said he'd step down once the Night King is gone and he's now gone.

Kenway: Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. it is our duty and our honour to keep them alive in memory, for those who come after us and those who come after them, for as long as men draw breath.  They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again.

*I know Season 8 wasn't great but this was a great speech*

Kenway stood there for a second as everyone embraced his words, Kenway glanced around to all the dead in front of him and all the living behind him, maybe it's the father inside him talking but he needs to tell them this.

Kenway: To everyone, alive or not. I'll say this now because you won't hear it again. Thank you!

Kenway thanked them for allowing his kids to have a world to grow up in, it's because of their sacrifice that he can see his kids grow up, it's because of them, Duncan and Elis are finally together, it's because of them the world is safe once again.

Kenway held his right hand out and was given a torch, so was, Daenerys, Sansa, Tormund, Grey Worm, Arya and a few others waited for the first pyre's to be lite, Kenway walked towards Midnight and rested the flame onto the wood, the others around him followed their actions, Daenerys igniting the one with Jorah on, Sansa the one with Theon on, Grey Worm with the Unsullied who fell, Tormund with the Wildings and the others, everyone has lost in this battle, although their alive, it doesn't feel like they won.

Kenway felt a weight on him while he watched his best friend burn, it was Aemon crying against him, Kenway lifted him up and walked back to the line, he stood with Daenerys and Jon watching as the hero's from last night are greeted by the Gods...


To celebrate their victory Kenway held a feast, it's been a long time since a feast was last held in these walls so he wanted to make it happen, Kenway is sitting at the head spot, Daenerys to his left and Sansa on his right, Jon beside Sansa, Bran and Rickon beside him, Aemon, Varys, Tyrion and Missandei on the over side of Daenerys,  it didn't seem like much of a celebration though and why would it, the lost more then they seemed to gain.

Kenway was thrilled though, he can now eat and drink, sure he could do that before but now he can actually taste the food, he kinda only did it before to keep up the lie, he could see Daenerys was still wounded about Jorah, so he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it, making her smile, however someone walking towards the exit caught her attention.

Daenerys: Gendry.

Everyone around the room stopped talking and looked over to them, Kenway doesn't know who this guy is, he kinda looks familiar but he wasn't sure, his wife seemed to know who he is though.

Daenerys: That's right, isn't it?

The boy stopped leaving and walked in front of them, looking a little un easy, Kenway didn't know what was going on and only watched, still holding Daenerys' hand in his while Gendry stood before them.

Gendry: Yes, Your Grace.

He just stood there not really sure why, then again, no one other then Daenerys is sure why he's standing there, not until she spoke again, still holding her husbands hand while Aemon enjoys the food, he's not quite got to the part where you stop eating while someone's talking.

Daenerys: You're Robert Baratheon's son.

That was news to a lot of people in the room, Kenway a like, although the man was a whoremonger, it's surprising there isn't hundreds of Bastard Baratheon's lined up outside the door.

Daenerys: You are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered?

Kenway didn't know about that, if he did... who's he fooling he wouldn't have done anything, he didn't even know she existed back when Robert was walking around, so there wasn't much he could do.

Gendry: I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead.

Kenway looked between the boy and Daenerys only he was distracted by Aemon walking over to him, Kenway picked the boy up on his lap, before going back to what was happening, Kenway didn't even notice that Aemon is now eaten his food, Sansa saw him though and laughed to the boy, Aemon smiled with a cheesy grin.

Daenerys: Yes, he's dead. His brothers are, too. So who's Lord of Storm's End now?

She asked Gendry while Kenway noticed what Aemon was doing and moved his food away from the boy, Aemon then pouted and looked up to Kenway making him sigh and give the young Targaryen back the food, Kenway can get some more later.

Gendry: I don't know, Your Grace.

Aemon was clearly really hungry because he literally only came to his father for his food, Kenway just chuckled and rubbed the boys head before noticing that neither Duncan nor Elis are here, maybe it's because the Hound is, Elis has never really seen eye to eye with her brothers.

Daenerys: Does anyone?

No one answered her because no one knew, it's because no one is Lord of Storm's End, which was pretty obvious, but the stronghold needs a Lord, Kenway has a feeling he knows where this is going, he'd like to think the Daenerys wouldn't have this kid killed then leave such a Castle to rot.

Daenerys: I thing you should be Lord of Storm's End.

Kenway smiled a little as Gendry's eyes looked like they were about to jump out of his skull, he though composed himself and shook off the shock, he seemed to completely miss what Daenerys was saying.

Gendry: I can't be. I'm a bastard.

Everyone looked around with a few murmurs, Kenway kept Aemon on his lap while Daenerys told him what she's doing, apparently the boy needs a guide line, the first thing this boy needs to do is go to the library of his new stronghold.

Daenerys: No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, the lawful son of Robert Baratheon. Because that is what I have made you.

Daenerys and Kenway smiled up to the new Lord while no one around the room seemed to believe it, to be honest, Kenway didn't expect it either but once she didn't have him killed or something after finding out what his father did, he had a feeling.

Ser Davos: To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End.

Kenway copied Ser Davos actions, standing with wine in hand, Aemon moved back over to his seat with his father's food in his belly, he's full now, the men called out their praise for Gendry as Daenerys and Sansa stayed sitting, raising a mug to him all the same, the boy then forgot why he was leaving the hall and instead accepted the pats on the back from the others, Kenway stood there for a second and needed to swallow the tough pill.

Kenway: Before we continue with the celebration, I have a few things to say...

They all gave their attention back to the King in the North, or at least that's what they think he is, Kenway needs to change a few things, do something he hasn't done since he came back from Meereen.

Kenway: ... It's no secret that after a few days, this will no longer be my home, but don't worry. I won't leave you in un qualified hands. My brother, Jon...

Kenway turned to face Jon as he didn't seem all that leased with being King in the North, Kenway chuckled to his reaction while asking him to stand up, everyone can see the change in Kenway's mood since last night, it's night and day.

Kenway: ... I made a decision for you I had no right to make, so while I'm still King in the North. Ask for anything and it'll be yours.

Jon didn't expect this and wasn't sure what to ask for, the Northman and overs around calling out what he should ask for but he only wanted one thing, neither of them called it though, Daenerys watched with a smile while the people settled down.

Jon: I don't want to be King.

The crowd were in complete silence not sure what their King will do, Kenway made him the heir for a reason, so they waited as Kenway took a sip from his mug then nodded.

Kenway: Done.

Jon smiled with a chuckle as Kenway walked over to him the two shared a hug as the men around the room banged their gauntlets off the table cheering.

Kenway: I'm sorry for what I did brother. Can you ever forgive me?

They let go of the hug but kept their hands on each others arms, Kenway might have changed but his height stayed the same, making him taller then Jon, everyone watched while the brothers buried the metaphorical hatchet.

Jon: Already done.

Kenway smiled his thanks then went back to his seat, Daenerys smiled up to him as he took her wine from her, she hasn't drank any because of obvious reasons, so he sipped from the cup making her smile.

Kenway: I herby make Jon Stark, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

Logan knows he said he'd stop doing that but he also knows that Jon's never been more himself then when he was in the Night's Watch, Jon wasn't going to argue with that as he nodded his thanks, that is what Jon's always wanted.

Kenway: Now that just leaves my heir...

Kenway looked over to Rickon while holding his mug up, everyone copied him thinking they know what he's going to say, they think he's going to make Rickon heir but Rickon is sworn to the Glover girl, and Bran doesn't want anything, that only leaves one.

Kenway: ... Sansa Stark.

Sansa looked up to her brother as Kenway smiled to her, a few murmurs around the room while Jon smiled putting his hand on his sister's shoulder, the north didn't seem to be all that on board with it, Kenway however didn't give them a choice.

Kenway: It's no secret we never really got along and when I became King. You were nothing but a pain in my ass. But there is no one I'd rather see sit on the throne in the North then you. 

Sansa and no one expected such words from him, some more murmurs came from around the room while the Stark duo didn't break eyes, she really does look like their mother.

Sam: Queen in the North!

Everyone looked to Samuel as he held his mug up and a big smile on his face, Kenway turned to him and copied his actions with the same call.

Kenway: The Queen in the North!

Eventually one by one, the men around the room joined in, that was then that Sansa Stark was crowned Queen in the North, leaving a smiling Kenway and a happy Daenerys who too, made the call, the North no longer has a King but a Queen and the Night's Watch has a brand new Commander, Kenway however is now a proud father and a happy husband, leaning down to kiss his wife, finally this is all over...


(The End)

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