Chapter 5. Stay🍋🍋🍋

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Yesterday's heist went well. Maine had to repair our car, forcing him to spend 1k from his reward in repairing it but he understood we couldn't avoid the damage done to it. It is what it is.

Now, with over 50k in my bank account I'm starting to feel very nice about my economic situation. Heh, a couple of days ago, I was desesperate to go to work. Now, I have more than I need.

All the Shard Hunting gave me enough dirty money to buy a couple of things with it. First, I wanted to expand my options in weapons, so I returned to Hanzo's ironworks. Like always, he's too busy smithing to pay attention to me.

One of my implants let me have compartments in my thighs were I can store throwing knives and the likes. They could be useful for a more stealthy approach. Also, I wouldn't mind getting a short blade for the exact same reason. My katana and my blades are too noisy for stealth.

There's many knifes in display, but two caught my eye. First, a couple of throwing knifes and lastly, a Karambit.

A karambit it's not the most practical knife, but hey, a weapon is a weapon. Besides, I want it only for cutting throats, nothing else.

I payed a total of 400 eddies and left. Truly, a man of a few words...

While I was walking around town, looking for things I many need, I was listening at some songs Kiwi passed me. One is the same song that sounds in the Afterlife all the time.

I went inside John's gunstore. He recognised me and greeted me, but was a little sad to not see Kiwi by my side. Weirdo...

John:"How's the shotgun kid?"

Y/N:"Perfect. I opened someone's head with a single shot. I like it."

John:"Glad to hear that! Well, kind of. What do you need?"

Y/N:"Grenades. Just that."



John:"Coming right up."

John went to the storage to get me what I needed. While I waited, I recieved a message from Lucy.

'Hey. It's me, Lucy. I can't wait for tonight.


I know it's too soon to say this, specially since we know each other for a couple of days but... I won't be able to say this to your face, so this is the best option right now. I can't stop thinking about you. Since the day we hunted for the first time. You're always on my mind. 

I see.'

I see. I see?! What kind of braindead answer is that?! She just opened up to you, saying the most beautiful thing someone has ever told to you and you answer that?!

Actually... that's not true...

???:"You promise me we're gonna get out of here?"

Y/N:"We will. I promise."

???:"I wonder, how will the sun look like?"

I shook my head, spooked by what just happened. What was that?

Focus! I need to give her a good answer!

'I'm also looking forward for the date. I wouldn't have accepted it if I wasn't interested in you too. I haven't forgot about that BD you shown me. I dunno what it means to you, but for me, it meant a lot.

I'm happy to hear that. 

I have a question for you.

Do you prefer me like this? Or more like Kiwi?'

More like Kiwi? I suppose she means that sassy attitude of hers. It's not dislike, I prefer this romantic side of her.

First time blushing...

John:"Earth to Bladerunner, are you there?"

Y/N:"Oh, sorry. How much will it be?"

John:"100 per nade."

Y/N:"I'll get 10. You said Bladerunner?"

John:"I know the nickname of every merc that's my customer. No matter how much times you change it, I'll know it."

Y/N:"I see. Well, here's the money. I'll take my leave now."

I handed him the eddies, grabbed the nades and left. Now, time to hit home. On my way, I recieved another message from Lucy. It was an entire paragraph flirting with me. Not even a single profanity tho, that's an achievement.

Can't act like I don't like it tho, feels good to know she's the one writting those things...

Problem is, I'm not used to these situations. I don't know how to answer...

Another message, but this time is Rebecca.

'Sup. You free now?


Maine has a job for me but I need a tough guy and a runner. Lucy is here so if you're interested move your ass to the gas station.

Lucy didn't told me about this.

She's too busy sending you lewd things. Come over. We're gonna have fun.'

I have the feeling her 'fun' involves gunshots, explosions and blood. Meh, why not?

'Sure, but I have to go home for a moment.

Don't be late. I told Lu you're coming and she's now climbing the walls. Man, you really touched her. What magic trick did you used?

Dunno. Maybe blowing up those cars made her fell in love with me.

Who wouldn't?'

With a new plan for the day in mind, I made my way home to leave some of the grenades and knives there. I have the feeling stealth ain't Rebecca's main approach to jobs, so no reason to have them with me. Also, I won't need 10 nades, I have my cannon and rockets for a reason.

I arrived at home. Kiwi was on my bed, looking through the internet.

Y/N:"Hey there."

Kiwi:"Hello. Do you have plans for today?"

While I answer her question, I walked into the office with all my things.

Y/N:"Yeah. As soon as I drop this I'll leave, I have a job with Beca and Lucy. Also, I have a date with Lucy tonight. I think I'm free this afternoon tho."

Kiwi:"...a date?"


I got the knives, the karambit and the grenades out. My cannon has room for 5 grenades of each type so I loaded 5 and left the others there. I need to buy something for my karambit tho, not gonna use one of my locks for it. The knives went into my thighs compartiment. They're fine there.

Kiwi:"Have fun. I guess."

Y/N:"You alright? You sound sad."

Kiwi:"Well, here I thought having me around would mean not going with other girls."

Y/N:"That's not fair, you said only friends the day I met everyone, remember?"

Kiwi:"True, true. But, you can't blame me for regretting it, do you?"

Y/N:"No, I can't."

When I walked out of the office, Kiwi was there, leaning on a wall. I looked at her, worried for where we stand now. She 'smiled' and patted my shoulder.

Kiwi:"Go. Lucy won this battle, but not the war. I'm not giving up. Oh, one more thing, remember to wear protection."

Y/N:"You don't mean actual protection right? You mean..."

Kiwi:"Look at you, catching every single pun. I'm proud of you baby. Now go, you have a job to do, remember?"

Y/N:"Right. See you tomorrow I guess."

She gave me one last nod and went back to my bed. I went out of my apartment and went into the elevator. While I was going down, I recieved a message from Kiwi.

'You can have the bike if you want. Don't be an idiot, don't walk all the way to the station.

Thanks, Kiwi.

You'll repay me, eventually.'

I don't think I like what she meant with that...

Kiwi's bike was parked close, so I went towards it. Before I could, however, Mr. Stan stopped me. He appeared out of nowhere...

Stan:"Ah, hello young lad. I wanted to talk with you, if you don't mind."

Y/N:"Well I..." *Sigh* "No, I don't. What do you need? Is everything okay?"

Stan:"Ah, yes, don't worry. You see, I had a problem I wanted to discuss with you, see what's your opinion on the matter."

Y/N:"Well, I'm all ears."

Stan:"You see, somtimes, I start to remember things I shouldn't. Things that I don't remember doing. Like... echoes from a different life or maybe memories I erased from my brain, yet they keep coming back."


Stan:"It's not like that. Some are pleasant, others are not. But they all have the same thing in common. I forgot about them. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

Y/N:"Yeah, I can relate."

Stan:"You have the same problem as me, I see."

Y/N:"Lately I've been... forget it, I don't wanna trouble you with my problems Mr. Stan. Have you founded a solution?"

Stan:"I do. Look at these."

The old man grabbed something from his pockets and showed it to me. Two pill bottles. One blue, the other red.

Stan:"Blue to keep them away from me. Red to make them more frequent. Oh, the doctor gave me two of each, would you kindly take these, please?"

He grabbed another pair from his pockets and gave them to me. I nodded and grabbed them, putting them on my pockets.

Y/N:"Thank you Mr. Stan. Now, if that's all, I'll take my leave, I have things to do."

Stan:"Of course, of course. Have fun out there! Enjoy the fireworks!"


Ignoring whatever he meant with that, I walked towards Kiwi's bike and drived towards the gas station. Now I realised I accepted Stan's pills. Should I take them?

Let's not do anything from now on, see if those memories fade away on their own.

I arrived at the gas station. Rebecca was sitting on Maine's car, chewing gum. Lucy was besides her, walking back and forth. When she saw me, Lucy smiled. She walked towards me, anxious to meet me.

Before I could greet them, I left the bike parked next to Rebecca's car (Which belongs to Pilar but whatever). When I got on my feet, Lucy was already there, still with that smile on her face.


Y/N:"Hey. Those things you told me? Really beautiful."

Lucy:"S-Shut up."

She blushed, and got closer to me. Her head is now resting on my torso but she didn't hug me. She was just hiding herself from me.

Lucy:"Don't tease me... I... don't have the courage to say what I really want. Hell, not even through messages."

Y/N:"I have a rough idea of what you mean. I'll give you an answer tonight, okay?"

Lucy:"Works for me."

Rebecca:"Alright you two, that's enough, if you wanna fuck or something do it later. Y/N, take this."

She passed me a shard with all the info I need. Lucy sat on my bike, a little embarassed. I putted the shard in me and look at what we're doing.

A bar. 3 entries. Heavily defended. Looks like there's a lot of mines and turrets everywhere, reason why Lucy is accompaining us. Seems like we have 15 hostiles. Nothing too serious. Also, our enemies are Maelstrom, so guess they'll use AR's and relay on their tech. Lucy can exploit that.

Y/N:"The reward?"

Rebecca:"15k. 5000 eddies each."

Y/N:"Maine doesn't get money from this?"

Rebecca:"Nope, dude has a different job with Dorio and Pilar. Kiwi is slacking off as of lately..."

Y/N:"That's all. Let's go, wanna take care of this as soon as possible."

Rebecca:"Aw, you're so obvious! Make it harder for her man!"

Y/N:"Shut up and go to your car."

Rebecca:"Fine, fine."

Rebecca flipped me off and entered her own car. I sat back on Kiwi's bike. Lucy sat behind me, hugging me really tightly.

Rebecca:"Follow me Bladerunner, I'll guide us."


Rebecca started driving towards the loaction of our job. I simply followed her car, staying close to her rear without speeding up. That bar is not close, so we have time to chat.

Lucy:"Are you... free this afternoon?"

Y/N:"Well you see, I'm going on a date with a pretty girl this night so I don't have much time to spare."

Lucy:"When did you get this cocky?"

Y/N:"Blame Kiwi. What's on your mind tho?"

Lucy:"Well, we could go for a walk and... talk."

Y/N:"Hey, it's everything alright? This Lucy I'm talking to is a complete 180 from the one I talked yesterday."

Lucy:"That Lucy is a facade Y/N. I try to act as if I were crazy, seductive and like that becasue I don't wanna get hurt."

Y/N:"I'm curious, what do I have that made you change? We know each other for like 4-3 days."

Lucy:"You're like me. I never met someone so... similar to me. Everyone acts like they can sympathise with you, as if they knew how you felt. In reality, they can't. You are different, you can understand me. Hell, I think it's me the one that can't sympathise with what you went through. That... attracts me."

Y/N:"My issues attract you?"

Lucy:"If you're waiting for me to say 'you're fucking sexy' then yeah, that's also true. But that's not what made me want to..."

Y/N:"You don't have to continue, it's enough for me. What I said in the messages is true. You're also something else. I really want to give us a try."

Lucy:"That's nice... but I want to stay as friends till tonight. Make it special, y'know?"

Y/N:"I agree. Now, focus on the job. I need a good runner to watch my ass."

Lucy:"You got it."

The next 10 minutes were spent in complete silence. A good one tho. I liked driving and Lucy's company made it better. She was also enjoying this, which made it even better. Hell, I almost forgot the car I was following was drived by Rebecca.

Eventually, Rebecca parked the car near a bar. I parked the bike too and got on my feet. Lucy followed me, staying close to me. Rebecca went out of the car and waited for us to meet her.

Rebecca:"Yo, Lucy, take care of the turrets for me, will ya? Don't wanna turn into a bullet sponge any time soon."

Lucy:"Sure, but I'm coming with you guys. I'm ready for some action."

Y/N:"You have a weapon?"

Lucy smirked and grabbed from her back what seems like some type of whip? It was glowing in yellow, looks like plasma or something like that. Rebecca grabbed a shotgun from her back and pumped it, eager to kill some people. She looked at me and smirked.

Rebecca:"I'm ready for this."

Y/N:*Grabs his handgun* "Let's do this."

The three of us walked towards the bar, ready for some action. Rebecca looked at me and nodded. I looked at Lucy, who seems to be hacking something. Then, she nodded too.

Lucy:"Turrets under our control. Give me the signal and I'll start the party."

Y/N:"Do it now. Let's get his over with."

I kicked the door down, surprising all the people inside. One guy behind the bar, cleaning a glass. Three sitting down on a table, drinking together. They all jumped a little upon seeing us and went for their guns.

Rebecca:"Ayo pizza here motherfuckers!"

Before the guy from the bar could do anything, Rebecca blasted his face with her shotgun, making a huge hole on her face. The other three guys attempted to get their guns, but I used my Sandevistan and kill them, scoring three headshots.

The bathroom door was kicked down, one single guy with a SMG coming at us. Lucy moved incredibly fast and used her whip like thing to break the gun. Then, she slashed at the neck. The whip went through it, like some type of laser and decapitated him.

From upstairs, the turrets started firing randomly. We hear three thumps. I suppose that's another three dudes down. 8 down in total.

Rebecca:"The storage is on our left, let's go there!"

Lucy:"The turrets will keep them at bay. We can't leave whatever's upstairs for later."

Y/N:"Sounds like a plan. I'll take the lead, follow me."

Everyone nodded and waits for me to go in the room. I opened the storage door just to find some stairs going down. Before going anywhere, I activated my night vision and went down the stairs, Lucy behind me and Rebecca behind her.

Lucy:"Wait. Camera. Let me see."

Lucy detected a camera nearby, so I waited for her to hack it.

Lucy:"It's a trap, they are waiting for us with a mounted gun. That thing will rip us to shreds."

Y/N:"Not me. Ping the guy, I'll take care of this. Rebecca, with me."

The little midget jumped on my shoulders, as if she was some type of kid and pumped her shotgun.

Rebecca:"With you!"

I sighed and went down with my cannon at display. I quickly peeked and threw a fragmentation grenade at the guy. Also, two more was with the same guy.

They panicked and leaved the gun, getting into cover, enough time for us to get out of cover. The grenade exploded, taking no kills. The three guys were still hiding, not daring to come out of their hiding spots. Rebecca and I looked at each other. I have a plan.

I grabbed Rebecca and threw her towards the group. She laughed, enjoying this a lot. The girl spinned mid air, aiming her shotgun at one of them. She opened fire, killing him. When she landed, Rebecca rolled to maintain the momentum, stopping next to the cover of another one of them. She fired at his feet, making the poor guy fell to the ground in pain. Rebecca introduced the barrel of her shotgun inside the guy's mouth and fired it, blood spraying everywhere.

The last one tried to kill Beca, but I was ready for him. Upon peeking, he got headshotted.

Suddenly, I heard something falling down the stairs. It was Lucy, with a guy hugging her. He had a knife in his hands. Both were rolling down the stairs. I went to help, but he suddenly got cutted in half by her whip. She kicked both parts of his body away and sighed.

Lucy:"Fucker was in the turret's blind spot. Should've seen that."

I walked up to her and gave her a hand. While I was helping her, I heard Rebecca's shotgun getting fired along with her sadistic laugh. Seems like the little girl couldn't wait for us. I glanced at her, just to see the girl coming out of a little room, all stained in blood. She was smirking.

Rebecca:"Don't go in there, Trauma team won't be able to recognise that guy."

Y/N:*Sigh* "Three remaining, exactly where the turrets are. Let's go."

The two girls nodded and followed me. We returned to where the bar is and went up some stairs. There's two pool tables there along with the famous turrets Lucy hacked and three bodies, around one of the pool table. There's a room there. Door closed with bullet holes. Recently made. They should be hiding there.

I told them to look at the door. Rebecca nodded and got into cover, aiming at the door. Lucy was about to turn the turrets, but I stopped her.

Y/N:"I have an idea. I can manually control one of the turrets. Ping me the enemies and I'll rip them to shreds."

She smirked, liking the idea. I looked at one of the turrets and used my implants to control it. With my eyes, I can see what the turret's visor is seeing. After a couple of seconds, Lucy pinged all of the enemies. I can't fire at one of them, but I can kill two. I opened fire, killing a guy that was behind an office table and a guy that was hiding in the left corner. The last one was hiding in a bathroom inside the office.

Y/N:"One remaining. It's mine."

Rebecca:"Let me see at least!"

Y/N:"You want to see... whatever, come."

I kicked down the office's door and walked towards the bathroom with my blades unseathed. The guy had his ears pressed on the door, trying to hear what was going on in the office. I thrusted the blade through the door and into his stomach. I pulled from it, opening the door and throwing the guy on the ground with a big wound in his stomach.

When he fell to the ground, I hacked and slashed his body, the guy screaming non stop. After a couple of slashes, I stomped his head, exploding it into tiny pieces.


Y/N:"Job's done. Tell Maine."

Rebecca:"Sure thing my man, I'll tell him in a moment."

She nodded and called Maine. By Rebecca's reaction, it seems she interrupted him in mid of something embarrassing. I exited the office and walked towards Lucy, who was also, in a conversation with someone. She wasn't very amused by what she was hearing.

Y/N:"All good?"

She looked at me, a conversation tab opened in her eyes. She nodded yet she was angry. I waited and eventually, she ended the call.

Lucy:"It's nothing, really. Didn't know Kiwi was staying at your place."

Y/N:"How do you know that? Y'know what? Doesn't matter. Kiwi is there because she needs protection from other Fixers, that's all. Don't worry about that."

Lucy:"That's not what she said. Or implied on this case."

Y/N:"Lucy, she-"

Rebecca:"It's Payday fellas! Here's your money."

Both Lucy and I recieved 5K eddies. After that, went out of the bar. We followed her without saying a word. Rebecca said her goodbyes and went into her car. I sat on my bike and looked at Lucy.

Y/N:"So, you're still free? I looked in my agenda and have some time to spare."

Lucy slowly walked towards me with a playful smile.

Lucy:"What about the 'pretty girl' you have the date with?"

Y/N:"I don't think she would mind if I spend some time with you, would she?"

Lucy:"Nope, don't think so."

She sat behind me and hugged me, making an adorable giggle. I quickly turned on the engine and started driving around the city, looking for something to do.

Lucy:"It's 6.30 A.M. We have some time to kill. What do you wanna do?"

Y/N:"I don't know to be honest, what about you? I just wanna spend time with you."

Lucy:*Chuckles* "You sly dog... Okay, drive here. It's where we're going anyways."


Lucy sended me the location of a expensive hotel near the docks. The Konpeki Plaza. Wait, what?

Y/N:"The Konpeki? Wait, we have a room there? Lucy this is-"

Lucy:"Too expensive? It's worth. As long as it is with you. But before that... we're going to buy a proper attire for the occasion. Go here."

She sended me the location of a expensive cloth store. I remember passing through here yesterday on the heist. They sell suits and dresses.

Oh man.

Y/N:"Okay, as you wish my lady."

Lucy:"Change lady with girl and I'm okay with that phrase."

Y/N:"That will have to wait for the proper moment, don't you think?"


We finally arrived at the cloth store after another 30 minutes of driving. Everything it's too expensive, but hey, whatever, I doubt we will ever have another chance to spend a time with one another like the one we're gonna spend tonight.

We separated from each other to try and surprise our partner with our desired outfit. Man, everything is so. 30K eddies for a suit?! The fuck is it made of, gold?!

Between the either not very beautiful suits and the ones with outrageous prices, I founded one that I liked.

It's still a little expensive. 5K eddies, but there's also matching pants with it. I saw earlier some black shoes on display too, 500 eddies for them.

I got all the clothes, payed for them and went into the fitting room to change. While I was on it, someone knocked on the wall, her hand going through the courtain.

Lucy:"Can I come in?"

Y/N:"Um, no?"

Lucy:"Aw, don't be shy. If all goes to plan, I'M going to see you naked anyways."

Y/N:"If that happens, I'll be fine. For now, you will have to imagine how I look like."

Lucy:"You tease. I'm coming in anyways. Don't worry, I won't look."


Lucy went in with her eyes closed. She was still dressed in her usual clothes, but had a dress in her hands. She was hiding it from me tho.

Lucy:"Sorry, the other fitting rooms are taken. I'll turn around and change. Don't look at the mirror~"

Y/N:"Sure thing."

I putted on the rest of the clothes, without looking at the mirror, not wanting to ruin the surprise for me.

Lucy:"Okay, I'm ready. Wanna turn around?"

Y/N:"Sure. On my mark.!"

We both quickly turned, looking at each other. We were both shocked. She looks... just... wow. Her dress is really... beautiful.

It really suits her. We were both checking the other out, making a hundreds of photos with our cyberware to forever cheerish this moment.

Lucy:"Y-You look fine. More than fine."

Y/N:"So do you. I knew you were pretty but..."

Lucy:"Thank you. Let's pay for this."

Y/N:"I already payed for this."

I noticed she was also wearing cute black heels. I don't know how people can walk on those, but she doesn't seem to have any problem at all.

Lucy grabbed my hand and guided me outside, where she payed for her own dress. The waitress was kind enough to give us a bag for our normal clothes. Then, we both went to the bike, ready to go to The Konpeki Plaza.

It's really far away, so it's gonna be, at the very least, another 20 minutes of driving. We arrived at 7:25 P.M. The sky was already getting dark. The lights around the place were on, making everything even more beautiful. In the garage was a guy that requested us to identify ourselves. Lucy gave him her identification and the man granted us access.

I parked the motorbike in the garage and, along with Lucy, I walked towards the main entrance.

When we went inside the hotel, we had to pass through some metal scanners. They are modified to not detect Arasaka implants so both Lucy and I weren't detected at all.

We walked towards the waitress, who smiled at us.

Waitress:"Hello, good night. Can I help you?"

Lucy:"I made a reservation here. Under the name of Lucyna Kushinada."

Waitress:"Of course, wait a moment please..."

Y/N:"Why didn't you told me your real name?"

Lucy:"I don't like it. It reminds me of... Hey, this is not the time to talk about that. It's supposed to be a happy day."

Y/N:"As you wish."

Waitress:"Ah! True, I have confirmed your reservation. Please, enjoy your stay. Your room is the 589. Good Night!"

Both of us nodded and walked into the building, looking through the many places we could go. Lucy saw a bar and her eyes ilumiated, as if she just had the best idea in her entire life.

She dragged me towards the bar, it almost looked like she was dragging me. We sat at the bar together. The bartender came and asked for our drinks. She wanted Whiskey for both of us. While the bartender went for our drinks, Lucy turned to me and said with a straight face:

Lucy:"So, what's a pretty boy like you doing in here?"

Ah, I see what's going on."Meeting at the bar", eh? Okay...

Y/N:"Well, the bar is the best place to find a lover so that's were I go."

Lucy:*Giggles* "Funny, I had the same idea. Say, what is it that you find attractive in a girl?"

Y/N:"I'm not very picky, but... I like my girls with a good heart, that can be kind but also, a little wild once in a while."

Lucy:"Well I like guys that can one day cook me a nice meal and sometimes take care of 20 guys with one hand while driving a vehicle."

Y/N:"Man, we do have quite the taste, don't ya think?"

Lucy:"Indeed." *Sigh* "I wonder, where can I find a boy like that?"

The bartender gave us our drinks and left to give us some intimacy. Thanks man.

Y/N:*Drinks* "Maybe you don't have to look that far."

Yup. I don't feel anything at all. Is Whiskey even powerful at all? No idea...

Why am I thinking about that right now?! Fuck, I'm an idiot when I'm nervous.

Lucy:"Any sugestions?"

Y/N:"Well... What about... The kid in the yellow jacket!"

Lucy:"Not bad, but he has one problem."

Y/N:"Which is?"

Lucy smiled and caressed my hand. She's getting ready for a cheeky one-liner, right?

Lucy:"When you met a god, any mortal looks ugly to you."

It's... It's not even that good yet... I think I fell in love with her.

Y/N:"I... I..." *Drinks the entire glass* "That flatters me but... I'm gonna need a goddess by my side. I think I founded one though."

Lucy:"Have you? My, aren't you charming." *Drinks the entire glass in a go.* "Do you want to continue this in our room?"

Y/N:"I'd like that."


We got up, interwining our arms. She was genually happy, with the biggest smile I've seen her have so far. Usually, she smiles, but they aren't real. This one is... Yeah, I wanna see her like that all the time.

We walked to the elevator to get to our room. I don't really know what button to press but she pressed the 48th one. Yeah that'll do I guess.

Lucy:"What do you want to eat?"


Lucy:"Besides that, silly. We're gonna have dinner. What I want to show you has not happened yet."

Y/N:"I don't really mind, but I have yet to taste a steak."

Lucy:"You've never eaten a- oh, that actually makes sense. Don't worry, I'll make sure you do."

We arrived at our floor. When the elevator doors opened, we walked towards our room. The third one on the right. Lucy tapped something on the door and it opened.

The room was very awesome. It has a big ass window where we can see Little China and the other sub-districts from here. A big red couch with a little glass table to leave drinks there. The window could be opened to enter a little terrace. It contained a wooden table with two chairs. There's candles, plates and glasses already there, all decorated for a romantic dinner.

Back to the main room, on the right, was the bedroom. It's the same size as my apartment, even bigger. A wardrove with some change of clothes including towels and the likes, a king sized bed, an enormous T.V and yet another big window, this time, with curtains.

There's also a bathroom, double the size of my own. The bathtub was enormous. It even has a spa!

While I was exploring our room, Lucy was ordering our food. I sat on the couch when I was finished exploring and patiently waited for her. Eventually, she turned around and sat on top of me, her hands on my face.

Lucy:"They'll be here in just a minute..."

Y/N:"Guess we have to stay here and wait."

Lucy:"Guess so..."

Our foreheads are touching. We both knew what we wanted, but we must wait. We can't do anything now that someone could enter our room with food at any moment.

Still, it took a lot of willpower for both to resist. We knew that as soon as we begin, we won't be able to stop.

We were about to say 'fuck it' when someone knocked the door.

???:"The food's here!"

Lucy sighed and walked to the door, telling me to wait at the terrace. I nodded and went to it, sitting down on one of the chairs.

The views are amazing. I dunno what does she want to show me... But it has to be involved with this.

It's already night time. The sky is so beautiful, filled with that many stars...

Look Monica, the stars. We can finally see them...

A man walked in the terrace with our food, along with Lucy who sat in front of me. He was kind enough to put the steaks in our plates. Also, the man had a bottle of wine that placed in mid of the table. I don't know much of wine but it looks expensive. He made a bow and left, leaving us alone.

Lucy:"Take a bite and tell me if you like it."

I grabbed the fork and knife that was on the table, cutted a part of the steak and tasted it. Fuck, is so good.

Y/N:"I...I've never eaten something like this! Is so delicious!"

Lucy:"Glad you like it."

We both eated in peace, having little to no conversation. It was not an awkward silence tho, I was comfortable like this.

Once we were over (now that I realise, we didn't drink the wine) Lucy got up and looked at towards Little China. She told me to get up and follow her.

Lucy holded my hand and simply told me to wait and see. After a couple of minutes, from many spots in the city fireworks were fired. The blew up in the sky, forming beautiful figures. A dragon, a tiger... even your usual firework is there.

It was... Amazing.

I was extremely surprised at what was I seeing. I knew these things existed but never had the chance to see one.

Lucy:"This city... Is one hellish place. But sometimes, you can find beauty in the darkest of places."


Lucy:"You liked it? This was my surprise. I don't really know what the Chinese people is celebrating, but I investigated a little and founded they were gonna launch fireworks, so I decided to take you here, so you could have the best view."

How... How can I not fall in love with her?

I turned at Lucy and grabbed her waist, putting on the best smile I've ever had, just like her down on the bar.

Y/N:"Lucy. No one has ever done something like this to me. I think I've already said this, but this time, is for real. I think... I'm falling in love with you. I love you."

Lucy nodded, smiling a little. She hugged me and kissed my neck, hiding her pretty face there.

Lucy:"I love you too."

We simply stood there, embracing our lover, enjoying this new feeling. Eventually, we both looked at one another and did what we wanted to do since we saw each other this afternoon.

Our lips met, connecting each other for the first time. We closed our eyes, and holded each other with even more strength, as if we would suddenly escape. Our tongues were fighting for dominance but she eventually lost, letting me enter my new territory.

Sadly, we had to separate from the kiss in order to breath. Panting, we looked at each other, staring at our partner's eyes, wanting more of that.

Lucy:"I don't think I can't wait much longer Y/N... I... I want you."

That's all I needed to hear. Order recieved.

I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up. Lucy crossed her legs on my waist and started to make out with me while I carry her to our dormitory.

When we arrived, I dropped her on the bed, eager for what's about to happen.


Lucy removed every cloth I had on my torso, desesperated to feel me. Meanwhile, I planted hundreds of kisses in her neck, already addicted to her.

Grabbing my waist, she turned us around, she now on top of me. We both looked at our feet and kicked our shoes (heels in her case) away.

With hunger in her eyes, Lucy kissed me again. She wasn't gonna lose any time tho, while she was kissing me, Lucy was pulling my pants down.

Following her pace I started to move her dress upwards, letting me see more of her legs and, eventually her rear. Without wasting any time, I started to feel it, making her moan.

Lucy got very aroused and simply removed the dress, throwing it next to my tuxedo. Her black bra also went off too, letting me see her breasts. They are not as big as Kiwi's but they surely are beautiful. They are perfect.

I pulled her towards me and started sucking and kissing her breasts, making Lucy moan even harder.

She was constantly grinding her ass on my member, making it slowly rise for action. Eventually, my boxers did little to nothing to keep it concealed. Just from the size when it was inside the boxers, Lucy smirked.

Lucy:"I want you. Now. No more-" *Moans* "-teasing. Give the real deal baby."

Her tone of voice, her attitude... She drives me crazy. I nodded and pulled ny boxers down, letting it free. With the hand I was using to grope her ass, I pulled her panties down. She was wet down there.

Y/N:"I've read about this and-"

Lucy:"It's fine. You better be great at pulling out tho. I don't have..."

Y/N:"I'll manage."

Lucy:"Then... Let's have fun honey~"

Slowly, Lucy was introducing my member inside herself. She moaned, till it hit a barrier. We both know what it mean. Before I could do anything, she suddenly sat on my dick, making me go through her hymen in a go.

Lucy groaned, her expression changing from pleasure to pain. I immediatly sat up and hugged her, rubbing her back while I kissed her nexk. I was trying to do whatever I could to ease the pain.

She hugged back, caressing me in return. After a couple of minutes, she started bouncing a little. It still hurted a little for her, but slowly, those groans turned into moans.

I also started to thrust, matching her pace. We were now both moaning. As we increased the speed, so did our need for more. Lucy grabbed my hair and pulled me in for a kiss, still wanting to feel my mouth again.

Our mating was slow and romantic. There was no need to finish this early or to rush things. We wanted to stay here for as much time as possible. Minute after minute, we touched, kissed and licked every part of our partner while we made love.

Eventually, I wanted to go deeper. I grabbed her waist and carefully placed her on the bed, thrusting inside her at the same pace but now, with her laying on the bed. Lucy moaned a little harder and smiled while staring at my face.

Lucy:"I... I love-" *Moans* "I love you..."

Y/N:"I love you too."

Lucy:"Then come here and kiss me baby. Prove it."

I did as told, kissing her. Since I got almost on top of her, I could reach even deeper, making her moan in ecstasy. With a couple more of thrusts, she came, making my member all wet.

Soon after, something felt weird down there. I perfectly knew what was about to happen and pulled it out. Lucy quickly pushed me to the bed, and introduced my member in her mouth. The sudden sensation of her mouth's warmth made me cum.

She took it all, chugging down all of it. When it was over, she removed my dick from her mouth and panted.

Lucy:"Phew, that was amazing Y/N..."

Y/N:"Hell yeah..."


Suddenly, she got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I hear the sink going on an her drinking water from a glass.

Y/N:"Is everything all right?"

Lucy:"Yeah is just, I know how people don't like to kiss their girls after... Well, y'know."

She's a keeper.

Once she was done, Lucy walked to me and layed on top of me. She gave me yet another long kiss while I put the sheets over our naked bodies.

Yet again, the lack of air made us remember we're still humans, forcing us to separate our lips.

Lucy:"Y/N... I... I can't believe we really did this. I'm so... Happy. I... I want you to stay. To stay with me. Forever."

Y/N:"You know that can't happen. We are both Arasaka's toys. We are both Mercs. Eventually..."

Lucy:"In that case, when shit is about to hit the fan, when I'm about to fall... Please, catch me. Catch me and don't let go of me. For once, I wanna lean on someone. I want to depend on someone. I want that someone to be you."

Y/N:"I can promise you that. I'll be by your side, no matter what."

Lucy:"Then, will you stay? No matter what happens?"

I will stay by your side. I'll always be by your side, no matter what.

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