Chapter 17

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I walk to the cove and I could hear light splashing in the water. I sat next to her and put my head in her lap. She starts running her fingers through my hair calming my nerves and racing thoughts.
"You talked to your father?" She asked
"Yeah... don't see how it's going to change anything. He's never going to leave me alone, no matter how many times he tells me he won't." I explain.
"I'm sure he'll change. You know he does change. It's just a very slow process." she reassured me. I lay there relaxing, listening to Astrids calm breathing. I was wondering why my father was acting a little more, I don't know how to explain it. His hug was more suffocating than usual and he didn't seem to believe what he was saying. I can't help but wonder what happened while I was away for the week.
"Hiccup? Are you ok? You seem very lost in thought" she asked. She sounded very concerned.
"I don't know. My father was acting weird when i was talking to him and I can't put my finger on it." I said sitting up and putting my feet in the water letting the water go up and down my feet slowly
"Why what was different?" she said putting her hand in mine
"Just the way he spoke was different and the way he hugged me. It was tighter than usual. Like he was going to lose me at any moment." I tell her.
"Maybe you should ask him. I'm sure he probably misses you and gets upset every time something doesn't go his way when you leave." She does have a point. Everytime he does something I don't like, I leave without a goodbye or explaination.
"Alright i say something tomorrow. I'm way too overwhelmed from all the excitement" I tell her with a light chuckle. I felt her wrap her arm around me and held me tight.

After a few more hours of talking, I walked Astrid home and I snuck upstairs without my father hearing to get some sleep. I heard Toothless patter around trying to get comfortable. Sometimes I don't understand that dragon. I get into a comfy position and doze off to sleep.
I awoke from my sleep and I could hear light pacing footsteps coming from downstairs. I slowly make it down when I heard light mumbling.
"How could I let this happen? How did they find out?" I heard my father say to himself. What did my father do? I continued down the stairs until I reached the bottom.
"Dad, are you ok?" I asked interrupting his mumbling.
"Son? What are you doing up? You should be sleeping, you had a very busy day." he said still sounding worried.
"I heard you pacing and I was wondering what's on your mind. You seemed a bit on edge since I got back. What's wrong?" I asked him getting more concerned about what's going on.
"Hiccup... I can't tell you but I do want you to leave again and don't tell me where you're going" he said suddenly grabbing my shoulders.
"Dad! What aren't you telling me please if you want me to leave, it means something is really wrong." I felt him take a deep breath before telling me.
"While you were away, someone came to the village looking for the blind dragon rider. I told them I didn't know who you were but they didn't believe. They said if I don't them your whereabouts they were going to burn down the whole village."
I was shocked. I couldn't believe my ears. People really were after me. I was told by many villages that people where looking for me but I didn't think it was true.
"Who's looking for me?" I asked turning my away from my father

Alright here is the new chapter. I know it's a day late but I was weak and fell asleep before mid night. Hehe whoops. But here it is. I do want to know your theories about what is going to happen next. I really want to hear your ideas. I don't know when I'll update next but you know I'll keep you guys updated. Hope everyone has an awesome year.

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