Chapter 10

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This is the last chapter! Thank you everyone for reviewing and coming back to this story and it has been great writing this and I hope to write short-stories about these lovely characters! What do ya think? :) Thanks a ton! It's been great!

It was early morning and the sky would have been beautiful, although gray storm clouds had rolled in threatening to send pouring rain.

Out on the deck stood a large clear tank. Filled to the brim with water. Vincent stood beside it grinning and out walked Tintin in a suit along with Captain Haddock, Professor Calculus, and Thompson and Thomson. Vincent had them all line up and he had guards at the ready, and then Ella came.

Tintin gasped because he recognized the dress she was wearing. He looked at her and she gently smiled at him and a tear fell down her face. Once she was facing Tintin, everything was quiet.

"What would you like us to do now? Say our vows?" Ella glared at Vincent.

"Follow me." He grabbed her arm and dragged her up the small flight of stairs to the very top of the tank.

Tintin couldn't do anything but watch, "Vincent is this really what you want? Would Julia want this?"

Vincent dangerously swayed, "How dare you speak her name! This is what I have wanted for years! I have been preparing for this very moment and now it has come!"

"Any last words my love, " Vincent  gently caressed her face.

"I. Am. Not. Your. Love." Ella hissed furiously and dug her heel into his foot.

She wouldn't remove her heel so Vincent slapped her with so much force, she fell to her knees.

"No!" Tintin madly fought against the ropes binding him.

Vincent made her face him by holding the back of her hair and he took a rose from her hair and held it to her nose, "Now. Breath."

Ella's eyes fluttered closed and she collapsed.

Everyone began to protest and Tintin began to run up the stairs but one of Vincent's men tackled him.

Vincent picked up Ella in his arms, bridal style, and dropped her in the tank and she slowly floated down and bubbles rapidly rose to the surface.

Tintin stared in horror as his Ellie was motionless in the water.

Everyone stopped, no said a word and Vincent stared down at his brother's face as it went to horror to despair.  

"How could you?" all Tintin could do was whisper that one question.

Vincent's eyes bore into Tintin's, "Do you now feel what I felt Tintin!? The way your stomach churns and your heart is about to explode into a thousand pieces?! Do you feel that? Do you?"

Tears streamed down Vincent's face and he angrily wiped them away, "This is all your fault. Everything."

Tintin stared at his brother, "I'm so sorry. I tried to save her. How many times do I have to say it, Vincent? Why don't you believe me?"

Vincent put his hand behind his back and brought it back to reveal a  gun, "I never have Tintin. I never will."

Suddenly there was a splash of water and Vincent fell down the stairs, but it wasn't just him, it was also Ella.

As they fell there was a sickening crack rang through the air and someone groaned.

They both didn't move at first when they stopped moving at the bottom of the stairs. Vincent's arm was twisted the wrong way and he was breathing heavily. Ella didn't move.

"Ella!" Tintin tried to wrestle away from the man holding him down but it was no use, there was no way to get free.

"Richard, help the boss up, I've got this one." the man holding Tintin grinned and threatened to snap his arm.

One of the men bent over Vincent and grimaced, "Defiantly, a broken arm."

"You think?" Vincent was seething with pain.

Richard tried to help him lift up but, then Vincent began to clutch his side.

Tintin stared and asked, "What is it?"

"I-I can't breathe" was all Vincent could manage to say.

Tintin turned slightly and looked out of the corner of his eye at the man who held him and asked, "Please, let me go to him."

The man looked at Vincent  for approval and he nodded.

Tintin was released, "Now where does it hurt?"

Vincent shook his head back and forth, "No."

"Vincent please. Let me help you."

Vincent smiled and he began to shake and cough, a terrible hacking and then removed  his hand to revealed blood.

"No.." Tintin froze.

Tintin tried to get Vincent to sit up but he just refused.

"Vincent. Come on, you have to trust me. I know the brother I once knew is still there."

Vincent met his brother's eyes, "That man is gone Tintin. Gone. You killed him and now I'm going to do the same thing to you."


Everything seem to happen at once. Tintin was in complete shock and he touched his hand to where he had been hit. Vincent's eyes closed and he gave his last chilling laugh, that floated through the air, and Ella woke to this scene.

She slowly sat up and saw Tintin, his face was white and Vincent had just finished his last laugh and then was motionless.

She couldn't speak, the tears that streamed down her face spoke for her. She went to Tintin.

They spoke no words but their eyes spoke for them. They never looked away, just gazed.

Their everyone stood each one  motionless. No one spoke. No one moved. It was as though as it was a horrible nightmare that you couldn't wake up from.

Captain Haddock finally snapped back into reality and exclaimed, "ALRIGHT, WHICH ONE OF YOU LAND-LUBBERS IS GOING TO SNAP OUT OF IT AND HELP ME?"

Before anyone could realize what had happened, Captain Haddock had already knocked out two men and charging towards the next. He was doing all this with his hands behind his back, which was quite freighting. Snowy bit one of them in rear and fought very bravely and Professor Calculus went to Tintin. Thomson and Thompson both tried to untie the ropes around their wrists, but  to their dismay, failed. Captain Haddock then finally finished and went towards Tintin, Ella, and the Professor.

"Come on Tintin, just breath." Ella stoked his face and smiled gently down at him with the most soft expression.

Professor Calculus held pressure to Tintin's wound and looked at the Captain, "We're going to have to do something. Quickly."

"Ella untie us." The Captain lowered himself and she quickly untied him and did the same for Thompson and Thomson.

"Hang in there lad." Captain told Tintin and then left to guide the Karaboudjan home.

Before anyone could say anything else, Tintin's vision began to become dark.


The first thing Tintin heard were voices, it seemed as though it was coming from behind a door. He then realized he had his eyes closed. Tintin opened his eyes and they slowly came into focus. Light streamed through the window in the hospital room and illuminating it in a warm glow. The voices he had heard were from outside his hospital room door, he look down and there was Ella. She had fallen asleep and had her head rested on the edge of his hospital bed. She was holding his hand, Tintin smiled and gently squeezed her hand.

Her eyes fluttered open, "Tintin?"

"Ellie." He smiled.

"Oh Tintin!" Ella wrapped her arms around him and laughed with relief, "I thought I lost you."

"Ellie, not so tight." was all he could get out.

She gasped, "Oh sorry." she loosened her tight grip on him.

Tintin sighed and smiled at her, "It's alright."

He then noticed she had an mobile I-V, "Are you okay?"

Ella laughed, "The Captain insisted I was to be check over for any injuries. I'm just dehydrated, other than that, I'm doing well."

"Captain Haddock was right you know."

Ella had an amused look on her face, "I thought you'd say that."

"Ellie Remington, I love you." Tintin caressed her face.

A tear fell down her face. He brushed it away, "Darling, what's wrong?"

She laughed happily, "I'm just so happy. I love you too, Tintin"

She kissed him and they both knew this was how things should be.  

However, without either one knowing, they had an audience.

"I knew it. Jonathan, pay up." said a very attractive man with light brown hair, in the doorway.

"Shut it." the other muttered, he had dark black hair and hazel eyes.

Tintin laughed, "Ellie, I think we have company."

She gasped, "Jonathan! Liam!"

They both ran to her and all three siblings embraced.

Ella began to cry, "I missed you both."

Each brother had a misty look in their eyes. Jonathan looked down at his little sister, "We all did."

Then without warning Ella's family all came into the room.

Ella couldn't stop crying, although it was tears of joy. Her mother clutched to her daughter and perhaps wouldn't had let go if her father hadn't wanted to cut in.

"Julia! Lila!" her two sisters both hugged her and neither one wanted to let go.

Ella's parents began to talk to Tintin, Ella's mother had light brown curly hair and hazel eyes and her father had dark black hair, just as Jonathan, and kind blue eyes. Her oldest sister Julia had bright red hair, which she inherited from their Grandmother, and she had their Father's blue eyes. Ella's other sister Lila, looked very similar to their Mother, the same brown hair and hazel eyes.

At this moment Ella was noticing all these details about her family, they were so precious to her. Tintin was smiling from ear to ear and he was looking straight at her. She began to blush deeply and everyone noticed. She went over to him and took his hand in hers.

"It seems as though you have some explaining to do Missy." Her Mother teased.

Ella and Tintin both blushed at that, and everyone else laughed happily.

Tintin put her hand to his lips and kissed her hand and they both knew they had a bright future ahead of them.

It's hard to finish this story, but I have good news! I have planned to  make another! I'm trying to decide if it should be a short story or perhaps other long one such as this one. :) Thank you so much for reading this and giving me lots of support! You are all lovely. :)


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