Chapter 2

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I hope you guys enjoy this Chapter 2!!!! I loved writing it!

“I’m so sorry Tintin,” Ella finally said between sniffles.

“What for? You haven’t done anything wrong,” Tintin held her tightly.

“I didn’t come back sooner and tonight was the night I finally escaped,” Ella began to cry again, “I can’t believe I’m finally free again.”

Tintin felt a pang of guilt, “I should be the one sorry,”

Ella pulled away and looked at him, “Tintin we were thirteen year olds and you tried to save me,” She looked at her wounded arm, “It’s happened so fast and lasted forever,”

 Captain Haddock ran into the room with the first aid and Professor Calculus.

“How is your arm?” Professor Calculus asked and took the first aid from the Captain.

“It’s throbbing,” Ella’s voice cracked as she looked the deep gash.

The Professor put a stool in front of the couch and faced Ella. He gently took her arm and opened the first aid kit.

“Tintin I will need your help while I bandage the wound,” Professor Calculus began to bring out a roll of white gauze and a tube of medicine.

“What do you need me to do?” Tintin asked.

“I need you to get some clean cloths and a bowl of warm soapy water. I need a needle and thread and a large towel,” Tintin quickly left the room.

Ella could feel the gash throbbing “I guess I will need stiches?”

“I’m afraid so,” The Professor rolled up his sleeves.

Ella stomach was in knots just thinking about the stiches. She wished it had rained instead of a full on blizzard.

The Captain was pacing back and forth and Snowy was curled up at Ella’s feet.

“Once when I was sailing the seven seas I got a nasty cut while cutting an apple,” Captain Haddock sat down and continued his story, “I had to get stiches and I was terrified. It was painful at first but I felt a lot better once it was done,” The Captain smiled and Ella returned it.

“Thank you-“Ella paused, “I just realized I don’t know your name,”

 The Captain laughed, “The name is Archibald Haddock but you can call me Captain Haddock if you want, everyone does.”

Tintin slowly came in balancing a bowl of soapy water and many wash cloths. He gently laid the bowl on the table closest to Ella and gave the wash clothes to Professor Calculus. Tintin then laid down a small box that held the needle and thread. Ella was so nervous she felt like throwing up right then and there.

“How about we just wrap it up in a bandage?” Ella asked nervously.

Tintin sat down beside Ella, “if we do you could bleed to death or you could get a terrible infection in the wound,”

Professor Calculus took the large towel and applied pressure to her wound, “We have to apply pressure to make sure the blood stops.”

For the next few minutes they applied pressure to the wound and hopefully had made the blood flow stop. Professor Calculus slowly lifted the wet towel and finally the blood flow had stopped.

Professor Calculus took the bowl and set it in his lap then he made Ella’s arm hover over the bowl.

“Tintin could you hand me one of those cloths,” The Professor made sure the bowl was secure.

      Tintin handed him the cloth and the Professor began to clean the wound. The warm water felt so good to Ella’s skin because the melted snow had made her clothes damp and freezing. The cleaning of the wound wasn’t as bad she thought it would be and she was relieved. Once all of the blood was washed off the gash it looked better. Ella felt better since it was thoroughly cleaned although she was NOT looking forward to the next step. She could feel the nervous jitters in her stomach and was wishing for this whole thing to be over. Professor Calculus opened the small box and brought out the needle and special thread the Captain had used when needed. Ella scooted to the very back of the couch as far away as possible from that needle. She felt really childish but she just couldn’t stand the thought of that needle stitching her wound up. Tintin could tell she was nervous and scared; he took her good hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked at him for a moment then slowly came closer to the Professor with her arm.

        At first the needle was very painful and when the thread came through she tightly held Tintin’s hand and hoped she wasn’t killing his poor hand. A few tears fell down her face as the process continued but she tried not to pay attention to the stiches and focused on Tintin’s comforting hand, the blowing wind outside, or Snowy quietly snoring over by Captain Haddock. After an agonizing thirty minutes or so the stitching was finally done and everyone gave a sigh of relief. Professor Calculus’s eyes were drooping because he was so exhausted and they still had to put the bandaged over Ella’s stitches.

 Captain Haddock stood up and helped Professor Calculus to his feet, “Alright, come on Professor,”

Ella stood up and went to Professor Calculus and gave him a hug. He was so tired but he smiled and returned the gesture. The Professor then left and finally went to sleep after a very eventful day and Ella went back to the couch and bundled in as many blankets as she could. Then she realized she needed her left arm bandaged and reluctantly got the gauzes and began to wrap her arm. After a few minutes Ella began to get really angry at the gauze because every time she tried to begin wrapping the gaze would move. Tintin had fallen asleep beside her after the Professor Calculus left and the soon the Captain had left to get some well needed rest. Ella smiled and tried not to laugh because Tintin had his mouth slightly open while he was asleep. She even had to put her hand over her mouth but it didn’t work. Ella laughed so hard that made Tintin jumped out of his skin.

Ella smiled, “Hey sleepy head,”

Tintin slightly smiled, “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Ella smiled at him and then remembered her bandage, “Could you help me put on the bandage?”

“Of course,” Tintin took the gauze and began to wrap her arm, “Ellie?”

Ella smiled at the nickname Tintin had given her when they were kids, “You remembered,”

He smiled, “I couldn’t forget,”  

I hope you liked it(: Please tell me if you have any suggestions for the story. 

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