Chapter 7

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Chapter 7! Yay! You readers are great!                  

Anyways,  I know by researching some, I learned that the Karaboudjan wasn't really mentioned in any other comics besides 'The Crab with the Golden Claws.' So! Since in the movie from (2011) Captain Haddock got his ship back, that is what I'm going to write in my fan fiction. :)

                Ella stood nervously beside the door that held all three thugs waiting just for her to come. She had gotten the maid's uniform and changed. Then she put her hair in a bun and found a old pair of Professor Calculus's glasses. The whole outfit wasn't much of a disguise but she hoped it was enough.  Nestor came quietly to her with a tray of tea and nodded. Ella took a deep breath and knocked on the door frame. All three men jumped.

Ella smiled and walked in giving each a cup and small cookie, "I thought you lads might like a cup of tea," she said in a cheery voice.

The burly man stood up, " Why are you here?"

Ella looked him straight in the eye, " Why are you here?"

Everything was silent and then Ella took out her handkerchief from her sleeve and began to fake cry, "I am NEVER appreciated in this house!" she exclaimed through ragged sobs.

All the men froze in place, they were unsure what to do.

Ella continued to sob, " I try to be nice! Is that even acknowledged?!"

The burly man quietly whispered, "Uh...No?"

Ella collapsed into the floor sobbing and all three men quickly picked up their cups of tea.

"See look, we're drinking it." said the burly man and drunk it all down.

"Yeah! Look!" the leader of the group gulped his down also.

"Anything to stop all the crying," the third grumbled to himself and then he drank the tea.

Ella slowly rose with tear filled eyes and smiled at them, "Thank you, please sit down I know you must be tired."

"You're telling me." the burly man sighed and sunk into the chair.

The other two sighed as well, and they sat down.

The burly man rubbed his disfigured nose with the back of his hand and stared at Ella, "So, who are you?"

"Me?" Ella gave each one of them a pastry, "Right now, I'm working as a maid, but soon I'll be an amazing actress." she exclaimed with flare.

The burly man sighed and leaned his head back on the comfortable chair, "As a child I wished to be the owner of a bank, " He smirked and said with delight, "But now, instead of owning them, I rob them!"  

The other two men laughed in agreement.

Ella cleared her throat, "So you guys rob banks?"

The large man chuckled, "It's side work."

Ella noticed his eyes began to droop and she had to ask, "Who do work for?"

He shuttered, "That man, he's..."

The burly man had fallen asleep Ella had desperately wanted to know more, but she was thankful he was finally asleep. She looked over at the other two men, they both had fallen asleep.

 Ella rushed over to Tintin. She gently put her hand on his forehead and leaned his head back. Her stomach churned. Tintin had a large bump forming on his temple, his nose was bleeding, and his left eye was beginning to have a purple hue.

"Oh Tintin.." She gently put his head back in that uncomfortable position and brought out a small kitchen knife from her pocket and cut at the ropes around his wrists and ankles. Once he was free,  he fell forward and  Ella caught him before he hit the floor.

"Uh Nestor?" Ella struggled holding Tintin.

Nestor came in and right behind him came the Captain.

"We need to get of here as soon as possible." Ella told them as they took Tintin.

The Captain grunted, "There's some coil of rope in my pocket to tie those big headed buffoons with."

She nodded and got the rope and began tying the men's wrists and ankles together. Once she was done she went to Tintin's phone and called Interpol informing them about the three men at Marlinspike. Ella went into her room and got clothes she might need and  as she passed Tintin's room was when she paused because she heard a whimpering noise.

She gasped, "Snowy!"

She tried to figure out where the sound was coming from and then she realized it was coming from Tintin's closet that was barricaded with a chair. She threw the chair out of the way and opened the door. Snowy's mouth and paws were tied and Ella quickly took it off and held the small dog in her arms.             

"It's okay Snowy, " Ella grabbed her bag with one hand and held Snowy in the other, and they went to the car waiting outside.                                                                                                                                                              


Tintin's vision suddenly came into focus. He was in a cabin of a ship. Tintin sprung up out of the cot he was laying in. He could remember fighting the large man that had broken into Marlinspike, then he was knocked out. Tintin's heart began to race because he also remembers hearing someone crying. Tintin's stomach dropped, it was Ella that he had heard crying. He ran to the door, thankfully it opened. Tintin began running down the hallway and he stopped. He recognized these hallways, he was in the Karaboudjan. Tintin hoped he was right and made his  way to Captain Haddocks cabin. 

"Captain?" Tintin opened the door and it was dark, no one was in there.

Every room was empty,  so Tintin made his way to the top of the ship. The sky was clear and the stars were shining brightly and the full moon shone down on the dark ocean.  The cold salty wind blew against him as he made his way across the deck.  

Where is everyone? Tintin thought.

He was about to enter the telegraph room when Ella opened it and hit him with the door.

"Oh!" she gasped, "Tintin! I'm so sorry!"

He held his nose, "It's alright."

"Are you kidding me," she grabbed his hand and helped him up, "I just hit you with a door."

He chuckled, "I've been hit by worse."

The Captain came out, "Tintin my boy! How are you holding up?"

"Oh I'm good," Snowy came out and Tintin noticed where the ropes had been, "What did they do?"


So later in the evening Ella told Tintin about what happened to the three men while he was unconscious and that Nestor had stayed behind to wait for Interpol to collect the three criminals. Thompson and Thomson had came along, and they hoped to solve the case.

Everyone finally decided to get some well needed rest. Tintin couldn't seem to relax, his mind kept running. So many questions were running through his head.

Little did he know, that many things were about to be answered.

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