Chapter 22: Yes

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We ate and drank until I started to grow tired, in which Levi tried to kick everyone out so I could sleep. Derek refused though, he brought my bear skin from my house and covered me up with it while Dominic just found a position in his chair to get comfortable in.

Derek and Elliot both just leaned against the wall, sharing a snuggie the Dominic had given them hell about before. Levi was next to me, arm around my shoulder while I curled into his chest. His beast was still frantic–still stressed and worried as hell. He probably would be for days.

Barrett had taken Evie and Helen back to their cabin. They wanted to check on Cora and fetch Wynona to take her home with them. Lucas stayed though. He was laying half off of my bed, his head on a pillow that he put on Levi's legs; he had one leg on the bed and one leg hanging off with his mouth wide open.

Smiling, I closed my eyes and reached out to sleep that came to me like a warm embrace. I couldn't help but feel only love in those few moments I had before I eventually dozed off.

The next morning Levi shook me awake so Sam could check me over one more time, which really ended up Sam and I hugging and almost crying while she checked to make sure that I was really ok.

I was glad to be out of the pack doctor's.

Although she wouldn't let me shift. Apparently, I was to wait another day, which I found more than annoying–as did my beast. We had to ride on Levi's back on the way to Tikanni, which I don't think was particularly pleasant for either of us.

Lucas offered, but Levi waved him off and told him to, 'move your damn ass son, we don't have all day.' Dominic and Wynona came, I think more because Dominic was still afraid to leave me entirely on my own, although Wynona just teased 'Mr. Mother Hen,' as she called him. She was a ball of sass and a sharp tongue that Dominic needed with short black hair chopped in a stylish wedge above her shoulders, big brown eyes like chocolate, and freckles covering her face. She teased Lucas also along the way, which seemed to brighten his spirits.


Lucas looked exactly like Levi in his fur, almost as big too. Eventually, he would be as big, my wolf and I could sense that much. They even moved like each other, almost mirror images.

I had linked Ethan along the way. I didn't want to push him, I knew Evangeline needed him and I didn't want to worry him and take him away from her. But when I asked how she was, Ethan didn't really say anything but vague phrases until he finally told me that I would, 'see' when I got there.

Bowie was sitting on the porch with Remi when we approached. I hopped off Levi's back and smoothed out my loose gray cotton shirt and black tights, before I started to dig some clothes out of the saddlebags for Levi and Lucas.

"Char?" Remi called out, his voice slightly broken as he stared at me with wide eyes.

"Hey Remi," I replied with a soft smile as Levi shifted back, taking the jeans and shirts from me.

Remi jogged over to me, tears in his eyes before he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm glad you're ok. God, I am so glad you're ok."

"I'm sorry Remi," I breathed out as I hugged him back.

He shrugged as he pulled away. Remi was about to open his mouth when he saw Lucas pulling a shirt on. "It's true," he said more to himself than me. "Lucas?"

Lucas snapped his head around and caught Remi's gaze as Bowie walked up in disbelief. "I thought Lander lost it," Bowie breathed out.

I winced slightly at Bowie's words for Lucas. Levi was moving towards Lucas to block him from Bowie, he still wasn't sure how his pack would react, but Bowie beat him. He beat him and pulled Lucas into a tight hug, only letting him go for Remi to hug him.

Lucas let out a nervous breath and smiled at them before I walked over and hugged Bowie. "How are they?"

He shook his head. "Lander's better. He's out back Levi, with Ethan and Evan if you want to go there first?"

"I do," Levi replied with a firm nod. He looked at the house then back at Lucas, his eyes conflicted as he flickered them to Dominic.

Levi opened his mouth, but Dominic cut him off. "I'll wait with him, Levi. Do you want Wynona to check on the girls?"

"That would be good," Bowie said. "Claire's barely left her room. Lyanna is ok, staying strong, and Evangeline–well, it wouldn't be a bad idea."

"I can take her," I said with a smile.

Wynona walked up to me and wrapped her arm around me. "We'll be back Dom," she said over her shoulder as we walked away. "We'll come back and get you two."

"I'll stay too," Remi said with a sad smile.

Lucas sighed and watched me walk away; my beast uncomfortable with leaving him but we had to check and make sure it was safe first. When we walked in the house, Lyanna was in the kitchen doing dishes, her arms covered in soapy water. She snapped her head up and looked at me, fighting a sob before she gave up. "Char!" she cried out in a hoarse whisper before she ran to me.

She crushed me into a hug, slightly trembling while I nuzzled her cheek. "I'm so sorry Lyanna. I'm so sorry."

She nodded and wiped her eyes. "It was meant to be, the moon's will. He knew what he was doing–damn idiot."

I rubbed her back while she wept on my shoulder, letting her have a few moments before I pushed her back a little. "How is your mother? Evangeline?"

Lyanna let out a hot breath, her lip trembling before she looked up the stairs then back at me. "Can we go outside? I can't–I can't talk about it here."

"Ok," I said with a nod. "Oh, this is Wynona. She's Dominic's bondmate. She's a doctor. We thought it would be good for her to check on you all."

"Ok," Lyanna said with a slight smile. "Can we–let's just talk outside first."

"Come on little lightening bug," I said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her back out the front door until I realized what a mistake I had made.

I froze.

I froze as Lyanna's eyes locked into Lucas.' Dominic stepped towards Lucas while Lyanna just stared with her mouth open and her body stiff as a damn board.

"Do you remember me?" she forced out into a whisper.

Lucas nodded. "You've grown up Lyanna."

She let out a shaken sob, her hand covering her mouth while tears ran down her face. "Can I hug you?"

I felt my mouth slightly drop. Lucas gave her a small nod, which caused Lyanna to spring forward. She sprung forward and ran until she practically threw herself at Lucas, messy sobs coming out of her mouth as she clung to him.

My beast whined out for her and my heart twisted. Lucas just held her close to him, murmuring soothing things to her while she cried. "You're not–" she paused as she gulped some air, "allowed–" another gulp, "to die–" a sharper gulp, "again!"

Lucas blinked hard then nodded. "I'll try not to."

Wynona and I walked over to them; I squeezed her shoulder gently while Bowie looked back at the house. "I'll be back son."

"Ok dad," Remi replied back.

"Where's Ryder?" I asked.

"Checking our borders. He's doing a round for me," he replied with a tiny smile.

"Lyanna, do you want to tell us? You don't have to, it's ok," I told her.

She shook her head, her legs wavering; Lucas was practically holding her up and keeping her from falling onto the ground. "My mom won't come out of her room, not even for Lyle. He doesn't understand, he's just–all he knows is Liam is gone. We don't even know how to tell him how–" she paused while sobs poured out of her mouth. "And Evangeline," she croaked out. "I think she's giving up. She's either silent and staring at the wall like a damn vegetable, crying hysterically, or saying shit that is crazy! I can't–it's just–it's so much Lucas. It's so much," she sobbed out.

"Shhh Lyanna," Lucas said gently. "Do you want Wynona to check on them?"

She nodded against Lucas' chest. "Please."

Wynona gave her arm a light squeeze before she turned and walked back towards the house. I turned back to Lyanna, my beast aching for her and whining out to her. "Lyanna, you can come home you know? You can't wear yourself down, doing that will not do anyone any good. Ethan and I can come stay here if you want a break?"

"We may take you up on that," she said as she pulled away from Lucas. "Lucas just–" she paused and sighed as she stepped back to me. "Just stay here, ok? We'll come back, I just–I don't want any fights today. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Lyanna," he replied gently back to her. "I'll be here."

"Come on Lyanna," I said while pulling her to me, letting her nuzzle my cheek again as we walked.

"Is it true Char?" she murmured to me. "Do you really have King blood?"

I let out a shaky breath. "I do."

She shook her head. "I need vodka."

A laugh fell out of my lips. "I promise I will tell you everything another day, alright?"

"Alright," she breathed back with a tiny smile.

The boys were still outside when we entered in the house again. Lyanna thought it best to take me to Claire first, and considering my history with her and Lander, I agreed. Wynona had just left her room and gave us the 'ok' to go in. She told Lyanna that Claire was fine, she just needed to make sure her mother ate and went outside for a little bit every day, before she walked into the room where Evangeline was.

Lyanna pushed open the room, the room dimly lit while Claire laid under the covers of the bed. "Lyanna?" she called out, her voice tired almost wistful.

"It's me and Charlotte mom," she replied back as we cautiously walked forward.

"Charlotte?" Claire quickly shot up, her eyes wide as they met mine. Her breath wavered and her wolf whined out at me as her eyes turned glassy. "I remembered," she croaked out. "I remembered you. I remember it all."

I fought the tears back and quickly crossed the room to hug her. She nuzzled my cheek while Lyanna sat on the edge of the bed. My beast was breaking for her; Claire was so strong, one of the strongest she-wolf's that I knew. The sight of her so broken almost scared me–broke me.

"We wanted to claim you," she murmured out. "We loved you so much, we wanted you as our own."

"I know," I breathed out as Lyanna looked on curiously.

Claire sat back and smiled at me through teary eyes. "This was fate's doing. The moon has her reasons."

"She does," I said with a nod.


Claire wiped her eyes and smiled at Lyanna. "When Charlotte was very little, not even one, Dominic brought her here to keep her safe. Her father had Dominic kill him so Alex and some other wolves wouldn't find her. We wanted to claim her, your father and I felt a pull right away. Levi wouldn't let us, we weren't sure if she would stay. She didn't. They moved her so she would be safe and had Leo take all our memories of her."

"He took your memories?" Lyanna asked with wide eyes.

"He was called 'The Dreamtaker,'" I replied. " He didn't just re-wire your brain to think differently, he literally could take it from you as if it wasn't even there."

"He took our memories and Dominic compelled us to more or less ignore her scent so we would never know what it was. It was like opening up a can that had been sealed..."

"Oh my God," Lyanna gasped out, her hand covering her mouth.

"How's Derek?" Claire sniffled out.

"He's alright, I think overwhelmed like the rest of us–" I was cut off by the sound of a cry and a growl.

Before I knew what was happening, my feet were carrying me towards it. I quickly pulled open Claire's bedroom door with Lyanna behind me, to see Wynona coming out of another door. She was clutching her face that had claw marks on it.

"Wynona!" I ran to her and eyed her cheek. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch," she said as she waved me off. "A little shaken up. I'm going to wait downstairs if that's ok?"

"Yes," Lyanna said, her eyes turning a bit angry. "We need to speak with Evangeline first."

"Lyanna." Claire gave her a tired gaze through puffy eyes. "She lost her mate. She lost half of her soul."

"That doesn't mean she can just attack people, mom!" Lyanna whisper hissed out.

"Let's just go talk to her," I injected gently. "Alright?"

Lyanna nodded while I let my beast come closer and try to see if she could sense Evangeline. She could alright. We could practically smell the despair coming off of her; it was like rain pouring out from the bedroom door.

My beast crept closer as Lyanna twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. "Evangeline?" she called out gently into the darkness.

I walked to stand in the doorway with Lyanna, my eyes searching around until we saw a familiar figure curled into a ball, leaning against the corner, while sobs trickled out of her mouth. The agony coming off of her beast was almost paralyzing, it made mine whine out to her–cry out to our sister. I took a step closer, Lyanna's hand in mine. "Evangeline?" I called out this time.

A low snarl came out of her lips. Her back twitched and fingers raked against the wall in front of her.

I pushed Lyanna behind me while she bit back a whimper. "Evangeline, it's us–it's Charlotte and Lyanna."

She seemed to calm a little more, her eyes turning to us. Green eyes that looked plagued with nightmares. "Charlotte?"

"Hey," I breathed out as Lyanna and I cautiously stepped a little closer. My beast crawled closer as well, she just wanted to nuzzle the female and let her know that she was there for her. "It's me–we're here."

"King's blood," she murmured to herself. I could see her a little better now. Her hair was braided but there were wild strands of red sticking out in every direction. She was tugging at a large gray shirt–a shirt that smelled like Liam, while her legs twitched in a pair of black yoga pants. "Is it true?"

I sucked in a breath and nodded. Lyanna pulled me closer to her with a reassuring smile. "It is Lina, Charlotte didn't know. You know that."

"But she's still a King," Evangeline bit out so bitterly it made me wince.

"Evangeline I didn't know," I rushed out. "I was just a baby–I didn't know. No one knew. It's not my–"

"Fault?" she hissed out. "How is this not your Goddamn fault?!"

"Evangeline!" Lyanna rushed out, her eyes wide.

"I mean, it's totally wasn't your fault you were born into that damn family–a human," she laughed out. "God, how lucky are you that you got bitten and Levi saved you? Claimed you? You even almost took my damn mate!"

"Evangeline you know it wasn't like that!" I replied, my voice wavering because her words were like spears. I knew she didn't mean it, I wanted to believe that it was the grief–I hoped it was the grief.

"All you do it take!" she said lowly, slowly turned her body towards us while she slowly stood up. "Took a family that wasn't yours, you took a mate because you're so 'blessed' by the damn moon. You're spoiled. You're spoiled Charlotte. We're all breaking and you, little King Luna, get to go home to your mate–to my brother!"

"Charlotte let's go," Lyanna quickly said, pulling me back while Evangeline's wolf set her sights on me, stepping forward with violent intention.

I pushed back tears and stumbled as Lyanna pulled me with her. "Evangeline you know me. You know that's not true–you know me," I choked out.

She cocked her head, her wolf snapping at me. "All I know is you were born to a family of monsters," she growled out, low as her eyes started to widen with a cold murderous gaze. Lyanna was pulling me harder while my wolf barked out–whined to her. We knew this wasn't her. This was the pain talking. We didn't want to fight her–she was our friend, our family.

She growled again while Lyanna and I stumbled backward. " You know how many bedtime stories are out there about your family Charlotte?" she bitterly laughed out. "So damn many. There was one that had a line like, 'The King will come and our world will be undone.' I guess that's not far off–they should have put you down before you had a chance to ruin all our lives!"

Lyanna growled out furiously to her, causing Evangeline to stiffen. It was like it shocked her, shook her brain up. Tears started pooling at her eyes while I stood still with my mouth open and my hand clutching my chest that was aching so bad because of her words.

"Char!" Lyanna called while my feet started to carry me away. I had to get away. I had to get out of that house and away from the smell of grief that felt like it was suffocating me.

Claire was arguing with Evangeline and Lyanna while I stumbled my way down the stairs, my breath like frantic pants coming out of my mouth. My foot caught–causing me to almost fall down the stairs. I grabbed onto the railing and steadied myself, taking a deep breath while Lyanna called after Evangeline.

Turned the landing, I slowed my pace when I saw Evan hugging Lucas in the kitchen. Wynona was still downstairs, playing with Lyle while David handed her another bandage for her face. Evan pulled away and smiled at Lucas with weepy eyes before he caught sight of me slowly walking to them. "Charlotte?"

The footsteps grew louder behind me. Lucas cocked his head and me. "Sis?" he asked while I let out a shaky breath.

"Can we go?" I asked, my voice struggling to prevent any more tears from coming out.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Lucas rushed out as he closed the distance between us.

"Where's Ethan?" I asked, fighting to put a smile on my lips.


A growl broke us up. I turned to see Evangeline staring with wide eyes at Lucas. She looked like she was going to be sick, her wolf looked like it was going to lose her damn mind right there. Her face contorted into a grimace before it moved into a glare that had me pushing Lucas back towards the door.

"You should have stayed dead," she breathed out. "He died because you're an arrogant piece of shit!"

"Evangeline!" Evan barked out. "Enough!"

"Do you not see what they've done to us?!" she asked Evan, hurt in her eyes while she clutched at her stomach. "She's a nightmare like the rest of her damn family!"

Evan snarled at her while Lyanna held Claire up on the bottom of the stairs. She was staring at Lucas, a mix of horror and shock that seemed to take any words out of her mouth and strength out of her lips.

"Go back upstairs Evangeline," Evan ordered.

She kept walking closer, eying me from around Evan. "Just run Charlotte! You King's are good at that!"

"Evangeline!" an angry male's voice barked out–Ethan.

He walked in with Dominic on his heels; Dominic, whose eyes turned almost murderous when they saw Wynona's cheek. He zipped to her and looked her over with a franticness about him. "Who did this?"

"It wasn't her fault," she breathed out. "You know that."

Dominic snarled, causing Wynona to pull a sobbing Lyle closer to her, before he turned to look at Ethan who was walking to me. "You handle her."

Ethan let out a tense breath and quickly pulled me to him. "She's not in her right mind sunshine." I buried my head in his chest as he looked over at Lucas. "Lucas, she's not well. You know that."

"I'm fine Ethan! I'm standing right here!" Evangeline said through choked sobs and a gargled snarl.

"I can see that!" Ethan growled out, pulling me closer to him and stepped slowly in front of Lucas. "You need to calm down Evangeline. Doing this is not going to help you."

"I don't want to be helped," she hoarsely breathed out, her chest shaking with her words. "I want them gone!"

"Let's go home," Ethan murmured to me. "There's no reasoning with her right now."

"Ethan?" Lander called out.

Ethan stiffened and flickered his eyes to Lucas. "Go–go now."

Lucas stumbled back but he was too late. Lander was stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at Lucas. Levi jogged in after him with Bowie behind him; he carefully pushed his way past Bowie and started to walk around towards Lander.

"Lander," Levi called out.

But Lander didn't listen.

He walked slowly towards Lucas, his silver eyes in a mix of shock, pain, sadness, and disbelief. Ethan pushed me back towards Dominic who had zipped towards me, and walked to stand closer to Lucas. Lucas eyed his uncle, his beast look sad–guilty.

He shouldn't feel that way, I didn't want him to harbor those feelings.

"It's ok Levi," Lander said, turning his head slightly towards Levi. "Come here Lucas."

Lucas was still for a few moments before he slowly walked over to Lander, who just let out a tense breath before he pulled him into a hug. He let out another shaky breath, his eyes red and hands trembling while he hugged Lucas.

"It's not your fault. It's not your fault–my son died honorably. We need to remember that," he breathed out before he looked up at me with a teary smile. "You grew up Charlie girl."

I covered my mouth, a sob muffled and tears leaking out of my eyes. Lander waved me over with a slight smile, and my feet instinctually moved to him. He let go of Lucas, who Levi pulled back to him, and pulled me into a tight hug.

He nuzzled my hair then turned to Claire who was hugging Lyanna on the stairs. "It's her Claire."

"I know," she replied, tears leaking out of her eyes.

"Lander," Evangeline hissed out, bitterness in her tone.

Lander's chest rumbled before he turned to look at her, releasing me to Ethan who pulled me back to him. "Go upstairs now. I won't have you speaking that way in my home again."


"Now," Lander snarled out, stirring Evangeline from her place. She ran past Lyanna and Claire, who Lander slowly walked to. He pulled her to him again and was murmuring things to her while Levi turned to look at Ethan, Lucas, and I. "Why don't you all go home. I'll come by tonight."

"You can stay?" I asked.

Levi nodded. "I want that far guest bedroom. That bed's way comfier."

Ethan rolled his eyes then gently grabbed Lucas's shoulder while he pulled me forward with him. "Let's go Lucas."

Lucas nodded then turned to follow Dominic who was tugging Wynona out of the door. Ethan kept me close to him and had me ride on his back on the way home. I wanted to shift and just let my beast out, but Ethan wasn't sure considering that Sam had just released me that morning.

Dominic took Wynona to the cabin that Derek and Elliot were staying in–my old Cabin. They had apparently left that morning to go back to their coven so they could put Leo's body to rest.

Evan and Lyanna had followed us home. Evan couldn't take any more of Evangeline, and he was worried about how it was affecting Lyanna. He took Lucas with him and Ryder to go hunt, while Lyanna went home to rest–Evan promised to bring her a whole deer back after he killed half a herd.

Ethan fixed us some lunch, which I didn't have an appetite for. I was sick over Evangeline's words–sick over the fact that I felt like they had some truth. My family, some of them, were monsters.

I was sitting on a barstool, picking at the crust of my sandwich until Ethan's hand covered mine. "Stop thinking that."

"Thinking what?"

"You know what I'm talking about," he replied, his other hand moving to cup my cheek. "She is not well. She's lost her mate and had half of her taken away. This is not your fault and you are far from any of those things she called you sunshine."

I sucked in a breath and nodded, the sadness still heavy on me. Ethan dipped forward and kissed me, slowly, while hiss thumb wiped away tears on my cheeks. "I love you, Charlotte. I don't care–you know I don't."

"It still hurts Ethan," I said, my voice shaky while the heaviness of everything settled back in.

Ethan's beast whined out over the bond. He got off his stool and scooped me up, kissing my temple while he started to carry me upstairs. "I know baby. I know."

I leaned against his chest as he carried me to our room, sitting me on the bed while he looked me over. He picked up my hand, the one that had the IV in it, and placed a long kiss where the bruise from the IV was. "I'm sorry she said those things sunshine. I'm sorry baby."

I let out a shaky breath and nodded. "I just don't want her to be in that pain–it's so much."

He hugged me to him, kissing my hair before he sighed against my hair. "She's doing better than I thought, she'll make it. I know she'll make it. She's strong."

"What about you?" I asked.

Ethan breathed out a laugh and leaned his forehead against mine. "The fact that you're still here with me is enough sunshine."

My lips met his, air shakily spilling out of them as I kissed him again. His body started to relax, his hands moving around my back and pulling me into him. He was struggling to be gentle; I was pulling at his shirt, the need to be with him all too consuming.

He broke away; his beast close and his breath were a series of short pants. "Yes?"

I quickly nodded. "Yes."

He crushed his lips to mine while I started tugging his shirt off; my hands not moving fast enough and his hands turning into claws that started to slice away the fabric of my clothes.


Right now all I wanted was to forget what had happened, even if it was just for a little while. I wanted to be in the place that was between his arms and the bed; a place where my mind was only full of thoughts of him.

Ethan picked me up a little, scooting us back on the bed without his lips leaving mine. His hands were roaming over me and drawing whimpers of desire from me while my hands tugged his sweatpants down. He growled into his kiss, his tongue darting into my mouth while the vibrations rolled over me.

I sighed and pulled him closer to me–my legs wrapping around his naked hips, while my hands roamed over his back. He playfully bit down on the cushion of my bottom lip, eliciting a vibration from my chest that he seemed to approve of; he reached down and cupped my breast, my back arching as he rubbed then tugged at my nipple–dipping down to kiss it before he moved back to my needful lips.

I felt slick–damp. My skin felt hot. He quickly moved to my neck; placing hot kisses along it until he reached my mark. He sucked on it–nibbling while his tongue rolled over it. A soft moan poured out of my lips; a soft moan that had me arching higher–chest pressed against chest while he slowly pushed himself into me with a groan of his own.

A groan that turned into a growl as slick skin slid over skin. My hands found their way into his hair until he pinned them above me. I nipped at his lips but he just crushed his against me; games over animalistic desire overriding our actions as he sped up his pace.

This wasn't gentle or soft. This was raw want and need in its purest form; he was thrusting harder, his mouth at my neck while he stretched and sank himself into me. I bit down on his shoulder as waves of ecstasy rolled over me while something started to build at my core.

Thighs clenching along with other parts of me as my veins hummed out while the fire in me started to lick at my skin. Ethan bit down on my mark, releasing to kiss it before he bit down again–his fangs sinking into my skin while a cry tore out of my lips.

A cry that turned into something else–but I had no idea what it was because all I knew was that I was floating in a cloud of ecstasy as my orgasm rolled over me. Ethan's thrusts turned shorter, quicker, until he stiffened inside me with a guttural growl tearing out of his lips that turned his limbs into noodles as he collapsed on top of me.

We laid there silently; our breaths heavy pants rolling our of our lips. Ethan was licking at my neck–licking the bite clean before he nuzzled my skin and placed a tender kiss over it. He leaned back, his eyes staring down at mine and causing my breath to hitch.

His fingers were moving unruly pieces of my hair back while he held my gaze, his lips twitching into a soft smile. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head slowly. "Nothing," he breathed back before he leaned down and kissed me again. "I love you."

"I love you too," I murmured back while he rolled to lay next to me.

I turned and curled into him while my fingers moved over the fresh bite mark in my neck. "Was that necessary?"

Ethan chuckled, his fingers drawing circles on my hip. "He–we may have been feeling a little possessive."

I rolled my eyes. "A little?"

Ethan shrugged innocently. "Just a little," he replied, his fingers trailing the edge of the bite mark and drawing a soft purr from my lips. "Did I hurt you?"

Quickly, I shook my head. "No, not at all."

He sighed and kissed my forehead. "I remember when you left us. It's bits and pieces, but the feelings of it were so strong. I was so scared I would never see you again. I was so angry and so upset. I know they took our memories, but I was so sad that day. I remember being sad for a while; my parents had no idea why, Eli tried everything to cheer me up. I guess I eventually did, but it always felt like something was missing.

"That's how it felt when you were bitten by that snake. It felt like that day. Like they were taking you away from me again. Like I was just this little kid again who couldn't do anything but watch."

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere," I said back to him, cupping his cheek in my hand.

He turned and kissed my palm before taking my hand in his. "No, you're not. Not without me with you."

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