Chapter 24: Unexpected Guests

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It smelled like roses.

There were white roses covering Evangeline and Liam's pyres. White symbolizes their transition to the moon–a new life on the other side. The other side they would walk to together.

White roses.

They were mixed with other flowers, and bouquets, that wolves from both Tikanni and Mangata had picked and laid around the pyre. There was a bouquet at the top of wildflowers amongst them; blues, reds, purples, and what looked like daisies that I had picked from the wildflowers that grew in Ethan and my backyard.

A bed of white with red hair next to a bed of white with blonde hair; both laying next to each other as they would want it.

Derek, Barrett, Evie, Elliot, and Helen all carried flowers and placed them around the pyres at the base with the other hundreds of bundles; Evie was sobbing while Derek and Elliot both let their own tears fall on the flowers like rain. There was no hiding this heartbreak–not today.

Andrea snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me close to her as Ethan and Evan climbed up the wooden ladders that had been built on the pyre, while Lander climbed up on the other side–all three men carrying torches already in flames in their hands.

Andrea let out a shaky breath; Jaxon pulled her closer to him while Lyanna clung onto my other side, my heart breaking with hers. Levi and Lucas stood next to us; Levi looked like he still couldn't believe it. Like his brain understood what was happening, but he still wasn't comprehending it; Lucas just looked like he carried all the guilt in the world with him. Guilt that made me hurt more for him, because this wasn't his fault.

There was a vile creature named Aurelia, and it was her fault. She stabbed Liam with a silver blade that I so badly wanted to twist deep in her gut.

Ethan and Evan both just looked at Evangeline laying so peacefully in the bed of wood, twigs, and flowers cradling her. Ethan and I stayed the night in that treehouse the night she jumped; both of us were too horrified and too broken to move. It wasn't until Lucas found us that we came home–when Lucas brought us home.

Dominic gave Levi's shoulder a light squeeze while Wynona hugged Claire, the other females of both packs gathered around them and sharing her pain. Her pain that fell like a waterfall down her eyes as Lander let out a shaky breath and lit the small twigs on Liam's pyre. He seemed to stir something in Ethan and Evan, wake them from their trance and causing them to mechanically follow him.

It's amazing what fire can do. How it can burn and destroy but in the same notion how it can cleanse the earth of impurities. However today it was like the fire knew who it was that it was burning, the flames were almost gentle as they licked over the bodies laying before them; carefully burning away and taking them to a place far from here.

Remi was standing with Ryder, Jake, David, and Bowie. His eyes somber and full of tears while he watched the flames. Ryder whispered something to him but he just stood there with his eyes glued to the fire while his beast howled out painfully behind his eyes.

The men climbed down and walked back towards the crowd that had gathered to watch. The crowd that seemed to still be stunned at the sight of Lucas; some wolves were more than happy to see him and praised the moon and some were still in shock–almost scared. Levi whispered something to Lucas, something that seemed to make him smile a little before Levi kissed his temple.

I turned and found Ethan's eyes as Lyanna broke away from me and ran to Evan. It was like that night we had touched the tree–the night we saw them all die. Brokenness plagued him, gnawed at him.

Andrea nuzzled my cheek then let me walk to him. He let out a sharp breath and pulled me to him as the flames started to grow–started to reach towards the sky until the bodies were nothing more than ash floating up into the air.

After the funeral ceremony, we stopped by Lander and Claire's. They both seemed to be a tad bit better, it was like the ceremony gave them some kind of closure. But we all knew that we were far from alright. We were all floating in a see of agony together in this.

Aaron had come with Jake to their house as well. He was playing with Lyle and offered to watch him if Lander and Claire ever needed help. Penelope seemed to approve of Aaron, and Lander and Claire ended up letting him take them to a playground while more visitors poured in.

I took Ethan home not too long after we had been there. I could see it in his eyes; every forced smile to someone who told him and Evan that they were sorry or that it was going to be alright. He was fighting to hold it together, but sometimes we need to just let it out.

We ended up in our tub. Right when we stepped in the house he collapsed on his knees in a mess of sobs, growls, and gasps that were painfully sucking in air. The pain flooded over the bond and felt like it was ripping me into tiny painful strips; we laid on the floor together sharing the grief before I was able to pull him up and make him follow me to our room.

Our sobs finally quieted and our fingers had turned wrinkly in the water that was starting to lose its warmth. I brushed my fingers through his wet hair, my beast still worried for her male whose grief had her whining out to him.

I kissed his shoulder then rested my chin on it while his fingers drew little circles on the skin on the side of my knee. He let out a long breath, his body falling more into me–leaning on me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I gently asked.

He let out a shaky breath and shrugged. "What can I even say? What do we tell the pack to make this better?"

"Nothing is going to make it better, we shouldn't try to do that," I replied softly. "The truth of it is painful, but its the truth. We can't hide that from them."

Ethan nodded slowly. "How much more? How much more will we have to endure before this is over?"

I shrugged. "I don't know baby, but one day it will be over."

"I feel almost guilty about it," he murmured out.

"About what?"

"I wanted her to be alright, I wanted her so bad to be alright, but I knew deep down that she wasn't. I was selfish; I was selfish for not seeing how much she was really breaking or for being angry over something I probably would have done myself in her shoes–"

"Ethan," I calmly injected. "You have nothing to feel guilty about. This isn't your fault, she chose to jump. She had her mind set on it. There was nothing you could do–"

"I could have been there for her–"

"You were baby, you and Evan both," I cut in. "She lost half of her. We're not all Levi."

"Is that what you think?" he asked, his voice trying to hide a pained anger.

I sighed and kissed his shoulder again. "I think when she made up her mind to do it, there was nothing you two could have done to stop it. You know how she was; once her mind was made up, she was going to find a way regardless of what you could have said.

"I can't imagine what she was feeling. I can't imagine that pain," I said with a deep breath exhaling from my lips. "If I ever lost you, I would not be in better shape Ethan. We're not invincible, no matter how much we want to think we are."

He let out a long breath then rubbed at his eyes. "You're right, as much as I hate it," he breathed out. "I still hate it. I hate all of it."

"Me too," I replied quietly.

We sat there in the tub quietly, just soaking while what felt like what was left of our tears flowed out until the water felt too cold. I heard Lucas come in at some point–more like I could feel him and his burden of guilt.

Ethan sighed and turned his head to face me a little. "I should talk to him," he thought out loud.

I nodded. "It's not his fault–"

"I know," Ethan breathed out. "I would probably feel the same if I were him, though."

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "I can make us something for dinner?"

Ethan shrugged. "A little."

I knew he was probably more than a little hungry, but I also knew how grief could rob you of an appetite. I kissed his temple then rubbed my cheek gently against his. "Come on then, Lucas is probably hungry too," I said as I slowly stood up.

I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself up in a towel before handing one to Ethan. He sighed and started to dry his hair off while I threw on some yoga pants, a big t-shirt, and a pair of his socks.

He was leaning against the counter, his eyes swimming in a sea of thought when I handed him some pants. "I love you," I murmured to him before I tip-toed up and kissed the corner of his mouth.

He pulled me to him, his arms hooking around my back before he buried his head in my neck; inhaling deeply and nuzzling the skin. "I love you too sunshine," he whispered back.

"We don't have to go downstairs if you don't want to?"

He sighed and rested his chin on my head. "Come to bed with me?"

"Ok," I replied, letting him pull me by my hand towards our bed where he crawled in and buried himself under the covers.

I slid in next to him and let him pull me so I was pressed against his naked chest, his nose smelling my hair while he wrapped me up in his arms. My hands pulled our blankets and my bearskin further over us so we were in a safe little cocoon of our own.

"Do you remember any of it?" Ethan asked.

"And of what?"

"When we were little," he replied.

I leaned against his chest and thought hard, searching my brain for the lost puzzle piece I had gotten back. "I was so little Ethan," I said quietly. "I wasn't even two. I don't remember seeing you, but I remember how you felt. It's like I recognized it again when Leo released us. Do you?"

"A little," he replied honestly. "Like I told you before it's bits and pieces. I never forgot how you smelled, though. I didn't realize it was you, obviously, but I remember being so drawn to that smell. I had a yellow blanket growing up that we used to play on. I remember sleeping with it because I always thought it would chase my nightmares away. My parents always thought it smelled strange, but they also knew I drug it everywhere. Eventually it got so old and used that they tossed it–I may have thrown a fit about that."

"Dominic gave me that," I said. "We had gotten another blanket dirty with mud and he gave me that the day he brought Leo to meet me at Levi's–I saw it when I touched the rock amongst everything else..."

He sighed then kissed my temple. "I'm sorry you had to see all of that baby."

I shrugged. "I had to, though. I had to know the truth."

Ethan pulled me closer to him, his breath starting to even which sounded more like a lullaby to me. We both drifted to a peaceful sleep in the warmth of each other's arms.

Eventually, I woke to look at blue-green eyes staring back at me. Ethan gave me a tired smile and pushed some hair out of my face. "Are you hungry?" I sighed out.

Ethan pulled me closer to him and kissed me; his lips slowly savoring mine drawing a purr from my lips. He rolled over so he was on his back while I laid flat against him, his hands cupping my ass while his tongue darted in my mouth.

"So you're not hungry?"

"Baby," he breathed out before he kissed me. "Right now I just want to forget what the hell is happening in our lives for a little while."

I stared down at him; my fingers pushing some of his hair back before I nodded. "Ok," I replied with a soft smile before I dipped down to kiss him.

Eventually, we made our way downstairs where Lucas was making coffee. He turned around, almost startled as we walked into the kitchen. "I figured coffee would be good," he said, his voice quiet.

Ethan sighed then nodded. "Coffee is always good."

Lucas gave Ethan a slight smile as Ethan crossed the room to hug him. He was frozen for a moment, his eyes wide until it seemed that the hug broke down some front he had up. His breath shaky while he hugged Ethan back with watery eyes. "It's my fault, I'm sorry–"

"It's not your fault Lucas," Ethan said as he pulled away. "It's happened and there is nothing we can do to change it."

"We can try the tree? It's a door?" Lucas replied, his voice almost pleading.

"And whose life would you trade?" Ethan pushed back. "Who would walk with you so they would come back? Whose blood would you take?"

"Ethan I–"

"As much as it pains me, you're here now. There's a reason you are, you need to accept that," Ethan said, his voice firm as his eyes held Lucas' silver one.

I walked to Lucas and gave his shoulder a small squeeze. "No more of this Lucas, alright?"

He pulled me into a hug while Ethan walked to the refrigerator. "Fine sis," he breathed out.

"Babe, we have lasagna of Derek's that's frozen, want that?"

"Lucas?" I asked

He shrugged. "If Derek made it then I'll eat it."

"Then if we are having pasta, we are having wine," I said, turning to walk over to the liquor cabinet.


"Beer's fine," he replied to Ethan who was starting the oven.

Quickly I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed two beers for both Ethan and Lucas, as the front door opened. Lucas turned quickly to see Levi walk in; his eyes tired and beast weary.

I smiled at him and held up the bottle of wine. "Want some?"

Levi nodded as something in his pocket vibrated. He pulled out a cell phone and sighed. "It's Deryl, I'll be out back."

He swiped his thumb over his phone then held it to his ear. "Deryl..." his voice drowned out as he walked out into our backyard.

I uncorked the bottle then poured two generous glasses for myself and Levi while Lucas eyed the kitchen. "Need help Ethan?"

Ethan shook his head. "It just has to bake, not much to that."

I looked after where Levi was pacing back and forth in the backyard, my beast sighing in the back of my mind as we watched him tense and settle repeatedly while he spoke to Deryl.

I grabbed our glass and started to walk out the door. "I'll be back," I called over my shoulder.

Carefully, I slid the door open using my elbow then squeezed out right as Levi clicked off the phone. He looked over at me then at the full glasses in my hand with a relieved smile. "Pretty good timing Charlie girl."

"How was Deryl?" I asked as I walked over the soft grass to hand him his drink.

He took a long tip then shook his head. "Worried, as he should be. He sent his condolences."

"He say anything about me?" I asked, the notion of my blood stirring anxiety in my mind as Levi and walked a little towards the wildflowers.

Levi nodded into his glass. "He said that you were still a, and I quote, 'goddamn Thorne' in his eyes, and that he knew Angeline would rip his balls off if he ever moved the pack against you and Ethan," Levi said with a tiny smile before he looked back at me with tired eyes. "That woman would do it too Charlie girl, she's a feisty little thing."

I smiled then took a sip of wine as Levi and reached a part of the yard where the wildflowers were growing. The breeze coming through them and over us while we watched the evening sun start to set. "How was Lander and Claire after we left?"

Levi shrugged. "Hard to say, but I think right now they're ready to just have people out of their hair for a while. Sometimes you just need to grieve on your own without a million other voices around you."

"Mmmm," I hummed into my glass. "And you?"

Levi took a long sip then sat down on the grass and patted the spot next to him. I complied and sat down in the soft grass while he held his glass steady on the ground next to him. " I don't know Charlie girl," he breathed out. "I lost a boy who was like a son to me and in the same note had my own damn son walk back from the dead."

"Lucas feels responsible," I added.

"I know he does," Levi said reluctantly. "It's not his fault. Liam chose to step in. It was silver, there was no blood or magic stopping that."

"I know but that doesn't change how he feels Levi," I breathed out. "You need to bring him home, he belongs with you and your pack. You know that. Keeping him away, while I understand, is only making him feel more guilty about it."

"I know girl, but I don't know about Lander. He's a lot like me, but well you know, his heads screwed on a little straighter at times. But that doesn't change the fact that he may snap and come after Lucas; our pack may as well, many of them were startled as hell when they saw him today."

"You're the alpha there Levi," I replied back, meeting his silver eyes with my own. "That is your pack and he is your son. I know Lander is hurt–we are all hurt. We are all hurting Levi, and Lucas is hurting just as much–he needs you and you need him."

"I don't want to kill my damn brother Charlotte," Levi replied quietly. "I can't lose Lander."

"No one is saying you're going to have to, but if he does then you do what you have to do because he's your son Levi. Lucas is your blood and just letting him stay here where his own thoughts are confirmed by the fact that you're keeping him away, well it isn't going to help."

Levi took another sip then sighed. "I hate that you're right, little shit," he grumbled. "But I want to wait a few more days–let everyone settle down from the funeral."

"That's fine," I replied with a soft smile. "How's Remi?"

Levi shrugged then took another sip. "Devastated, barely left his room. Bowie got him to come out but he's only let Ryder in there–I guess Ryder got him to come out and go for a run before the funeral this morning."

Levi sighed and shook his head. I could feel it. I could feel the weight of what he carried; the responsibility and the burden of a pack's heartbreaking. "Liam was a good kid. I remember when he was born; Lander and Claire thought he was a damn miracle. He could fit in in my hands, he was so tiny and innocent.

"I'm tired of burying pups Charlie girl. I'm tired of my babies from being taken from me."

"I know," I sighed out as I leaned my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my hair. "I'm tired of lighting pyres Levi."

"You're a Luna now baby girl, you better get used to it," he breathed out.

"Babe, Dominic and Wynona are here."

"Come on, Dom is here with Wynona," I said, nudging Levi with a smile before I stood up.

"I do like that vampire," he breathed out. "May be the devil, but at least he's a devil that's for us."

"You just like him because he compelled some wolves to steal you some ice cream," I replied with a knowing look.

Levi nodded, musing to himself while I just chuckled under my breath, as we walked into the house where Wynona was scolding Dominic while Ethan looked on with a ghost smile on his lips. I walked over to him and walked into his arms, letting him nuzzle my cheek while he kissed my neck.

Levi was hugging Lucas, murmuring things to him before he sighed and looked back at us. "How long?"

Ethan eyed the stove as he pulled me so my back leaned against his chest. "Maybe thirty, forty-five minutes?"

Dominic smiled then held up a bag. "Which is why I brought appetizers."

"You did not!" Wynona hissed out before she smacked his chest. She crossed her arms then looked over at me. "I made garlic bread."

I rolled me eyes as Dominic started to pull out bread, olives, and a plate of sliced cheese and meats. "Well, she made the bread but I brought all of this. That has to count for something."

Lucas shrugged innocently while Levi winked at Wynona. "Thank you, pretty sure if Dom cooked it that we all be eating burnt toast."

Dominic shook his head and muttered some curses under his breath while Wynona nodded. "True, he's quite horrible."

"I'm not that bad," Dominic drawled out while he poured Wynona a glass of wine as she pulled the thin layer of Saran wrap off of the plates.

She shook her head. "He knows how to make three things: waffles, gnocchi, and this bacon wrapped steak thing–it's quite good."

"Well, it may be three things, but they are all three superb," Dominic added while he took the bottle from Wynona and started to pour himself a glass.

I laughed lightly until a knock on the door startled me, causing me to jump up a little. Ethan wrapped a protective arm around me as Dominic zipped to the door with a vexed look on his face.

He pushed back the curtains then hissed under his breath before he opened the door. "Well, well, well look who it is."

"Oh do shut it Dom," Becker hissed out, his hands full with two large duffle bags and a messenger bag threw over his shoulder.

Dominic hissed at him, baring his fangs. "Well, what are you doing here then?"

Becker threw his hands up. "Well, what the hell do you think? I'm on your team, ok? Where the hell is Barrett? Have him walk in my brain if you want."

Dominic shook his head, his eyes dilating as he eyed Becker. "Tell my why you're here Becker, and do not lie."

Becker stiffened. "Because I want to be."

Dominic cocked his head. "Have you been in contact with Alex or do you plan on contact him?"

Becker shook his head mechanically. "No."

Dominic smiled almost playfully. "Well good then. We're having dinner, hungry?"

Becker breathed out a hot breath through his nose. "You're a dick, you know that right?"

Dominic rolled his eyes before he walked back to us. "I do know actually."

Levi was looking at Becker then back at Dominic, amusement in his eyes. "That is a nifty little gift you've got there."

A devious smile tugged at Dominic's lips. "It has its perks."

"Where's Derek?" Becker asked as he walked into the house.

"I think on his way," Dominic said. "I know he and the others were over at Evan and Lyanna's. He made her a casserole or something."

Becker set his bags down in the living room then walked into the kitchen, giving Ethan and I an apologetic smile. "I'm sure sorry doesn't suffice, but I am sorry for everything." I walked over to Becker and gave him a light hug before he zipped over to Ethan and shook his hand, clasping his shoulder with a half smile. "Really, I am truly sorry."

Ethan looked back at me and as Becker stepped away. I walked back to him and took my place again leaning on his chest. Becker smelled the air then looked back at me. "So it's true? King blood."

Dominic stiffened while I eyed Becker. "It's true."

Becker let out a low whistle before he looked over at Levi. "Good to see you Levi, who's this?"

Levi looked at Lucas then back at Becker before he sighed. "My son, Lucas."

Becker almost dropped the bottle in his hand. He looked at Lucas then back at us with wide eyes. "Bloody hell, some kind of mess it is indeed around here."

"Becker," Dominic groaned out.

Becker finished pouring his glass, eying Dominic with an annoyed scowl. "Oh piss off Dom. I had to run all the way here after Alex stormed through our damn house. It's quite a shit show back there."

"So why don't you tell us how the hell you left without him killing you?" Dominic asked, eyeing Becker who rolled his eyes again.

"Word travels quick. We heard about Leo, about what happened and people started to immediately jump ship. Allister as you can imagine was–well, words cannot describe how livid he is. Steven, as much as I hate him, was out of his mind with rage. It's going to be a hard battle for Alex to rally support; killing Leo like that was not wise.

"Anyways I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to abandon the coven, but I didn't want to stay with Alex on the warpath. He came home and told us all that he did kill Leo. He also told us that it was true that the King blood lived; that one was leading the rebels and another was living here–well, Charlotte–" Ethan snarled, causing Becker to throw his hands up in surrender. "Listen mate, don't eat the messenger."

"It's ok Ethan," I murmured to him, taking his hand in mine.

"Well," Levi said, his voice biting back his anger. "Go on then."

"He wants to wipe the rebels and anything they've touched out. I don't disagree with wiping the rebels out, I mean I was in the mountains with Ethan. I saw those rogues and rocks." He took a sip of wine then looked back up at us. "We asked about you, and he said that you were Hadrian's daughter. That Dominic betrayed us by not killing Hadrian when he should have and by hiding you. He said that you were a King and that King's were responsible for devastation.

"Half the coven was split, no one wants war. I don't want war. That and we have no reason to come after you. You've done no harm to anyone and if anything have been a great blessing since your ties to both our community and the weres have helped inspire more peace.

"But the other half just hears the name 'King' and it's all shit. Especially when they heard about, what's that shit's name? Aurelia?"

"Yes," I bit out. "My lovely cousin."

Becker's brows raised. "Yes well, she doesn't help. She's got King blood in her too–unfortunately."

"So he's declaring war?" Levi asked.

Becker shrugged. "It was a mess when I left. I actually jumped out of the third-floor window to get out without being seen. I think he's trying to figure out if he can get enough hard power. Steven may help him, but he's such a tit, he would rather the world burn down as long as you let him have his fun."

Dominic sighed then looked back at Becker. "Where is Alex now?"

"No idea," he replied. "I would assume still the coven house then maybe Steven's? Derek needs to either go see Steven or call before Alex can get to him. You don't want him on your ass too."

"Why? I've been waiting for years to kill him," Dominic said into his glass.

Becker rolled his eyes. "Yes, that's a brilliant strategy, Dom."

"Where's Vincent?" Wynona asked.

"He was back at Leo's coven house with Sylvia," Becker answered. "I called them on my way here. He's trying to hold down the fort with Sabrina, which most of the coven is with Derek so it's a little more controlled there. I think a few may have jumped that ship, but they were probably going to in a few years anyways. He should be here later, I think Elliot was linking him when I was talking to Derek."

"I don't want a war," I murmured out. "I don't want that for any of us."

"We don't know that there will be one," Levi replied. "He still needs to figure out if he has anyone to support him, which right now considering how well Leo was liked in the community–well it's going to be a real bitch to do.

"Either way, we're going to be just fine. Alex wants to come down here, then he can come on down. I've got a nice fence that I string his hide on."

Lucas chuckled darkly. "Just the fence? I was thinking we could make it a flag."

Levi nodded approvingly. "Wouldn't be bad, son."

Becker eyed the two Thorne's with wide eyes then looked back at Ethan and I. "Either way I am with you, whatever you need."

"Ryder and Remi are stretched thin right now, they could use an extra pair of legs," Ethan said.

Becker smiled into his glass. "Ryder and I are due for a good race. More than happy to help."

"You can stay with us Becker, we have two extra rooms in our cabin," Wynona said with a soft smile.

Becker hugged Wynona to him and kissed her cheek before he looked back at Dominic. "She is your better half Dom."

Dominic shook his head, an annoyed look in his eyes before he looked back at us. "We need to secure our allies before anyone can get to them first. Wolves will be hard for Alex to woo, which is good for us."

Levi sighed and eyed Ethan. "Time to make some calls."

Ethan nodded. "Let's make some calls."

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