Chapter 38: Blood Oaths

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I looked up and saw Cole pull a lever; Ethan's box slid out on a cable-line that ran across to the wall on the other side to the opposite wall like a ski-lift and was dangling above the pit. From below I could see a trap door in the bottom of it, my beast growled lowly as we eyed Aurelia.


"Come on Charlotte, you're a King!"

"It's you are him!" Cole called out.

"Charlotte!" Lucas called out from the rails as he, Andrea, and Talia looked on in horror.

The crowd around me was cheering louder for a fight. I backed up and look up at Ethan who was laying in the mess of his own blood, groaning as his hand dangled out of the cage.

I looked around at the rogues, both vampires and wolves then blinked hard. "Sorry about the dress Evie," I muttered under my breath as the crowd got so loud I almost couldn't hear myself think. "Well, Cole, looks like you're going to get what you want!" I called back before a growl vibrated through me.

"Fifty on stilettos!" I heard a man call out.

"A hundred on the rogues," another person barked out until the crowd erupted in making bets.

I looked back up at Aurelia, who had to be completely crazy or totally in control–probably both. This is what she wanted. I knew this is what she wanted. I cursed myself for falling for it, but my beast figured that it would happen anyways.

Aurelia whispered something to Cole before she took a sip of her martini. I let my beast rush forwards as my breath quickened and my heart started to beat a little faster. "Charlotte?" I heard Ethan say, more like a muffled groan from above.

"It's ok baby, I'm going to be fine!" I yelled up to him as I looked around. It was a ring of concrete walls with two metal doors opposite of each other that looked like they slid open.

I walked a little forward, my eyes looking around between the two doors to see which one would open first. Ethan blinked and looked at me. "Baby, what are you doing?" he asked groggily.

"It's ok Ethan!" I called back, trying my beast to reassure him. "It's going to be ok!"

I heard a buzzer sound and a door slide open. Five rogue wolves ran in and made a line in front of me. I could see Ethan's nostrils flare before his eyes widened. "No, Charlotte go! You have to go!"

"It's going to be fine Ethan," I called back, my heart twisting sharply from the pain in his voice. "I'll be fine baby," I added as I marched towards them and cracked my neck.

I sighed and looked at them. They were sick but not that sick; well enough to do damage. I found myself feeling bad for them. They were probably innocent wolves that Aurelia had caught and forced this craze on–they didn't deserve that. No one did.

I walked forward, eying them as the eyed me like I was a meal. "This is new," one hissed out.

I blinked hard because while I knew in a way they were innocent–forced to be a rogue then forced to fight, I also knew it was either me or them; and with Ethan dangling above, I wasn't about to risk him.

"Those shoes are not going to do you much good," one snarled out.

I hissed at him and bared my fangs. I wasn't going to make the first move. I would fight, and I would fight hard, but I wasn't going to be the King Aurelia wanted me to be–I wasn't going to be a monster.

"Going to stare at us lady?!"

"I could as you the same!" I bit out, but I didn't have to wait much longer.

The lunged.

I leaped over one and quickly kicked one with my heel that sunk into its chest. My clawed hand sliced forward and ripped his throat out before I turned and nailed the rogue I had jumped over hard in the mouth.

He started to fall backward, and when he did I jumped on him then sprung off of him onto another rogue. We rolled to the ground where I snapped his neck before I stood up and blocked two blows from another male.

I head butted him then kicked high, my heel nailing his eye while my hand flew into a man's belly where I grabbed onto something and pulled it out–his stomach.

I kicked the man away, his eye flying somewhere before I ripped his throat out and tossed the bits of flesh to the last rogue who ran to me. I leaped up and nailed him in the cheek before my other hand sliced into his chest and pulled out his heart.

I flung it away as a growl tore through my lips; my blood humming louder and crackling like a firework as the crowd was cheering louder around me. There was another buzzer. A buzzer that sounded before the other metal door opened; rogue vampires.

"Awesome," I breathed out while I wiped some blood off of my hands.

I looked up at five rogue vampires licking their lips as their red eyes glowed back at me. I heard the cage overhead rattle, Ethan had to be moving around. "Charlotte!"

"Ethan!" I called back, blinking hard as I walked slowly towards the vampires. "It's going to be ok. I promise!"

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep wolf," a vampire hissed out.

My beast rushed forwards our veins hummed some more. "It's Luna to you," I snarled out before I lunged at him.

He snapped his fangs at me while another ripped me off of him. I growled out louder, my veins cracking more as nails ripped into my flesh.

Quickly I reached around and grabbed the rogue's head, kicking the other one in the gut while I snapped the neck of the head I was holding. I twisted out of the way of another rogue, the ducked a set of fangs before my jaw found one's mouth.

I jumped up and kicked a rogue hard in the throat before I landed–my blood crackling more while I grabbed the hair on the back of one's head and nailed his mouth with my knee before I sent my hand quickly through his throat. Ducking another blow, I leaped up and snatched the neck of another–sinking a hand into his hand from behind him then pushed him into a rogue that was charging me.

My beast was so close; I could feel the fur starting to come out through my arms–I pushed her back. Right now we needed to stay in our skin and I preferred not to be naked in front of all these people as well.

I ducked another blow then spun and kicked the rogue from behind before I quickly snapped his neck. The last rogue recovered from the man landing on him, he was running at me but I rammed him then ripped into his chest cavity before we hit the ground.

Standing up again, I walked back to the center and eyed a few fangs on the ground. I quickly snatched them up and tucked them into my bra. Ethan would like them later, my beast and I agreed. We would make him a crown of fangs right now if we could.

Another buzzer sounded. Rogue wolves ran in like ants. Ethan snarled out and barked–his voice hoarse and strained. "Charlotte!"

The rogues lined the walls, three men deep at least, and looked at me hungrily while Aurelia and Cole watched curiously. I looked up at Andrea, Talia, and Lucas; Andrea had her hand over her mouth as more rogues poured in and Talia was gripping the railing for dear life–about to break it. My breath picked up and my palms started to sweat; my heart beating so wildly that I was sure everyone could hear it.

"Charlotte, do you remember my dad ever telling you about fighting, the first time? He always tells the same story," Lucas said.

I nodded while I did I small circle as the rogues licked their lips at the sight of me. "He said to make a show–he said the beat them then beat the hell out of them."

"You find the biggest one there and you take his ass down hard," he said, his silver eyes finding mine from the railing. "They won't all attack at once, the alpha male of that group in there will want you for himself. You give them what they want; show them what your blood can do sis. Otherwise, you're going to be in that damn pit until you do or she's dropping Ethan in and right now he looks about as good as those corpses you've left behind–no offense."

"I don't want to be a monster Lucas, I don't want to keep giving her what she wants."

"We're all monster's sis, we're werewolves for Christ's sake. There's a difference though between being that monster and embracing it–making it your own for the better good. Show them that. Show them whose blood they should not just be afraid of but respect the hell out of–show them what you are sis. You may be a King, but you're no monster. Show them that."

My beast snarled out; my blood crackling more while my wolf dug and dug and dug in our veins. Lucas was right. We may not be a monster, but we sure as well could show them what King blood looked like. We would show Aurelia that she made a very poor decision by screwing with us.

"Where is he?"

"Charlotte!" Ethan choked out.

"It's ok Ethan!" I called back while my eyes searched for the alpha of the group. "I'm fine! I got you a fang!" I rushed out while my eyes found a few males that looked like they could be who I was looking for.

"Caddy corner, brown hair, stocky build, tons of scars. He's against the wall waiting for you to challenge him. That's who. Do what you need to do sis."

I blinked again and felt something start to light up in me–something sizzle. My beast pushed harder, we knew what we had to do. I turned and found the male who Lucas was talking about, and he was a fighter. He was less rogue than the ones surrounding me, but he was on his way to being just as sick.

His brown eyes that were starting to yellow found mine. He licked his lips while my blood hummed a little louder, causing my beast's hackles to raise and my heart to quicken. I started to walk slowly to the side while snarls, and growls, and yips of excitement echoed around me.

"A King?" he mused. "Well, this is new. Come to play then?" he asked while he snarled at some skittish wolves next to him, scaring them. Eying a female next to him with interest, making her cower away, before he looked back at me.

I had enough.

I dipped down and pulled something out, something I had been afraid of but there wasn't a reason to be afraid of it. I was not the monster. I was not the one making innocent people rogues and forcing them to fight. I wasn't a monster, but to her–to Aurelia, I was going to be her personal nightmare.

I looked up at her then back at the rogue, my fangs descending. "I would watch your hide, King," he hissed out, causing some of the other rogues around him to whimper.

I snarled at him and licked my fangs. "I would watch yours."

He snarled at me and stepped forward; but my beast ran forward, causing the rogues around me to step back before a furious growl tore through my lips–the dirt on the ground shaking and the rogues around me stepping back before he ran forward.

He ran and the other rogues stepped back to give us room; I ducked him then nailed him in the mouth. But he wasn't that sick–he wasn't that sick at all.

He fist met my ribs twice before his elbow met my chin; I pushed him back and snarled before I marched towards him. I leaned out of the way of his arm then grabbed it and slammed it against my knee–breaking it before my hand sailed forward and nailed him in the throat.

He sucked in a breath while I grabbed his hair and nailed his mouth before I kicked his legs out. My hand sliced forward and ripped out another fang before I tossed him away; my eyes smiling at it before I looked up at Ethan. I tucked the fang away in my bra then turned back toward the rogue who was getting up.

He growled out to me but my blood crackled so loud I thought it was fireworks going off around me. I growled again at him, daring him to come forward and he did.

He ran to ram me; I tried to dodge, but my heel caught in the dirt. He knocked me down and nailed me in the chest before he nailed me int he mouth. My hands shot up and stopped his teeth from finding my neck before I locked my legs around him and flipped us over while his claws sank into my sides.

I growled out again to him, releasing his neck so my fist could nail his nose and break it. He groaned and shot a hand up to nail me but I caught it and sank my fangs into his wrist; biting and biting a biting while I held his head down by his hair until his bones crunched under my teeth.

I snapped his other hand that was clawing wildly at my thigh then jumped up, his blood running down my face while the rogues around us stared with wide eyes. The crowd was silent; my blood wasn't just humming now, it was a current. It felt like a cold fire filling me–like a cool water reviving me as my skin tingled from the sensation.

The rogue got up; his eyes more wild and his beast close. Mine pushed me forward; Lucas was right–we had to make an example of him.

He ran to me but I dodged accurately this time then whipped around him. My hand grabbing his hair and pulling him backward so I could reach around and pluck his eye out. I shoved him forward as he clutched his face then chunked the eye at rogues who were snapping at me; they all flinched and jumped backward as the eye bounced towards them.

I ran back to him. He tried to dodge but I knocked him down. With on foot I held his chest down and with the other I held his good arm down; one of my hands was holding his hand down while the other dug in his mouth before I yanking his tongue out.

The crowd murmured a 'Oooh,' before I tossed his tongue to another group of rogues that just eyed it before they looked at me in fear as I growled out to them while I walked back to the man who was trying to stand up.

Quickly I walked to him and nailed his mouth again with my fist, blood flying over to a group of rogues who glued themselves to the wall while the power in my blood felt like it was vibrating off of me. I grabbed his neck then leaned forward and sank my fangs into it; biting and biting and digging until I found his spine. I latched on and ripped my head away, tearing his head clean off before I spit out the bones hanging out of my mouth to the side.

I tossed his head to the ground and looking around as something filled me–something energized me. I closed my eyes while my wolf howled out; our blood felt like a rain that was washing over me and even reaching into the bond and alleviating some of Ethan's pain.

Short hot breaths came out of my mouth while the crowd watched in silence. My beast snapped. We sucked in a deep breath and roared; a roar filled with fire, anger, fury, and the pain that we had felt over the last few days while we let our blood hum so loud that I thought it was going to make my skin explode.

It poured out of my mouth like it had with the snakes, a feeling of electricity running through me and settling where I knew it would always be–it wouldn't leave this time because this time I didn't want it to.

I was a King. I was a King with blood that hummed like nothing I had ever felt. I was a King and I was proud to be Hadrian's daughter. I was a King and I would show Aurelia who it is that she should truly fear.

The roar poured out and the rogues around me all clutched their chests with wide eyes before they started to fall down, some to their knees. I let out a series of labored breaths after, the rogues shaking and whimpering around me.

I walked over to a group and eyed them. "Look at me," I ordered.

They cast their eyes down until I snarled at them. "Look at me!" I called out louder.

The males and females flickered their eyes to me; fear filling them as they looked at me. I sighed and leaned forward towards a frightened female. "I will not harm you if you bring no harm to me," I said softly to her before I rubbed my cheek against hers, because even if they were more animal than human they would understand this.

They would understand that I didn't really want to fight. I didn't want to be this person. I wouldn't hurt them–not unless I had to.

The female rogue stilled until I felt her rub her cheek against mine before I pulled away and looked at another. "We don't have to fight," I murmured to her before I rubbed my cheek against hers. "I don't want to fight any of your anymore."

"Charlotte!" Aurelia called out, drawing a snarl from my lips. "Come back up here cousin, well done!" she said with a smile as a rope ladder fell down to the ground.

I sighed and backed away when a hand caught mine. "Don't leave us!" a woman pleaded.

I felt my heart twist before I rubbed my cheek against her's. "I have to do this. I'm sorry. If I can come back I will, just be strong–ok?"

She nodded sadly. "Ok."

I pulled away with an apologetic smile then walked to the ladder, the dress I was wearing was pretty shredded but surprisingly the boots were intact. Quickly, I climbed up, my eyes meeting Ethan's as his fingers mindlessly picked at the skin burnt around his collar. "Sunshine?"

"Hey," I said as I smiled at him. I wiped the blood off of my mouth then let out a shaky breath. "See? I'm ok baby, you don't need to worry about me right now."

He murmured something but I didn't hear it because his box was moving back to its original place. I blinked hard then continued climbing, my eyes meeting Lucas' who nodded with a ghost smile on his lips.

I pulled myself back up onto the platform then over the railing until I was looking straight at Aurelia and Cole–who was leaning against the rail. I cracked my neck against and marched over to Cole as Aurelia arched her brow. "Charlotte?"

I didn't listen. He sent a fist towards me but I caught his then nailed him in the stomach, catching him off guard so I could quickly bend down and grab his legs, tossing him over into the pit.

Aurelia's mouth fell open as I looked at her. "That was unnecessary," she bit out.

"Really?" I asked while the rogues growled hungrily from under us. "So tossing me down there wasn't unnecessary at all?"

"Ah, but you feel that don't you?" she asked as I stepped forward.

I snarled then snatched her fingers with one hand while my other snatched her neck. "All I feel is the need to kill you right now," I bit out.

I squeezed her neck harder before she glared at me as her snake hissed. "I'll drop him too."

"Do it," I bit out. "Drop him. Kill him. The minute you kill him I will slit my own throat and walk with him–that I swear to you."

She eyed me then held her one hand up in surrender. "Fine, let's talk?"

I released her neck and shoved her back before I turned to walk back to the couch I was sitting on. She wouldn't kill Ethan, but she would kill the others–I couldn't let them die. I couldn't let Issach, Ajax, Jaxon, or Levi die because I couldn't control my own bloodlust. I sat down and eyed the seat she was previously in before she tossed me in the pit then looked back at her. "Well? Why don't you sit down?"

She picked up her snake then walked cautiously over to me and sat in her seat. "That may have been a little much," she said as the rogue snarled below.

"Not afraid for Cole?"

She waved me off then looked over at the bartender. "Get him out of there, will you?!"

"Yes, mam!"

I rolled my eyes as Andrea rushed to Ethan as his box settled and started to quickly talk to him. I sighed and looked back at Aurelia. As much as I wanted to kill her I knew that we still were in a warehouse full of witches, and we still needed her to meet us at the portal with her father and Hayden.

"You want the portal open? You want Hale, Hayden, and Hagan along with this other bullshit about reigning over the world, right?"

"You and Ethan would have a place with us. You're a King, you belong with us," she replied, almost pleading with me.

"Let's be frank, you know that there is no world where those alphas in those cages will lay their necks to you, including mine. Maybe Ajax, Jaxon, and Issach, but Ethan and Levi will never do that and if we are being honest I cannot either.

"While the offer isn't necessarily one that I can agree with, I know my heart and I know that I as well as Ethan would always fight you."

"I appreciate your honesty," she replied while her snake eyed me. "So what do you propose?"

"You let Ethan, Levi, and myself walk to the moon in exchange for your three. In return, I want immunity for our packs and I want them taken care of and treated as if they were King's."

"You would walk?" she rushed out with wide eyes.

"I just want peace Aurelia," I sighed out. "I just want to start a family with my mate and enjoy my life with my parents who I never knew. Our line would be fine. Hayden is a wolf and had the potential to find his mate–God, help her. The name would continue," I finished as the music picked back up.

She sat back and eyed her snake before she looked at me, her eyes almost sad. "Is this what you truly want?"

I nodded while I wiped more blood away from my mouth. "You let me have my world and I let you have yours. I've spoken with my father and he is on the same page. He said he would agree to meet us at the portal to see that we are peacefully taken with him."

She sighed and looked at me. "If that is what you want, then it is an offer I cannot refuse. Let's consult our father's and arrange it, yes?"

"Fine," I breathed out while the thought of this lovely family reunion did anything but warmed my heart.

"I admire you," she said. "I see where you're coming from and I would probably do the same in your shoes. Give me some time to call them forward?"

"You can call my father as well?" I asked with a raised brow.

"No, I will need some blood from you," she replied as she stood up.

"While you set it up, I will be seeing my mate," I said as I stood up too.

"By all means," she said before she gestured forward, her skin slightly twitching which made me smirk more to myself.

I quickly walked across the stairs and back into the room of eyes that stared at me in both fear and awe. I rolled my eyes then flashed them my teeth; causing them to look away before I hurried over towards Ethan.

"Char!" Lucas rushed out as he hugged me. "Are you–"

"I'm fine, I want to see Ethan. It's almost done," I quickly replied.

Talia nodded to me while Andrea looked up with watery eyes. I smiled at her and nuzzled her cheek. "Go to Jaxon and take Talia to Ajax, I'm fine."


"Hey," I breathed out as I reached through the bars to wipe some blood leaking out of his nose away. "Hi," I choked out. "I miss you."

Ethan groaned and rolled to face me a little more, letting me cradle his head while his hand found my forearm. "Eli says this is real."

"It is," I rushed out. "I'm really here, I got you fangs," I said while my eyes watered. I reached into my shirt and pulled out the vampire and wolves fangs then showed him. "I'll just hold onto them until you get home, ok?"

"You got me fangs?"

"Ya," I replied while a tear ran down my face. "I got you fangs. I'm trying to catch up with you."

"Baby," he murmured as his hand reached towards me. "Don't cry."

I choked back a sob and gently took his hand then kissed his palm. "It's going to be ok. You'll be home soon and safe. I love you so much. I'm so sorry Ethan, I promise you'll be safe soon."


"Charlotte?" Lucas called out. "They need you."

I sighed and kissed his hand again. "Just stay alive, ok? I'll fix this, I promise I'm going to fix it."

"Sunshine," he breathed out before I pulled away and turned to Lucas.

"How's Levi?"

He looked back at his dad then at me with pained eyes. "I'll wait with Ethan. Here," he said while he shrugged off his jacket and held it open to me. "If Ethan was really lucid he would not be happy to see the state of that dress right now in this place."

"Thank you," I replied while I wiped my tears away before I slid into his leather jacket that covered most of the tears in my dress.

I quickly walked back to the circle sectional where Aurelia had two bowls set up with bloodstones in them; one on an end table and another on another end table. The witches drew a line with dirt around them then dropped moonflower petals.

"Charlotte, just coat the top with some blood," Aurelia said before she sliced her palm and drizzled it over her bowl.

I sighed and bit into my wrist before I started to drizzle it all over the rocks in the bowl. "Dad's going to love this," I grumbled.

I finished and licked my wrist while a witch watched over to me with a towel and a glass of water that I eyed suspiciously. "I swear on the moon that it is just water, Luna King."

"It's Luna Everette," I corrected. "And thank you."

I dumped some of the water on the towel and started to wipe my face off while some witches chanted over the bowl, as Aurelia chanted over hers. The bloodstones melted and started to bubble as I wiped more blood off, and soon my father was stepping out of the bowl while his twin brother, who truly looked exactly like him minus the scar, stepped out next to Aurelia.

I walked over and held my hand out to my dad, whose eyes widened when he saw me. "Baby girl what happened to you?" he asked while he took my hand and stepped onto the ground. "What is this place?"

I sighed and hugged him, startling him a little. "I got thrown into the rogue pit. We're in a club of Aurelia's."

"Is that–" he started to ask as his eyes found the forms of Ethan, Levi, Jaxon, Ajax, and Issach in their cages. My father snarled before he looked up at Aurelia who was hugging her father. "Little brother."

"We're twins Hadrian," Hale bit out.

My father snarled. "Whatever you say three minutes too late."

"Ok," Aurelia said while clapping her hands. "Charlotte and I have a deal we would like to run by you both," she said as the room went silent.

My father pulled me to him and sat down on the couch, pulling me down with him while Hale eyed me up and down. My dad snarled at him before Aurelia went on to explain what we had talked about. After, Hale sat back and eyed Hadrian. "You would let her walk?"

"So she could be with me and her mother and away from all of you? Of course. I want my daughter to live in peace. This is what she wants and at the end of the day, I can't stop her. "

"Even the other alpha?" Hale replied with a cocked brow.

"His mate is here. I will speak with her. He already has an heir to take over."

"So typical of you to run," Hale bit out.

My father snarled before magic crackled around Aurelia as she glared at him. "She is not running, she is doing a very good thing. It is honorable and we should remember that!"

"Fine," Hale replied dully. "I'll bring my men to the border."

"As will I," my father added. "If anything happens to her, her mate, or the Thorne Alpha, then I will have your head."

"Well then, I agree," Hale said with a twisted smile.

My father looked around the room and snarled again. "And Aurelia, you will let them go home. Today."

"You know I can't do that," she replied calmly.

"You can," my father said. "You make a blood oath. They go home on the promise that my daughter, her mate, and the Thorne Alpha cross in exchange for your three."

"I won't do it," Aurelia pushed back.

My father shrugged. "Then neither will she. Kill her mate. She'll follow him and then what will you achieve?"

"She wouldn't–"

"I would," I bit back, honesty ringing true in my voice. "Believe me, I would and I wouldn't think twice about it."

Aurelia held my gaze then looked at her father. He looked around then looked back at her. "The blood oath will hold them to it. Let them have their men. It's just a nuisance to you anyways."

"Fine," she replied sharply before she whipped out a blade and sliced her palm. I bit into mine and walked over to her, extending my hand as the blood pooled. "I Aurelia King will release my captives with no extra harm done here on the condition that you, your mate, and Levi Thorne cross into the portal in exchange for my father, my brother, and Hagan King," she said before she clasped my hand.

"I Charlotte King will cross into the portal with Alpha Levi Thorne and Ethan Everette peacefully in exchange for Hale King, Hayden King, and Hagan King on the condition that you release your captives with no extra harm done."

She let out a shaky breath with a smile. "So be it."

"So be it, cousin," I said before I released her hand. "When?"

She looked at her father for a moment then back to me. "Why don't you let them heal up? We can't have them crawling to the portal, they need to walk on their own. Let's say two weeks from today, dawn? We can contact you and make sure that they are able to walk. "

I nodded. "Fine then."

"We'll meet you at the Last Tree then," she said with a nod and a soft smile. I groaned inwardly–of course she knew about that damn tree. "You're free to take them, keep an eye out for one of my messengers."

I let out a long breath and walked over to the bowl. "Dad?"

"We'll be there," he said, his eyes still holding Hale's. "Dump the bowl Charlotte."

I nodded and picked my dad's blood bowl up carefully before Hale stepped back into his. My feet hurried me to the stairs where people got out of my way before I dumped the bowl over the side and into the dirt of the pit where Cole was finally being dragged out.

Turning back, my father and Hale were gone, leaving Aurelia standing alone. "I can have my men help you with them?"

"We can handle it, thank you," I replied as I held her eyes in mine, my eyes like a cold storm boring into her's. "Just let them out."

She snapped her fingers and the bars dissipated while locks their collars, cuffs, and other bonds snapped open with a 'click.' I ran to Ethan, who was still slumped in his cell, while Lucas hauled ass over to Levi. "Sunshine?"

"Come on," I said while I started to pull the collar off him. "Lander, Evan, we need help! She's letting us take them. We need you close to help us!"

I didn't even care how much the silver burned my hands, I pulled the cuffs and the rest of his restraints off then kissed the corner of his mouth with a relieved sigh.

"What?!" Lander rushed out.

"We're coming," Evan quickly said.

Ethan groaned as I sat him up with a weepy smile. "Baby, I need you to try and stand. Can you do that?"

"Where are we going?" he gurgled out as his legs shook.

"Home, I'm taking you home," I replied while I slipped his arm around my shoulders.

I tried to stand with him but he just slipped on his own blood; his wounds oozing more until a man ran to me and held his hands up, a sign of surrender. "Let me? I won't hurt him, Luna. He's too big for you to carry out by yourself."

"If you harm him, I will make what happened to those rogues look like child's play," I replied while I tried to hold Ethan up on my own.

He let out a shaky breath and nodded. "Noted. I have a few friends that can help you all."

"Ok, do it," I rushed out, desperate to get Ethan out of here. "Tell the other's that I said it was ok."

He nodded and walked over then slipped one of Ethan's arms around his shoulders and helped me stand him back up. "Come on, nice and easy," the man said as Ethan stumbled out of the cage.

"What's your name?" I asked while we more or less drug Ethan over towards the elevators."

"Garrett," he replied as two other men helped Andrea and Talia while Lucas had Levi piggybacked on him. Two more men had Issach, he was groaning and muttering out things that made zero sense to anyone–but it hurt. It twisted my heart to see him that way.

Lucas nodded to me while Levi groaned. "Let's go before she changes her mind."

"Is there only one elevator?" Andrea called out while Jaxon's feet drug as he walked.

One of the men helping Talia nodded quickly and said, "Yes."

"Dammit, where is that powder when you need it?" I hissed out.

"You can't inside the club, it's protected," a man helping Andrea said.

"Ok," sighed out while I adjusted Ethan's arm on me.

"Don't take me," Ethan breathed out. "Don't take me down there again."

"Baby, we're going home," I rushed out. "Home, you're just going home."

He nodded as he leaned his head against my shoulder. "Promise?"

"I promise Ethan, we just have to wait for the elevator, and then some stairs," I said as Lucas stepped into the tiny Elevator with Levi on his back.

We waited for what felt like forever, each going one by one until it was finally my turn to take Ethan with Garrett on the other side of him. As we turned I caught Aurelia's eyes. She smiled and waved at me before the elevator jerked as it started to lower down.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because, no one deserves what you two–any of you, have suffered," Garrett quickly replied. "It's the right thing to do."

"Then why were you here–with her?"

"Sometimes it's better to work with the devil than to be in her path," he said warily.

I didn't push him more before we were both too busy trying to keep Ethan from falling over, that and I didn't want to ruin my good luck. The rest of our group was waiting on the second floor–Lucas was warily eying the stairs.

"We can help you?" Garrett offered but Lucas snarled at him.

"You're not touching him," Lucas bit out before he carefully walked down the spiral staircase.

"Can you blame him?" I asked while Garrett sighed.

He shook his head. "No, not at all."

Ajax ended up falling down a few stairs and Jaxon almost fell over the rail. Issach stumbled with the two men carrying him on about every other stair. Garrett eyed me warily. "Alright, you want to take one end and I the other? It may be safer?"

"Ok," I breathed out as we carefully set Ethan down. I moved to his head while Garrett moved to his feet.

I wrapped my arms under his shoulders and Garrett carefully picked up both legs, turning, and putting one foot on either side of his head. "Ok, I'll go on down first Luna, just nice and slow."

"Alright," I breathed out as Ethan groaned again. "It's ok Ethan," I said as I started to very carefully walk down the stairs. "Good, a little to the left Garrett."

He nodded and continued down slowly, Ethan groaning as we slipped a little, but we luckily didn't drop him or fall over. When we go to the ground floor, the music was still pumping but no one was dancing or cheering on the fights.

We stood Ethan back up and moved back so each of us were on either side of him with an arm around our shoulders as the crowd's eyes bore into us. They stared before they parted and made a path for us to walk through; we walked forward with Ethan more or less stumbling in between us as heads dipped out of respect for our group.

Garrett and his friends helped us carry them out of the warehouse, passed the line of the very startled patrons, and across the magical border where Lander and Evan were waiting with relief flooding their faces.

Warriors ran out of the cars and started to carefully take Ethan to an SUV while I followed behind them. "Thank you!" I called back to Garrett.

He nodded then dipped back into the magical border while Aaron opened the backseat door. "Char, you want to slide in first?" Aaron asked while they laid the last two rows of seats down and opened the trunk of the SUV so Ethan could lay down.

"Ya," I breathed out while Evan jumped in the front passenger seat. "How will the rest get back?" I asked as I climbed into the trunk.

"Riley has some extra cars," Aaron answered while he hopped in with another warrior as they helped guide Ethan carefully to lay down in the back with his head on my lap.

I bit into my wrist again and started to squeeze it over his wounds that I could see before Aaron monkeyed over to the driver's seat and pulled us away from the warehouse. Evan looked back at Ethan then at me. "Char what happened in there?"

"Hell," I replied grimly.

"Sunshine," Ethan breathed out.

"We're going home Ethan," I replied back as two men, warriors, in the backseat with me started to use first aid to stop the bleeding on the more severe wounds. "We're going home."

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