Chapter 40: Adventure

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"Tell me something."

"Alright, what do you want to know?"

"Tell me why in the hell you thought a tree was the safest place to hide?"

I smiled as my cheeks flushed at the memory. "I have no idea honestly. I just saw a tree and the next thing I knew I was climbing it," I laughed out.

Ethan rolled his eyes then nipped at my neck as laughter trickled out of his lips. "Horrible idea."

"Well, it's not like you didn't walk around the bottom of it like a crazy mad man?"

"Mad for you babe."

"You're out of control Everette," I teased before I looked at the bandages on him and sighed. "Probably time to look at those."


"Don't argue Ethan. I have magic blood, let me use it–please?"

He sighed then nodded. "Fine," he replied as he laid back in bed. "Magic blood," he grumbled.

"Jealous?" I asked with a sly smile as I started to pull back some of the bandages on his chest carefully, revealing the marks from the fangs of the snakes that drew my lips into a sad straight line.

Ethan reached out and took my hand then kissed my palm. "Only of that shirt on your skin sunshine."

"Later," I replied with a soft smile while I grabbed an empty plastic cup that used to have water in it.

I bit my wrist then held it over the cup, letting the blood trickle into it. Ethan frowned as he watched the blood pool until I was satisfied with the amount, or until he was tired of watching me drain my blood. He took my wrist and started to lick at the wounds while I dipped my fingers into the blood in the cup, and spread it over the fang marks on his chest.

He sucked in a shallow breath that calmed as I continued. "It helps," I added. "Cora is actually better."


"Mhmm," I hummed while I rubbed a thin layer of blood over a fang mark. "No longer Fruit Loops. Although Sam is still not sure how much of that was my blood or the dialysis. She's been doing all kinds of tests on the blood."

"How is Levi?" Ethan asked.

I shrugged. "Lucas said he was still asleep. Jaxon was the first to wake up, then you. Hopefully, the other three will soon as well."

"Sunshine," he said as his hand grabbed my fingers, stilling them. "I'm not angry with you, you know that right?"

I let out a shaky breath and nodded as my heart slightly twisted. "I know. I just hate it."

"I do too baby," he breathed out.

"Charlotte!" Lucas called out as he burst into the room. "My dad's awake."


"He wants to see you," Lucas added breathlessly.

I stilled, my fingers paused as they dipped in the cup. Ethan sighed and reached for the cup. "Lucas, come hear and slather this on me. It's apparently 'magic blood.'"

"What?" Lucas breathed out.

"Charlotte's orders," Ethan sighed out.

I eyed him then let him have the cup, rubbing the excess blood on my cotton shorts before I reluctantly slid out of the bed. Lucas eyed me with tired eyes and kissed my hair. "I'll stay."

"Come on Lucas, isn't this like a wet dream of yours?" Ethan called out, teasing in his tone.

Lucas groaned before he looked back at me. "Sorry?" I said with a tiny smile before I started to walk down the hall.

The hall where Lander was leaning next to the door of Levi's room. "Is Ethan up?"

"Yes, he's been up for a while," I replied.

Lander pulled me into a hug then kissed my hair. "You did a good thing. It wasn't easy–it' not easy, but we'll make it work girly."

"Thanks, Lander," I said before I pulled away and walked into Levi's room.

He was sitting up, fiddling with the remote and cursing under his breath. One of his hands was wrapped up in a bandage and he had bruises all over him, so much he almost looked like a human Dalmatian still.

"Well Charlie girl, heard you made a real nice deal with the devil."

I sighed as his silver eyes met mine. "I did."

"Well come here and tell me about it," Levi said before he set the remote down. "Was there any part of this deal where it said that I got to personally kill her?"

I shook my head as my eyes watered before I sat on the edge of his bed. "We didn't specify that, so I suppose you'll have to fight with the others over it."

Levi rolled his eyes. "So, when do I get to kill her?" I laughed until it was a sob that came out of my mouth. My hand covered my mouth as tears trickled down my face. Levi sighed, his silver eyes tired and still pained. "Come here Charlie girl."

I ended up sobbing on his shoulder, apologizing profusely while he just kissed my crown and told me it was alright. He didn't really care as long as he got to have a hand in killing Aurelia, but it didn't help. It was a shitty deal. I was starting to realize it, but it was the only deal that we had to end it all. To end Hale, Hayden, the shadows, Hagan, and Aurelia.

"I'm sorry," I breathed out.

He sighed and kissed my crown again. "You did what you had to, there's no shame in that."

"We just have to turn around and kill them," I replied. "We just have to cross. There is nothing that says that we can't turn around and come back."

"True girly, that's real true," Levi mused. "Good thinking on that by the way."

"Thanks," I replied with a breathy smile. "Promise me something?"

"What is it, Charlotte?" Levi asked while he looked down at me, his silver eyes boring into my eyes.

"If something happens to me and it is not finished–and she is not dead, promise me you will make Ethan finish it. You all have to finish this. You can't let her succeed."

"Christ girl, what the hell are you planning?"

"Nothing," I rushed out. "I swear to the moon. I just–my dad said something that made sense. If we die and she is still here, then she wins and all our loved ones suffer. I can't–I just can't live with that."

Levi sighed and held my gaze for a long moment then nodded. He kissed my forehead before he gave me a small smile. "As much as I hate it, that kind of talk makes me proud of you girly. Although I can tell you right now that Aurelia is going to die a real long slow death before she hurts anyone else. I've got a lot of plans for her."

"Get in line," I chuckled out. "I just want to end it."

"Me too girly," Levi sighed out.

"How's your finger," I asked.

Levi shrugged. "Gone, damn rogue bit it off."

I grimaced then gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry. Did she try to–well, with Lucas?"

He eyed me then nodded slowly. "For a brief moment, I thought it was my own damn son. I have no idea how she did that."

"Me either," I replied quietly. "I'm sorry–I'm sorry you have to walk too, I just thought–"

"It's fine girly," he replied with a tired smile. "Probably would have done the same in your shoes. It's not like our options are very good anyways."

"No they're all shit," I laughed out with a mix of sobs.

"She's an evil ass woman girly. You're daddy better be dragging her ass to a place that makes hell look like a vacation."

"I think he mentioned something like that," I said while I wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

"Good, now, tell me when do I get the hell out of here?"

"Levi," I sighed out with a half smile. "You're in here until Sam or Zachariah say otherwise."

Levi grumbled. "I hate hospitals. Just take me to Lander's, he's not a bad nurse."

"No," I replied, causing him to roll his eyes. "Listen, I want to bring him home too, but you both need to get better."

"No, we need to start planning this little walk of ours," Levi said, his eyes swirling like a storm. "And what goes along with that. We're at war girl, we don't have time to rest."

"I know," I sighed out. "She gave us two weeks before we walk and she said she would check in before then to make sure you two could actually walk–" I paused as Levi growled loudly out of annoyance. "Listen, it may be a good thing. If you're still, 'unwell,' then we may get some more time."

"Dammit–" he muttered under his breath. "Fine. I'll play sick for a little longer."

"Levi, you are sick. I don't have to remind you of all the damage that was done. You're staying here regardless until you're well again," I said, eyeing him firmly before he waved me off with his bandaged hand. "The other's are not up anyways. It's just you, Ethan, and Jaxon."

"Well girl, considering the fun time we just had, they may not wake up for a few more days and we don't have time to wait. Lucas said I've been out five days already?"

"Yes," I replied softly. "I agree. You don't need to remind me the state of our situation, but for the day let's just make sure you're out of the woods first, ok? We can talk to Sam and see what she says, and tomorrow we can start planning."

Levi eyed me for a while then slowly nodded. "Fine girly, where are the vamps?"

"Derek's either been with me or in here with Lucas. Dominic is probably in Ethan's room–they're here."

"What about Alex?" Levi asked.

"We need to talk about that."

"No shit," he coughed out. "I don't want to walk back from the damn moon just to have to turn around because that little pussy ass vampire shows up to kill us all."

"I agree," I sighed out. "I more than agree. We'll ask Dom and Barrett."

"Ask him if he can get me some damn ice cream while he's here," Levi said before Claire knocked on the door with a few totes of food in her hand.

"Levi, how are you feeling?"

"Fine Claire," he replied with a soft smile.

"Good," she breathed out as he eyes watered. "Lander's almost here. He's bringing ice cream and coffee."

"Shit," Levi said. "Maybe this being sick thing isn't so bad."

I rolled my eyes and slid off of the bed. "You're a horrible patient."

"Yup," he replied, popping the 'p.'

I walked over to Claire and rubbed my cheek against her's while she let out a shaky breath. She hugged me to her and kissed my cheek before I started to walk back down the hall where Lucas and Dominic were sitting with Ethan.

Lucas was peeling back a bandage on his thigh while Dominic flicked the channels on the television before he caught sight of me. Ethan hissed as Lucas pulled at the bandage a little too hard. "Dammit Lucas," he grumbled.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not good at playing nurse man."

Dominic zipped to me while Ethan growled lowly at Lucas. "Lucas–"

"What dude? I thought you liked the nurse outfit?" he teased as he pulled the rest of the bandage off.

I hugged Dominic who eyed them then looked back at me. "Have you eaten?" I shook my head which drew a tiny frown on my face. "I'll be back then. Wynona should be coming back from Lusa, she said Jaxon was doing much better."

"Good, that's good news," I replied before Dominic kissed my cheek.

"Be back, better watch those two."

I rolled my eyes then walked in the room as Lucas started to dab some of my blood on the fang marks on Ethan's thighs. "Lucas," I said as I started to walk towards the bed. "I think I can take over. Claire's here and Lander's on his way."

"Thank God, Ethan's a horrible patient," he said as he slid off of the bed.

"Right, and Levi is any better?" I asked sarcastically.

Lucas handed me the cup and shrugged. "Dad's never been a good patient."

"No shit," I breathily laughed out as I slid onto the bed where Lucas was sitting.

"And you're a horrible nurse," Ethan added before he looked back at me. "You're a much better nurse sunshine."

"Dude, I do not need to know about your kinky fantasies with my sister," Lucas said with a slight grimace before he started to walk out.

Ethan growled again then winced, causing me to give him a long look. "Baby, your ribs–"

"I'm going to kill your brother when I get the hell out of here," he replied, his voice breathy before he took a deep breath and settled back down on his bed.

"Payback's a bitch, Ethan!" Lucas called out from down the hall.

Ethan bit back a growl while I gave him a half smile. "Well, you may be here a little longer," I said while I dipped my fingers into the cup.

Ethan groaned as I rubbed a thin layer over a fang mark. "How much longer?"

"I'm not sure," I replied as I dipped my fingers in the cup again. "Sam should be by later. I told Levi that needed to make sure you both were really out of the woods before you started to move around. That and, well, you Levi and Jaxon are the only three up."

"They'll come around," Ethan stated, his voice soft but confidence. "We need to talk about–"

"I know," I cut in while I quickly dabbed more blood over a wound. "I already talked to Levi about it, believe me I know. Let's just make sure you're out of the woods today, then tomorrow we can plan Aurelia's slow and very painful death together."

I put the cup on the bedside table then picked up one of those extra large bandages off of it, peeling the liner off of it and chunking it into the trashcan in the corner. "We should also talk about something else," Ethan said quietly before he sighed.

I carefully placed the bandage on his thigh then smoothed it out. "Like?"

"Like what happens if we fail. What happens to our pack, to each other–to our family," he said, stilling my fingers.

I swallowed and pushed back the feelings that were making me feel sick. "Ethan, we–"

"We need to Charlotte," he said a little more firmly. "Our pack is our responsibility. We need to make sure they are safe if something happens."

I looked down, my eyes feeling more wet while the thought of us failing beat at me. Ethan placed his hand gently on my knee. "Come here baby."

Quickly complying, I slid into the bed next to him, laying my head on his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my hair. "What do we do Ethan?"

"Well, the worst case scenarios in my mind would be that we get stuck on the other side–both of us or separated."

"Separated is worse," I breathed out as I shuddered to think of being separated from him again. "We have to finish it here, no matter what. Unless we both die–which, we can just do what we can over there–if that's a thing."

"If she succeeds she'll want the region," he thought out loud. "She won't kill everyone, she's too vain. She'll want them to witness her rise to power; throw it in their faces while she creates chaos."

"There would be war with the vampires," I breathed out. "I can't imagine that Alister or Steven, who sounds like the devil as well, would just sit back and let her take over."

"And there's Alex," Ethan added. "Who's set on killing Kings."

"So what do we do with the pack?" I asked. "If it all goes to shit, what are the options?"

"Well," he sighed out. "We have enough resources to last about a month in the emergency shelters. That's enough time for things to settle and for someone to negotiate with her. The best thing would be to more or less, 'surrender.' Comply while we come up with a plan to disempower her.

"She's got three alphas down off of the mountains on her side, three in the mountains, the rogues, and who knows what else in the continental U.S."

"We could evacuate them?" I suggested.

"If they run, and she does come into power, then she will hunt them down and kill them to prove a point. I hate it. I hate it so much, but they are better complying until we can come up with a plan."

"And what would that plan be?" I asked. "What could we do?"

"I don't know baby," Ethan replied softly. " But I know if I am still breathing and she is too, then I am spending every breath I have trying to kill her. She is a disease that will ruin everything she touches. Our pack, our family, us–any children we would have would never be safe in a world where she lives."

"What of the vampires? Alex will try to band them to war against the wolves, it's a perfect storm for it."

"And she would hunt them down and kill them," Ethan mused. "They need to be ready to go–hide, do what they need to do. They won't be safe here."

I felt my heart twist as I nuzzled into his shoulder. "Alright, I agree–I hate it."

"I hate it too sunshine," he added. "What about us?"

"What do you mean?" I asked as I tilted my head up to look into his blue-green eyes.

"What if one of us gets stuck over there–or one of us dies..." his voice trailed off as something flashed in his eyes. "If we're together, as pissed off as I would be about leaving before she was dead, at least we would be together. We could help from the side together."

"And if we're not?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking. "Ethan you promised–"

"I know baby," he quickly injected. "Do you realize what would happen? You realize that the bond would break? It would break and it wouldn't be whole again until we were together again. Our souls would rip in half because one of us would be leaving this world to join another."

I shuddered and my beast whined. "I–" I paused and looked back at him. "What do you want me to say? It would kill me, Ethan. It would be almost impossible to not just end myself."

"You're right, though, we have to end them. I have a feeling that if we don't–if your father can't take them to hell or wherever it is, that they will just keep coming back to bite us in the ass."

"That vacation isn't sounding bad right now," I said, looking up at him through my lashes.

He sighed and dipped down to kiss my forehead. "Don't tempt me. I am two seconds away from taking us away from here."

"We can't run. She will come for us. She and Alex would come for us–we'll just end up like my father."

"I love you," he said to me, his blue-green eyes staring at me.

"I love you too," I replied with a tired smile before I nuzzled back into him.

The day waned on and for the most part, I spent it with Ethan, only to check on Levi when he was fussing at Lander. He really was a horrible patient. At one point, he told Lander to either 'piss off or put on his nurse's hat and get him some damn whiskey.' We ended up getting him some damn whiskey.

Sam stopped by and checked on Ethan and Levi with Wynona. According to them, he was out of the woods but still needed to take it easy–which neither of them was a fan of. However, they could go home. Home for Levi meant to Lander's where Lyle apparently made him a get well card that he decorated with some rocks in the shape of Levi's wolf. He and Penelope also brought Levi some whiskey that David sent over, thus Lyle and Penelope became Levi's favorite nurses. He had them making him a whiskey on ice within an hour, much to Lander's disapproval.

I linked Lucas. I offered an extra room to him but he wasn't leaving Levi and I didn't blame him. He was more worried that Levi was going to teach Lyle and Penelope awful habits than anything else.

Evan walked him with Ethan and I. Ethan grumbled the whole way, Sam told him no shifting for at least two days which he argued over with her. Originally she had it at four days, but Ethan was able to convince her that two was fine. I linked Andrea along the way, apparently, Jaxon was no better. He had been released and was on the couch with Caden's baby, watching 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off,' eating graham crackers, and apparently driving Jane and Andrea up the wall.

They were horrible patients.

I talked to Talia as well, apparently, Ajax and Issach finally woke up. I told Evan to call them and set up a meeting; we would most likely have to Skype them since neither Ajax or Issach were in any shape to travel. Deryl had come over to help Talia with Ajax, apparently 'nurse Deryl's,' treatment included blood mary's and a marathon of watching, 'The League.'

"Brother, you're the worst patient. I can't believe you thought Charlotte was bad," Evan said while we turned a corner to walk up the final hill to our cabin. Ethan had just argued with Evan about the patrols, he wanted Ryder to bring us the four-wheeler so he could go check on our men; Evan and him went back and forth until Evan convinced him that he and Ryder could handle it without Ethan.

"You thought I was bad?!"


"Uh, ya," Evan laughed out. "Really, you and Levi are the definition of 'penance,' right now."

Ethan sighed out of frustration then looked back at Evan. "We need to get everyone together."

"We know brother. I'll make the calls, you just drink your damn water and finish flushing the drugs out of your system."

"He's right Ethan," I added. "You need to finish flushing the silver out."

"Fine," he huffed out.

"And no shifting!" Evan said while he stopped at the beginning of the little pebble path that led to the front steps of our home. Ethan groaned before Evan threw his hands up. "What?! Jaxon tried and it was a royal mess. Honestly, for our sakes, stay in your skin."

"Alright, nurse!" Ethan called out sardonically as I opened the door for him.

I rolled my eyes as he walked in. "You really are a horrible patient," I laughed out as I closed the door behind me. "You, Levi, and Jaxon should all get awards."

Ethan shook his head then sunk into one of the couches, leaning his head back and taking a deep breath of air. My heart clenched a bit; I walked over to him, my beast still unsettled with her male. She hated the scent of sadness of pain still rolling off of him.

I pushed back some of his hair, tilting my head as my brows slightly furrowed. "What can I do?"

"You can keep doing that," he said, his eyes still closed, while I played with his hair.

A small smile tugged at my lips. "Are you hungry?"

"Are you going to make me drink some more of that crap?"

I smirked. "You mean you don't like drinking the vitamin powder? How strange, I remember it being quite delicious."


"Oh, you're drinking it Everette, Doctor's orders."

"I hate the doctor."

"You don't hate Sam, you're just a horrible patient. "

He let out a long breath. "That's probably true. I am a little hungry actually."

"Hmmm," I hummed. "Picnic?"

His lips twitched as his eyes fluttered open. "Alright, sunshine."

We ended up in the tub with a spread of whatever I could find in our kitchen on the piece of plywood that was our honorable tray we had set over the edge of the tub. Ethan and I did argue for about a good fifteen minutes over whether he could have a drink or not. We went back and forth until Sam said that one wouldn't hurt as long as he drank extra water and extra vitamin powder. While he didn't like the vitamin powder, he was more than satisfied with Sam's answer.

My beast and I inwardly groaned after, we prayed our male was never injured like this again. He really was the worst patient.

He was leaning against my chest while I snacked on some grapes and drank some wine, 'Ghostbusters,' played in the background on his laptop that I had propped up on the counter. I had set the coffee mug, full of wine because I wanted to use a handle, next to his coffee mug of whiskey and ice, then moved my free hand to toy with the bits of hair on his chest.

"Do you feel better?" I asked while he took a long sip of water from the big Camelback water bottle I had dug out of a cabinet for him.

He set the bottle down on the plywood then took my hand that was on his chest and kissed it. "I would feel better if you actually wore a nurse's uniform sunshine."

"Rude," I hummed out before I started to laugh.

He chuckled then nipped playfully at my hand. "What? It would look nice sunshine."

I rolled my eyes when I felt something reach out to us over a link. "Hey, are you two busy?" Evan asked.

Ethan sighed. "What is it, Ev?"

"So Jaxon can come in the morning for sure. Andrea's pissed about it but he's pretty insistent. Levi is too. I guess Lucas and Lander will be coming too–Levi apparently has taught Lyle and Penelope how to make hot tottie's."

"Oh my God," I laughed out. "That is both horrible and amazing."

"Definitely amazing," Ethan quickly said. "Our children are definitely going to learn to be little bartenders early on."

"Ethan!" I playfully slapped his shoulder, which just earned me an innocent shrug.

"We will never have to make or pour our own drinks again!"

"They're children!"

"Come on sunshine, it's a great life skill that we would be teaching them early on."

I groaned and leaned back against the tub in defeat. "Anyways, I have them all coming after lunch. I figured that you two would want to sleep in, well, I figured we all could use the rest."

"Definitely a good idea," Ethan added.

"Bernard and Dagny are coming. He found some extra bloodstones in Caleb's things. So with those plus what's left over from what Char took, we should be able to get Char's dad tomorrow."

"That's good news," I said while Ethan still a little before he let out another breath.

"Yes and I am sure he's going to enjoy seeing Ethan, he mentioned wanting to meet him last time."

"Awesome," Ethan grumbled.

"Hey!" I gave him a pointed look as he ate some brown M&M's, well, what was left over from the other one's that I ate with big innocent eyes. "Be nice, that's my dad."

"Alright sunshine, as long as he doesn't give me a black eye like Levi did."

I chuckled and kissed his shoulder. "No, well, I don't know. He may. We'll see," I teased as Ethan playfully squeezed at my thigh, making me bit back a squeal.

"There's other news I can go over with you, I can come over later if you want?"

"Is it pressing?" Ethan asked.

"No, I mean, nothing that can't wait until the morning."

"Ok," Ethan sighed out. "Why don't you come later in the morning with Lyanna? We can all have breakfast."

"Sounds good. Don't forget to drink your water and take your powder," Evan said, his voice biting back a laugh.

Ethan grumbled while I kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Ev."

"Welcome Char, night you two," he replied before he jumped off the link.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure about what sunshine?"

My legs pulled him closer to me while I leaned my chin against his shoulder. "Ev can come over if you want. It's fine with me."

He took a drink of his whiskey and shook his head. "No, if it's something that can wait, then it can wait. We haven't had time to ourselves in a long time sunshine."

"We've had some time?" I offered.

"I don't think I have ever properly asked you out now come to think of it," he chuckled out.

I reached forward and grabbed a handful of chocolate-covered pretzels. "You took me to the treehouse."


"And the waterfall."

"Ok, also true."

"And that horrid dinner–"

"Let's not talk about that," Ethan injected while I leaned back against the tub with a coy smile tugging at my lips.

"I expected to be wined and dined and look at you, such a slacker."

He turned to me while I bit back a smile, his head resting on my shoulder. "Baby, if we make it out of this, then you can swim in a pool of wine for all I care."

"We'll make it, one way or another," I said while I pushed some of his hair back.

He nodded. "One way or another."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said softly.

He flickered his eyes down, his hand resting on my knee while the movie murmured in the background. "Not really."

I kissed his forehead and gave him a small smile. "Alright, what do you want to talk about then?"

He was quiet for a moment, like he was deep in thought. "The herd of children we're having. I think we're going to have to add onto the house."

"We have three extra bedrooms, Ethan!"

"Well, if we have like ten kids then that will definitely not be enough."

"Ethan we settled on four."

He flickered his eyes back to me, a slight glint of hopefulness in them. "We could turn our room into two bedrooms and turn the bottom living room that faces the backyard into our room?"

"I like our room, and our balcony," I said with a slight pout in my voice. "Besides, that would mean there are five rooms upstairs."

"Well sunshine, I think five is a decent number. Besides, we could have twins, we'll need the room."

I rolled my eyes. "My damn luck we'll have triplets."

"Do you really think that could happen?" he asked, his eyes slightly excited.

I rubbed my face with one hand then looked at him. "Three children at one time? Are you insane?"

"Baby, as long as it comes from between your thighs then I don't care."

"Let's talk about something else," I said while the flush on my cheeks started to die down.

"Like?" he asked while he nibbled on a piece of bacon, cracked black pepper that I had fried in our cast iron skillet.

"Well, we are due for a vacation after this," I mused.


"Where would you go? Where would you want to?"

Ethan thought for a bit, chewing on his piece of bacon before he turned to look back at me. "Somewhere warm. I've never swam in the ocean, the water here is too cold, even for us. It would be nice to do that."

"The Bahamas?" I thought out loud.

"Have you been?"

I shook my head. "No, but it could be fun. I would be an adventure."

"I like the sound of this adventure. Let's just go now?"

"I wish," I said under my breath before I kissed his temple. "After all this mess is over."

"Will you be wearing a nurse's outfit on this adventure?"


"I love you."

I sighed and looked down at him as he tossed another M&M into his mouth. "I love you too Ethan."

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