Chapter 62: Fire

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"No magic, hold still, and shut your goddamn mouths. You're annoying as hell," Dominic snarled out as he eyed Aurelia and Hale.

I chuckled as I stepped forward with my father who just casually started to walk towards the stairs that descended down to the floor of the room; the room that was much like Levi and our meeting room. A large circle with a stadium type seeing that descended down until there was a flat floor. However, the only difference was the seats were in the shape of a horseshoe, all facing a large decorated row of hand-carved tables and chairs where Aurelia and Hale sat with wide eyes.

"Now brother," my father chuckled out. "Does everyone here know that you're full of shit or is that just me?"

Hale stiffened ever more, so much I thought he was going to crack like glass. Aurelia was holding my gaze; my beast flashed her our teeth as we walked down the stairs next to our father, our blood whipping out to lash at her–causing her to flinch.

I looked around the room at alphas that were either smiling widely or frozen stiff in shock and fear. Cole seemed livid. He stood up but my mother snarled out at him. "Sit your ass down Cole," she bit out in a tone that he could not help but submit to. She turned her gaze to Aurelia, cocking her head with a dark smile. "Oh look, it's that bitch that killed me and my daughter. Hello dear! How are you? Glad to see you're–well, no I'm not really glad to see you're alive."

My father chuckled as I looked around, walking slowly with my dad as the wolves flinched while we passed them; Ethan biting back a laugh before his eyes bore into mine with a smile that sent a flush over my body while Levi just sat back and chuckled darkly.

"Dad, isn't this supposed to be a national council meeting? Seems a little bare," I said as I walked onto the floor with my parents, the vampires starting to trickle in with Susie and Bernard walking in with them.

"Now sweetie, Aurelia isn't like you, she thinks with her head up her ass, much like her father," he replied, his beast prowling back and forth and licking his lips as he eyed Hale. "Right then, well come on let's have a meeting then, better go find your seat baby girl."

I smiled and walked towards Ethan who stood up and pulled me to him when I reached him, kissing me as Alex trotted down the stairs with Dominic next to him. "Hello Hale King, it is lovely to see you."

Hale's eyes widened as Lizzie zipped over to lean against the table close to Aurelia. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Cole barked out.

I sighed and looked at my father. "Dad?"

"Wait no, that's not fair," Dominic said, eying me playfully.

My father rolled his eyes. "Take it up with Dom baby girl."

"Dom, please?" I whined.

"Char, love, he's literally almost had an erection over this, just let him have his fun," Lizzie said as Alister leaned back against the wall.

He waved at my father with a smile. "I've got the snakes, Hadrian."

"Fine Dom," I said as Ethan pulled me down next to him, Evan kissing my cheek while Levi kissed Eve before he pulled her down to sit in his lap, whispering something in her ear that made her laugh.

Dominic smiled and looked at Cole, his eyes dilated as his lips twitched into a cold smile that almost scared me. "Don't breathe."

Cole immediately stopped breathing; he clutched at his chest while the room watched on in either delight or horror. Deryl and Ajax started to chuckle as Ethan pulled me closer to him, nuzzling my neck before he placed a long kiss to it. "I love you."

"I love you too baby," I replied as the sound of hissing–of snakes boiling filled the room. Aurelia looked like she wanted to scream but she couldn't open her mouth. Not now anyways.

"So brother," my father said as he stepped forward. "As the oldest of our family, I think fair I take over. Dom?"

"Right," Dominic said as he zipped to lean against the table next to Hale as his eyes dilated. "Hale you may speak."

Hale growled out. "How the hell are you here?!" he barked out, his face red with anger and his skin shaking.

"Not shut it, Hale," Dominic said, causing Hale to immediately close his mouth.

"Really three minutes too late, it's way over your head. Like most things. I guess I could call you two inches too short as well, but that's a little more information than this room needs," my father replied with a smirk as he leaned on the table next to Levi with my mother against his side. "So everyone, I think it's fine that we forget everything my brother just said and talk about how we can actually achieve peace."

"Who the hell is this piece of shit?!" Joe barked out.

My father was marching up to him, the power in his veins rolling like an angry avalanche towards Joe and forcing him to his knees. Before Joe could blink my father had a hand through his throat and was ripping the rest of his throat out. "Does anyone have anything else to say?" he asked, the storm in his eyes churning angrily as Joe's body fell out of his seat.

His mate tried to come at my father in hysterics, but my mother was on her before she knew what was happening. She was on her and snapping her neck before the woman could cry out for help.

She stood up and took my father's hand as he wiped some blood off on the jeans. "Sorry about these Ethan," he said with an innocent shrug.

"You let your dad borrow my clothes?"

"Ya, why?"

"I like those jeans sunshine," he whined.

I rolled my eyes. "That's what you're concerned about right now?"

"No," he replied. "I'm more concerned with why you hid those black lacy things in your bag from me. You shouldn't keep secrets like that from me sunshine..."

The redness in my cheeks almost matched the color of Eve's hair. "That's what you're really concerned about?!"

Ethan chuckled and pulled me to him. "It's on the short list babe."

I heard something crack like glass. Aurelia's face was bright red, along with her father's. They were trying to break the compulsion, and from the sound of it they were starting to. "Right," my father replied as he watched Aurelia and Hale some more. "So here is the deal," my father said to the room. "We will work on peace, all of us together–wolves, vampires, and witches together. Either you cooperate, or frankly, I am not below just killing you myself–"

"Or me!" my mother called out.

"She's much more vicious than I am, you don't want that," my father added.

"Helen too," Alex laughed out. "They think I'm brutal–she's ruthless."

Ethan nodded in agreement as Levi did the same. I just rolled my eyes as the compulsion cracked some more like glass. Like glass that had a large crack that was slowly spreading across it, a deep cut that would eventually break it in half.

"So first we are going to do this, and brother pay attention because this involves you," my father said as he narrowed his gaze at Hale. "We are going to kill your allies, because we have no room for anyone that is poisoned with your thinking, like Cole there–" my father paused to point at Cole's body flopping around on the floor like a fish as his final moments escaped him.

"Their packs are gone. Your rogues are gone in both the warehouses and the mountains. You are a fool to think that vampires did that, and you were a fool to see who has not taken the mountains back. Those wolves are free and no longer under your enslavement–which is what you and your daughter there did to them."

My father stepped forward as the compulsion cracked some more, Dominic and Lizzie both eying Aurelia and Hale, ready to pounce on them. "So we will kill them, and we will kill you. Look out the window, that's not a storm, it is smoke. Your empire is burning, and when you reach the other side your welcoming committee shall greet you and your daughter with the same welcome party that they brought your son."

"There is nowhere to run," my mother said. "There is no more allies for you to run to. The wolves in this room–the ones that say they are with you are about to meet a timely death. So enjoy these last few moments, they are more than you deserve."

I cracked my neck as the compulsion cracked some more. Aurelia's fingers twitched. Her fingers twitched as my father shrugged off his blazer, nodding to Dominic and Lizzie, their eyes dilating as they looked around the room. Their gaze hit certain alphas, alphas who froze stiff when they realized what happened. "Don't move."

My father smirked as the glass shattered–the compulsion shattered. Hale stood up, letting out a series of pants as Aurelia's gaze landed on Ethan and I. "You lied to me!"

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Coming from you, I have no idea why you're so upset."

She lifted her fingers on her right hand, but they snapped–broke in half and drew a sharp scream from her mouth. Alex chuckled and nodded to me. "Sorry, I know–not my turn. Couldn't resist."

I stood up with Ethan as Hale Aurelia glared at me. "Well come on little witch, are you just going to lay there and let us kill you?"

She snapped her other hand with a sharp cry, a stream of blue smoke coming towards me; Ethan jumped in front of me, but it didn't matter. The smoke hit me but did nothing. My skin lit up like the moon was shining on it where the smoke hit it; it quickly dissipated as a smile tore onto my lips while Aurelia's skin shook. "How about this Aurelia? I'll give you a head start. I suggest you take it," I said as the fur on the back of my neck started to rise.

"You too brother, run along. I'll catch you," my father added cheekily.

Hale started to growl but was cut off by one of my father's. The other alphas–the ones that supported her squirmed in their seats, but they were not going anywhere. Dominic and Lizzie both laughed while Bernard and Susie just watched with grins on their faces.

Hale lunged at my father, but my father dodged him then turned and nailed him in the mouth. "Come on two inches too short, let's see how much damage I can do in that nice suit of your's," my father snarled out with a twisted grin.

Hale looked at Aurelia, his eyes screaming out for something–for help. She let out a screech and leaped over the table. My father just laughed and stepped out of her way, letting her run to her father–throwing dust down in the process and poofing away.

"She's gone! Really?!" Deryl yelled out.

"She won't go far," Bernard snickered out.

My father turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Well come on baby girl, we've got a witch to hunt."

I growled out as Ethan jumped up and pulled me with him to march out with my father and mother. Evan was shrugging off his jacket as Levi tossed off his tie. Eve snarling in approval while we walked quickly out of that house and towards the sound of horrified screams.

"Looks like she found her guards," I said as we rounded a corner.

My father smiled as we looked out at a balcony where Aurelia and Hale were standing. Alister zipped up and eyed my father. "Mind if I handle those wolves back there?"

"Burn them up," my father said. Alister smiled then zipped away as Ethan's beast shook his fur out.

"Nowhere to run now," my mother called out as we walked after them. Aurelia snapped her fingers, sending a green snake towards Levi–snapping its fangs hungrily as it sailed forward.

Like the magic that hit me, it hit Levi and just dissipated. His skin lit up where the magic met and caused the snake to just blow away in the wind. Aurelia let out a scream and looked up at her father who dug dust out of her pocket, grabbed her, and threw it down.

They poofed away until they hit a spot above Dagny that was humming like electric power lines and pummeled to the ground. "Idiots," Ethan snickered out before he scooped me up. "Hadrian?"

My father nodded and took my mother's hand. "Let's go, Willa," he said before they jumped off the balcony.

Ethan jumped after them; I clung to him until I felt him land on his feet, standing again and carefully putting me down before he tore his jacket off. Wolves were gathering around, making a circle as Aurelia and Hale looked on at us.

I marched towards Aurelia with Ethan while my father marched towards Hale. My mother started to walk a slow circle around both of them, eying them up and down while Aurelia turned frantically until her eyes caught the fire that was starting to catch on her house.

Ethan broke away from me and grinned. "Ladies first sunshine."

I snarled in approval then ran towards Aurelia, ramming into her as my father ran towards Hale. We rolled until I landed on top of her; quickly I nailed her in the mouth. She cried out and tried to send a fist to me but I caught it and snapped her wrist before I nailed her again, loosening her teeth enough so I could reach in and rip one out.

She was clutching at her mouth as I got off of her, tossing the tooth to Ethan who nodded in approval while my mother circled around Hale. He eyed her, his nose bleeding while my father wiped some more blood on Ethan's jeans. "Really? A human?"

My mother raised her brows and looked at my father who shook his head. "Shouldn't have said that three minutes too late."

My mother was on Hale before he knew what was happening while Ethan just toyed with Aurelia. I walked around them, my beast wanting a go at her so bad she was about to claw my brain out.

Soon there were cracks sounding around the air–witches poofing in outside of the circle that was forming and shooting magic at our side. Aurelia jogged backward and laughed. "Think you're so smart now?" she asked as Hale roared out while my mother tossed one of his fangs towards my father.

"Switch?" my mother asked, pushing some of her hair back as Ethan nodded while magic whizzed outside of the forcefield around us. Bernard, Susie, Dagny, and the other witches were at work with the rest of our side.

A horn sounded in the distance, a horn of victory. David and our men were close. Close enough to hopefully see the end of this–the certainly deserved to. We all did.

Ethan eyed me and cocked his head. "Baby, how are your thighs?"

"Really?" I asked while Hale looked at the two of us as my father just smiled as he watched my mother lay into Aurelia.


"Fine, the spin thing?"

"Yup," he said as he ran towards Hale.

Hale turned to meet Ethan, but Ethan just did a fake and turned–stopping to bend over so I could springboard off of his back. I grasped onto Hale's shoulders and locked my thighs around him, turning hard and leaning so he would fall to the ground like a dead tree.

Lucas was smiling wildly as I held his head in place with my thighs, slamming it down into the ground before Ethan nailed him hard in the nose.

Ethan pulled me up as we circled Hale again, magic whizzing around the forcefield. Lucas was tearing into a witch with Jane while Evan and Lyanna were taking out a witch and her familiar that was a wild boar. The boar snarled at Lyanna, but Lyanna's wolf just growled back and charged at it, jumping on it's back and ripping into it.

Ethan lunged at Hale, knocking him down and wrestling with him until he broke one of Hale's ribs. Hale landed a punch on Ethan jaw but Ethan just growled out at him, his blood humming so loud it almost took my breath away, and elbowed him across the face before he reached down and ripped his other fang out–tossing it to me before he got up.

My father tossed Aurelia towards me as more witches and wolves poofed in. "The wolves?!" I rushed out.

"Clawfoot's," Levi answered. I looked around and saw him hold a man's head back so Eve's wolf, bright red like a wild flame, could rip into his throat, a smile on his face as Eve tossed the flesh down to Levi's feet.

The witches were sending magic everywhere while smoke from the pack house started to fill the air. My father looked on at his brother who was circling Ethan. "Ethan, he's mine."

Ethan eyed my father and nodded then walked over to me as Aurelia pulled out a blade from her boot and stood up. "Sunshine?"

"She's mine, Ethan," I said as I walked towards her.

"End her," my mother said as she passed me, blood covering the front of her dress, to stand with Ethan.

My beast growled out as Aurelia gripped the blade. "It doesn't have to be this way, Charlotte!"

"I can kill you slower if that's what you're asking?" I replied as I closed in on her.

"We can build something together! Our family can be together!"

"Is that what you thought when you pushed me back into that portal?" I asked. "Very together-like Aurelia," I snickered out.

She let out a screech and sent the blade towards me but I dodged it. I sent a blow to her ribcage, knocking the air out of her and blocking her blade again so I could land another blow to her ribs–cracking them.

I heard the silver of the blade whizzing through the air. I ducked then landed my elbow in her kneecap–breaking her knee and causing her to clutch at it with a hand missing its first three fingers. "My mother had a good time with you," I said while Hale roared out behind me.

She let out a cry and tried to stab me but I leaned over and dogged it. "Going to kill me Aurelia?"

She snarled and sent the blade through the air again, and again I just leaned quickly out of the way. "It's a little harder without magic, isn't it?"

She let out a cry and shot the blade forward, but I side stepped out of her way; shooting a hand out, I caught her wrist that was holding the blade and pulled it forward. "Enough of your tricks!" I bit out, my claws digging into her wrist and causing her to drop the blade; my other hand grabbed were her arm met her shoulder, then both of my hands quickly slammed her arm down against my knee, breaking it before I pushed her away as my skin rippled.

I heard Hale cry out; my father had ripped his eye out and was tossing it to my mother. A smile tugged on my lips as I looked at her pack house being eaten by flames, then at her.

The forcefield around us was starting to crack. Witches had been shooting magic at it, magic that was stronger than it was capable of handling. Aurelia smiled. "You're too late!"

"I think you are," I replied as I lunged at her, letting my fur come forward with a deafening roar that made the blood drain from her face.

My beast ran at her; she was caressing me with her mind, pulling me forward with her for this. We did this together. She took something from both of us, and we would take from her. We would take much from her.

Aurelia tried to kick at us but my beast tackled her down with a growl. Before she could open her mouth, my beast was digging down with her teeth into Aurelia's mouth. Her paws holding her down while we bit down onto a soft muscle–onto her tongue, and ripped it out.

She let out a blood-curdling scream as we tossed it over towards Ethan before we circled her, licking the blood off of our snout as she scooted away. I ran to her again, jumping on her and biting down on her wrist, letting her bones crunch in my mouth while my paws held her flailing limbs down.

Aurelia let out a shriek then bit down on my leg, but it pissed my beast off more than anything. We kept biting onto her wrist until it snapped, until her whole hand snapped off so we could rip it away from her. We tossed it to the side then smacked her across the face with our free paw, our claws raking over her skin and causing her to release us.

She looked up at me. Horror in her eyes before I growled out to her, warning her to try some stupid shit like that again.

She opened her mouth but my paw held her face back down while I went at her other hand, shaking my head like a maniac until like the last hand, it came off as well with a snap of her bones. She let out another blood curdling anguished scream as her father roared out. An ear missing from his head and an arm tore from him while he tried to limp towards her on a broken leg.

I tossed the hand towards Ethan. The fore field cracking more. I looked around and was more annoyed with the other forces than anything.

Quickly, I shifted back. My eyes meeting Ethan's as he smiled at me. My father walked up and grabbed Hale by the hair and eyed me. "Balcony. Dom will meet us there."

I nodded then walked towards Aurelia who screamed out for help to the other witches who just eyed her in horror. In shock. I snatched her hair as Ethan jogged up and poured some dust into my hand. He pulled me to him as I pulled her up to kneel, a fist full of her hair in my hand as I tossed the dust down.

We flew threw the air while Aurelia thrashed and flailed around. After we landed on the balcony we had jumped from before, Ethan just back handed her as my mother landed next to us.

Smoke was pouring out from the house as flames licked at the inside. I never realized it before, we were too busy jumping from it, but the balcony overlooked the other packs we had taken back. The whole house sat on a hill where it overlooked the south and had a perfect view of the smoke filling the sky while flames danced on the horizon.

My father drug Hale to one of two chairs that Lizzie and set out and sat him down while Dominic compelled him. Derek was zipping in and out of the house with Elliot, piling up broken wooden furniture around the chairs–stacking them wide so it made a nice pyre around their seats.

I drug Aurelia as well; pulling her up just so I could sit her ass back down in a chair while Dominic looked at her as his eyes dilated. "You will not move or make a sound. You will watch as the sky burns before you. You will sit here until the flames take you to the other side."

Derek and Elliot piled broken pieces of chairs, dresser doors, shelves, drawers, and those paintings that lined the wall–at the leas the ones that were not burnt up already. Lizzie handed Dominic a rope that he used to tie up Aurelia's limbs. She screamed as it hit her skin, Hale doing the same–they were laced in silver. Silver that was kryptonite to all supernaturals.

I stepped back to stand with Ethan who pulled me to him and nuzzled my neck. Aurelia was sobbing while Hale growled lowly at my father, snapping his mouth at Dominic as he tied him up. Derek eyed the pyre he and Elliot built around them, the majority of it behind them so they would burn up last–so they could feel the flames coming and know that their death was very near. He nodded to me then jumped off the balcony with Elliot and ran towards the fighting.

My father back handed him then snatched his chin and forced Hale to look directly into his eyes. "No one is saying 'Hale King,' anymore. No one is enslaving anyone anymore. No King's will behave as monsters anymore. You die here. Your seed dies here, and you will meet a fate that I am envious I do not get to see on the other side. Say hello to Chris for me, he has lovely plans for you."

Aurelia looked at me, tears running down her eyes as the smoke started to thicken while the flames crept closer to the balcony. I shook my head and stepped closer to Ethan. "Everything comes with a price Aurelia, it is long past time you learned that."

Ethan growled in agreement then pulled out some dust from his pocket. My father turned around and eyed the fighting below. His skin rippling as his beast crept closer. He sucked in a breath as the breeze rushed over us; the breeze carrying the smell of smoke, burnt sugar, and blood.

"Want to go kill some more witches sunshine?"

I smiled as I looked at the fighting that was dwindling down as the wolves and witches that poofed in caught sight of Aurelia and Hale. Dagny, Bernard, and Susie were all waiting below, the forcefield shattering, with fireballs in their hands.

"Let's go," I replied as my father nodded to us.

"Come on, otherwise Levi is going to have all the fun," my father said with a mischievous smile before my mother threw down some dust.

Ethan kissed my forehead as I gave Aurelia one last glance–her green eyes meeting mine before they blinked hard in defeat. She was done.

He threw down the dust, pulling us away from the balcony and onto the other side of the forcefield that was falling down–pieces of it breaking off and hitting the ground–shattering like ice. I heard Levi roar out and smiled; turning around, Susie, Bernard, and Dagny all threw the fire balls towards the balcony. The balls dropped right behind Aurelia and Hale, lading on the pyre that Derek had built of all the things she tried to fill that empty pack house with.

The flames erupted with their cries. I turned with Ethan and marched on as our men continued to kill off any wolf or witch that tried to oppose us. Levi and Eve were tearing into another wolf; Levi rammed into a wolf in his fur while Eve sailed forward like a lightening bolt of bright red as she went for the wolves neck.

Caden and Jaxon holding a wolf down for Andrea, letting her pound into it while around five our their warriors stood around her and kept watch. Even pregnant she couldn't keep her ass away from a battlefield.

Ethan smiled and took my hand pulling towards Lucas and Jane. I lunged into my fur, landing on all fours as he did the same. My parents jogged to us in their fur as well.

Together we tore out and cut down wolf after witch after wolf. Bernard and Susie were zapping one after the other while Dagny sat on a branch with Vincent and froze people so when they fell, they would crumble like gravel on the ground.

Derek was tearing into a man's chest while Elliot tore into a man's throat as Alistair sat on a branch of a tree with Alex and Helen; they were sipping champagne, watching the sight below. My father eyed Alex who shrugged. "I already had my fun!"

My father rolled his eyes as Dominic zipped up to us while Evie sat up from ripping a man's throat out–Barrett handing her a handkerchief to wipe her face off with. We looked around, the witches dwindling and the wolves falling until there were none left.

I shifted back as Levi ran towards us with a smile on his face. He walked straight to me and pulled me into a hug, letting his beast nuzzle my hair before he kissed it. "Well Hadrian, that's a nice little fire you all built," he said as Eve hugged Ethan.

My father looked back as I did, Hale and Aurelia's pained moans filled the air as the fire licked at their skin–melting it and peeling it away. We may be supernatural beings, but we were not invincible.

"Anyone left?"

Levi looked around and nodded as Jaxon walked up to us with Andrea on his arm. "Some witches. I told David to send them to our cells. We can let Barrett and Evie walk around in their brains. I want to know where the hell they came from."

"Clawfoot's pack?" my father asked.

"Already overrun by the Quickfoot's and the surrounding allies. Blaire and Issach have been busy," Talia said as she and Ajax walked up to us. We originally were going to poof in Issach's men, but after the success we had raiding the other packs, we decided it wasn't needed. That and Issach got word of threats on his pack, he needed to protect them and we weren't going to hold him back from that.

Talia hugged me and rubbed her cheek against mine. "I liked the tongue thing."

"That was pretty great little sister," Evan said as he walked towards us with Lyanna, Lyanna's white blonde hair stained with crimson.

"Good, where the hell is–"

"Hadrian!" Micah called out as he walked to us with the heads of witches in his hands. "I got us some decoration for the pack line!" he said with a smile like he was a kid on Christmas morning as he held the heads up.

My father let out a sharp laugh and eyed the heads. "Only six?"

"Nah, we got more. Not sure, but I thought they would look nice," Micah answered as Cora and Jake trotted up with heads in their hands too.

Jake eyed Micah and laughed. "I definitely won this game. My heads are way uglier than your's Micah."

"Uglier?" Lucas asked as he and Jane walked up.

Jake nodded. "We played a game to see who could get the ugliest and let's be honest, these bastards are damn ugly," he said, holding up his heads to show us.

"Lines are secure Ethan!" Ryder called out as he and Remi jogged forward.

"Same for our pack Levi," Remi said with a nod before he leaned over to kiss some blood off of the corner of Ryder's mouth.

"Well shit," Levi sighed out as he eyed the fire. "I think it's time for a drink."

Ajax laughed as Deryl walked up with Angeline who walked straight to me and hugged me. "I think so too."

"Caden!" Jaxon called out as Andrea walked over to me, hugging me to her with Angeline.

"I'm literally standing next to you, Jesus Jaxon!" Caden groaned out.

Jaxon rolled his eyes. "Get some of our guys and surround this place. Make sure it doesn't catch anything else on fire."

"How are the other packs?" Ethan asked.

"Burnt down," David answered. "Anything without a moon plant in front of it is gone. We have some men stationed in each pack right now. I think it's best that we leave them there for a few days–or until we can sort out whether any of you are taking their land or if they have some wolves that want to step up."

"Lander, let's get some of our men around this house too. I don't want anything spooky happening," Levi said.

"Ryder, have some of our trackers running routes around it," Ethan said before he let out a long sigh.

"Well, we've got a couple kegs at our place," Evan said, eyeing everyone as he bit his lip.

Lucas's eyes widened in excitement. "We can bring some over. Our pack house is still being renovated."

"Big A and I have got plenty of wine, that she can't drink, so that means all of us can drink it," Caden replied.

Levi rolled his eyes while my father pulled my mother to his side. "Fine, let's have a party."

"Did someone say party?!" Dagny called out from the trees. She was sitting with Vincent, her neck covered in red marks in the shape of lips from where Vincent had kissed her while Bernard and Susie sat next to them–drinking from a flash while their foxes cuddled up next to Alice. "I love parties! "


Guys, it ain't over till I say it's over. So stay tuned for more chapters to come! We still have some unfinished business.

Love you all!

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