Chapter 65: Real Damn Glad

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"Sweet thing we are totally getting this for our kid," Jaxon said as he held up an onsie that looked like a shark. The hood of the onesie was like the shark's mouth with little teeth around the edge so it looked like the shark was eating the baby.

Andrea eyed it and nodded with an excited smile to him. "I do like that. Can we get the t-rex one too?"

'There's a t-rex one?" Jaxon rushed out, his eyes wide like a kid in a candy store. Really we were just in Babies-R-Us shopping, but for Jaxon, it was like a playground. He insisted on getting things for their male, but Andrea was not too keen on letting him, not until they had an ultrasound at least.

"So," my mother said. "Can I tell your father?" she asked while I turned a corner with her as Jaxon drug Lyanna and Andrea around the store.

"No," I replied with a smile. "I want to surprise him and Levi. It would be a good Christmas surprise. I think Lyanna wants to surprise Lander and Claire too."

"I'm going to be a grandma," my mother sighed out. "What should we have it call me?" she asked while we looked at little yellow onesies that had my beast smiling like a damn sap–we were a damn sap now.

"What do you want them to call you?" I asked as we turned around corner full of strollers that more or less looked like they could also be transformers.

"Hmmm," she hummed. "Well, I could be just, grandma?"

"You're not just grandma mom, you need a hip grandma name," I replied as we turned another corner and walked down an aisle full of things that made my lips break into a grin. "Oh my God, we need all of this!"

My mom almost squealed. She reached for a mug that said, 'Pawpaw Bear' while the other mug said, 'Nana Bear.' "Sweetheart, we have to get these."

"Do you want to be Nana then?" I asked as I eyed the other grandparent themed things in the section we were in.

My mother shook her head then reached for a mug with gold lettering on it that said, 'Mimi.' "I think I'm a Mimi."

"What about the other mugs?" I asked with a smile as my beast just rolled in the happiness that we were in.

"Levi and Eve of course. I think Nana fits Eve," she said as she put the mugs in our cart along with some other baby things she had gotten. I eyed her, a little surprised by what she said. She just sighed as she picked up the cup that matched her's, it said 'Grandpa,' in gold lettering as well. "Sweetheart, Levi is just as much a parent to you as we have been. That man saved your life and taught you how to live again. I don't think your father and I will ever be able to thank him enough. Besides, I personally would be disappointed if he and Eve weren't official grandparents, your father and Levi get along too well at times."

"You mean they drive you an Eve up the wall," I laughed out as my heart swelled. I let out a long sigh as my mother pushed some hair behind my ear. "Ok Mimi, let's shop."

She grinned then walked with me while we piled the cart with other things. I got Levi a long sleeve shirt that said, 'Professional Pawpaw," a shirt that said, 'Bad Ass Nana' on the pocket for Eve, a big picture made of lots of smaller ones for them that they could fill with pictures, and I got them a baby bag for when Ethan and I needed to let the baby have some 'grandparent time'.

My mother loved every minute of it. We got my father a long sleeve shirt that read, 'Grandpa is King of This Castle,' which my mother got a huge kick out of. We also got her some little odds and ends like pictures frames and we got my father a box of diapers for when the baby went to visit them up in the mountains.

I didn't want to buy too many things for the baby yet, mostly because I had no idea what it was and I wanted to wait; but my mother didn't care, she got little socks, hates, a few onesies, and a blue teddy bear for the baby.

When we were done, Jaxon just looked at all our bags and started laughing. He linked Caden and told him to make room in their pack house where we could keep it away from the boys and he promised to help us try to keep the boys busy so they wouldn't have time to smell the pups on us.


There was a pup in my belly. My beast and I still couldn't believe it. We poofed back to the house, a house that I immediately started to scrutinize–we needed to start baby proofing it. Ethan wasn't home, thankfully. He was over at Jake's, talking with him and Ryder about our patrols and how to re-route them since the snow made things a little more difficult; and I was glad, I was so elated still that I knew if he caught me at home that he would be onto me.

I was too happy. My wolf and I were too happy. So we decided to watch a really sad movie, hoping it would help offset things for me.

When Ethan walked in, I was sobbing over Marley and Me, which just made him bite back a laugh. "Baby, really?"

"It's sad you ass!" I said as he walked to me and kissed me.

"How about we watch something else?"

"Ok," I replied as I wiped my eyes. "How was Jake?"

"Good," he replied as he walked to the kitchen. "Tired of the snow."

"Aren't we all," I grumbled as I searched through our Netflix list for something to watch.

"Are you hungry?" he called from the kitchen.

"No, we ate literally all day at Andrea's," I said, laughing nervously as my beast paced back and forth–we were determined to surprise him for Christmas.


I froze. Shit.

I bit my lip and leaned back against the couch. "Baby, we've been day drinking all day. If I have any more I'll just pass out, water would be better," I said.

Ethan was quiet and for a minute I thought I was busted. I knew I was busted. My beast was groaning in the back of my mine. "Well we wouldn't want that," he said as he walked around to me.

"Oh?" I asked, praying that I was in the clear.

He leaned down to kiss me, letting his lips linger on mine. "I have plans for you sunshine," he breathed out huskily. "And they don't involve you passing out."

My beast let out a long breath of relief. I leaned up and kissed him, pulling him down to me with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too baby," he replied before he crawled behind me and pulled me to his chest, distracting me with kisses so I didn't notice him stealing the remote.


"Baby, if you choose we are going to end up watching one of those dumb scary movies."

"They are not dumb!" I eyed him, a playful scowl on my face.

He rolled his eyes. "Sunshine we could kill most of those bad guys in under ten minutes. Besides, we need to catch up on that detective thing–"

"True Detective?"

"Ya, that show is sick," Ethan replied. "We're watching that."

I sighed and leaned against him. My beast purring with contentment while our male pulled us closer to him–the father of our pup; a smile on my lips because Ethan was going to shit himself Christmas morning.

Which, keeping things from him over Christmas were near impossible. Thank God for Jaxon; he had Ethan coming to Lusa more than once that week with Evan because he had, 'weird things on the border' that he wanted Ethan to look at. Caden got a huge kick out of it, he said Ethan was close to killing Jaxon–but Jaxon said that he didn't give a shit. Pissing Ethan off, like they were brothers from another mother, was Jaxon's favorite pasttime.

Derek and Elliot came in a few days before Christmas. We were going to be all going to Lander's this year, but Derek and Elliot were staying with us. Dominic and Lizzie were coming too, as were my mother and father. Needless to say, by the time Christmas Eve rolled around, we had a damn house full. A house full–but we couldn't have asked for more. Barrett and Evie came down too, but they were staying with Evan and Lyanna–which Evie didn't mind. She and Barrett wanted to talk to Aaron anyways while they were here and offer to take him with them if he still wanted to leave the pack.

Ethan had been sneaking around the last week, I knew he was hiding my presents from me; my beast and I just laughed. I knew that our present would win this year–too bad I didn't know what we were having yet.

Ethan was gone to help Evan and Jake work on some of the hot water heaters at the dorms while Derek, Elliot, and I baked Christmas cookies with Dominic and Lizzie. Dominic and I were decorating them; Dominic decorated one of the snowmen like Aurelia just so he could bite her head off.

"Eggnog Char?" Elliot asked.

"No I'm good," I replied while I stenciled little buttons on the snowman.

"Coffee?" Derek said, as he nudged his chin to the pot.

"I'm fine, thank you, though," I replied with a little laugh.

Dominic eyed me. "What time are your parents coming in tonight?"

"I think dad said around dinner time. I know he and mom were doing a little Christmas party with their pack today," I replied as I put my finished cookie on a plate.

"So no coffee or wine Char?" Derek pressed again.

My eyes flickered up to meet his. "Yes, I'm fine Derek really."

"Tell me," Lizzie said. "Tell me or I'll make you. You know I can."

"Tell you what?" I replied innocently while I picked up another cookie and put it on the wax paper in front of me so I could start decorating it.

The vampires all eyed me with a mix of pointed amusement. Dominic cocked his head. "Charlotte," he said, causing my case to flicker to his eyes that were already dilating. "What are you hiding from us?"

Inwardly I cursed his name a thousand times over. "I'm pregnant."


"No shit?!"

"I'm going to be an uncle!"

"Oh my god!" Evie squealed. "I'm going to be an Aunt! Queen B we have a little niece or nephew!"

"Congratulations Charlotte," Barrett said as Dominic stared at me with his mouth open.

Lizzie was hugging me while Derek zipped to me and crushed both of us in his arms. Groaning, I just laughed while Dominic smiled at me as Elliot let out a happy sigh. "I knew it! I knew it!" Lizzie said. "Dom, didn't I tell you something was off?"

"You did," Dominic said as we walked over to me, hugging me to him and kissing my crown.

"You can't tell Ethan or my dad. I'm surprising them tomorrow," I told them with a stern gaze.

"So they don't know?" Elliot asked as he zipped over to me to hug me.

"No," I quickly replied. "Lyanna, Andrea, Jaxon, mom, and I went to Sam's the day that we had a 'girls day,' to buy pregancy tests because Sam was out and with the snow–anyways, we found out then. Do you think Ethan knows?"

"I don't think so," Evie said as she hugged me again.

"I agree," Elliot added. "Honestly, the only reason Lizzie thought you were was because you didn't have mimosas with us this morning and just now you didn't want either. It's not like you."

"But do you think Ethan's noticed?" I asked nervously.

Barrett wiggled his head back and forth. "I don't know, but I can check during dinner?"

"Really?" I rushed out.

Barrett nodded. "Really, shouldn't be hard."

"Good, I just really want to surprise him," I sighed out.

"Oh my God Queen B! We have to go baby shopping!" Evie squealed.

"What are you going to name it?" Lizzie asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea. It depends on what it is."

"You could be having twins," Dominic mused with a sly grin.

I sighed because my wolf loved that idea, but two babies–two babies at one time was a lot. Regardless, I was going to be happy with whatever the moon gave us. Ethan was going to be elated as well, twins or not.

"I could–either way keep your damn mouths shut! Ethan cannot know, got it?"

"Our lips are sealed," Derek said with a grin before he side. "I'm so excited–Elliot, we're going to be the best uncles."

"We are already the best uncles babe," Elliot added with a smirk.

Dominic rolled his eyes and looked at me as he got another cookie to decorate. "It's alright Charlotte, we don't have to ruin their fun. We know who the baby's favorite is already."

"Me obviously," Barrett laughed out.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure it will love you all equally."

"Bullshit, we're going shopping tomorrow babe," Elliot said with a sly grin.

The room broke out into laughter while Derek checked on the lasagna he was making for our Christmas Eve dinner. "So how's Alex?" I asked.

"Surprisingly chipper," Barrett said.

"He's behaving, so is Steven, that's more than we can ask for," Dominic said.

"Only because Dominic threatened to make Alex eat his own dick if he tried anything," Barrett shot back with an approving smug smile.

Dominic just looked up at me innocently and shrugged. "Someone has to keep him in line."

Lizzie pulled me into another hug. "I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to meet them."

"Me too," I sighed out, my eyes looking at my stomach with a ghost smile on my lips.

"So August?" Elliot asked.

I nodded. "After I tell Ethan we'll go see Sam, but around then is when the baby should be here."

"God, we need to shop," Derek said matter of factly. "Oh, Elliot! You should make a crib!"

"Oh, Elliot he's right!" Evie said with big eyes. "It would be so lovely."

Elliot nodded in agreement. "I think we could make it a nice little crib. We can look into it after this damn snow melts off."

Dominic winked at me as we went back to decorating the cookies. The vampires all throwing in name suggestions–Dominic inserting his own in multiple times.

My parents got back right as Ethan walked in the door–covering in snow like some kind of snowman gone wrong. My mother hugged me while Barrett eyed Ethan with Evie. Ethan waved to everyone then ran upstairs to change out of the pants Dagny had enchanted for him, and to get to snow off, leaving us down stairs.

Barrett watched him the looked at me with a wink. "Doesn't know. Sounds like Jaxon's been keeping him busy."

I let out a relieved smile and bit back a grin. "Thanks, Queen B."

"That's Uncle Queen B now," Barrett replied with a cheeky smile.

"Hey baby girl," my father said as he hugged me. "Merry Christmas!"

"It's our first Christmas together," my mother said with a sappy smile.

My father sighed and nodded. "It is."

"How was Micah?" I asked.

"Tired of the snow," my father laughed out. "But good. We did white elephant with the pack and Micah ended up with these Christmas lights made out of shotgun shells that he loves–Frieda hates them so I assume they are going in his office."

"Oh hey, Da–Ethan!" Lizzie said, her cheek flushing as I scowled at her.

Ethan eyed her then walked to me and kissed me quickly. "What did I miss today?"

"Oh, nothing. Charlotte finished off a pitcher of mimosas, danced on the table, then ran naked through the snow," Dominic said casually. "It was quite the time."

My father rolled his eyes while we all laughed. "I always knew you were a sucker for mimosas," my father teased.

"Not as much as you idiot," Dominic shot back before he looked at me. "One time I put Everclear in the mimosas and your father–"

"And nothing," my dad injected. "Let's eat?"

Derek barked out a laugh and nodded. "It's ready. Grab a plate everyone!"

"Wine babe?"

I shook my head. "I may or may not have had mimosas all day. Maybe after dinner, I need to eat something other than Christmas cookies."

Ethan chuckled then kissed my temple. "Did you run nake–"

"No," I injected. "Dominic wanted me to come with him but I said no."

Dominic eyed me while I smiled smugly at him. "Sneeze," he said as his eyes dilated, drawing an aggressive sneeze from my lips.

"Not funny Dom!"

He shrugged. "Sucks to not have compulsion," he sang out while my father rolled his eyes.

"Dad, did you and mom find your room?"

He nodded. "We did baby girl, thank you," he said before he kissed my cheek.

"I'll get you a plate sunshine," Ethan said, winking at me before he walked around to stand in line for the lasagna Derek was dishing out.

"We can poof to Jaxon's after everyone is asleep and bring it here to wrap," my mother whispered to me.

"The vampires know. Ethan doesn't. Barrett just checked," I replied back.

"Perfect," she said with a grin.

"Hey, Jaxon?"

I felt something stir until something familiar popped into my brain. "Merry Christmas Char! We're still at Lander's tomorrow right?"

"Right," I replied. "Hey, is it ok if my mom and I poof in the get my stuff? We're going to wrap it all when everyone is asleep."

"Ya it's in my office, do you know where that is?"

"I think I remember," I replied.

"Does he know?"

"No, Barrett just dream walked."

Jaxon chuckled. "Good, I'm glad you're doing it tomorrow. I don't know if I can get Ethan to run out to my line in all this snow again."

"Me too, I thought I could smell it this morning. He will soon too. Thank you."

"Of course, Merry Christmas Charlotte."

"Merry Christmas Jaxon," I replied as Ethan carried a plate back to me.

We finished the three pans of lasagna Derek made then drank hot chocolate out by our Christmas tree while we watched 'A Christmas Story.' The whole time I was trying to keep calm. Barrett assured me multiple times that Ethan had no idea, but I was so worried he would find out.

Luckily for me, he passed out after about ten minutes of being in bed. Inwardly I thanked Jaxon over and over again for making him run out to his pack today to 'check on some of the cured rogues,' that Jaxon had taken in, which according to Jaxon was an 'urgent matter.' Ethan was irritated beyond belief, but inwardly I thanked Jaxon a thousand times over.

My other and I snuck down to our living room and poofed to Jaxon's then poofed back with our arms full of presents. For hours we laughed and wrapped presents; my mother telling me funny stories of when she was pregnant. Apparently, my father turned into the biggest hypochondriac–he was always afraid because my mother was still human that she was going to get sick and die. A cold? Ya, according to dad she was definitely going to die from that.

Eventually, we finished wrapping things. I set aside Levi and Eve's gifts in a corner of the tree. We had stockings hanging for both Ethan and I, as well as the vampires and my parents. Although, my father earlier had replaced Dominic's with one of his socks just to piss Dominic off.

I crawled back in bed with Ethan, who was sleeping soundly–peacefully. He pulled me to him and buried his nose in my neck. Smiling, I curled into him, and let sleep pull me away, but my sleep was restless. I was so damn excited that I barely could sleep. I felt Ethan get out of bed at some point and come back and hour later; he had poofed somewhere and I assumed it was to go get presents he had hidden somewhere.

Eventually. I was awake and pacing in our closet with a box in my hand. A box I had wrapped last night for him.

"Baby?" I turned and walked to the bed where Ethan was rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "Merry Christmas sunshine," he said groggily.

I bit my lip then let out a nervous breath before I kissed him quickly. "Merry Christmas Ethan."

He leaned back and eyed me. "What's wrong? Tell me?"

I nodded and hopped on the bed then handed him a box. A long rectangular box wrapped in blue paper with white snowflakes and an oversized red bow stuck to it. "Open it."


I let out another breath and leaned back, looking at the box in his hand as my beast paced excitedly. "Please? Open it? Open it now?"

"This better not be a bomb," he chuckled out as he pulled the bow off. "Ok hold on, if we're doing this up here..." he jumped off the bed and dashed out of our bedroom in his boxers and down the stairs. Leaving me with the box.

The box.

I was looking at it like it was a damn bomb. Groaning as I rubbed my face, I heard Ethan try to run as quietly as he could up the stairs until he was gently closing the bedroom door with an excited smile on his face. He walked back to the bed and jumped up then handed me a small-ish square box. "Open it."

"You open your's!" I replied back.

"Ladies first sunshine."

"Ethan you already started to open it..."

"Come on sunshine, please?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I breathed out as I tore through the red paper with a white bow on it as he watched with amused eyes.

Soon my fingers were pulling out a velvet box. A velvet box that had my beast cocking her head. I flipped the box open and my mouth dropped. It was a ring. A simple gold ring with small ruby's inlaid in it and chain looped through it.

"Ethan is this–"

"Well we got 'married' and I waned to give you one, and I thought if I got a chain then you wouldn't have to worry about it when you shifted and I–"

I was kissing him before he could finish. He groaned and pulled me to him, my beast purring as we held the box in our hand. "I love it, thank you," I replied before I kissed him again.

I leaned back, an excited smile on my face as I carefully took it out of the box and slipped the chain over my head. My fingers toying with the ring and sliding it on for size as my beast purred in contentment, but there were still butterflies in our belly. "Ok your turn. Open it now."

"Bossy," he laughed out as he finished opening up his box while I bit my lip.

My fingers were toying with the ring, my eyes admiring the rubies that I adored. Rubies were my favorite. I was watching Ethan from under my lashes as well, holding my breath while he tore the paper off of the box.

He tossed the paper aside then pulled open the lid to find the stick. The first pregnancy test I had taken. I smiled as he looked up at the lid, I had drawn a little key on there so he could tell what the two lines meant.

The stick.

After I decided to tell him on Christmas I knew this is how I wanted to tell him. I had to hide the stick at Jaxon's, and I threatened Jaxon within an inch of his life if anything were to happen to it.

The stick.

Ethan picked it up; his eyes going between it and the box while a smile broke out on my face. "Sunshine?"


He sucked in a breath and looked at me with wide eyes. "Really?"

I nodded. My eyes were watering as my beast howled out in delight. "Really."

"Oh my God!" he leaned back, pants coming out of his mouth as a grin tore over his lips. "I'm going to be a dad?!"

"Yes baby," I laughed out before he lunged towards me, tackling me to the bed and kissing me all over my face.

"Holy shit sunshine," he said before he started laughing. His eyes smiling at me as he looked down at me. "We're going to be parents?!"

"Yes Ethan," I said, my eyes watering some more.

He dipped down to kiss me, lips still smiling before he pulled my shirt up so he could press his nose to my stomach. He sniffed and sniffed until he froze. He froze and his eyes grew wider before he looked at me. "Baby..."

I shrugged innocently before Ethan just shook his head and placed a long kiss to my belly. "How long? How long have you known?" he asked before he kissed my belly again.

"Not long, maybe a week or so. That day we had a 'girls' day, we really poofed to Sam's to get pregnancy tests because our Sam was out. Jaxon's been helping, he's been trying to keep you busy so you wouldn't notice."

"We?" Ethan asked with a cocked brow.

"Lyanna too," I replied as his brows raised more.

"I knew Jaxon was up to something," he said as he shook his head then kissed my belly again. "I love you and I love our babies."


"Twins, I have a feeling about it," he mused as he eyed my stomach.


He shrugged while I wiped some of the wetness out off of my cheek. Tears of happiness, a happiness I never thought I would have. Ethan smiled then crawled up, dipping down to kiss me while his hand rested on my stomach. His lips slowly devoured mine, moving lazily while his fingers drew small circles over my belly.

"Wake up! It's Christmas!" Derek yelled out from behind our door.

Ethan groaned and eyed me. "Do they–"

"Yes, Dominic compelled me to tell him yesterday," I grumbled. "But my dad and Levi do not. So don't say anything, it's part of their Christmas present from us."

"So that's what you and your mother were doing last night..."

"You knew?"

"I knew you were up, but not why sunshine," he replied before he nipped at my neck. "I love you. I'm so happy Charlotte."

"Me too Ethan, I love you too."

We eventually got up and got dressed. Ethan was thrilled. I could barely get dressed because he was too busy smelling my stomach, his beast growling in approval. He swore it was twins; considering he had no idea until now, I wasn't too sure whether that was just his wishful thinking or not.

Derek was making hot chocolate in a onesie that matched Elliot's when we got downstairs. I hugged my mother, who smiled wide when I told her that Ethan knew. Dad was talking next to Dominic, and I just couldn't keep waiting.

"Can we do presents? Please?" I asked, the excitement filling in my belly again as I eyed my father.

Dominic smiled and nodded. "Hadrian?"

"Let's go baby girl," he said with a tired smile as he sipped his coffee.

We walked into the living room and I immediately ran to our tree and got my dad's box out. Lizzie was zipping around with Elliot and dishing out presents as well. I sat next to Ethan who placed a long kiss to my neck.

"Ok, go!" Derek said as he sat next to Elliot.

I waited. I watched my father unwrap his box and tear the lid off. He pulled out the mug and the shirt and eyed them curiously before recognition hit. "What?!"

I laughed and nodded to him. "I think Grandpa suits you best."

He let out a sharp breath as a grin tore at his lips. "Willa–"

"Oh I know dear, I'm Mimi."

"Baby girl!" he walked over to me and hugged me tight to me. "We're going to be grandparents," he said to my mother.

"We are," she replied as she walked over to hug Ethan.

My father hugged Ethan too then eyed my belly. "Can you smell it?"

Ethan nodded. "It's faint, but I think twins."

"We don't know that," I added in.

"I know," Ethan replied as my father's grin widened.

"Twins Willa!"

"Dad we don't know!"

"We know sunshine."

I just groaned and sunk back on the couch. Ethan just laughed and kissed me again before Derek looked up at me with a wide grin. I got him an apron when we were out that said, 'World's Best Uncle.' "I knew it!"

"Whatever," Dominic snickered out as he looked at the watch that Ethan and I got him. The watch as well as the baby sling that was bright yellow. "What is this?"

"That is when the baby has to stay with Uncle Dom," I said with a smile.

Dominic eyed it then nodded. "You're going to have to get another."

"Told you sunshine!"

"We don't know!"

Ethan nipped at my neck while we unwrapped the rest of our presents. Elliot and Derek got us this nice pots and pans set for the house as well as plane tickets to come see them at their other coven house in Denver. Dominic and Lizzie gave Ethan and I the key to his apartment in Anchorage for when we wanted to get away; Dominic also gave me framed copies of all the photos he had of me when I was a baby–before Leo wiped everyone's memories.

I almost started crying. There was a photo of me as a baby sleeping on Levi's chest while Eve smiled in the background. I hugged Dominic as Willa smiled with weepy eyes at their gift. Dominic had a framed photo of the three of us the day after my mother gave birth to me; my father was sitting next to my mother who was holding me with a smile on her face in their bedroom.

Evie gave me more clothes then I could count then promised to take Ethan and I on a shopping vacation which both Ethan and I still were not sure about. My mother and father gave Ethan and I keys to a cabin–the same cabin we stayed in when I brought Ethan back. It was apparently our little home away from home when we came to see them.

My father was elated though. He wanted to wear the shirt I got him, but I told him that he had to wait until after Levi knew. That was a surprise that I was set on not spoiling.

Lander was wearing a tacky Christmas sweater that matched Claire's; he walked outside in the snow, a cup in the shape of a moose in his hand, filled with eggnog, while the little bells on the felt antlers he wore shook as he walked to us. "Merry Christmas ya heathens!"

"Merry Christmas Lander," I replied with a smile as I walked into his hug.

Claire jogged out to hug my mother as Derek and Elliot carried two large pans of sides that they had made. Ethan grabbed the pan of sweet potatoes that I had mate–well, that Dominic helped me make, and carried them inside where Levi and Eve were laughing up a storm with David and Lucas.

Lyanna eyed me with Jane. She rushed to me and rubbed her cheek against mine while Evan hugged Ethan. "Merry Christmas brother."

Ethan winked at Lyanna then pulled her to him. "Merry Christmas little sister," Evan told me as I hugged him.

I smiled at him and pushed some of his hair back that was falling out of his small pony tail. "Congratulations Ev."

Evan's grin widened. "You too little sister, Ethan said twins?"

"We don't know!"

Evan rolled his eyes as I hugged Jane. "Merry Christmas Jane."

She rubbed her cheek against mine while Levi hugged my dad. I released her and walked over to him; Levi smiled at me and hugged me to him, nuzzling my hair with a warm smile. "Merry Christmas Charlie girl."

"Merry Christmas," I replied. "I like your sweater," I told him while I hugged Eve.

He nodded as he eyed the green Grinch sweater that Derek had gotten him the Christmas before last. "It's a damn good sweater."

"I think so too," Eve replied.

"Can we do presents now?!" Lucas called out before he jogged to me and hugged me. "Merry Christmas sis."

"No, where's David and Bowie?" Levi asked as my father took a seat on the couch caddy corner to Levi and Eve.

"Here asshole!" David called out as Penny ran past David with Lyle in tow. Bowie walked in with his mate Amelia as well as Remi and Ryder–both wearing matching red sweaters that had a picture of a Ralphie from a Christmas Story with little letters stitched above him that read, 'You'll Shoot Your Eye Out."

I snorted at the irony.

"Ok, let's do this!" Lander called out.

Andrea walked over to me, pulling Jaxon with her who just grinned at Ethan as I as they sat down on the couch next to me. "Merry Christmas Ethan," Jaxon said with a sly smile.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "I hate you."


"Really Jaxon?"

Jaxon just threw his hands up. "Really bro? Come on, you would have done the same."

"Done what?" Eve asked.

"Nothing," I waved her off. "Open your presents!"

"That's right, we've got to fry a turkey after this!" Lander said with a goofy smile, the eggnog starting to take a toll on him.

"You mean I am frying a damn turkey after this. Our luck you'll burn the whole pack down," Levi said while Eve just chuckled next to him.

Levi reached for our present first. Ethan smiled as I leaned back to watch him, my heart beating faster and my teeth biting at my bottom lip. It was forest green paper with little white trees all over it and an absurd amount of bows that Levi grumbled about. Soon, Levi was tossing the lid off of the box and pulling out a mug. "The hell is this?"

"Oh my God," Eve breathed out as she held out a shirt.

Levi eyed the mug then dug out another shirt and held it up, his eyes looking at the words before they widened. "Charlie girl?"

"Yes?" I replied as I bit back a smile.

Both Levi and Eve looked at Ethan and I at the same time, their mouths almost open while Ethan put an arm around my waist. "Shit, really?" Levi breathed out.

"Yes you asshole!" I replied with a laugh.

"Holy shit!" Lander said as he jumped up. He was eying a long sleeve shirt before he looked at Lyanna and Evan with a goofy grin. "Shit Claire, we're going to be grandparents!"

Levi looked at Lyanna and Evan then back to me. "Well holy shit Charlie girl!" he was laughed as he walked over to hug me again, nuzzling my hair while he looked down at my belly. "Can you smell it?"

"Twins," Ethan said confidently.

"We don't know!" I shot out.

"Charlotte too?!" Lander called out.

"Yes," my mother replied. "Twins."

"We don't know!"

Lander rolled his eyes while Claire smelled at Lyanna's belly. "I got this, everyone just hold your shit," Lander said as he marched over to me.

"Lander, the hell–"

"Brother, I've got this," Lander said before he quickly knelt down and smelled at my stomach. Ethan was fighting back a laugh–Jaxon was laughing his ass off while Eve just rolled her eyes.

"Dammit Lander! You cannot! You said that every time Claire got her–"

"Ethan's right, twins," Lander said before he stood up and hugged me. "Congratulations girly."

"Lander..." I eyed Ethan who just shrugged innocently.

Eve hugged me next and kissed my cheek. "I'm so excited! I'm Nana! Levi! I'm a Nana!"

Levi nodded as he sipped his eggnog while Lucas hugged me next. "I'm so going to uncle the shit out of this."

"Lucas," I grumbled.

"What?! Someone has to properly corrupt them," Lucas said before he kissed my forehead.

Jane just rolled her eyes and rubbed her cheek against mine. "Do you really think it's twins?"

"Ethan had no idea until today, so we'll see," I replied, eyeing Ethan playfully while Remi and Ryder walked over.

"Ok, let us handle this," Ryder said, eying my stomach seriously while Remi furrowed his brows in concentration. Bowie just shook his head while Amelia rolled her eyes. "We are trackers after all."

"I'm getting more eggnog," Amelia laughed out.

"That's fair brother!" Evan called out while he hugged David.

"Fine!" I tossed my hands up in defeat as both Remi and Ryder knelt down and smelled my stomach.

Bowie just started to laugh his ass off as they both were quiet with concentration. "Idiots," he chuckled out.

Amelia was hugging Ethan and eyeing the boys. "Bowie smelled Remi on me two days after. Knew it was a boy too."

Bowie scoffed out a laugh. "Obviously. I'm not an amateur babe."

"Well, not at that at least," Amelia replied cheekily, making Bowie slightly flush.

Remi let out a deep breath and looked at Ryder. "What do you think Ry?"

"I dunno Rem."

"I think it's a good thing there's two of us Ry," Remi said before he and Ryder looked at me with amused grins.

"Definitely twins Ghostrider," Ryder replied; Ethan high-fived Jaxon while Andrea just groaned before she cooed at the little onesie with 'alpha-in-training' stitched on it from Lander and Claire.

My mother just shrugged at me. "I lucked out. You ate your twin in the womb sweetheart."


"Kidding Charlotte," she replied before she burst into laughter with my father.

Levi just smiled as he dug through all the 'grandparent' themed things in the box that we got him. "This is a damn good Christmas."

"I would say so brother," Lander replied as Claire rushed over to hug me.

"I'm definitely adding the mug to my collection," Levi said as he eyed it, a soft smile on his lips.

Penelope had already petitioned that we name our babies after her and Lyle if it was a boy and a girl. Lyle agreed. He told Ethan that Lyle was a 'really good name for wolves that weren't wimps.'

Levi, Lander, and my father properly deep fried the turkey–with Derek's supervision. Dominic wasn't so sure. He was mostly concerned they would burn the house down.

We ate and drank and ate and drank until finally, I told Ethan he was going to have to roll me home. Eventually, I walked outside where Levi was sipping on some coffee on his own. I sat down next to him, nudging him playfully with a smile.

He pulled the blanket off of his shoulders and draped it over mine then kissed my temple. "You're gonna be a mama Charlie girl."

"I know," I breathed out. "It's so surreal."

He chuckled into his mug, taking a long sip before he nodded. "It will feel like that for a while."

"Did you ever think we'd get here?"

"No," he replied honestly. "If you asked me if I'd be here three or four years ago I would have told you to try some different LSD."

I bit back a laugh and looked inside. Lucas was talking with Lyle, teasing him; they had been going back and forth with each other all night. "Lucas seems to be doing well."

"He is. He's strong. I'm going to have to watch my ass sooner than I'd like."

"So you'll give it to him?"

"I'm not giving it to him girly, he's got to fight for it like you did," Levi said before he took another sip of his coffee. "But he can, and he will. I see it in his eyes. It was supposed to be his before–"

"He's natural at it Levi, even Ethan said so," I added in.

Levi nodded. "Ethan is too, still needs some shaping up. It's not his fault. When he took that pack neither you or him realized the can of worms you were opening, but I think your daddy has some plans for him that I'm going to be dragging Lucas to as well."

I rolled my eyes. "Will you take them bear hunting next year."

Levi nodded. "Would have gone last year, but wouldn't have felt right with you gone Charlie girl."

I felt my heart swell as I eyed him. "I may not be able to go this year. I'm going to be really pregnant you know?"

"Twins," Levi laughed out. "Damn right, you've got a two for one."

"We don't–" I was cut off as Levi leaned over and sniffed at my belly. He held his nose there as his beast came closer, eying and taking in the scent before he leaned back with his lips quirking into a grin. "Well?"

"I could smell Lucas, clear as day about seven days after Eve's heat–Lydia too. It took a few more days longer with her. I knew it was a girl though, a strong one too." I eyed him as he cocked his head, looking at my belly as he smiled at me. "Twins, two boys. Strong boys Charlie girl. You're going to have your hands full."

"Twins?" I gasped out. "Boys?"

Levi nodded. "Yup, two little asses for me to beat around one day."

"Levi, you can't–"

"I know Charlie girl. I know the smell of pups. In a week or so you'll smell it. They're strong girly. There won't be a question much longer. They'll make themselves known."

"Shit," I breathed out as I leaned back on my elbows.

Levi nodded and smiled at me. "Welcome to being a parent Charlie girl." I chuckled while he looked back into the room, eying my father who was laughing with David and Bowie. "Your daddy's a good man Charlie girl. He's going to do well on those mountains."

"You're still my dad too, Levi," I told him, smiling softly.

He sighed and pulled me to him then kissed my temple again. "Still my damn pup. My pup that's having pups," he said more to himself, surprise in his voice.

"Aren't you glad you didn't kill me that day?"

Levi barked out a laugh. "Yup," he replied, popping the 'p.' "Real damn glad Charlie girl."

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