Epilogue Part II

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"Oh, my sweet Caroline–"

"Bum, bum, bum!" the boys all sang out with Elliot. It was a habit that Elliot had taught them since Caroline was born. Eventually, Ethan and I told them that they didn't have to sing the song every time we said Caroline's name which more or less turned into Ethan giving them a limit of once a day.

Levi rolled his eyes and caught Caroline then swung her up into his arms, hugging her while the boys all ran over to him. "Did you miss me girly?"

"Course Pawpaw," she replied with a smile while she hugged Levi's neck, letting him nuzzle her with a soft smile.

"Pawpaw Levi!"

"We grew!"

"Pawpaw Levi, did you get a bear?"

"Pawpaw Levi can I go next year!"

"Alright you little shits, come here," Levi laughed out as he set Caroline down, letting the boys run to him as Eve scooped up Caroline before she hugged Cade. Levi hugged the twins and nuzzled their hair, his beast coming closer to see his grandpups, before he pulled Cade to him as well. "Well, I think you all may have grown," he mused before he looked up at me. "Well Charlie girl, are we too early?"

"Course not," I said as I waved him off while I walked over to him, hugging him while the twins hugged Eve.

"Any more episodes?" he asked.

"Charlie," I sighed out.

"Now Charlie boy, what got you worked up?" Levi asked as he looked over at Charlie, who Eve was nuzzling before she kissed the top of his head.

"These guys were picking on Roger, I–he didn't like it."

"Well," Levi sighed out. "How are these 'other' guys?"

Charlie was quiet as he looked at Chris who nodded to him before he looked back at Levi. "Behaved."

I groaned inwardly while a grin broke out on Levi's face. "Good," he replied quickly as Eve walked over to me and hugged me. "Were's Hadrian?"

"Should be here soon," I replied while I rubbed my cheek against Eve's. "Where's Lucas?"

"Coming," Levi said as he walked with the boys back into the kitchen. "They had to feed the baby before."

"Dad, can we go outside now?" Chris rushed out, his eyes showing more of a beast that was pacing with excitement. Levi chuckled and winked at Ethan before he dipped down and tossed Chris over his shoulder. "Dad!"

"Your fine son!" Ethan just laughed and walked after them while Charlie, Cade, and Caroline followed. Ethan reached down and grabbed Caroline, sitting her on his hip as he jogged after Levi while Chris flailed around like a fish.

"Dad! Charlie! Cade!"

"You're on your own brother," Charlie laughed out. "It's Pawpaw."

"That's right, and you two would do well to remember that," Levi replied, smiling teasingly at Charlie.

"Wine?" I asked Eve.

She laughed with a deep nod. "Please," she sighed out. "They're getting so big Charlie girl."

"Too quickly," Elliot added. "I swear they all grew too much while we were gone."

"They did," I replied while I picked up my glass on the counter and took a long sip, my eyes catching the sight of Lucas and Jane walking in; Lucas had baby Luke in his arms while Jane jogged to the door.

"Come in!" Derek said as he waved them in.

Jane rushed to me and hugged me while she rubbed her cheek against mine. "Sorry we're late."

"You're not late, you're just on time," Dominic answered with a wink.

"Where's Evan and his litter?" Jane asked.

"Should be here soon," I replied. "They're probably feeding those damn chickens."

"I hate those little assholes," Lucas grumbled as he walked over to me and hugged me while baby Luke looked at me with bright silver eyes and a smile with a mess of white blonde hair on his head that curled into perfect wispy little curls. "Hey sis."

"Hey, you," I replied before I looked at Luke. "And hey you, you got big," I replied, tickling the bottom's of Luke's foot and causing him to squeal.

"Where are the boys?" Lucas asked.

"Outside, I can take him," Lizzie said with a smile.

"Thanks, Aunt Liz," Lucas replied as he guided Luke into her arms, nuzzling his baby one more time before he kissed his little head.

"Don't thank me, Luke loves Aunty Liz time," Lizzie said as she looked at the baby laughing in her arms. "Hmm? I'm the best Aunty ever, aren't I?"

Luke squealed and Lizzie just looked at Dominic who shook his head. "No."

"Please, Dom?"

"We're vampires, Lizzie."

"We could adopt?"

Dominic sighed then took a long sip of his wine. "Later," he replied before he zipped over to the baby and smiled at him. "You have gotten big haven't you little one?"

"He has," Jane sighed out. "They grow so fast."

"I know," I replied as I looked out to see the twins tackling Lucas down in the grass while Levi chased Cade and Caroline around. Lucas had grown over the years, everyday Ethan and I swore he looked more and more like Levi. He was getting so much stronger–bigger, his beast maturing at a rate that had Ethan and I wondering when Levi would be retiring.

"I can't believe they're shifting," Jane said while we watching them outside. Lucas had Cade over his shoulder and was running after the twins who were trying to tackle Ethan down, but Ethan more or less just picked them both up before they could do anything; he tossed Chris up in the air, high enough for Levi to catch him before Levi had him over his shoulder as well. Our boys were big, but my male could still toss them around like they were potato sacks–which the boys loved. Wrestling with Ethan and breaking furniture was their favorite pastime.

"I know," I said, a small nervous breath coming out of my mouth. We were ready for them to shift, but the thought of them having so much pain was almost unbearable.

"We're here!" Evan announced as he walked in the door. His hair tied in a tiny bun while Lyanna walked in with the girls running past her and to me.

"Aunt Charlotte!" Eloise said before she threw herself at me.

I was quick enough to put my wine down before I hugged her and nuzzled her hair. "The boys are outside girls if you want to go."

"Is uncle Levi here?" Elyanna asked while she hugged me. She hadn't shifted yet but she was close. She was born only a week after the boys, and already had been having episodes that had Evan fretting over her like a worked up hen.

I kissed her cheek and nodded. "So is your uncle Lucas."

"Mom can we go?" little Eleanor asked, she was a mess of strawberry blonde curls and eyes that were silver and light green.

All Evan's girls were that way. Elyanna, the oldest, had blonde hair like Lyanna's, but her eyes were this exotic color of silver green that made Evan confident that his females were the best-looking ones in our pack–in the same thought he immediately swore to kill any male that tried to come to close to their neck's.

Elouise was a year younger than Cade, but her hair was more coppery blonde, she looked almost just like Evan. Her eyes were more green than silver, but still–there was silver in her. Ethan, I wondered what color their wolves would be when they shifted, would they be black like the standard Thorne family wolves or a chocolatey brown like the Everette's?

"Yes, go give your Uncle Levi hell," Lyanna said with a playful wink. She hugged me as the girls bolted for the backyard and rubbed her cheek against mine. "I would have come earlier but one of the chickens broke let leg and Eleanor was so upset about it."

"Broke its leg?" Lizzie asked while Lyanna went to hug Jane.

"Yes," she groaned. "Eleanor made Evan put a damn splint on the damn thing."

I almost spit out my wine. "What?!"

She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Yes, apparently 'miss chicky the chicken' is in the chicken hospital,' also known as our bedroom where she is sitting on her fat chicken ass watching a movie because Elenore didn't want her to get bored."

Dominic barked out a laugh then started to walk with Elliot outside where the kids were all running around like heathens, chasing our men; the girls all tackled Ethan at once before Levi pulled one of them off and tossed her in the air–drawing a sharp squeal from her ears while Evan chased the twins around.

"We're here!" Andrea called out as she walked in with Jaxon and Jacob in tow.

Luke was starting to fuss in Lizzie's arms; Jane sighed and walked to her but Lizzie just shook her head. "I can feed him, Jane, go have a good time."

"Are you sure?" Jane asked as she eyed her pup.

"Course, where's the bottle?"

"I'll get it," Jane replied while Andrea walked to me and hugged me, rubbing her cheek against mine while Lyanna hugged Jaxon.

"Hello Jacob," I said with a warm smile as I looked over at Jacob who was eying the mess of kids outside. He was the spitting image of Jaxon–Jaxon junior is what Ethan nicknamed him; messy golden blonde hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes–his eyes were more like Andrea's. He was built like Jaxon–almost like a boxer that was starting to come into himself, he would more now that he shifted.

He turned to me and walked over to hug me. "Hi Aunt Char," he breathed out before he looked at Andrea. "Mom, can I go outside?"

"Sure baby, go see if you can't wear Levi out," Andrea replied with a wink.

I shook my head then hugged Jaxon. "We're getting old Jaxon."

"Good thing we live like a gazillion years," Jaxon laughed out.

"Want something to drink?" Derek asked.

"Beer if you have it," Jaxon replied with a smile while I walked back to stand next to Andrea. "We brought some too. Caden is supposed to bring more wine–he's bringing Michael with him."

"Good," I replied with a smile. Caden, Andrea, Jane, and I were officially the 'wino moms' with the exception of Caden. Caden had gotten us all matching tumblers; plastic wine glasses with a lid on them for Christmas last year. The boys loved running around with Jacob and Michael, uncle Jaxon's was a running favorite place for them to stay at–of course, their favorite was a solid tie between Levi's and my parents.

"You ready?" Jaxon asked as Derek handing him a beer.

I shrugged. "I guess. Charlie almost shifted today, they've been so close–it's time."

"They'll be fine Charlotte, they're ready. Their wolves are so close that I'm surprised they haven't come out earlier," Jaxon replied before he took a sip of his beer.

Andrea just scoffed out a laugh. "Coming from the man who almost ripped Caden's head off when he tried to move Jacob over so he would have some more space to shift."

He waved her off then kissed Andrea's temple. "I better go outside sweet thing, it looks like Ethan and Levi need some help."

Andrea scoffed and pushed him away playfully. "Right, go have fun then dear."

"Males," Jane grumbled while Lyanna just shook her head into her wine glass.

We stayed in the kitchen and helped Derek get everything ready. Lyanna was putting chips and dips out while I helped Andrea make some of Derek's famous garlic bread in the oven. Ryder and Remi had arrived with Rosie and Roger–Rosie who Charlie immediately found. He pulled her and Roger outside, his eyes constantly watching after Roger like he was one of his own siblings.

Jake and Cora brought a cooler with pitchers full of margaritas. Jamie ran in jumped into Levi's arms–Levi was more or less the community grandad. Caden did poof in with Michael; Jaxon was pissed that he used the dust, but Caden had a cooler full of wine and was not about to 'drag this precious substance across the pack.'

Michael was older than the boys, about two years. He was the exact image of Caden; goofy with dark hair and a quick tongue that knew how to tease Jacob like his father teased Jaxon. He looked outside, eying Evan's girls as they ran from Lucas with smiles on their faces–his gaze particularly landing on Elouise. Michael could be shy though, especially around the she-wolves his age; Andrea and I wondered, it was something we had a feeling about–something Lyanna was starting to have an itch about.

Ajax, Talia, and Adam surprised us. Talia had her new baby, Talise on her hip. Deryl and Angeline wanted to come, but Angeline was due any day with their fourth pup, and Deryl didn't want to risk it. Adam was a few years older than my boys and was the spitting image of Ajax; but the boys still loved him, and they all got along so well that we decided our next family vacation we would have to take Ajax and his family with us.

"Honey!" my mother called as she and my father poofed in.

I turned and ran to hug her right as David, Penelope, Lyle, and Bowie walked in. "Hey mom!"

"Hey, baby girl," my father said as he walked to me. "Backyard?"

"Yes they've been out there running around for hours already," I replied with a laugh.

"Well, I have some catching up to do," my father replied before he jogged out of the kitchen and to the backyard were Andrea was chasing the twins around.

"Charlie," David said with a smile before he hugged me.

"Hey David, heard you two got a bear?" I said as I eyed Pen and Lyle–Lyle who looked just like Lander. Same goofy smile, same lean build, same silver eyes, and same white blonde hair that he wore longer–he had it tied back into a tiny ponytail that Levi hated. Ethan was sure that Levi was going to cut it off one of these days.

"Levi said it was bigger than your's aunt Char," Lyle said with a cheeky smile as he walked to my refrigerator where Bowie handed him a beer as he got one out for himself.

I rolled my eyes. "Sweetie," I sighed out. "How much did that bear beat your brain out there?"

Penelope barked out a laugh as she walked to me to hug me. She had grown so much; long ashy brown hair and hazel eyes full of green and amber. She had David's smile and was cut like a warrior, she was definitely the Master of Arm's daughter, in a way she reminded me a lot of Andrea. "Mine was pretty big Aunt Char."

"I'm proud of you Pen," I said as I rubbed my cheek against her's. "Lyle, where are your parents?"

"On their way," Lyle answered. "Dad should be here any minute actually."

I nodded then nudged my chin to the backyard. "They're all outside."

Lyle eyed then turned to look at Penelope. "I'm going to help Lucas," he said right as some of the boys tackled Lucas down together. 

Penelope barked out a laugh. "Right, you go do that," she said while Lyle rolled his eyes before he took off for the backyard.

"We're actually ready if you want to tell everyone to come eat," Derek said over his shoulder to me.

I nodded as my mother stepped to walk with Penelope and I. Lyle jogged around us and ran outside in time to catch Cade who was running for him with Roger. "He looks just like Lander."

"Did Lucas tell you?" Pen asked.

"Tell me what?" I replied.

Penelope smiled, it was soft and full of pride. "Lucas is going to make him his beta."

A smile tore over my lips. I had a feeling for a long time that he would. Lyle was a strong wolf, he was so like Lander that at times it was like someone cloned Lander. Lucas always got along with him and Lyle, even when he was younger, did well holding his own against Lucas. In a few years, he would be able to bite as hard as he could bark–he could be a good beta for Lucas. They already were close, Lucas had taken Lyle under his wing a long time ago and looked after him like he was his own brother.

"They'll be good together."

Penelope nodded in agreement. "They already are," she said before she pushed off the counter and headed towards the backyard.

"Where are you going?" I asked as my brow arched.

"To actually help Lucas," she replied over her shoulder, her lips twitching into a smirk.

"Mimi!" Caroline yelled out as she pulled Jacob over toward my mother. My eyes caught Andrea's who was watching the scene before she flickered them to my gaze, a knowing smile on her face that mirrored mine.

"Hello my sweet Caroline," my mother said as she bent down to hug my daughter, nuzzling her skin before she kissed her hair. "And hello Jacob, when are you coming to visit us?"

"Soon I hope," Jacob replied politely before he hugged my mother. Jaxon was sitting in the grass with Ethan while my father and Levi ran around with the twins at the bottom of the hill, tossing a football around with Remi and Ryder while David talked with Cora and Jake–Jamie sitting in Jake's lap and laughing at something David said. The rest of the kids were running down the hill to join my twins, a hill full of beatuiful wildflowers that Caroline and the boys would pick for me regularly.

I sighed and let Jacob walk with Caroline over to his mother who was waving him over, his eyes flickering to Caroline every now and then–his beast watching her protectively. I sighed. I had an itch about those two, and itch that grew stronger every time I saw them together.

"Alright! Come eat!" Derek called out.

It was like a stampede into the kitchen–a pack of hungry wolves. We all ate and drank until our bellies were full. The twins had scarfed their food down then pulled Ethan, Levi, and my father out to run around with them again. I just laughed while Jaxon, Jacob, Ajax, and Adam chased after them; this was bliss.

Soon Derek was carrying a large round cake out while Dominic and Lizzie carried the dozens of cupcakes out. Elliot had his phone out and was videoing the scene while we all sang happy birthday to my twins.

Ethan pulled me to sit in his lap after we cut and served all the cake. He took a long sip of his beer as we looked on where the boys were running with the other kids at the bottom of the hill. Levi had set up a game of 'capture the flag' and was explaining all the rules–all the kids almost jumping like they were filled with electricity, or what we parents knew as 'sugar.'

"Can you believe their thirteen?"

"No," I sighed out as I leaned back against Ethan. "Can you?"

"No," Ethan laughed out while Levi had everyone go to one of the four corners representing the four teams that he had set up–the four teams broken up by pack. He had a few extra people move around to other teams so they were pretty even, and he combined my father and Ajax's pack so they would have enough people– a sight that made me laugh, Ajax was already fist pounding my father. "Has your mother?"

"Not yet," I replied.

"Yes," he replied before he kissed my shoulder, his hand moving across my belly and pulling me back so I was pressed against his chest. "I think Jacob is Caroline's mate."

"Baby, I've been telling you that for years!"

"Well," he mused. "I think you may be right sunshine."

"He's older than her though," I mused.

Ethan shrugged before he nipped at my earlobe playfully. "Baby, they're going to live hundreds of years. I don't think a few years between them will make a difference. Although, well, he and I are going to have to have a chat. Many chats."

I rolled my eyes. "Be nice." I turned to narrow my eyes playfully at him. His eyes just flickered to my lips, a little smile on his before he leaned in and kissed me quickly.

"It's our daughter sunshine, he doesn't get to put a mark on her neck that easily."

"Well obviously," I almost scoffed out.  "What about Charlie?"

Ethan let out a long sigh as he looked at Charlie who was standing with Rosie and Roger. "I think there may be something there too," he said, eying them a little more before he rested his chin on my shoulder. "He thinks so–and I'm leaning hard in that direction."

I turned to kiss his jaw then looked back at the group before Levi waved us down. "Get your asses up!"

Ethan nipped at my shoulder. "Come on sunshine, let's remind everyone whose pack is the best."

I smiled and jogged down the hill with him, the vampires taking spots in the corners while Levi shook his head at us as Lander passed out flags. "Ready to get your ass beat?"

I rolled my eyes while Ethan jogged over to our boys. "Just mind your corner Levi."

"Alright! No fur!" Lander called out as Claire ran to me and hugged me.

"Sorry we're so late. We got–a little busy," she replied with a blush.

I shook my head with a laugh. "You're fine," I said as I rubbed my cheek against her's. "Just glad you got here in time to lose."

"I don't think so Charlie girl," she replied deviously before she ran to where the Tiaknni pack was standing.

I rolled my eyes then ran back to our pack. Jacob had Caroline piggy backed on him over in the Lusa corner with Caden, Michael, Andrea, and Elliot. Ethan eyed them and shook his head before he looked at Jaxon and threw his hands up. "My daughter? Really?"

"She's our hostage!" Jaxon laughed out as he looked over at Caroline and Jacob.

"Am not uncle Jaxon!" Caroline called out before she tore herself away from Jacob then ran almost frantically to Ethan. "I'm on your team daddy. I don't want to lose," she rushed out.

Ethan barked out a laugh then dipped town to nuzzle her hair. "That's a good choice sweet girl. We just like to let uncle Jaxon think he can win, ok?"

"Ok," she replied, quickly nodding her head as her curls bounced like little springs.

"Mom!" Chris called out as he ran to me. "Mom, what's the plan?"

I sighed as Charlie ran to stand next to me with Rosie beside him as Cade eyed the other corners. "Ethan?"

A mischevious smile broke out onto Ethan's lips. "We take out team Lusa first, got it? Half you stay here and guard the flag, and so help me if Tikanni gets our damn flag!"

"They won't," Ryder replied before he kissed Remi's cheek. "We've got a plan. Cade! Rose and Roger, come here kids."

Cade jogged over with Rosie and Roger as my twins looked at Ethan while I held Caroline's hand. "Dad?" they asked in unison.

"Ok boys, you know how uncle Jaxon can't tell you apart half the time?" Ethan whispered to them.

"Dad he can never tell us apart," Charlie replied with Chris nodded with a smug smile in agreement, his eyes churning as he eyed his dad–recognition setting in while it spread to Charlie.

Ethan grinned deviously. "Good. Take off your shirts and distract them. Where are the girls?"

"Here uncle Ethan!" Elyanna said as Evan ran with his three girls over to stand with us while Lyanna watched from the side where Jane was feeding Luke from a bottle with Lizzie.

"Ok girls, get the flag. Evan and I will take Caden out–Jake and Cora you need to distract Andrea–"

"We've got that, Ethan," Cora said casually, waving Ethan off before she winked at me.

"Let's get coordinate with R and R," Jake rushed out. R and R. It was Jake's nickname for Remi and Ryder when he talked about them in the same conversation. He said that it was easier than saying both their names all the time, and he liked how much it irritated Ryder. "Jamie baby, are you going to stay with Caroline?"

Jamie nodded quickly then took Caroline's hand. "We'll help Alpha Ethan."

Ethan chuckled then looked up at Jake and Cora. "Alright, just keep Andrea busy."

Cora smirked. "Sounds good Alpha," she said with a wink. Cora had turned into quite the female, a female that made our season males shiver when she walked past them–mostly because she had put a beating on all of them that reminded them who their Mistress of Arms was when they got too cocky. Usually, Jamie sat on the side with Cora and cheered for her mother while Jake just watched with a proud smile, his female had come such a long way.

"Alright ready!" Lander called out from the Tikanni Corner.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Charlie asked.

I winked at him and cracked my neck. "Getting what we're really after."

"Which is?" Chris asked.

"Just keep Jaxon busy son, mom's going to get us a flag," Ethan replied before he winked at me.

"Set!" Lander called out again as he looked around. The grass quiet as eyes were looking out at the enemy corner, I eyed Ajax's flag. I knew Tikanni would come for us and Ajax and my father would use that as an opportunity to sneak over and get Tikanni's flag; little did they know that I was slowly creeping up so we could deliver a swift defeat. We had to capture all the flags to win, a game that usually ended up with Levi and Ethan pulling someone apart for someone else. Needless to say, we loved it. "Go!"

Jaxon really couldn't tell my boys apart; Andrea almost killed him, she was so pissed that they lost. While it looked like our pack was going after Lusa, I snug over and stole my father's flag while Adam wasn't looking. Then Ethan and I went after Tikanni's while Levi was busy with Caden and Michael.

Levi was pissed and insisted we going another few rounds, mostly so they could deliver their vengeance on us. He won one round and my father won another. We played capture the flag until it was dark then we bought everyone in for presents. The boys got all kinds of things; everything from clothes to a nice fur blanket that Levi had cured for them. Our warriors stopped by later as well, they ran around with the boys until we were not sure who was more tired at the end of it.

The party went on for hours until finally people started to leave; I was more happy than I let on, mostly because I knew my boys needed to rest before they shifted tomorrow.

Ethan was exhausted when he crawled into bed. He was laughing the whole time about who was tougher to keep up with–our children or a bear?

That night it stormed and it stormed hard. I got up quickly, ready for Caroline or one of the others to wake; when she didn't come into our room, my beast and I started to slightly worry. That is until I found her in Cade's room. She was curled up in bed next to him while he snoozed soundly; I swear that kid could sleep through anything.

Smiling, I crawled back in bed to Ethan who immediately pulled me to him. "She in Cade's room?"

"Mhmm," I hummed as I nuzzled into his chest.

Ethan's chest vibrated, and soon as I flipped onto my back with blue-green eyes staring down at me. "I guess that means I get you all to myself."

"You already get me all to yourself Ethan," I replied as he dipped down to kiss at my neck. "Baby, the twins are going to smell–"

"I put a basket of those rocks at our door sunshine," he replied with a satisfied smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "You're full of surprises tonight."

"Oh sunshine, you have no idea," he replied deviously before he dipped down to kiss me, his growls covered by the thunder outside.

The next morning Ethan woke up early to make blobs for everyone. I eventually followed, the smell of coffee drawing me out of bed. He walked to me with a soft smile on his lips then dipped down to kiss me after I stepped into the kitchen. "Morning sunshine."

"Morning," I replied before I kissed him again. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," he replied. "I had a dream about Eli and my dad."

"And?" I asked, leaning against the counter as I eyed him.

"They boys will shift before midnight. Three hours max, maybe less," he replied. "Dad was sure of it."

"Really?" I leaned back and let out a long breath.

Ethan nodded and handed me a cup of coffee. "Dad thinks they'll be a little darker than me, but identical."

I sipped my coffee and soaked in his words as he kissed my temple before he went back to making blobs. "Was that it?"

"No," he sighed out.

"Tell me, Ethan," I said as I walked closer to him, tilting my head to look at him.

He shrugged. "It's what we already know, Chris is our alpha pup. Dad said I was going to have to watch my ass around him. Charlie is strong–he's damn strong, but Chris is–"

"I know," I breathed out. I did know. Chris was born first, two minutes before his brother. He wasn't necessarily stronger than Charlie; Chris was strong in ways that Charlie was not and vice versa. Both of them complimented each other, played off of each other, leaned on one another–but there was something about Chris. Something in the way he carried himself or the way his beast would look at me at times, it was like he even knew. My boys reeked of alphas males, all my children reeked of alpha blood–but there was something about the way my Chris' blood hummed. I couldn't really put my finger on it, but I just knew.

"We're lucky. We have four strong pups, any of them capable of taking this pack one day."

"We do," Ethan replied with a nod. "We've got a nice little mini herd of kids sunshine."

I laughed and kissed the corner of his mouth. "We do."

Levi soon emerged with Eve from one of our downstairs bedrooms. We had added on two that were down a new hall perpendicular from the kitchen–two rooms we would probably move the twins into.

"Morning Charlie girl," Levi said before he kissed my hair.

My father emerged with my mother soon, a big grin on his face that had me quickly looking at my mother who nodded to me. "So dad, do you think I'll have a little brother or sister?"

My father chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "Twins, I think."

"What?" I rushed out as my mother smiled. "Really?"

"I think he's right sweetie," my mother replied while my father turned to get some coffee.

Levi nodded in approval. "Twins aren't so bad," he replied cheekily.

Eve just rolled her eyes then walked to hug my mother. "So April?"

"Around then, yes," my mother said with a sigh, her cheeks flushing as my father walked back to nuzzle her neck.

"Mom!" Cade called out as he ran down the stairs with Caroline behind him. "Yes! Dad made blobs!"

I laughed as I hugged Cade to me, rubbing my cheek against his before I pulled Caroline to me. Cade smiled then jogged to my father. "Morning Grandpa, morning Pawpaw," he said to Levi while my father kissed his hair.

"Cade, you sleep good?" Levi asked.

He nodded quickly. "Yup."

"Morning Nana," Caroline said with a yawn as she hugged Eve.

Eve just laughed then picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Morning Sweet Caroline. Do you want something to drink?"

"Juice?" she asked.

Eve smiled and kissed her cheek again then walked over to the island and set her down on a stool next to Levi. "Orange?"

"Yes please Nana," Caroline said as she rubbed her eyes. "Morning Pawpaw Levi."

"Want some coffee Caroline?"

"No!" she rushed out, her little face turning into a grimace. "Grandpa said it would give me chest hair."

Levi bit back a laugh. "That's not a bad thing Caroline," he teased.

"Yes it is! I don't want to be gross and hairy," she said her eyes filling with disdain as she looked at the black coffee in Levi's cup.

Levi laughed then kissed her hair. "Alright, Orange juice it is."

"Morning sweetheart," Ethan said as he walked over to kiss Caroline's hair. "Are your other brothers up?"

"I don't know daddy," she said with a yawn, leaning against him while he hugged her to him. Her eyes still heavy with a desire to sleep. "Cade woke me up, he smelled blobs."

"Sorry!" Cade rushed out innocently.

My father chuckled and winked at him. "Blobs are a good reason to wake up Cade."

"I'll get them," I said, setting my coffee down and headed back up the stairs where my twins were both still nestled in their beds. Smiling, I quietly walked over and sat on the edge of Chris' bed then shook his leg gently. "Chris, wake up sweetie."

He groaned as Charlie pulled the covers over his head. "What time is it?"

"Time to get up, dad made blobs," I told him as he slowly blinked his stormy blue-green eyes awake.

"Blobs?" Charlie sprung up, his eyes still sleepy and hair sticking out in every direction. I laughed and walked to him, hugging him to me while I smoothed his hair out. "Did Cade eat them all?" he asked, his beast coming closer, eying me so closely that it almost took my breath away. His beast was a bold pup, but so was Charlie.

"No baby," I replied as my beast came closer so she could nuzzle her pup, coating him with her scent and taking in his. Her pups that she adored. My wolf loved nothing more than her mate and these children, and she was more than excited for her males to shift today. She had been giddy about it all week.

"Now come on, you too Chris. Everyone's already up." Chris swung his legs around then slowly stood up. He walked over to me and hugged me, letting my nuzzle him as well while Charlie got up. "Did you two have a fun time yesterday?"

"Yes," they both breathed out in unison. Charlie yawned again, while Chris stretched his arms out.

"Mom, is uncle Derek staying?" Chris asked.

"Yes, they're staying at their cabin with uncle Dom and Lizzie," I replied before I wrapped my arm around Chris' shoulder while my other hand took Charlie's and pulled them out. "How do they feel?"

"Ready," Chris breathed out. "He was itching all night."

"Mine too," Charlie added, drawing a smile to my lips.


"Yes, Chris?"

"Was grandpa's dad's name Hamish?"

I paused and looked at Chris, my heart slightly fluttering. "His grandfather was Hamish, why?"

"I think I had a dream about him and some guy named Leeland," he replied, smoothing his hair out as we walked down the stairs. "Who's Leeland?"

"Pawpaw's grandfather," I replied almost breathlessly as I poured the conversation, the memory of it to Ethan over the bond. "What happened?"

He shrugged. "Not much, they said hello. Hamish told me it would go quick, and Leeland told me give Pawpaw hell later."

I bit back a laugh, letting the conversation flow through he bond as well. Ethan was staring at me with wide eyes as I walked in the kitchen with the boys. Levi smiled. "Well, bout time you two little shits got up."

"Morning Pawpaw" Charlie said while my mother hugged Chris.

"Morning Mimi, morning Grandpa," Chris said before he kissed Caroline's cheek. "Caroline, did you eat all the bacon?"

"No," she replied as Levi slid her another piece off of his place. "Want one?" she asked, offering a piece of bacon to Chris.

"Nah sis, I'll get my own," Chris said right as Charlie leaned down to take a bite out of the bacon.

Caroline squealed before Charlie kissed her cheek. "Gotta get faster sis."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Ethan has he flipped another pancake before he turned to hug Chris while my father nuzzled Charlie. "Morning Dad."

"How does he feel?" Ethan asked, his beast coming closer to check on his pup.

"Ready," Chris replied before he yawned.

"Morning Dad," Charlie echoed before he walked over to hug Ethan.

"And you?" Ethan asked as he looked at our son, almost the spitting image of his father–both of them looked so like Ethan, especially when I looked at photos of Ethan when he was younger.

"Ready, we've been itching all morning."

"It's so annoying," Chris groaned as he scratched at his neck.

Levi's smiled widened while Eve just rolled her eyes. "Well Charlie boy, welcome to the world of having Thorne blood in you."

"We itch?" Charlie asked with wide eyes.

"You have no idea," Ethan breathed out, shaking his head before he took a long sip of his coffee.

"It's a damn good thing," Levi said, eyeing Ethan before he looked at Charlie. "It's usually trying to tell you something."

"Like what?" Charlie asked as he walked to sit on a stool across from Levi, next to my mother who kissed his temple.

"Like danger, good things, bad things, things that could be coming," Levi replied. "Your mom itched like she had poison ivy all over her before she met your daddy. Drove me up the damn wall."

"Really?" Chris rushed out as he looked at me.

I sighed and nodded. "I did. I could feel it on my skin."

"So we're going to itch forever?" Charlie asked, slightly horrified.

"Pawpaw am I going to itch too?!" Caroline rushed out, her hand frozen as it held the bacon that was on its way to her mouth.

Ethan sighed then looked at Levi who just shrugged innocently. "Well, probably sweetheart, but it's not a bad thing."

"Dad, do you itch? Does everyone itch?" Chris asked as he pulled a chair up from the kitchen table to sit on, eying Ethan with wide eyes and a beast that was already pacing back and forth. A beast that was looking out at us with eyes that were filled with an electric energy.

"No son, Everette's thankfully do not itch."

"We don't?" Chris asked.

Ethan shook his head with a ghost smile on his lips. "We get dreams."

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