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I walked inside the kitchen to cut some fruits for Luna, there was no one else except a maid preparing a plate of food.

I walked towards the basket of food placed at a side on the counter, picking up some apples and grapes I washed them in the sink and turned towards the maid, "Can you cut these fruits? Luna wants to have some."

"Uh? I'm so sorry princess but Queen Martha ordered me to prepare and send this to Prince Yeonjun's room as he didn't have the breakfast." The maid pointed towards the plate of food in front of her.

"I'll ask another maid to cut the fruits madam, please give me a second." She turned towards the exit but I held her hand stopping her.

"It's ready right?" I asked.

"Yes princess!" The maid answered.

"I'll take it to Yeonjun's room and you cut the fruits." I said politely smiling not trying to be rude.

"But prin--" The maid's words were cut off by Hwasa's, "It's ok I'll do it." I said before picking up the tray of food, making my way towards the exit.

As I was about to step out of a kitchen, Queen Martha came running and she almost bumped into me if I didn't move back in reflex.

"Easy Queen Martha, why are you in so much hurry?" I asked looking at her, she was huffing and her eyes were fixed on the tray in my hands. My eyebrows twitched in confusion as she slowly looked up at me.

"It's for Yeonjun?" She asked and I nodded in response.

"I'll take it to his room, give it to me!" She held the tray from her side trying to snatch it as I held it from the other side and that's when I noticed a small red bottle in her hand.

"It's not a big deal Queen Martha, I'll give him the breakfast." I said but her expressions changed into irritated ones.

"Just give it to me Hwasa, he's my son and it's my concern." With that, she snatched it away from my hands making me frown but I kept my composure, maintaining the respect I have for her.

"As you wish Queen Martha!" I slightly bowed my head down when that small red bottle caught my attention again but this time I think she felt my gaze.

She clutched the bottle tighter and turned around walking away from the kitchen and my gaze never leaving her hand. She glanced back at me after reaching a certain distance and I don't know why but...

If I'm not wrong I saw fear in her eyes?

It looked so suspicious. She's not being herself these days, even during the breakfast, she looked kinda spaced out.

She didn't look at Alpha while answering his question when he asked why Yeonjun was not there for the breakfast which is obviously doubtful.

There's something going on which I'm not aware of. I don't know why but I've a bad feeling about this. I hope there's no connection between my vision and this...




Sitting near the window of my room with a heavy heart and teary eyes I was looking at the moon in the sky beautifully shimmering with stars.

It's full moon night today and the moon is almost complete when a tear escaped from my eyes and I clenched my heart letting some more tears flow down wetting my cheeks.

"Don't cry Y/N, it won't make things better, but you'll be weak. Even I'm completely unaware of what's happening!" My wolf said to me but my tears just don't stop.

"I'm already weak coco! I don't know what's happening with me?" I paused, sobbing a little, "Why was I not able to do anything in front of Jungkook on the day of my birthday party back then?"


A girl beside me holding my right arm and lifting the dress from side as I did the same with the other side and walked downstairs step by step.

The tapping sound of my heels echoed in the hall room catching Father's attention as he said something while looking at me. It was inaudible since he was far, I smiled shyly 'cause I felt everybody's gaze fixated on me making me blush pink.

That's when I felt a different relaxing and sweet scent filling up my nostrils, The air was warm and there was a scent of meadow fresh mint with a pinch of cinnamon and lavender. I inhaled deeply before my eyes met two other brown ones.

As soon as I looked at him I felt a sudden unknown force pulling my eyes down. I tried to look up but it was like someone was holding my head down firmly.

Nothing was helping and that's when my wolf, Coco spoke abruptly catching my attention, "Y/N!"

"What?" I asked.

"He is our mate!" She said as my eyes widened in a daze, "What? Where's he?"

"The one you just met your eyes with." She answered making me frown once again, "But I'm not able to look at him again coco, I'm feeling a strange force pulling myself back!"

"What? How's that possible?" Coco asked.

"I don't know!" I gritted my teeth in frustration as I reached down when the girl left me with my family.

I was still feeling that guy's gaze on me but I couldn't do anything in return. Frustration and sadness filling me up.

"Here please, come." Father said directing everybody towards the royal table as we all seated down and I felt him taking a seat right in front of me.

"So Mr. Kim, introduce us! Your children are a little uncomfortable I see." Alpha Jeon said chuckling a little.

I don't know about anyone else but I was really uncomfortable and also tired of keeping this head of me down. It was like some ghost just sat on my shoulders while both of his hands on my head pushing it down.

"That's Kim Taehyung, future Alpha of this pack." Father introduced brother Taetae.

"Your Son And My mate is handsome, just like you Alpha." The girl grinned from ear to ear grabbing his arm and I felt happy for my brother.

"Congratulations Taehyung!" Father patted Taehyung's back.

"Alpha Even Jimin is cute!" I saw my piggy sister aka Joy pinching the blond boy and he looked embarrassed while the others laughed.

"Yoongi is cuter than all of you, like a little cat." Another blonde girl said abruptly and Yoongi choked on his food as the elders laughed heartedly.

I slightly laughed at Yoongi's cute frustrated and embarrassed face as well.

"I see, we got a lot of pairs here. What about you Jungkook?" Alpha Jeon asked looking towards the boy who's supposed to be my mate.

I suddenly felt a rush of oxygen in my blood as my heart started racing on the words of Alpha Jeon. I looked at Alpha Jeon who was looking at Jungkook. I tried shifting my gaze towards Jungkook but again it was of no help.

I sighed deeply before looking down at the plate of food in disappointment.

"Alpha Kim, Y/N turned 18 today right?" He asked father as he nodded in response and the next thing he did was...

"Princess, have you found your mate?" He asked making me panic inside, I tried to open my mouth to speak something in response but no words were coming out of my mouth.

It was like someone stitched my mouth, took out my voice box, or snatched away my voice from me. I closed my eyes clenching the spoon in my hand in defeat. And I stayed silent, as Father spoke on my place, I looked up at him by my side.

I don't know why but I felt as if his face was contoured in a different emotion, the emotions of guilt and sorrow.

"Not yet." That's all he said.


"Why was that coco? Aren't mates meant to be recognised by each other? To support and love each other in their hard times?" I talked to my mate sobbing hard on my tears.

"Y/N--" Coco tried to say something but I was filled up to the brim of emotions that I didn't let her speak and yelled while crying my eyes out.

"I'm sure Jungkook recognised me as his mate then why didn't he say something when Alpha Jeon asked him?"

"Why father had a sorrowous and guilty expression on his face when he replied to Jungkook in my place?"

"Why was I not able to utter a fucking single word in front of him!? Exactly why? Why me!?"

"Just why..." I cried running hands through my hair and clenching them in between my fingers. My heart was in so much pain. I was feeling handicapped.

"Calm down Y/N, please don't cry!" Coco cried along with me.

"I--" Suddenly the moon turned to its full phase and as the moonlight fell on me I felt a burning sensation on my whole body.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" I yelped in the unbearable burning pain.

"It's so burning! Drink water Y/N! Maybe that will help..." Coco said since she's my wolf and of course she'll experience the same pain.

I got up and walked towards the table beside my bed with stumbling steps while rubbing and scratching my body here and there.

I picked up the whole jar of water and gulped it down in one go but it didn't help, instead the pain increased making the jar fell down from my hands.

The pain was increasing in waves, small lulls giving false hope of an end. Each peak robs my ability to speak, sends me crashing to the bare boards.

It's as though my blood has become acid, intent of destroying me from the inside out. All I can do is writhe, the occasional whimper escaping to echo off the walls.

It is the sort of pain that burns as if some invisible flame were held against my skin. Suddenly the guards came rushing inside the room upon hearing the sound.

"Are you okay princess? Did someone break-in?" The guard asked and I was still burning in pain.

"Why aren't you saying, something princess? Should I call prince Taehyung or prince Yoongi?" Another guard asked when they didn't get any answer from me.

What should I say when I myself don't know what's happening to me?

The pain was almost making me unconscious but I somehow managed to say something.

"N-Nothing, Just my throat is a bit soar and t-the sound was...because the jar fell-fell down." I let out without facing them and breathed out as more tears flooded out of my eyes in the immense pain.

"Should we call the gamma, princess?" The guard asked again.

"No, I'm ok, just leave me alone please!" I replied trying to make my voice sound more stable but inside I was dying.

"As you wish princess!" And with that they left the room as I slumped down beside my bed crying and whimpering in pain silently, hugging my knees close to my chest.

"Why the hell is happening to me?"


There wasn't a number to express the questions she had...

But she was heedless of the truth...

Even of the fact that...

The thing she wished intimately...

God has started to carve the path to that destined destination...

Even if it was unconstructed...

But still destined to be hers...

The path filled with thorns of Truth, Lie, Greed, and Ambition...

Time started to take turns with her every question, every step...

The only thing left to be done was...

Digging the grave of those deep lethal secrets...


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