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The moon came out in its full form and as that happened Y/N started to feel that same burning pain. That same sensation, she felt on the last full moon night once again.

“It's happening again Y/N! That same burning pain!” Coco winced in pain.

“Ahhh!!” Y/N started rubbing and scratching her body out of pain.

“W-What's happening Y/N? Why are you scratching your own body?” Yibo anxiously asked while extending his arm to touch her but she shoved his hands away, running from there to downstairs.

“Y/N! Wait!”  Yibo shouted and ran after her as well.


Wobbling, Y/N somehow managed to walk downstairs, she fell down midway to her room and cried silently covering her mouth, not making any sound.

“Water Y/N! Drink water! Just please do something to end or at least reduce this pain!” Coco cried.

Then Y/N got up with stumbling steps and she was about to lose her balance once again but she held onto the wall for support and reached her room.

As soon as she went inside, her eyes roamed around here and there, finally landing on the jar of water as she ran towards it.

Hurriedly picking up the jar as some water spilled out, she started gulping down the water and that's when Yibo entered the room as well. He rushed towards her and saw her drinking down the water continuously. His worry was increasing second by second looking at this state of her.

“What's happening Y/N? Why are you behaving like this? Tell me I'll help!” Yibo yelled as now she was done emptying the jar and her eyes searching here and there for some more water.

“Y/N I'm talking to you!!” Yibo yelled once again.

“Ahhh!!! I'm burning!!!” Y/N winced in pain and ran towards the exit but Yibo ran after her in order to stop her. She was about to exit the room when Yibo swiftly grabbed her wrist stopping her as she rubbed her body with the other hand.

“Burning? What do you mean by burning? It's not like--” Yibo stopped in the mid of the sentence when his eyes landed on her neck.

A crescent moon...

A red crescent moon on her neck was glowing like it was burning. He lost his grip on her hands as she ran out of the room leaving him dumbfounded.

What was that? Why did I never notice the mark on her neck? And over that why was it glowing? What did she mean by she was burning?

These questions filled his mind as he got lost in the abyss of thoughts and finally came back to reality realising that Y/N's not there anymore. He rushed out of the room running in the corridor to find Y/N, he noticed the door of his room was open so he barged inside.

And as he entered his eyes widened to the extent like they're gonna pop out. His brain stutters for a moment. His eyes and his mouth were hanging wide open in an expression of stunned surprise. The view in front of her was shocking and heartbreaking as well.

Y/N was drinking alcohol…

"Y/NNNNN!!! THAT'S ALCOHOL! STOP!!" Yibo ran to stop her trying to grab her hand but she yanked him away, pushing him away, continuing to drink more and more.

"Y/N!! Tell me I'll help you but please stop, that's not good for you!!" His heart was beating rapidly looking at her helpless state, he was more than confused that what happened suddenly? He knew she's crazy and daring, but this wasn't her level.

"It's burning Coco!" Y/N was out of control as she drank so many jars of water nothing was working so she started drinking alcohol, her throat felt like tearing apart from the bitterness.

Her body was still burning but that amount of alcohol helped her mind to calm down, even if the pain was still there she felt a little at ease. But that doesn't last as long as she wanted.

"Listen Y/N Calm down, sit down. I'll call the healer!" He stepped forward grabbing her shoulders just to receive...


Yibo's eyes widened as he touched his stinging cheek. His mind stopped for a second realising he just got a damn slap from Y/N.

"Get out! Leave me alone!" Y/N cried out and started throwing whatever came in her view at him, Jars, ornaments, vases, glass, literally anything.

"Y/N! Okay, I'll leave! Stop, you'll get hurt as well!" Yibo was unable to understand what to do, whom to ask, he just ran out to find anyone.

Running through all the corridors he saw Luna was coming from the other side. She looked at him in worry fastening her pace.

"What happened Yibo? You're looking so pale! Is everything ok?" Luna looked at him turning him here and there as he clenched her hands with worry written all our his forehead.

"Luna! Y/N! She--Please come with me!" Yibo ran with Luna back to his room where Y/N had made a big mess.

"Oh my god! Y/N! What on the earth happened?" Luna grabbed Y/N's hand while she kept struggling in her grip.

"Stop rubbing and scratching yourself Y/N, your skin is so red it's almost bleedi--" Her eyes fell on her neck looking at the blazing crescent moon, her eyes widened realising what was happening.

"Yibo hold her, do not let her rub her skin like that, make her sit down, I'll be back! STAY RIGHT HERE BY HER SIDE!" With that Luna ran back to god knows where, while Yibo was trying to hold Y/N, being cautious about his own self too.

"Luna will help you Y/N! Calm Down!" Yibo tried assuring her while she kept struggling, "Please! Ahh! Leave! It's burning…" She struggled as her voice came out shaky and exhausted.

Yibo's eyes were stuck to her neck, looking at that blazing crescent moon on her neck, it was burning like red hot iron. His hand raised to touch that mark.

He was pushed back by a sudden force like the mark was screaming it's not him that it belongs to. Like it was a craving to tell the owner of her like it was guarding her, but more like it was in pain himself.

"What is going on?" Yibo mumbled to himself. He turned his face towards the door as he heard footsteps approaching them.

"A glass of water!" Luna commanded Yibo and settled beside Y/N. Tears wear streaming down Y/N's face uncontrollably, as Luna cried more looking at Y/N with pleading eyes. Y/N opened her balled fist and Luna placed some green leaves over it.

"Chew it and then swallow it, it's gonna be a little bitter but it will help--" Luna got cut off as Y/N started chewing it without even any force. Luna froze for a while.

"Here Luna!" Yibo called out making Luna come out of her trance, as he handed her the water, Y/N gulped it down in one go.

Soon her head felt dizzy and she lost consciousness, sleeping cozily in Luna's arms. Luna wiped her skin with a cold towel, to help heal the scars heal faster.

"Let her sleep here today, take care of her and if anything happens, call me right ahead! Okay?" Luna said getting up from the bed and Yibo nodded in response.

"Luna, what happened? Is there something serious?" Yibo asked as curiosity and anxiety were taking the best of him.

Luna cupped his face looking at him thankfully and assuringly, "Don't worry everything is gonna be alright!" With that, she stood up and stepped forward to get out.

Yibo's eyes were stuck to Luna as he was confused to the core. When he heard her mumbling, more like sobbings with mumbles…

“It's getting too far! We need to do something, My Y/N isn't the one to suffer…!"


Every limit of being unknown yet known was crossed...

There were a lot of questions...

That exactly what kind of secret they were hiding?

Even her soul was longing to meet that one person, that one man...

But probably the moon goddess was still not done with her tests yet...

What else was written in their interesting story?


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