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What can silence be? Just as with whiteness there is light, and blackness is a canvass for dreams, if there is a soul present, there is always something. And so as the quietness grows deeper and he hears his own steady rhythm from within, this is silence. The silence seeping through every pore of his body slow and steady.

Jimin laid his head on the headboard of the bed with his eyes closed and thoughts drown into the blackness of his mind. Nothing looks clear, everything's messed up.

One must remove a bullet from a wound and one must let the sadness come out, it hurts like hell because it is and he can't help but get angry. Being sad is the book of what hurts you and it takes courage to read pages inked in your own tears. The pages of his book, he has read till now are soaked with his tears now.

There are people who are responsible for this condition of him. And he still can't believe it was Mother Martha all the time. He clenched his fist recalling the scene that happened in the throne room. He was there, he saw it with his own eyes and heard it from his own ears.

It was Martha who snatched his father from him, his mother died because of her, his childhood was ruined, his happiness was taken away, he suffered because of her. Not just him but so many other people did.

But he still can't believe it was her. Though he wasn't as close with her as Jungkook was but still he knew about her motherly nature. She adored Jungkook a lot. He has seen her with him, feeding him, playing with him, bringing him to sleep. She even cared about the pack a lot, just like Luna.

Then how can she do that? How can she betray her own pack, her own family like that? Didn't she even hesitate once before doing it?

His chain of thoughts was cut off as he heard the sound of the door unlocking and a sweet melodic voice like cherry broke the silence of the room.

“Jiminie!” Joy called him lovingly walking to the bed and sitting beside Jimin who still had his eyes closed.

“What happened, baby? Are you sick?” She asked before reaching Jimin's forehead and placing her hand, checking his body temperature.

Jimin held her wrist pulling it down and wrapping his hands around her arm. He rested his head on her shoulder and Joy stroked his hair softly as he replied, “I'm okay. Let's stay like this for a while.” He said in a low voice as if he didn't get enough sleep.

Joy hummed in response and continued stroking his hair to make him feel better and relaxed. She knows, she knows what's bothering him. She knows that he's still not over Queen Martha's execution and the crimes she committed. Nobody is, not even she herself.

Nobody ever thought that Queen Martha can be the traitor and will betray the pack so badly. She was always so caring towards everyone. Joy is new in this pack and it hasn't been long she came here but she knows that everybody respected and loved Queen Martha a lot.

But who knows what a person is hiding behind his/her mask? After all, betrayal never comes from your enemies, it comes from our trusted ones.

And she knows what Jimin has gone through. First, he lost his father and then Mother. What can be more painful for a child than living without their parents forever? It's no less than a curse.

But thanks to Alpha and Luna who adopted Jimin and treated him like their own son. They never let him feel the emptiness of his parents. Almost everything close to Jimin is snatched away from him. A person like him doesn't deserve this. He deserves much much more.

She looked down to see his eyes closed and him sleeping soundly. He looked so peaceful and mesmerizing. She smiled and brought her hand down caressing it with her thumb as he stirred slightly beside her. Joy let out a light giggle at his cuteness.

“It's okay. I know it's hard for you but you won't be alone now. I'm with you and forever be.”

She put her head onto his, which was laying on her shoulder, thinking he's asleep but little did she know this Mochi was still awake and listening to all her talks.

Jimin smiled to himself feeling assured by her words and relaxed in her presence. He finally had someone to lean on and trust with all his might.

Joy, just like her name she's his happiness and he's never letting go of her...


His unconscious fell away as the bright sunlight entering from the window hit right onto his face making him scrunch up in reflex. As Yeonjun tried to open his eyes but the sudden kind of electric pain crawled up making him shut them together in an instant.

The world felt like spinning and he wanted to vomit. His head pounded, sharp and heavy. He rested his head in his hands and began to rub his temples trying hard to somehow ease that stinging pain. He was trying to massage away the headache, closing his eyes, fighting off nausea.

He felt like he woke up from a very long and deep slumber. All the memories of what happened before he fell asleep were blur. He just knew he was with his mother and she fed him from her own hands.

Trying, even through the pain, to remember what happened to him last night and how he ended up in this deep sleep and this throbbing headache, he got up.

“Ahhh, mother!” That was the first word that came out of his mouth as he dragged himself up from the bed.

“M-Mother!!!” He mumbled, still clenching his head. In the last memory, he was eating with her mother which was repeatedly going through his mind. After her mother fed him the dinner, he doesn't remember a thing.

“MOTHER!!!” He shouted as loudly as he could and hearing his voice the guards standing outside rushed inside.

“What happened prince? Are you okay?” The guard asked looking at his all messy state. He was holding his head in his hands, hairs all messed up, body wet in sweat, and face contoured in pain. The guards stepped closer worriedly when they saw his stumbling steps.

“Where's…my mother?” He asked looking up at the guards with weak eyes while their heads just hung low face contouring into sympathy and he was unable to decipher the reason behind it.

“I asked you something, didn't I?” His voice sounded slightly stern this time.

The low hanging heads of guards awakened a strange feeling inside him as his heart started beating at a rapid speed than usual for an unknown reason.

There was something amiss though he couldn't pinpoint exactly what's wrong and there was a pin-drop silence in the room for a while when the second guard opened his mouth.

“Prince, Queen Martha was--” His words got cut off as a knock was heard on the door.

The guards and Yeonjun turned to look at the door just to meet Tzuyu's eyes, she was standing there with an unreadable emotion on her face.

She went towards the nightstand and poured a glass of water and then continued her steps towards Yeonjun, handing him the glass of water she turned to look at the guards.

“You two can go. I'll tell him.” She said in monotone and the guards bowed and left right away.

"What happened?" Yeonjun asked with a low voice, his head still throbbing with unbearable pain.

She helped him sit on the edge of the bed and took the seat beside him. She kept ignoring his eyes as if she feared she'll break apart if they ever met hers.

"Noona, what do you want to tell me?" He asked again getting impatient looking at her silent figure.

"Mother Martha got executed…" She kept her head hung low and a tear rolled down her cheek.

The color drained from his face leaving him as white as a slice of bread, white as a ghost. He was rooted to the spot all frozen, his skin was clammy, cold sweat forming on his temples.

"W-hat are you t-talking about? Mother was right here with me before!" He was shaking and his tongue failed to form words multiple times, he stammered.

He was staring at her wide-eyed. He stood up stumbling edging backward, hands clenched making his knuckles turn white. Adrenaline rushed down his veins, he felt his heart was in his throat pounding inhumanly, he was too scared to comprehend what was going on.

"Jungkook did that to her?" He asked and something inside him stirred up, he felt like tearing everything. His fangs ached, he was holding back the urge to tear open Tzuyu's neck.

Hearing his words Tzuyu jerked her head up but as soon as her eyes met his eyes she gasped, his eyes were turning crimson. Her mind stuttered unable to understand what was happening.

She was getting up to help him but before she could, he turned into his wolf form and jumped out of the window, leaving her behind with her questions.

"Yeonjun! Wait! Listen!" She called for him but it was too late as already he left.



Authors : Watch before you proceed reading!


Wheein shrieked Jin's name as soon as her eyes fluttered open and she scanned here and there in her room trying to adjust to the surrounding.

But Jin wasn't there when she looked at her side...

“Oh my god, where are you?” She panicked by his absence. And the dream she had just now wasn't helping either.

Turning on the lights, she was about to get off her bed when there was a sound of the door opening. She looked towards the source of the voice only to see her mate coming inside with a jar of water in his hands.

“Why are you awake at this time? What happened?” Jin questioned looking at her awake in the middle of the night and the expression on her face was not good at all. It felt like she just woke up from a bad dream.

"Turn around!" She jumped out of the bed and started turning him here and there checking him out.

"What are you doing wheein? What's Wrong?" He asked and grabbed her hand to stop her. His head was already spinning from the way she was turning him.

"I dreamt that you got those huge white feathered angel wings." She looked at him with wide eyes and Jin chuckled.

"I know I care about you like an angel, But wings? Hahahaha." He laughed at her confused expression making her hit him on his chest.

"I know right, but what if that was a vision?" She asked looking uneasy just by the thought of her mate growing wings.

"You know that isn't possible right? Now come on let's sleep." He picked her up quickly and laid her down on the bed before laying down himself beside her. Wheein sighed and scooted closer, tugging at his warm figure.

"That's just a dream, he's too good but an angel? Nahh!"

She thought to herself before cuddling her handsome mate and getting back to sleep with his scent surrounding him relaxing her in just a moment of time.




Taehyung was laying on the bed and Solar was right beside him, his body was weak and his energy was all drained. And nothing better than his own mate's scent will be better for him to heal faster.

So that's why Solar was sitting beside Taehyung, he was hugging her waist, clinging closer and Solar didn't fear him. Why would she when he never harmed her or anyone else but he was in pain himself?

She was softly stroking his hair to help him relax and sleep but she fell asleep herself, she was tired and didn't get enough sleep yesterday.


“I never got what I wanted and I know who to blame!”

Lisa smirked as she poured a mysterious liquid from a blue bottle in a glass of juice and picked it up in her hands, a mischievous smile plastered on her lips.

“Rest in peace Y/N, my sweet little sister.”


Solar's eyes snapped open and she woke up gasping. It didn't take her time to realise that it wasn't a mere dream but a vision.

“Y-Y/N!” She mumbled hurriedly getting up from the bed and was about to run out of the room when a hand grabbed her wrist, halting her steps.

“What happened? You're still scared of me?” He asked weakly, blinking his eyes, “I'm not scared of you Tae, I never was.” She answered quickly.

“Then what is it?” He asked again still not wanting to let go as he examined her facial expressions and she looked afraid of something.

“I'll answer your each and every question but right now I've to go and save her!” With that she pulled her hands away and ran out of the room as fast as she could, afraid of anything bad happening to Y/N.

Taehyung just couldn't lay in the bed after seeing that state of Solar and wait for her to come back. He knew something was wrong. Gathering himself together he got up stumbling and went after Solar as well.


Y/N was sitting on her bed half tucked in her blanket when Solar reached her room, without even knocking, she rushed inside.

"You okay? Did you eat something? Feeling alright? Something happened?" Cupping Y/N's face Solar's eyes roamed here and there on her. Before Y/N could ask something they were cut off as someone called her name in a sweet melodious voice.

"Are you okay?" Lisa's face was stunned looking at how Solar was hovering over her. Solar stood up looking at her hand, her breath stuck inside looking at the same glass of juice from her vision.

"What happened?" With slow steps, he came inside followed by a concerned Luna. Surprise was evident at their features looking at Lisa's presence there.

"What happened, dear?" Luna asked patting Lisa's head with one hand while the other was supporting Taehyung.

"Nothing Luna, I just came to give this herbal juice to Y/N. Look at her, she's becoming so pale." She smiled warmly before approaching her.

But there was a hint of a feeling Solar was not able to decipher. Her eyes were stuck to the glass and her gaze lingered between the glass and Lisa's fingers.

"She's fine, no need!" She let out while hiding Y/N behind her back. She was unable to think of anything else to say at that moment and her instincts were saying something was wrong.

"Umm unnie? I don't think so. Look at my little sister, her eyes are looking so dull." Lisa said affectionately and this sudden change of behavior felt too suspicious to Solar.

From the very first day she stepped in Lockheart, she never even saw Lisa near anyone. Even when all of them were having fun, she kept herself away and now this much affection. Why?

"What's there in the glass?" She asked with a dark tone her eyes stuck to Lisa's each and every move.

"Solar is everything fine?" He could see the suspicion in her gaze towards Lisa.

Lisa opened her mouth to say something but her words never came out as Solar grabbed the glass from her hands, moving towards the daisy flower planted in the balcony.

Y/N kept staring at her back confused as to why she was reacting like that but the thing that happened after it drained the color of their faces.


Author :
Sorry for the late update guys! Forgive me enjoy the chapter💜

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