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"It's miraculous, Helena, isn't it?" a soft whisper came from behind them. A soft weak arm passed over Jin's hair and he shivered stepping closer to Taehyung.

"It's been centuries, Clarissa!" she caressed Taehyung's shoulder delicately like a mother patting her newborn child to sleep.

"Who is it?" Taehyung's grip tightened even more on Jin's hand and it was starting to hurt now. The fear inside them started to knot and them being unable to open their eyes was enough vulnerability.

"Your greatest maternal grandmothers, I never thought I'll ever see any of our descendants. It's such a pleasure to meet you!" she smiled placing her hands on their intertwined hands. Their veins glowed in her embrace and Jin shuddered feeling fire crawling inside him.

"What's this? And what are we even doing here?" Jin questioned.

"Your emotions and the situation broke the sealed bond, son," Helena answered placing her own hand over Clarissa's.

"These powers ignited in this era, within both of you for a reason my child. Moon goddess must've planned something. And holding your hands, I guess I know what's the reason," Clarissa looked at Helena and then raised her another hand tracing it over their eyes, their eyes opened slowly letting the light seep in.

They were standing in the middle of an ocean but their feet floated above the surface in the air, defying gravity. The sky had two colors, one side was blue and cloudy claiming peace and blessings, and the other yellow and red like hellfire.

Taehyung was standing with his back facing the burning side while Jin was the opposite, their hands intertwined together like an alliance binding right and wrong. Jin's eyes landed on Clarissa, her hair gray with a tint of golden brown on them, her face had wrinkles showing the struggle and experience life gave her, her eyes were ivory black, a red and black robe cuddling her thin body.

"Powers?" Jin asked getting impatient with his surroundings and the new faces surrounding him.

Taehyung blinked adjusting to the sudden light and gazed at Helena, the old lady had light blue eyes sparkling like crystals, clear like water. Her silver-gray hair draped over her shoulder fell down to cover the small of her back, in every way she spoke of serenity.

"Those d-devilish powers?" he stuttered suddenly fearing the answer coming his way. Jin adverted his gaze to meet his asking with his eyes to elaborate.

"Yes my child and his Angelic powers too," Helena smiled at Jin as if she saw herself in his features.

"Excuse me? What do you mean?" Jin narrowed his eyes eyeing them suspiciously but before he could even open his mouth Taehyung jerked his intertwined hand gaining his attention and nodded assuringly.

He wasn't assured himself but he needed answers for his struggles for sure, his own family feared him once and he never wanted that to happen once again. If there was something the old ladies could help him with, he was more than glad.

"Looking at the circumstances, you two are the only hope for our race," Clarissa began.

"You need to ignite your powers Jin, Taehyung will never be able to control himself without you," Helena added.

Taehyung's eyes widened and he looked down at their hands, they were glowing together—light coming out it, even the vein of their hands gleamed golden.

"I don't have any powers?" he said, more like questioned and Helena smiled, patting his shoulder.

"While Taehyung's power was visible enough for him to realise it, yours were mild enough to hide it. Your Angelic powers came out through your caring and loving behavior," Helena explained.

"What angelic? What devilish? Please, I'm unable to understand anything!" Jin shook his head multiple times trying to figure out if it's a dream.

"It's a long story but I guess you two need to know," Clarissa sighed, "As you know if we're your ancestors, we're from the same race as you; Werewolf." she looked down at their hands feeling ashamed to continue.

"But we never found our mates, we fell in love with someone the world will never accept," a tear rolled down her eyes and she wiped it away with her other hand. Helena stroked her back and looked up to see both of the younger ones staring at them blankly, of course, confused.

"The whole wolf community abandoned us," Helena paused for a moment and then continued taking a deep breath, "But we have no regrets, we got the ones we loved. However, the pain of being left out still hurts,"

"We never wanted our descendants to go through that. The angels suggested to seal the Paternal powers inside them and let them go back to the world they belong to,"

Clarissa, "It's been centuries but the seal never broke through the core," they clasped their hands tightly and looked deep into the brown orbs of the boys.

Clarissa, "You met him Taehyung and he's the only one you need to heal yourself. You two portray the same brotherhood as your grandfathers,"

"This is real?" Jin questioned.

"Yes, son it is! Just promise me you'll seal your powers after this?" Helena answered. Before Jin could even form a reply, Taehyung stepped even more near nodding furiously.

"We will!" Jin looked at Taehyung shocked but all he saw in his eyes was pleading, a request to him to believe this. Jin never experienced such things in his life, he was indeed caring and very loving but people took him as a kind being.

However, that wasn't the vase with Taehyung. Whoever saw him with those black eyes and wings, feared him, he still remembered the horror on Yoongi's face when he first saw him like that shivering near a tree trunk, sitting with shredded clothes on snow, scared to even face anyone.

"Taehyung! Where are you?" the little boy kept yelling, his voice cutting through the sharp chilly breeze. And nothing but the rustling sounds of leaves came in return. The furry shawl on his back kept sliding down and he shuddered under the sharp wind cutting through his skin.

"Taehyung! Luna is going to be very worried. Please, where are you?!" he was too young to understand anything and the fear in his heart kept growing with passing time, his steps were fast but yet slow.

His eyes kept roaming around to find his younger brother, his teeth were rattling with cold and he clutched on the shawl more tightly.

"Taehyung?!" his eyes were teary from crying and his cheeks were crusty from dried tears, "Tae—" his voice died in the back of his throat when he heard soft sobs coming from behind a tree.

He gulped while approaching it with slow steps. With every step, he took his heartbeat accelerated even more as the sobs continued to get closer. The fading sound became more clear to him and he saw a  little boy sitting on the white snow barefooted, this black hair was falling over his face.

He kept his head over his hands hugging his own knees. But that wasn't the thing that horrified him, his left leg was bleeding. And in that chilly weather, the only thing with his thin clothes protecting him was those huge black wings, they were closed around him forming a cocoon.

"T-Tae?" he mumbled hesitantly and the boy craned his neck to look at the older. Yoongi stumbled almost running backward when he saw his pitch-black eyes staring at him.

His heart almost jumped out when the boy rose from his place. Taehyung stepped towards him with his weak bleeding leg. He was his brother, and he was supposed to help him,  try to figure out what's wrong, wipe the little one's tears but at that time all his body was doing was to step back whenever he neared him.

"H-Hyung? You came," he sniffed wiping his tears. Yoongi wanted to scream out of terror but at the same time, he wanted to tear up looking at his brother's condition.

"Hyung?" he stopped when he saw his brother backing away from him and more tears dropped down his cheeks. Yoongi stumbled falling down on the snowed ground and winced in pain.

"Hyung? You okay?" he hurried to his direction leaning over the older in concern. But all Yoongi did was to shudder from fear, he hid his face between his hands and lowly kept mumbling.

"Please . . . don't hurt m-me," Taehyung's already broken and confused heart felt a pang of hurt looking at his loving brother scared of him. He had no idea how he ended up in this condition but after his friends left him in the forest alone, he got scared.

It was cold and his friends whom he loved with all his heart betrayed him, broke his little delicate self. He was a loving child never ever he thought of them as his subjects, he was indeed the future Alpha of the pack, still, he played with common kids.

No one was in the palace for him to play with instead of his brothers and Y/N and he loved having company, a lot of people to play with, to talk to. No matter what Luna said he was used to sneak out of the palace to play with the kids he called friends.

But when he saw how they left him, never cared about him. He lost control over his emotions, he was just four, after all, a kid with a delicate heart. He was a warrior for sure, had the amazing capabilities of an Alpha wolf.

He was never the stuck-up type, instead he was kind and humble. And now looking at how his one and only older brother was scared of him, at that moment he broke out in tears, falling down on the floor.

"I would never hurt you hyung! Never!!" he cried out forming a cocoon of his wings once again. Yoongi looked at his side with frightened eyes and quivering lips, he was scared but right now looking at Taehyung he felt devastated instead.

Taehyung looked so miserably vulnerable and fragile at that moment as if his last hope just left. He hesitantly got up scooting near him and cupped his face in his cold palms. He kept his head low too scared and hurt to look into his eyes.

Yoongi craned his neck up and saw how his face was pale from cold and his cheeks were red. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and his eyes were puffy. He wiped his cheeks gently from his thumb and then draped the fury shawl on him, he was wearing a while ago.

Taehyung looked at him like a lost child, there was nothing in him he could have been scared about at that moment. Straightening his bleed leg, Yoongi looked at him with questioning eyes.

"What happened?" he was genuinely worried about him but instead of answering, Taehyung started crying even more.

"Shhh . . .  don't cry, tell hyung what happened?" Yoongi asked again wiping his tears gently and then tightening the shawl around him. Those huge wings at his back were not helping to keep that in place either.

“I don't know hyung, I-I was with playing with my friends then t-they . . . they left me alone in this forest,” Taehyung began to speak and tears kept running down his cheeks non-stop, soaking them wet.

“I-I was lost, I d-didn't know where to go or whom to a-ask help for, I was so scared, h-hyung. I was angry that my f-friends left me alone and then suddenly I felt my body heating u-up,” he explained everything slowly while his voice cracked and he sobbed. Yoongi carefully listened to his every word and kept wiping his tears from time to time.

“It felt like something inside me was trying to come out, it was so painful, I almost felt my body shredding into pieces. It was like I didn't have . . . any control over myself and the next moment my eyes opened . . .” he sobbed harder.

“Then what Tae-ah?” Yoongi asked softly as if Taehyung was a petal of a flower.

“I had these huge wings,” he fluttered his wings slowly, “And I hurt it . . .” he slowly pointed with his index finger in the direction opposite to him.

Yoongi averted his gaze toward where Taehyung was pointing and a gasp left his mouth at the sight. There laid a lifeless deer, blood spurting out of his stomach staining the white snow crimson red. It was an awful sight making Yoongi whip back his head to him.

“I swear I didn't mean to do that hyung, I-I . . . I don't even remember doing it, I'm s-sorry h-hyung, I'm s-sorry,” Taehyung cried more and his breathing became unstable and he sobbed uncontrollably.

Yoongi quickly wrapped Taehyung in his arms, cradling him while patting his back to calm him down, and murmured slowly near his ear, “It's okay, it's okay. Hyung will help you, don't worry,”

Taehyung was always more than thankful to Yoongi. If it wasn't for him, he wasn't sure if he could survive or not. Yoongi was the one who helped him from the beginning. He asked a medic to make a kind of elixir which could suppress power and killing instincts, that medicine kept him under control for so long.

Yoongi fed the medic gold and diamonds just to keep his mouth shut so that nobody could ever get to know about him and Taehyung didn't want to harm anyone ever either. He didn't even know why he had such powers in the first place when he was a werewolf.

He wanted to know the reason but never really knew where or how to search. He was so shocked when Moonbyul got to know about his powers and revealed the secret which he kept hidden for years. He was clueless about how she even got to know about it but he had faith in Yoongi.

He was the one who helped him since day one. So there was no way he told Moonbyul about it because he saw the helplessness in his eyes. Taehyung saw the hurt and pain in Yoongi's eyes when he was in the dungeon.

It almost felt as if his world collapsed. He thought it was the end and nobody would ever accept him. But then surprisingly his family accepted him, his mother, his mate, his brother, they believed in him. He felt so happy because having a family like them was a blessing.

And even Moonbyul who feared him the most at that time, accepted him when she realised that he actually meant no harm to anyone but yet he had one fear. He was afraid if his powers got out of control just like the first time when he killed a deer.

He didn't know when he did that but he did and he never wanted that to happen again. Now, that he had a light of hope, a way which could help him with his condition, he had a way which could help him control his powers, he was ready to do anything.

He wanted nothing but to either get rid of it completely or learn how to control them for well-being. He was finally getting the chance he always wanted. And he couldn't let it go at any cost. He looked at his intertwined hands with Jin and placed his other hand over it making Jin look down and then back into his eyes.

“Hyung, I don't know much about you but you're like a brother to me as well, please let's do this . . . I need your help, please,” he pleaded. It was a huge thing for an Alpha to plead like that and Jin was shocked and sad looking at the younger ones teary eyes.

Jin nodded and both of the old ladies came forward. They pressed their own hands on their hands, a wave of fire erupted inside both of them as they felt their insides burning, it felt like their blood was boiling. Everything inside them was on the verge of exploding. A painful cry left their throat and they closed their eyes feeling their surroundings fading.

Taehyung and Jin felt their feet on the ground once again, their eyes were still shut close but they felt something on their backs. Taehyung knew what it was but Jin was clueless. They slowly opened their eyes together and glanced at each other and then behind their backs.

Jin gulped looking at his white wings glowing like an angelic halo and Taehyung's completely opposite; devilish black, darker than a new moon night. His eyes were mirroring the aura and color of his wings.

He looked demonic rather than the kind prince he actually was. Taehyung glanced at their glowing hands and breathed in understandingly but Jin was taken aback by all this. Him having angelic wings? All of it felt like a dream.

And he inhaled sharply when realisation hit him when he reminsced that night when Wheein said she saw him having huge white wings. So it was a vision and not just a dream? He actually had angelic powers?

“Hyung,” Taehyung called, Jin glanced back at him coming out of his thoughts. He looked at Taehyung who was eyeing the surroundings and followed his gaze to see the ground stained red with blood.

Dead bodies of wolves and vampires were lying here and there but one thing was strange. The vampires were laughing like lunatics and the werewolves were not in their wolf form but human.

“Why aren't they transforming?” Jin pondered, confused at the scene in front of his eyes, remembering everything that happened before he got the biggest shock of his life.

They were busy deciphering the situation when their eyes fell on Jungkook who watched them without blinking his eyes; shocked, even shocked would be a small word to describe his feeling.

He watched them having those wings, those eyes, and their intertwined glowing hands with narrowed eyes. He was unable to take in their appearance. Everything at that moment felt so unbelievable.

It looked like a pair of godly warriors to him, but how? How was that possible? He kept staring at them, forgetting about the rest.

“Jungkook! Watch out!!” they shouted together at him.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes trying to register their words and realised where he was. He quickly turned around and . . .

Sleep and dreams...

Happiness and sorrow...

Light and darkness...

Aren't they like soulmates? Bound to complete the other...

Then how is it possible to demolish the friendship between hatred and destruction?

Emotions demand a heart...

And a throne demands a king...

How amazing right?

Just think, is it possible to ruin the happiness after attaining it?

What if one keeps waiting and they never come back?

What if the world keeps longing and everything disappears?

What if a wave comes washing away the hearts scribbled on the seashore?

What if the heart keeps pondering and there's no one to blame?

After all, you can't blame a wave for its nature to caress the shore, can you?

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Well, ladies and gentlemen if you haven't yet guessed it yet then we would like to state one thing. We're inspired by the story of Micheal and Lucifer here, and it's just an inspiration. So the story of Helena and Clarissa in love with them is our creation as well. It's a work of our mind and we hope we're not offending anyone anyhow. Good day/night and keep streaming PTD! 💜🕺

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