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IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND specific concepts and events of this novel, read this chapter that explains the history, traditions, and more of AsterClan and the Guardians of Astéraki.


Astéraki was a former housecat abandoned at a young age. He roamed the streets and ruins alone for a while, eventually making allies along the way. He befriended many other former softpaws and even some wanderers, all of them looking up to the sagacious, strategic tom.

The tom was viewed as a guardian of them, so when he promised them to guidance to a land he referred to as sacred and promising, they instantly followed. They were not at shocked when they arrived upon the densely forested landscape, Astéraki taking them to the abandoned ruins they would call home. They set up camp in an instant and Astéraki established ranks amongst them, though he promised all equal distribution of power and equality within their group.

The group was never officially assigned a name, but when Astéraki eventually passed they named the lands after him. They called themselves the Guardians of Astéraki and continued to flourish for many moons. They thrived and adjusted to their lands. They learned ways to fend themselves from predators such as wolves or bears, and lived in unharmed peace.

But many moons later, a strange group of cats arrived upon their lands. They called themselves AsterClan and their leader, Thistlecrown, attempted to work in peace alongside the Guardians of Astéraki. At first they were hesitant to allow the clan cats a fraction of their land, but their Chief and Chieftess, Horan and Syllas, decided they would work alongside the Clan cats.

Thistlecrown passed during the events and his son, Pinecrown, took over in an instant. The tom had malicious intentions though and constantly broke the boundaries that the Guardians assigned to them. Pinecrown shamed the Guardians traditions and morals, and it angered them severely.

When Horan and Syllas brought a small group to meet peacefully with AsterClan, they were brutally attacked and murdered. Their son, Adonus, was the only survivor and swore to the Guardians that they would be avenged.

Now AsterClan and the Guardians of Astéraki are at war, a constant war that's been taking place for many moons. Now Pinecrown's daughter, Dahliacrown, and her mate, Thicketcrown, lead AsterClan against the older Adonus and his Guardians.

Bloodshed means a normal day to the cats of Astéraki now, and war is just a simple task.

the Guardians camp


➵ ONE | any act of discrimination, treason, murder, or anything to disrupt peace will result in exile

➵ TWO | all shall eat, but kits, mistresses, and the serenities must eat first.

➵ THREE | respect all but especially listen to and obey your chief, chieftess, their heir, and the Vótano.

➵ FOUR | kits will not be allowed outside camp without parental watch, and fledglings may not journey without their mentor.

➵ FIVE | all cats must follow their role and their daily tasks. Not doing so is considered malicious and multiple warnings can grant an exile

➵ SIX | cats are welcome to worship as they please but any worshippers of The Unholy will be exiled

➵ SEVEN | all cats exiled must flee from the lands of Astéraki by the next quarter moon or violent consequences will be permitted

➵ EIGHT | when the chief and chieftess have passed, their heir will take over. A new chief or chieftess does not have to have a mate to rule and if they continue without a child, they shall chose any cat they please to be their heir

➵ NINE | if there is no chief, chieftess, or heir, the Vótano will pick the cat they decide is worthy enough to lead

➵ TEN | kits will become fledglings at the age of six moons, and fledglings will chose what rank they wish to follow and will take their assessment at twelve moons. Heirs will also follow the same path.

➵ ELEVEN | any cat who breaks the oath of gia pánta will be exiled. The other mate has full permission to seek another mate.

➵ TWELVE | a guardian can retire and become a serenity after at least forty moons of service


➵ gia pánta | a ceremony in each two cats bind to one another, both marking one another's paws and promising an oath to never betray one another. The two mates will now never be able to be disloyal to one another without exile. Chiefs or chieftesses will also be expected to hold this ceremony if declaring a chief or chieftess to their side.

➵ Trial of Astéraki | the assessment a fledgling must take to become a full Guardian. They will travel to the Ruins of Astéraki (located in the mountains; a place rumored to be Astéraki's resting place when stressed) and are expected to return within a quarter moon. Their mentors will follow close just in case but they are still expected to handle any obstacles along the way and return home in time. Vótano fledglings are excused from this trial.

➵ The Guardians of Astéraki are expected to all sit outside their dens on the night of a full moon and remember all of those they all lost. Kits and mistresses can be excused though at any time.

➵ When a fellow Guardian is lost, all cats must chant their name as they are escorted out of camp and to the burial site, where all lost ones are buried. Kin, friends, and any cat are welcome to join the burial, where they will all say their final words as they are buried.

➵ When a heir is born or named, or even a new chief or chieftess rises to power, a special feast and ceremony will commence throughout the night.

➵ When a Guardian retires to become a serenity, the chief, chieftess, and heir are expected to pay their respects and thank them for their service.

➵ A Vótano fledgling will become a full Vótano when their mentor either retires or passes. The fledgling must take a trip to the Ruins of Astéraki alongside the chief, chieftess, or heir and will sleep there for the night, where they will meet their ancestors who will declare them the new Vótano.

➵ When any cat raises in rank, an announcement will be made. A fledglings mentor will be expected to bow to their fledgling who is becoming a Guardian. A mistress to new fledglings and any other parent will be expected to touch noses with their kits and whisper them a piece of advice. A new Vótano will be allowed to stand upon The Pillar alongside the chief, chieftess, and heir and will be embraced by all in power. All will be chanted for.


➵ CHIEF / CHIEFTESS | the highest power amongst the Guardians of Astéraki. They are expected to respect and guide the Guardians but still follow the law of the land. Both share equal power and will lead the Guardians into battle if they must. They also organize patrols and ceremonies.

➵ HEIR | the next in line to become a chief or chieftess. They are expected to help with any ceremonies and watch over the camp. They will ensure Mistresses and their kits, along with Serenities, have eaten and are doing well. Will also be expected to help lead in battles if needed.

➵ VÓTANO | the healer of the Guardians. Expected to have a special connection with the ancestors and knowledge on herbal treatments. They will also help organize specific ceremonies.

➵ GUARDIANS | the largest group of the Guardians of Astéraki. They are expected to attend patrols to hunt and check boundaries and assist in battles. They are also expected to train fledglings when granted one.

➵ FLEDGLING | a cat six through twelve moons training to be a guardian or the next Vótano. They are expected to train and attend patrols from time to time. Must also change bedding and do any camp tasks assigned by the Heir or their mentors.

➵ MISTRESS | any she-cat nursing or caring for kits. Any tom cats or genderless felines will be referred to as Caretakers.

➵ SERENITIES | retired Guardians or Vótanos. Have no duties and will be free to rest peacefully.

AsterClan camp entrance


➵ ONE | The King will be completely respected and obeyed

➵ TWO | The King must take on a female mate. If the King does not, any cat is open to challenge the King and steal his role. The Queen has no power over the King or AsterClan.

➵ THREE | If the Queen fails to birth any male kits, the female kit will be expected to eventually pick a tom to be the new King when it comes of time. This King can be easily overthrown though, for in most cases like this many toms fight for the mollies liking.

➵ FOUR | Princes can not select their own mate. Their father will be expected to select a molly they believe is worthy enough for their son to be their mate.

➵ FIVE | all traitors will be exiled or killed, whatever the King favors.

➵ SIX | any Guardian of Astéraki is to be killed without hesitation, especially in battle. Any cowardice goes shamed and can result in punishment.

➵ SEVEN | kits will be apprenticed whenever the father decides, but not any time past six moons. If they do not have an alive father, the King will decide for them instead

➵ EIGHT | apprentices will take their assessment to become a Knight whenever their mentor decides they are ready, but no time past eleven moons. For their assesment, they will be expected to battle the Prince. If there is no Prince available or the Prince is not older than six moons, they will battle their mentor. If the King decides the apprentice did not battle well enough, they will be given an alternate assessment by the King.

➵ NINE | romance to any cat of the same gender is a weakness to the Clan. Any cats possessing this disability or any others will be exiled from the Clan and expected never to return.

➵ TEN | When the King passes, the Prince will now step to power and his mate will be his Queen.

➵ ELEVEN | all healers, Kings, Queens, Princes, and Knights and the General are expected to serve until they pass.

➵ TWELVE | any disloyalty will not go unpunished. The code of AsterClan must be thoroughly followed, along with any laws assigned by the King of the time.

➵ THIRTEEN | both the king and queen must take on "crown" to the end of their name.

➵ FOURTEEN | the healer must never take on a mate and can only be a female.

➵ FIFTEEN | female knights will never be allowed to take on an apprentice, as well as the General.


➵ THE KING | the King must be a tom and will be utterly respected and obeyed. The King has the right to establish any rules he pleases and can commit any actions he pleases as well. The Kings word is the law.

➵ THE QUEEN | the King's mate. Is expected to bare the King's kits

THE HEALER | a cat with herbal knowledge. Expected to heal their clanmates and never take on a mate. Must only be a she-cat.

➵ GENERAL | the most respected knight and commander for battles. Usually the Kings closest friend and most loyal Knight. Must only be a tom cat and cannot take on an apprentice.

➵ KNIGHTS | expected to hunt, fight, and tend to anything the King desires. Must also train any apprentices they are granted (only toms).

➵ APPRENTICES | expected to train to become a knight, or healer, and tend to any duties desired by their mentor or King.

➵ MOTHERS AND KITS | excused from all duties until kits are apprenticed.

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