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The horizon began to swallow the sun, faded streaks of color painting the sky. A light breeze flitted through the forest, stimulating the vegetation to dance and animals' ears to perk. The air was still cool though and the sky clear, clouds beginning to disappear from the awakening scenery. The distant call of birds echoed as they fleed back to their nests and frogs croaked a glum melody. The earth was still alive yet it appeared as an alternate reality with day overturning to night.

Within the dense forest, the undergrowth was shriveled my the paws and pelts of a small group of cats. Two cats took the lead of the group, one a creamy presence appearing as if she was welded of clouds and stars and the other the same, though spots like mud were painted across his longer snout and his paws. A smaller cat strut behind them amongst four others, his image mirroring his father's. He seemed to hold a different rhythm between his steps though, almost as if he was crossing a lake iced over in the middle of leafbare.

The others marched along with power in their every step, their eyes glinting as the sunlight reflected off of their gazes. An unknown purpose drove them forward, one that made the designated occasion special and different. Their pelts were clean and they kept close to one another, a serious tint hidden in their expression. They walked along as if they were the kings of the forest, and their prey watched them with curious, longing gazes.

The further they padded through the forest, the more it began to clear up. The scent of salt stung their noises and their ears perked at the distant sound of roaring waves. Through the space between the remaining trees, their gazes fixed on the stunning sight of the ocean ahead. The ocean they only now knew from kit tales and legends, since their paws had been unable to walk across the banks for a few moons. Ever since AsterClan arrived and claimed the cavern near the ocean, it was only a mere story to be told to those who were unable to witness its alluring sighting.

The tides rose and lapped at the sandy bank. The smallest of the bunch found his gaze transfixed on the ocean, fascinated by the sighting. He had only managed to see it once just before AsterClan's arrival, and now he found himself spectating it for what felt like the last time. The sun was swallowed by its rolling tides with its light masking over the surface. It twinkled like the stars spotting a midnight sky, and his eyes mirrored the marvelous sighting. His ears swiveled forward to admire the echoing sound of the waves crashing against the surface, and he felt the urge to shut his eyes and stay amongst its presence for the rest of eternity.

"Pay attention, Adonus," the stern voice of his father commanded him.

Adonus turned and slowly nodded to his father, glancing out towards the ocean one final time. Besides the stinging sensation that flared through his nostrils from the ocean, he found his muzzle twitching as another strange scent overcame him. His pelt bristled in alarm at the scent he had only witnessed a few other times, and his gaze scanned over to his mother and father.

The two, taller cats froze in their tracks as an unfamiliar tom strode over to them. His face was blank, almost as if it was welded of untouched stone. His golden fur was well-kept aside from the strands of his pelt near a scar scored through his shoulder. He halted before them and observed them for a few moments, a tense silence sparked between the group and the clan tom.

"I'm guessing you're the cats here to speak with Pinecrown," the golden tom stated, his voice awfully monotone. A smirk slid onto his face though, one that stimulated a suspicious shiver down Adonus' spine. "I thought you'd only bring your leader, his mate, and his son. Other cats coming along was not discussed to my knowledge."

Adonus watched anxious as his father only shook his head to dismiss the tom's statement. His mate instead parted her jaws to answer the curious, clan feline. "We supposed we would need the extra paws for saf-"

"I didn't ask you, I asked your leader," the golden tom interrupted in a low growl. Adonus felt the urge to sink his claws into the ignorant tom's skin, but he knew they had no need to start spilling blood.

"Syllas holds just as much power as I do. There is no need to disrespect my mate," the Guardians' leader calmly replied to the AsterClan tom.

The tension flitting through the air was suffocating as if thick roots were wrapped around their throats. The only noise for a few moments was the waves crashing against the sandy banks of the beach and the wind roaring in their eardrums. Their pelts bristled but they managed to keep a straight posture and expression, the urge to not disrupt any chance of harmony fueling their every choice.

"As you wish, Horan," the golden tom eventually murmured with a quick dip of his head. He then turned and beckoned to them with his tail. "You can follow me now. I'll escort you inside of our camp where you can speak with Pinecrown. Please refrain from sparking any conversation with any other cat besides Pinecrown."

Adonus sucked in a quick breath as he followed after his parents. The scent of salt grew immense, causing him to squint as he stifled back a little sneeze. He wasn't used to the stinging scent, but he was able to adjust to it as they neared AsterClan's camp entrance.

Their camp entrance was as if a giant barepaw had scooped out the earth, crafting a massive hole next to the ocean. Water from the ocean seeped through it, filling the bottom of the hole below them. Adonus clenched his teeth as the sight, criticising their camp selection inside of his head. Couldn't they flood at any moment? Wouldn't it be a pawful attempting to leave their camp?

The golden AsterClan tom quickly answered his last question though. Apart of the hole was carved out, still steep but with a rough, sturdy enough surface to grant them the ability to climb back out. He skidded down the pathway, beckoning to the others. Adonus wanted to rake his claws across the tom's face for acting as if they understood every bit of what they were doing, as they faltered in their steps down the steep pathway.

When they reached the bottom, there was a narrow strip of land they all barely managed to fit upon. The AsterClan guide twitched his muzzle and glanced at them from over his shoulder, a smug grin panned across his face. "Hope you all can swim. I promise it's not that deep."

The tom leaped into the water and began to swim to a more immense patch of land deeper into the cavern. Adonus watched as his father quickly followed, as well as the other Guardians. Adonus swallowed as his paws met the water, his pelt bristling at the cold touch. Luckily though, Syllas remained at his side, his mother sharing a soft chuckle as she nudged him forward.

"C'mon, you've swam at least once before! Let's go before we're AsterClan's next snack," She meowed as she stepped into the water.

Adonus scrunched up his muzzle but followed after his mother. The cold water met his skin and weaved through his fur as he lightly paddled, Syllas staying at his side. He couldn't feel the surface below at all, but he imagined that it wasn't deep at all due to the much older cats almost on their paws as they traveled across the water. Adonus kept his eyes above the water and his muzzle flared when salt flitted through his nostrils.

They eventually reached the bank, Adonus heaving himself upon the shore. Water clung to his pelt, feeling as if little stones were tied by vines to his fur. He shook his pelt, his fur fluffing in response and spiking in certain areas. The tom had an urge to groom himself and fix his messy appearance, but already was the group continuing forward.

He fell into step beside his mother, his muzzle twitching as the scent of AsterClan hung in the air like smoke. Ahead he could spot several silhouettes moving and the cavern molded into a camp, burrows and rocks forming little dens. The piercing eyes of AsterClanners turned to acknowledge their presence, gazes fixed upon them as if they were a crowd of mice dwindling before them. Adonus felt unease crawl over him like a swarm of spiders, and he held his breath as he recognized Pinecrown further ahead.

The immense black tom stood upon a cliff edged into the side of the cavern. His dark, amber gaze fell upon them, appearing like a flicker of fire above them. The group halted before the cliff as signaled by the golden tom who lead them. The AsterClan tom lifted his chin to eye his leader, dipping his head to him.

"Horan has arrived as you pleased, sir," The golden tom informed his leader, beckoning to the group behind him.

Pinecrown's eyes narrowed, his tail slithering across the surface behind him. "I thought I was only set to meet Horan, Syllas, and their son. Why are their others amongst you?"

Adonus felt his pelt ripple at Pinecrown's words. He knew all too well that his father requested four others to come along in case anything happened, such as AsterClan attacking them. The event was one all the Guardians didn't find to be a bold assumption, for they had had multiple, troublesome encounters with AsterClan. No blood had been spilled yet, but Adonus himself knew that AsterClan had an odd taste for it ever since Thistlecrown passed.

"Bears and foxes are something to fret about during travel. I wanted to ensure our safety," Horan answered, only half lying. "If you wish though, I can send them to wait outside your-"

"No, don't bother," Pinecrown replied, a grin sliding across his face.

Adonus peered from the corner of his gaze to watch as his mother's pelt bristled. He could tell she and the others were unnerved by Pinecrown and the observing AsterClanners, but Horan met Pinecrown's gaze as if he had nothing to be afraid of. Adonus admired his father's courage, but still anxiety battered at the insides of his stomach.

"I requested your presence because I crave all the same as you do, Horan," Pinecrown started, the tom scanning his gaze over the Guardians. "I want us to live in peace amongst one another. I understand this land as always been yours, but my Clan has found harmony here, and we finally feel at home."

Adonus watched as his father lifted his chin and spoke calmly to Pinecrown. "I do want peace. Your father, Thistlecrown, did as well and he ensured that AsterClan stuck to their boundaries. Pinecrown, it has come to my realization though that-"

"That we've passed your borders? Rummaged through your lands to search for some prey? Perhaps we even had a few skirmishes with your cats," Pinecrown interrupted, his tone so icy it felt as if a blizzard blew across the Guardians. "Maybe you ought to teach a little respect to your Guardians. I believe your odd teachings have replaced their brains for bee hives."

Is he insulting us! If anything, AsterClan is the group with strange traditions, Adonus cursed inside his head. The cream tom noticed his father's fur rise across his spine and an enraged glint flash in his gaze. He couldn't blame his father for breaking through his serene barrier and being infuriated by Pinecrown's words. The AsterClan leader spoke as if his actions were nothing to concern the Guardians, and it made Adonus' paws itch to rake his claws across the king's face.

"In order for us to coexist peacefully, we need rules and boundaries to guide us," Horan advised, his eyes narrowing. "I don't really appreciate you insulting us Guardians, but I don't want to cause any problems, Pinecrown."

Adonus' ears flattened as he heard the Guardians throats rumble with low growls. Pinecrown merely stared down at them as if they were feeble kits though, and the surrounding AsterClan's seemed as if they had inched slightly closer.

"Is it really that offensive to you if I crossed your little boundary just for a quick snack?" Pinecrown purred, almost as if he was amused by Horan.

Horan quickly nodded, a shadow drifting across the Chief's face. "Yes. If us Guardians aren't to cross your borders, then you shouldn't be crossing ours."

Pinecrown appeared vexed by Horan's statement. Adonus watched as the leader skidded down from the cliff, landing squarely on the surface. He approached the Guardians and Adonus felt himself urged to take a step back, but he only pressed closer to his mother's side. Pinecrown was eventually nearly face-to-face with Horan, a chuckle rising like acid in his throat.

"I think one thing your little ancestor forgot to inform you of is that you cannot survive without power. Power is like the adrenaline that runs through your body. It fuels you to survival, and without it you are left crumbling to nothingness," Pinecrown stated, the grin across his face carving into something malicious and unsettling. "Do you believe you have that power, Horan?"

Adonus noticed how bewildered his father appeared by Pinecrown's question. For the first time ever, his father hesitated, and Adonus felt his hope drain from his body with every breath. "Yes... I-I-"

Suddenly, shock rippled across the group when Pinecrown rose a paw and aimed a blow to Horan's face. The Chief yowled out in surprise and agony as Pinecrown's claws raked his cheek, flecks of crimson flinging through the air. Horan stumbled back a step as the Guardians pressed closer to their Chief, pulling back their lips in a snarl.

"You are powerless! All of you!" Pinecrown spat, his tail lashing vigorously behind them. He eyed the Guardians as if they were a litter of abandoned kits, a toothy grin across his muzzle. "It's time you're taught that your traditions won't save you from reality. We'll see who's truly powerful."

Adonus' claws unsheathed as he realized AsterClan cats circled around them, growling and spitting. He pressed close to Syllas, who growled and wrapped her tail around her son to attempt to comfort him. There was no fleeing, but nor was their any chance at all of them escaping victorious.

They were utterly doomed.

A yowl erupted from Pinecrown and he flung himself at Horan. Syllas dispersed from Adonus' side, leaping at a pair of tabbies that lunged at her son. The other four Guardians were pounced upon, struggling as they attempted to fight off the multiple cats that lashed and spat at them. Adonus' eyes widened in terror as fur fluttered through the air and blood stained the earth below him.

He managed to dodge a smaller, chocolate tom that lunged for him. With a hiss, he sprung at the AsterClanner and they rolled across the ground, clawing and and growling at one another. Pain seared through Adonus at the tom's claws hooked his shoulder, but he managed to push them over and hook the smaller opponent below him.

"We don't have to fight," Adonus murmured to the tom, his eyes practically begging for him for mercy despite the fact he had the advantage. He didn't want to fight. He didn't want to die.

"You're just weak," The chocolate tom hissed at him, his words sending Adonus into a spiral of intrusive thoughts.

Adonus yowled out when a heavy form slammed into his side. He stumbled to the ground, falling upon his belly. The cream tom winced, his heart drumming in his chest as he attempted to catch his breath. His shoulder ached and also his cheeks from a few scratches he recieved and he tried to stand back up only to have massive paws planted onto his back.

"Keep him down!" He heard Pinecrown demand. "Don't hurt him or I'll rip off your pelt."

Adonus shivered and managed to slightly lift his head. Sorrow instantly struck the tom as if he was standing in the middle of a thunderpath, hit brutally by a swift-moving monster. Blood painted the ground like clouds across the evening sky, and five bodies lay limp. He recognized his father and the four accompanying Guardians, pain weaving through the tom as he cried out for them. Their gazes were cloudy like fog over a valley in the early, chilling morning. AsterClanners stood over them with pride burnt into their expressions, infuriating the struggling Adonus.

He ceased his squirming though when he spotted his mother. Her cream pelt was matted with blood and dirt and her form was burdened with multiple, open wounds. Her legs were tremulous underneath her as three AsterClanners circled her, sneering and hissing at the Chieftess. Syllas tried to hold her ground, but her eyes rolled back and her legs buckled underneath her.

She fell like a leaf in the midst of leaffall and Adonus cried out for his mother.

"Mom! No!"

The moment her body collided with the cold earth below her, all hope was lost for Adonus. He didn't bother struggling or crying out for mercy. He instead sobbed for the loss of the Guardians and his parents.

The battle was over within a few tail flicks. They had been outnumbered, multiple AsterClanners taking on one Guardians. It was severely unfair but as Adonus' gaze wandered to a bloody-jawed Pinecrown, he knew that this was the King's merciless intentions all along.

"This isn't r-right! You took advantage of us!" Adonus cried out, meeting Pinecrown's amber gaze.

Pinecrown rolled his eyes, his ears flattening as he approached Adonus. He beckoned to the cat holding the cream Prince down, and he stepped off of him in an instant. Adonus held his breath as he held back another sob, trembling as he rose to his paws. Pinecrown stood before him with a smile staining his face. A smile Adonus would never forget.

"Take this as a lesson, Adonus. Your parents have failed. Now, what are you going to do?" Pinecrown questioned, his voice cold and stimulated a chill across Adonus' body.

The Prince turned to scan his gaze over the fallen Guardians. They were all left in the middle of AsterClan's camp with their opponents stepping over their bodies as if they were merely twigs in their path. He wanted to run to where Horan and Syllas had fallen, his mother having managed to crawl to her mate's side before she took his final breath. He wanted to curl up in between his parents and relish in their warmth, but he knew that would be impossible.

As his heart twisted and ached, the cream tom whirled around slowly on his paws and turned his back on his deceased, fellow Guardians. He would return to the rest of the Guardians as king, but the thought rested in his brain like cold snow blanketing the forest floor. It was a chilling, suffocating though, but it also lingered with one bitter and everlasting as he glanced over his shoulder one last time at Pinecrown.

He would have his vengeance, and their blood would be spilled.

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