Let The Games Begin!

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Ashfoot's POV

"When I slaughter this kit, the games shall begin!" Scourge's image shimmers in the sky, as a little brown kit is shoved in front of him.

"NOOO!" I hear Sandstorm wail, and I glance at her in pity. It would be hard. Her only kits, destined to die.

"3," Scourge meows, pinning down Sandstorm's kit, who I believe is called Leafkit. "Two," He flexes his claws and positions his claws above her neck. As Leafkit squeaks in fear, I get ready to leap towards the Cornucopia in the middle, where leaf packages to loop around your necks lay neatly arranged around the Cornucopia, holding prey, herbs and weapons.

"One!" Scourge snarls and cuts Leafkit from the top of her throat down to the tip of her tail. She gives one more awful squeal, before going limp, her eyes glazing over.

I leap towards the middle, determined to get a package. I barrel into a bundle of sleek white fur, knocking the cat over. They squeal as I tear at their throat without mercy, until they go limp and thunder booms as I make the first kill. The blood-lust clears from my eyes, and I see the cat I had just murdered.

No, no, no! I swallow down my guilt and horror as a gaze down at the broken body of Whitepaw. I sprint towards the middle, away from my former clanmate, who I had just murdered.

I was about to scoop up a leaf package when a bundle of black fur crashes on top of me. Blackstar! I panic as I see the cruelness in his eyes. I screech as he tears at my spine, clumps of my own fur fly everywhere. Boom! I vaguely wonder who died as I crash to the floor. I hiss and weakly claw at Blackstar.

"Its time for your life to end!" He hisses as another boom thunders through the sky. the last thing I remember, is Blackstar grasping my scruff and sharply jerking my neck up. My neck snaps, and I hear the thunder boom once again, before everything goes black.

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