Night One & Day Two

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Dead- Ashfoot, Whitepaw, Loudbelly, Graystripe, Leopardstar, Bramblepaw, Mudfur and Tornear














Brick's POV

I snort as the last face faded from the sky. Torn-whatshisname. I leapt to my paws. 

"Bloodclan!" I yowled, leaping gracefully onto the cornucopia. They assembled underneath me, awaiting orders. I smirk. "Tonight is our first night in the arena!" I waited for the cheering to die down, before continuing "We will go hunting for tributes!" I leap down from the cornucopia and equip a tail slasher and claw covers. When the rest of the cats were ready, I stalked off towards the woods, with my clanmates following.

BOOM! I prick my ears as thunder booms. "Sounds close..." I muttered, heading in the direction of the thunder. The soothing trickle of water reaches my ears. The grass underpaw changes to long, flowing reeds and thick, gloppy mud. I hold up my tail to pause the group, as water appears at my paws. I bend down, to drink some of the water. A sickly sweet scent wafted from the water, but I put it aside. I lap up I mouthful of the water. As soon as I swallow, I leap back, my throat burning, and crash into Hoot.

"What's wrong?" Boulder, who was guarding the back of the patrol, barges through. I collapse as waves of fire seem to run through my body. Then everything goes black.

Dawncloud's POV

I shudder as the second thunder blast in one-minute sounds. I peek cautiously outside, relief washing over me as I see the sunrise. I tense as a bush rustles behind me. I turn around slowly, the blood roaring in my ears. Stumpytail stands behind me, shivering.

"I-I was wondering if we could team" He stuttered, before collapsing. My eyes widen, and I dash to his side. He has a huge gash on his side, still oozing blood. I sprint to a tree, hoping to find cobwebs. I run to another tree, hissing in annoyance as cobweb strings over my face. Cobwebs!

I swath some cobweb onto my paw, before rushing back to Stumpytail's side. I frantically press the cobwebs onto his wound. The bleeding slowly stops, and I replace the cobwebs. I gently drag him into the den and go out to hunt. 

I open my mouth slightly, letting a jumble of scents reach my scent glands. I separate out the scent of pigeon and hear the quiet Coo, Coo.

I drop into a hunting crouch, looking at the pigeon as it pecks at the ground. I pounce clumsily, landing just behind it. It squawked out an alarm call and flapped its wings. I panic, leaping up and batting it to the ground with my paw. Before it can fly away again, a bite down on its neck. I'm about to bury it when I hear voices.

"Blackwater," one snorted "Our noble leader died from the Blackwater!"

"I know!" another one growled, "And that other clan cat, I can believe why they would be as mouse-brained to die from it, but we should've been smarter!"

I pick up my pigeon and flee back to the den

Squirrelkit's POV

I huff in annoyance as a mouse ran away from me. So close! I thought angrily. 

"Nearly!" Sandstorm said encouragingly. I sighed, then tense as a twig snaps to the right of me. "Who- Who's there?" I ask shakily. Sandstorm pushed me behind her. A flash of grey tabby fur shows or a second in the bush.

"Greystripe?" Sandstorm said, shocked. Just then, a grey-furred fox leapt out of the bush, barrelling Sandstorm. he had the same yellow eyes, the same tabby grey pelt, but was in the form of a fox, and was trying to kill my mother! 

I hissed and jumped at the fox. I missed its back by a mouse-length and crashed into its side. Even though I had missed my target, it was enough to unbalance it. The fox yapped in surprise but gave a blow to my side. I screeched in pain and managed to sink my small fangs into its neck, whilst scoring my claws across its face. It went limp, and I jumped off it, blood leaking from my side. My ears flattened when I heard a boom. "No," I whispered, turning around "NO!" I wailed, not caring if anycat heard me. I rushed to my mothers' side, licking her ruffled fur "Wake up, please! Let that have been another cat!" 

She didn't move. Tears poured down my face as the sun sank, and I started to dig a grave.

Phew! I'm sorry, I know some of you probably want to kill me know, but anyway! Enjoy! Umm, maybe that isn't the word... Umm... Bye!

Dead- Ashfoot, Whitepaw, Loudbelly, Graystripe, Leopardstar, Bramblepaw, Mudfur, Tornear, Tallpoppy, Brick and Sandstorm











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