Prologue ScourgesPOV

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I smirk as I stare at the cats gathered around me. All battered and exhausted. I spot Bone's body lying limp on the bloodstained grass. But I don't really care. He was a useless deputy.

"Listen up!" I yowl "You will all become part of our clan and your punishment for thinking you can fight us..." I smile cruelly "Every season we shall have a little game! A game called the Forest Games where two She-cats and two Toms of all ages from each of the old clans, including our clan, will compete in a fight to the death. If a leader is chosen, the will be stripped of their 'nine lives' before the games," I wait for the cries of horror to die down, before continuing. "One cat will survive, and choose one cat from the clans to share the reward. The reward is extra food, a private den and no chance of being reaped again. The first Forest Games will be held in one moon. Do we understand?" A weak murmur comes from the crowd. "I said, do you understand!" 

This time a stronger yowl commences, and I grin.

 This was going to be more fun than I realised.

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