Spoiler/Sneak Peak

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Skip the chapter if you don't want a spoiler! Also, I will be going back and editing the chapters after I finish this book!


This will be written differently

Horror flashed through Dawncloud's eyes as she let out a screech. "Wait, Squirrelkit NO!"

The small ginger kit leapt away from Dawncloud, dodging the older cat's attempt to grab her scruff, and backed away towards the rapids. She managed a small smile, tears coming to her eyes.

"Bye Dawncloud..." She whispered, before turning and diving into the rapids before Dawncloud could react.

"No!" Dawncloud rushed forward, trying to grab her, but failed. The kit's head was visible for a few seconds, before she crashed into a rock, letting out a small scream. Then she disappeared under the water.

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