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Squirrelkit's POV

"Mum?" I ask, my eyes wide and scared " Wha... What's happening?" We were walking through a huge underground tunnel, with some other strange cats. What did mum say? Tributes.

"We're going to train for some games! Its ok, you're going to be fine.." She said it soothingly, but I could hear words trail off. 

"Are we going to die?" I whimper. I remembered what Scourge had said after the reaping. The Forest Games. A fight to the death. My breathing quickens from delayed shock.

"No! I won't allow it! We'll survive, both of us. And when we get out, we'll run away, find a better place!" She licked my ear reassuringly, but I wasn't reassured. I hoped she was right.


Boulder's POV

I smirk as I hear that cat talking to the kit. To think they would survive! I'm going to win this, no doubt about it. I would take the Cornucopia, where all the supplies are with my fellow clanmates. We would survive the bloodbath, but I would win.

We emerge into a clearing bathed in sunlight. Logs were arranged all around the clearing, dog-tooth claw covers and sharpened stones to attach to your tail. Bloodclan cats were used to these weapons, so I could win easily!

I slash at the tree with claw covers attached, cutting a huge scar in the thick wood.

"You're better then I remembered!"I whip around to see Minty purring at me.

"I guess so," I reply quietly "you've improved too. I saw you rip that bark to shreds!" She laughs and walks away to the hunting sessions, and I sigh as I watch her leave.

Minty  was the only cat that was going to be hard to kill. I was going to ask her to be my mate, but then I got chosen for these games. I mean, I wanted to be in the games but still...

I shake my head to clear it. Come on! I think to myself as I walk to the boring sections of training. I'm going to win, and nothing or nocat can stop me. not even Minty

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