Chapter XI

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America mostly lingered in the hospital room, uncertain of what to say or do, the situation's fragility scaring him. He had answered England's chilling question with an affirmative, but the lack of reaction was incredibly discouraging. The fact that Scotland seemed very keen on burning the American's skin off with his glare was not entirely helpful either.

It took perhaps a third of an hour for America to gather enough courage to actually attempt to speak with England again, though first France had to pull away Scotland from hovering over his youngest brother protectively. "Hey, um... How do you feel?" He asked slowly, and the curt response of "fine" was tossed at him almost instantly. God, America wanted to accept that answer more than anything, but he knew that unfortunately, due to his doing, that was not so.

"I'm really, really sorry man. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted my independence-" "I kn-" "No, let me finish. I wanted it because I wanted to develop further as a country, not because I wanted to get away from you. I wouldn't have even started the war if your king didn't approve of it. I wish I could have just asked for it, and both you and your king were okay with it. No war, no losses, no death, nothing. But I don't hate you, okay? I could never hate you." 

Once all this was said, America felt... Considerably lighter, some of the guilt lifted. All those were words he wanted to say ever since he left him kneeling on the ground in the rain, but never found the courage to. 

In the end, all those words didn't go to waste, because after a moment, England's cracked, split lips twisted upwards in a small smile. "I could never hold it against you, you git. It was rather childish of me to get so emotional about it. I was not exactly... Well, thinking straight." He had said quietly, and America grinned. The pieces of the puzzle of life seemed to fall back in place as this happened, none of the pieces tainted with blood and darkness any longer.

Despite England's insistence that he was fine now, and he had forgiven America and all, well...

It's safe to say that for a month after his being discharge, England lived with America whether he liked it or not. It was either him or Scotland, after all.


Ey that's the last chapter, and tomorrow will be the epilogue!

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