Short Story Winners

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So there were 5 books that were just outstanding in this genre. It was so hard deciding who won and who didn't.

1st place winner:

The Sunshine Yellow Dress by evanescentdaydream 

"The cover gave me a headache, there was too much going on. The description was beautiful, so beautiful. The idea behind the story was really amazing to me and you did it to perfection. You wrote each art so wonderfully, and so detailed. I just loved the work it deserves so much praise."

2nd place winner:

Out Late Sipping Milkshakes by aquamarine_polaroid

"The cover is cute, and sweet, but the book was better! I felt a need to read the book right after I read the description. Just a side note, nothing to do with the book, I would suggest adding it in the genre teen fiction because it would fit better there but short story works, I guess. I thought it was a unique touch to the book that each part was 'Milkshakes and...' I loved your writing style. The way you wrote maybe the book so fun and enjoyable to read. I think the characters were fan-freakin-tastic! They were so relatable and their personalities stood out. The plot is like nothing ever before. Great book, really just wonderful."

3rd place winner:

One Heart by let_alpha_write

"When I saw the cover I thought boring, its just too plain and the cut out of the models is really obvious. Wow, that sounded really harsh! The description I love, I think it was the perfect amount of detail and was intriguing. I loved how you always described everything into such beautiful detail, as a reader that is so important to me. Wow, your plot had me hooked right away. It was such a unique idea and you fulfilled in bringing it to life. The characters were actually my favorite part of the book, so different and so dynamic."

Honorable Mentions:

You two did not win, but your books were just as good. You should feel proud that your books were good enough to be mentioned.

>Unknown Us by @ShadesOfLove1

"Not my favorite cover, it doesn't go with the plot in my eyes. The book's summary was a work of art. I think your detail was spot on! The whole  plot idea has been done before but I think you added your own sin to make it yours. My only issue with the book is the characters were just not rememberable, they just weren't dynamic. If the characters were not flat I definitely would recommend that this book win."

>On a trip to nowhere by @Alex_Jordan_S

"If I saw this book with this cover I wouldn't even glance at it. The summary was short, but it made me want to read more about the book. This plot really was so, so, so great! I think the plot was done fantastically. The characters were so realistic and you made them dynamic. The only thing was description, I really just wanted to know more in depth about the scene, the characters thoughts, and more."

~The sticker above was specially made for the genre short story. The users who placed may use it. All details for applying the sticker are on the part "stickers". Any problems just message me.

Credit for sticker: @zay_ngel

You will be receiving your prizes soon. One prize is a brand new cover if you want the cover message me.

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