Prank Gone Wrong?🤔🤔😂😂

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Tundra: I can't believe I'm doing this...

Xoral: again?!?

Kai: again...

Bolt: hey you guys wanted to do this...we did this on her last account and we're doing it again? I don't mind pranking my brother's....

Thunder: Same..

Ice: and why the H*ll am I in this!!!!

Tundra: *slaps Ice* Language!! This is family friendly Community!!! Remember...what happened Last time??

*Flash Back*

(A/N: this is from my old account..sad memory...)

Ice: *screams real loud for help*

Blaze: Ice?! Oh no...

Quake: That was him!

Blaze: I have to go find him... he's probably in danger!!! I can't lose him!!

Thorn: (oof....Over protective Blaze...)

Blaze: I don't wanna lose Icy...*starts to whimper*

*End of flashback*

Ice: oh yeah...Flamingo boy...

Xoral: Flamingo?

Tundra: remember the chapter when Ice keeps on roasting blaze and Fang when he kinda called him a flamingo?

Phoenix: wasn't that "chapter 5 Time Guardians?"...the chapter when Celestia and Luna had appeared??

Kai: that was long ago...

Bolt: memories...

Thunder: can we get started?! I don't have all day...

Tundra: what's with the rush?

Thunder: hehe...Dove and Sofia texted me...that we would do an early rehearsals for R.O.T.S...

Xoral: A new book I think?

Tundra: yeah...I'm working on it...and it won't be out for now...I'm still *oof*

Phoenix: What's the real title?

Tundra: Ain't saying...*winks*

Kai: done!

Ice: what happened to you!

Kai: *covered in Ketchup* it's fake blood..aren't we gonna do this or just sit here talk...

Tundra: alright...*snaps finger and she's covered in Ketchup*

Thunder: am I using my real knife?

Bolt: are we?

Tundra: for show..but your not really killing anyone...

Thunder: (aw man...)

Tundra: (sorry dude..) well let's get started, Leah Take the camera and let's get going!

Leah: *grabs the camera* yes ma'am!

Phoenix and Xoral: we're done...

Ice: and I already know my part...we got everything ready...

Thunder: atleast this'll teach Blaze from stealing or touching my diamonds again...

Tundra: *faceplams* alright see you all there...

Kai: wait a minute....We forgot the spray cans to dye their hair!!!!

Leah: why do we need spray cans?

Kai: to turn their hair White...and they'll be Reversed!!!!

Thunder: we don't have a problem with our eyes since its already red..

Bolt: true..

Kai: But the spray cans!!!

Kai,Leah, and Phoenix: rhxzvzjckfhsudkdjsjvkfgajfofysyglghiuwyfi?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!!?!!!?!?!?!!!??!

Tundra: uh..... We'll be right back...

*30 long Arguements later*

Tundra: all this just for the views...*lays downs*

Kai and Xoral: even if we're siblings we can fight in dumbest ways possible...

Leah: hey guys look who's here~

Xoral: who?

Melody: hey guys!

Pearl: what's up!

Kazumi: sissy!

Tundra: oh hey girls! I thought you guys were rehearsing?

Kazumi: we were but Cameron and Pirate Boi ketchuped the sage💢💢

Tundra: I thought that I already had cleaned up the stage...

Kazumi: Yeah...wait are you guys doing a prank?

Tundra: pretty much...

Kai: and Done!

Xoral: what you do?

Kai: I made their hair White!

Tundra: nice!

Kazumi: wait a minute...oh boy..are you doing the fake death prank from your old account?

Tundra: yes I am!

Melody: this is gonna be good!

Leah: I'll make you guys invisible so you can watch the show..*makes them invisible*

Pearl: sweet!(✿^‿^)

Melody: ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ this will be legendary...

Kazumi: you said it..

Leah: hehe...

Bolt: can we get this over with?!

Thunder: as much as I wanna stay and Torture them..I only have a few minutes.

Tundra: of fine guys get down and let's go...

--- Enjoy!

All the Boboiboy Siblings except Thunder and Ice are eating Lunch...

Cyclone: this is yummy Quake!!

Blaze: Yeah it's really good!! Never underestimate Mama Quakes Cooking!!

Quake: I'm glad you like it..even if it's my first time trying to cook Pasta..🍝🍝

Solar: I'm guessing you had help from someone??

Quake: Yaya helped...And for my safety I'm so happy that I avoided her cookies...

Thorn: lucky you...

Cyclone: (I wanna taste them again...) Yeah, real luck..

Light suddenly turned off

Cyclone: *gasp* dark!!!

Thorn: what in the?!

Quake: Solar?! blaze?!

Blaze: *summons a fireball*

Solar: *glows brighter* Can we all see now?

Quake: um sure but for now anyway...

Cyclone: I'm scared...

Solar: (face your fear solar, it'll be ok) let's go find the light switch...

Thorn: *grabs on to Solar* it'll be ok my sunshine...

Solar: *blushes* l...let's go..


Tundra: are we good?

Thunder: I'm ready...

Bolt: same..

Xoral: *thumbs up*

Kazumi: hehehe...

Leah: this will be awesome!!!

Kai: their coming this way..

Brother's Pov

Blaze: Downstairs we go...

Thorn: I'm scared...

Quake: the whole house is pitch black..

Hears an evil laugh..

Cyclone: *tries not to scream* meep!

Quake: who was that?!

Hears a scream

Solar: did you hear that?!

Blaze: that sounded

Cyclone and Quake: Ice...

Thorn: oh no...

Hears a Help

Blaze: we have to go find him..

Solar: *nods* let's go!!


Quake: what's going on in here?!?

Bolt: (their here!)

Tundra: (follow the plan!)

Thunder: (ok...)

Solar: Is that?

Thunder: Any last words little bro?

Bolt: nah he's done...

Cyclone: Thunder..??

Thunder: hm? My, my, look at here sis...our big and younger brothers

Bolt: what a surprise this is...

Solar: Thunder...Is that you?

Quake: Bolt?! you're in this too!!

Thunder: *laughs* who else!

Bolt: and don't forget, our little friends..

Blaze: Ice!

Ice: Blaze...

Quake: Tundra...Xoral,Phoenix..

Thorn: Kai..

Blaze: *starts to cry* Ice...

Thorn: oh boy...*holds blaze*

Quake: How could you!??!

Bolt: (Blaze is crying for god sake...)

Thunder: why not...Their Blood is quite Yummy to see...*looks at his knife...

Cyclone: Thunder...please..Your not My brother!!!! Where's the brother I Remember!!

Bolt: *laughs* you really think we're different..the only change is this...*shows both their hairs*

Quake and Solar: *gasps* their reversed...


Thorn: how...

Cyclone: *start to cry*

Thunder: (I only have a few minutes left T!)

Tundra: (Well let's finish this quick!)

Bolt: also I forgot to mention, I have already taken care of our sisters in the genderbend's dimension...

Quake: *eyes widen* you...killed them?

Thunder: heh, we killed them...

Blaze: you're...joking right??

Thunder: nope, their good as dead.

Solar: (Sunlight...died..) this has to be a dream...right?

Bolt: want me to cut you're arm to find out?

Cyclone: *backs up* You're not the real Thunder!! The brother I know wouldn't be killing anyone!!!

Thunder: or would he though...(I kill people..but just ones who..get on my nerves)

Tundra: (Hey! I was the one who convinced you to start going ham with me!!)

Thunder: (I thought you were kidding...)

Bolt: so..Brothers...Would you wanna join the graveyard??

Quake: No!!

Blaze: never!!!

Solar: Not going to happen..

Thorn: no!

Xoral: *whispers* Thorn actually talked back?

Phoenix: *whispers back* that's very surprising...

Cyclone: *shivering* Please..Thunder..bolt..Stop..

Thunder: *looks at bolt*

Bolt: *looks at Thunder*

Both: *nods and smirks*

Leah: oof...this is a little scary for them no??

Kazumi: what do you think?!

Melody: *laughs* this is Content...

Pearl: very unusual content...

Kazumi: it's shocking to See Quake actually scared..he came from boboiboys Leadership after all and he's scared?!

Leah: oh shut up you. We all know how Thorn feels cause of his innocence...

Tundra: (true...oof..)

Thunder: (have we gone to far?? I'mma be late...)

Tundra: (ok let's just Finish this..go on ahead and finish this...oof.)

Bolt: (oh c'mon I was enjoying this...)

Solar: Don't make us hurt you...

Cyclone: ok..Thunder I know you're personality..But this is not you..At all!!

Thunder: really now?? (I think their taking this a bit too seriously..look at Solar..!!)

Solar: *gulps* (I don't wanna shoot..but I'm scared..what do i do?!)

Xoral: (Oof...)

Thunder: So wanna know why I shouldn't kill you??

Solar: Cause were you're Family!!

Thorn: cause you care for us..

Quake: cause we cared for you..

Blaze: cause of our memories...

Thunder: *silent because of blaze's words* (Did he really just say that??)

Tundra: *stands up* boi did you really just say that??

Quake: Tundra!?!

Xoral: !!!...oi T! You weren't supposed to say that you nitwit!!


Phoenix: Kai!

The brothers: *jaw drops*

Thunder: *facepalms* Surprise?

Quake: was..this...a prank??

Ice: finally I can go back to bed! *Relieved*

Blaze: Ice?!?

Ice: c'mon Blazey..let's go to bed it's been a long god damn day..*grabs his arm to his room*

Blaze: *gets pulled into his room* oof..

Tundra:. Oh boy...

Bolt: *looks at Thunder* So...

Thunder: yes..this was a prank...DONT GET MEH WRONG!! IT WAS HER IDEA!!

Tundra: oh god..

The brothers: TUNDRA!!!!!!!!!


Tundra: sorry guys...


Thorn: don't think you're safe you three!

Kazumi: hey we're sorry...

Pearl: oof...

Leah: *sweatdrop* Maaf guys...

Phoenix: *proud but sorry*  Kinda sorry...

Tundra: heh...

Solar: you don't know how scared I the worst...So are you Bolt!

Thunder: aren't I already the worst?

Bolt: same..and don't we look like we even care...i only agreed cause I got bored...

Cyclone: that's how you agreed?! Thunder why did you agree...

Thunder: *sigh* to teach a troublemaker a lesson from taking my Diamonds...

Cyclone: !!!...*smiles nervously*

Tundra: *laughs* ok...guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter..sorry I haven't been posting for so long...I've just been really busy...and I'm sorry...I'll try to update again as fast as I can..but I hope you forgive me...also...Give me some more dares..since the truth or dare book has already started...And Thank you to Xoul and Twilight for joining... you'll be seeing them in secret in S.E.R. and R.O.T.S. well for Twilight...Xoul just wants to be in S.E.R.

Phoenix: yeah guys...please give us more dares..and we're still at it with Monopoly...and I don't how...But Xoral keeps getting put in jail...

Xoral: ( I stole them gummies...maybe that's why..)

Tundra: *shrugs* guys I hope you all have an amazing Day/Night wherever you're reading this...And now I'll see you all on the Other side...

All: BYE~~

Tundra: we're always Wicked my wolves...*winks* *waves* ok bye guys!...

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