The Return of Tundra

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In BBB house

Quake: *sigh* it's been weeks since we lost saw her....

Blaze: I get how you feel...She hasn't texted or called us...

Ice: you feels a bit weird... don't you think it's kinda strange she just poofed out?

Cyclone: yeah, it does....

Thunder: You do know there can be a  cause to why she's gone...

Solar: what do you mean?

Thunder: think about it, she's the daughter of Discord,her father has to do something about this....unless her Chaos magic did something....

Thorn: true....

Quake: *sigh* whatever it had to be reason...I just hope she's ok....

Thorn: *nods*

Solar: *on Instagram* what do we do now?

Cyclone: don't know...

Blaze: at least we had our last moments with her when it lasted...

Thorn: either way she shouldn't have for-

Solar: What in the?!?

Quake: solar? What's wrong?

Solar: ....

Thunder: you good?

Cyclone: *starting to chuckle*

Solar: I...I...ok.... Um....Uh guys...uh..I oh conflabit...umm...oh Lord...I...why...

Blaze: You ok? Why are you stuttering?

Solar: *scrolls down more*

Thorn: what are you looking at?

Solar: *sees a comment* SHE'S WHAT NOW?!?!

Quake: what?

Ice: solar what's going on?

Solar: *scrolls down more while looking at the comments while smiling*

Thunder: why are you smiling for?

Solar: c'mon,c'mon,c'mon....where...where!

Cyclone: ok? Dude you good?

Solar: !!! Yes! Guys!!!

Quake: what?

Thorn: what's going on?

Solar: She's back!!!!!! Tundras Back!

Ice: Tundra?!

Thunder: you mean..Tundra,Tundra?

Solar: yes!

Quake: she's back!

Cyclone: yes!

Solar: I saw her post...

Ice: where is she now?

Solar: our only spot...the kokotiam..

Quake: let's go!

Thunder: *teleports* I'm out!

Cyclone: Thunder wait for me! Cyclone hoverboard! *Hovers out*

Solar: Solar Leap! *Teleports*

Thorn: Vine whip! Hiyah! *Climbs out*

Quake: earth golem! Hiyah! *Rides golem*

Blaze: Quake! *Hops on golem*

Ice: Frozen Slide! *Slides away*

A few minutes later..

Thunder: made it! *Looks behind* !!!
*Ducks down*

Cyclone: sorry thunder...

Solar: I'm here!

Thorn: hep!hep! *Lands* Tada!

Yaya: hey boys!

Cyclone: hi Yaya Ying!

Ying: hey!

Fang: what brings you guys here?

Quake: almost there!

Ice: *whizes past them* here! *Takes of hood*

Quake: made it.

Blaze: yeet! *Jumps*

Quake: blaze...

Blaze: sorry...

Ice: hm?

Solar: you guys don't know?!

Gopal: what?

Fang: yeah what?

Thorn: their do dumb...

Thunder: She's back!

Gopal: who's back?

Quake: solar you said she'd be here...

Solar: where is she...she said on her post..

Gopal: who's post?

???: My post....

Everyone: *looks behind*

Fang: is that...

Quake: no...

Blaze: that can't be her...

Thunder: It is her!

Cyclone: is it really....

Me: hey guys...

Everyone but Me: TUNDRA?!?

Me: *nods*

The siblings but Thunder: *hugs me Tight*

Me: guys you all.... can... let

Quake: sorry...

Thorn: it's so good to see you though...

Solar: yeah it's been weeks..

Fang: T....

Yaya and Ying: *hugs me*

Me: *hugs back* I've missed you all...

Thunder: *walks closer to me*

Me: *let's go and notices Thunder*

Thunder and Me: *fistbumps each other*

Thunder: glad you're back..

Me: same...

Thorn: you look a lot different..

Solar: you look amazing!

Cyclone: what's with the change?

Me: considering...I look a lot more like my father I wanted to have a bit of small changes...

Quake: you're wings have grown I can tell...

Me: and look...*shows horns*

Fang: it really suits you...

Me: thanks and I changed my eyes and I changed my tail with the help of a spell...

Blaze: lemme guess.. personality hasn't changed...

Me: y-yeah...

Ying: you're gonna need to do some explaining...

Me: yeah,yeah,yeah, I know...I can start now..

Everyone sits down

Thunder: so what's with the hold up?

Me: well first of all...the internet in the house has broke down for a few weeks...Sunday came and my old phone "slipped* off while me and the others were playing stickman party, so yeah, my phone eventually started to crash whenever until the day came of it being broken for good.

Quake: so that's why you didn't update and we never got to see you?

Me: specifically yeah!, So after a few days my brother had Minecraft on my Dad's Tablet, and that's what I used, though the next day I told my dad that his Tablet "broke" cause it couldn't slide or swipe up, do the next few days of no internet and no phone were the boring, until the day we got Wifi back was amazing, I got to listen to my music, see what I missed and most of happy again,though my phone still broke but I didn't bother....Saturday showed up and when I woke up, the first thing I did was hangout with mom and dad in the bedroom, till something happened...

Ice: what happened?

Quake: ok?

Thunder: playing Minecraft..without me...great...

Me: my Dad handed me a phone, I was confused at first and told me to open it up, few minutes later my Dad had handed me the phone and told me it was well mine now...and that's the phone I'm using now....

Quake: really? So thats how you got into Wattpad?

Me: pretty much..I first downloaded Wattpad and tried to get back in but the email was not working, So my big bro came and helped me since I wanted music, I also saw his Email address and suprisingly it worked! So once we came home after a long day I got into Wattpad added the email and everything else and it worked! I'm back! I'm here! And I was hoping you would all still forgive me...

Quake: of course we forgive you!

Thunder: so that's it?

Cyclone: wow....

Yaya: are the books gonna be continuing?

Me: yeah so...BBB random stories is coming back and secretly Royal as well...

Thunder: am I still gonna be a VK and a prime? *Says it while crossing his fingers and smiling*

Me: yes...

(A/N: Guys just a note this is where some spoilers about Secretly Royal is gonna pop up..and I'll be working on the book in a few yeah the rest might be Information on what you need to know about secretly Royal and spoilers....kinda)

Thunder: yes! VK Thunder and the lightning Prime is back!

Quake: what Prime?

Me: so on secretly Royal...Thunders gonna be secretly a VK and an Prime at the same time...

Gopal: what does VK stand for?

Me: villain kid...!!💖💖💖😻😻

Thunder: trust me she loves it...

Cyclone: ok? And Prime?

Me: a fusion of three leader packs...the Ultima,The Alpha, and the Omega...

Fang: how do we know more about them?

Me: two ways...Just read the story or ask Thunderstorm..

Thunder: uh sure...but it really necessary that my emotions in the book have to be the complete opposite to what I'm supposed to feel...

Me: only resolved on my imagination...

Quake: yeah me too...

Ice: what are you in the book?

Thunder: lots of things actually.
..The oldest Prince of Rintis
the protector of six siblings Wich are all of you
the new ruler of Rintis
TAPOPS agent
A rival
An Ultima
An alpha
An Omega
A prime
Can glitch
And finally.....
The part where I hate the most, a singer...

Yaya: a what now?

Me: don't ask, also, he's not the only one singing...all of you are too...

Fang: when you say that you are not gonna be are you gonna do that?

Me: I'm still thinking and while im out of my wattpad I've been doing some sketching for the cover of the book, Thunders transformation on the prime, his VK look and the Ember

Cyclone: so what about us?

Me: I also have planned that all of you guys will also have VK clothes because all of you guys will be joining Thunder and the rest of the VKs in Auradon fighting.

Gopal: is the commander and Admiral gonna pop up soon?

Me: well duh!

Thunder: one thing too....I may, or may not have already tried my VK outfit on...

Solar: you did?

Yaya: and it fits you?

Thunder: yes and it did fit me...

Me: and I loved how it looked!

Quake: questioning....When are we gonna pop up in this Auradon?

Me: I've set it up so when Audrey takes control of the scepter like she did in D3, the VKs are gonna contact Thunder and the rest of you for help.

Thunder: yeah....

Solar: another thing, are we gonna get hurt in this process?

Thunder and Me: *looks at each other* a lot....

Thunder: trust me....when the book is out I'm gonna be a complete different person to what I'm supposed to be...I'm gonna be the one who's mostly hurt though...

Thorn: so are our names gonna be changed?

Me: Only you Thorn...Your gonna have to go with your first tier name "leaf".

Thorn: I'm cool with that!

Fang: considering Thunder said he'll be the oldest Prince...then...who's the youngest?

Ying: T?

Blaze: who is it?

Me: so... here's the thing....You all will be aged on your 2nd tier....

Solar: does that mean....since I appeared last...then...

Thunder: your the youngest....

Ice: does that mean...Blaze is older than me?

Me: not really....You both are twins in the book, but Blaze is 2 minutes older than you...

Blaze: two minutes?

Quake: well.... considering I'm the oldest in this book...

Me: your the 3rd oldest in That book...

Cyclone: I guess I'm second...

Thunder: another thing...there will be characters that we pretty much, don't know...but I've already met them...

Me:  hehe...

Quake: why does he get a preview but we don't?

Thunder: two reasons....

Me: *whispers to Quake something*

Quake: oh that's why...

Thunder: you can hide it from the others but I already know...

Me: he does...

Ying: who are those characters anyway?

Me: you'll just have to see..

Thunder: mmmmmmmmmm.....

Cyclone: what's wrong?

Thunder: knowing all of you,you all think that you guys are safe from her.... "Ships" *twitches fingers*

Me:...!!!.. oh yeah! I'm already starting to ship you guys in the book with the secret characters!

Fang: even us?

Me: *nods*

Yaya: crud...

Quake: ok listen....I've already been shipped with Fang so many times in other books, am I gonna be shipped with him in that book too?!

Fang: *blushes a bit*

Me: since I'm nice to all of you no... Quake you'll be straight...

Quake: I'm kinda ok with that....

Gopal: am I gonna have a girlfriend?!

Me: Sorry buddy but you'll need to be single Pringle....

Gopal: aww....

Thunder: *sigh* another thing....some of us...are gonna be...well...G-A-Y

Me: hehe don't even think about what it says you'll just have to see who I shipped you with...

Fang: so no ships?

Me: Yet Fang...

Ying: hmm...ok then...well...Today was fun!

Quake: It's still nice to see you back after 4 or 5 weeks....

Me: sorry...let's go back and maybe catch up on what we've done over the past weeks...

Fang: can we join?

Ice: why not...

Blaze: the more fun the better!

Me: alright....hey Thunder....

Thunder: hm?

Me: Its good to be!


Both: *starts to giggle*

Quake: *smiles*

Cyclone: must be a song?

Fang: probably...

Me: hey last one into the house?

Thunder: IS A ROTTEN APPLE!!!!

Both: *runs to the house while laughing*

Yaya: do they do that often?

Ice and Cyclone: *nod*

Solar:'s good to have her back...huh?

Quake: yeah...


Please read

Tundra: so guys! Hope you like this part of the book! If you did please comment what I should do next..
And this is only a return after Weeks! Of no internet, and a broken phone!

Also this is my new account my 2nd one first one broke and I couldn't hang out with the bros anymore...also keep an eye out for My Secretly Royal book, I will be working on that book very soon and very often...But I will try my best to participate in this one...but Secretly Royal is gonna be my main pace.


Also another thing really want to know who those secret characters are? Well before you think it's gonna be my friends not at all!It's all gonna be you guys...

so to all who reads this book and soon secretly Royal you all at home can start to comment your username for the book since I have no idea...what to call them I already have a few do don't get a hold of yourself, I just need names and ideas for the book...ok?

So thats all for this chapter please bare with me that I will add anyone to participate in this book and secretly Royal as well!!

Thank you for reading and please to all those who had my previous books from my old account that account is fried and the books there no...I'm sorry...I love you all and have a fantastic day/night!! Bye~

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