Ch 24: Close your eyes, sweetheart.

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After a shower that does very little to hide the embarrassment, Dante and I decide to call it a night. He's been sleeping in Reaper's bedroom and while I trust him with my life, it's not the same as having the man himself across the hall.

My limbs ache as I climb into bed, arms protesting the most. Who knew holding a box you think is a bomb for hours could result in such pain?

Not me.

I close my eyes in the hopes I can fall asleep soon but am rudely interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. It's probably one of the girls calling to—once again—poke fun at me. Apparently, mistaking an egg timer for a bomb is grounds for ultimate humiliation. And my friends certainly don't pass up on an opportunity to humble me.


I expect to hear instant laughter when I answer, but what I get instead is a heavy sigh and what sounds like relief.


I sit up, wide awake.


Dante must've called him earlier, because I've not yet spoken to him, and I don't plan to either.

"You okay?"


"What happened?"

I shrug, even though he can't see me.


"I'm going to bed," I tell him. "Goodnight."

I hang up and throw my phone on the bed beside me, blankly staring at the ceiling. As much as I wanted him here tonight, I'm still pissed. Pissed because he left me when he said he wouldn't. And now he thinks he can call me right before I'm about to go to bed and everything will magically be okay again.

No fucking way.

My phone rings again. "Hello?"

"Did you just hang up on me?"

"Yes," I reply, sighing. "It's late."

"It's not that late," he assures.


"So, what happened—"

I hang up again, feeling particularly rebellious tonight. I laugh into the silence, imagining his anger. His frustration. Good. I hope he feels even a fraction of what I've felt since he left.

Another ring.

Another hello.

"Stop fucking hanging up on me!" he drawls, voice the lowest I've heard it.


I hang up, hysterically laughing by the time I position the phone by my side. I've no doubt this shit wouldn't fly if Reaper were here, but he's not. He's not here. Because he fucking left.

My phone vibrates in my hand, demanding my attention. I hold it up to my ear, moments away from saying hello when his demand cuts me off.

"Touch yourself."


My voice comes out all weak and unsure, which infuriates me.

"You heard me," he replies. "Touch yourself, Eva."

A thrill washes over me, intoxicating. "Where?"

"Touch your pretty little pussy."

Oh fuck!

"And pretend it's me doing it."

I contemplate ignoring him, but I did agree to him helping me. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't need this after the night I've had.


I'm breathless and whimpering by the time I reach the waistband of my panties, unsure how to proceed.



"Can you touch yourself too?"

"Already doing it, sweetheart."



My hand slips beneath my panties, pussy already sleek. I moan as I slip two fingers in, suddenly too hot under my covers. My back arches off the bed, body overcome with pleasure the deeper I go. A traitorous moan slips past my lips, Reaper's responding grunt the only thing I can hear.

"Fuck! I wish I was in bed with you," implores Reaper, drunk with lust.

"Why aren't you here?" I groan, deepening my efforts. "I thought you were coming home."

"I missed my flight."

I huff, unimpressed. "Shame. My pretty little pussy could've been yours tonight, Reap."


His displeasure amuses me.

"It's so wet for you," I explain.

He growls, taking back the metaphorical reigns. "Just remember who's in charge here, Eva."

"You are," I breathlessly reveal. "It's always you, Reap."

"Damn fucking right," he insists. "Now get on your front and ride your fingers."

I laugh as I flip onto my front. "I'd much rather be riding you."

"So pretend it's me," he counters, sounding strained. "Pretend you're riding my cock, sweetheart."

I moan, increasing the pressure.

"Pretend it's my huge cock stretching your tight pussy."

I groan into my pillow, mindful of Dante sleeping just across the hall.

"Fuck—Eva—I'm picturing you taking me into your mouth."


"Suck your fingers, baby. Let me hear it."

I deposit the phone on my pillow and withdraw my fingers to position them in my mouth, exaggerating the sounds I'm making. On their own accord, my hips rub against my mattress, the friction nowhere near as satisfying as having the real thing beneath me.

"What can you taste, Eva?"

"You," I reply, mouth still full. "I can taste you, Reap."

"What's that like?"

"Fucking sensational," I reveal, tongue swirling. "You're so big."

"Choke on it, sweetheart."

I imagine his cock filling me and cry out when I'm hit with a wave of pleasure.

"Reap! I'm going to—"

"Come for me," he demands, almost there himself. "Let me hear you fall apart, Eva."

I'm on the edge, moments away from free falling when my bedroom door swings open, revealing a concerned Dante. His gun is drawn, ready to shoot whoever is making all that noice.

"Fuck! Dante!"

Reaper huffs. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Get out!" I yell.

"Eva, where are you?"

I start to laugh, uncontrollably.

Dante—much to my mortification—turns on the light, catching me in what must be the most conspicuous of positions.

"I heard noises."

"Yeah, no shit!" I counter, still giggling. "I was masturbating, babe."

He looks around, blush creeping up his neck. "Fuck—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt..."

Reaper's muffled voice sounds from the phone, dragging Dante's attention away from my face.

"Who's that?" he asks, smirking.

I press the phone to my ear, too amused to be embarrassed.

"—talk to me."

"Dante walked in," I explain, more than a little flustered. "He thought I was being attacked."

Reaper laughs, relief immediate. "So, you weren't calling his name while having an orgasm."

"Fuck, no!" I insist. "I didn't even have an orgasm."

I look towards Dante, blaming my lack of release on him.

"Is he still there?"


"Put him on."

I gesture towards the phone and throw it to Dante, who catches it with a surprising amount of grace for someone still holding a gun.


His smile stretches into a full blown grin when he realises Reaper is the perpetrator.

"Yes, boss."

Dante returns the phone to me before tuning the light off and exiting my bedroom. I wait until the door clicks shut before speaking.

"What did you say to him?" I ask.

Reaper chuckles. "I told him to quietly leave and not say another word if he still wants his balls attached to his body in the morning."

I strife my laugh by pressing the palm of my hand into my mouth. "Oh my god."

"Are you okay?" he asks, voice gentle.

I lie back, resting my head against the many pillows. "Yeah, I'm okay. You?"


There's a moment of silence before I ask, "Did you come?"

"Nah. You screaming Dante's name extinguished any hopes of that."

I laugh again, sure that by the time morning rolls around, I won't find the situation amusing in the slightest.

"Wanna try again?" I question.

"I'd rather wait until I'm there with you," he admits.

He sounds strangely vulnerable, like admitting that was a huge deal for him.


"I've missed you," he informs, making my heart pick up in retaliation.


"Aren't you going to say it back?"


"Why not?" he asks, amused.

"Because you wouldn't have to miss me if you didn't leave in the first place."

"Are you angry?"

"Yes, I'm angry," I implore, using my free hand to pull the covers over my chest. "It felt like you were running away, Reap."

"I wasn't. I promise."

I sigh. "You tell me you love me and then you bail. What else was I supposed to think?"

There's rustling on the other end and I imagine him sitting up in his bed.

"I don't blame you for thinking that," he admits. "And had this happened a month ago, I might've run."

At least he's being honest.

"But I'm trying not to be that person anymore, Eva." His tone is firm. Assertive. "I was needed longer than expected and I could only make one call a day. I used that to check in with Dante, because as much as I needed to hear your voice, I needed to know that you were safe more."

My heart tugs as his words register, their gesture meaning more to me than perhaps I'm willing to admit out loud.

"You better not be bullshitting me, Romano."

"I'm not," he assures, laughing. "I promise."

I stare at my ceiling again, remembering a time when I used to do this exact thing when Reaper and I first broke up.

"I thought I was going to die tonight."

His responding growl is confirmation that he, too, thought I was going to die.

"I kept thinking how pissed I was at you. How I hadn't seen you in two weeks and now I was gong to die without letting you know."

"Letting me know what?"

I pause, so tempted to tell him the truth. That I'm in love with him. "That you pissed me off!"

His laughter rings like music to my ears.

"Dante told me you've been checking in daily with him."


There's a brief moment of comfortable silence, neither of us feeling the need to fill it.

"I believe you, Reap."

"About what?"

"About not running away." I pause. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not leaving me."

He sighs and I can imagine him rubbing at his tired eyes. "I'm not leaving you ever again."

His admission has my stomach flipping.

"When's your flight?"

"Three hours," he replies. "I'll be home in the morning."



"You should get some sleep," he encourages.

I press the phone further into my cheek, willing his voice to stay there a moment longer. "Will you stay on the phone?"

"While you sleep?" he asks.

I nod, despite him not being able to see me.

"Sure," he replies, voice a gentle caress.

I burrow further into my pillows and settle in, comforted in the knowledge that Reaper is on the other end of the line, breathing into my ear.

"I can't believe Dante caught us," I offer, eyes closed.

Reaper's laugh is like a soothing blanket across my skin.  "He'll get over it."

"I won't," I insist. "How am I supposed to look him in the eye tomorrow morning?"

He laughs again, followed by brief silence.



"Thank you for calling," I say.

He grunts, lighthearted. "Even though you hung up on me three times?"

I smile. "Yeah."

I pull the blanket further around my shoulders, pretending it's Reaper's arms wrapping around me instead. His earlier deceleration of, "I'd rather wait until I'm there with you," plays on a loop in my head, making my brain hurt.

"What now, Reap?"

"What do you mean?" he asks.

I clarify. "What happens when you come home?"

"We'll talk it out," he promises.

"Talk it out?"

"Yeah, some people call it communicating. We should try it."

I laugh, muffling the sound by shoving my head into my pillow.

"I've heard it can be really beneficial."

"I've heard that too," I admit, smirking.

Reaper and I collectively laugh before succumbing to the comfortable silence.

"Close your eyes, sweetheart."

I do as I'm told, surprised by how tired I feel when all I can see are the backs of my eyelids.

"Want me to sing you a lullaby?"

"God, no!" I insist.

Reaper quietly laughs, certifiably impressed by his own joke.

"Goodnight, Eva."

"Goodnight, Reaper."

Once again, I settle in and fall asleep to the sound of Reaper quietly singing some country song I vaguely recognise. It's relaxing. It's beautiful.

It's everything I never knew I needed.

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