The Move

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All of them fought for what seemed like hours then Frostbite was hurt badly by Russet and Flare and all of them ran .
Fern : is everyone alright ?!
Echo : I think .....
Echo looks around and sees the others aren't hurt that badly .
Star : what are we going to do ?! They will probably come back !!
Winter : Star calm down we will figure something out
That night
Shadow : well what are we going to do ? There bound to come back and either rape or kill us !
Squirrel : I say let them come back !! I would love to rip there pe-
Star : Squirrel don't cuss !!
Squirrel : aww but Star !
Winter : the next time you guys argue I'm going to rip your tails off and stuff them down your little throats !!
They all go quiet .
Winter : .... We're going to move ... It's the only way
The rest of them : WHAT ?!
Winter : there's no other way
Fern : but Winter we've been here since we were pups
Strike : yeah and we've never left just cause of some inconvenience!
Flare : we can't just leave !
Winter : well what else are we supposed to do ? Stay here and get pushed over by some cocky males ? We have no other choice and it will be good for us to get some new scenery
Echo : sigh .... I guess your right
Winter : now what type of area should we move to ?
Flare : mountain would be nice
Echo : prey would be hard to catch there
Fern : and there's no herbs
Shadow : marsh ?
Winter : to sticky and no forest areas like this unless we find a good one .....
Star : river ?
Echo : that could work .... Plenty of prey , good herbs , fresh water
Russet : sounds good to me
Winter : alright girls lets go
Flare : now ?
Winter : yep so move your tails !
They all walk out of the cave and head in a random direction .
Echo : we will need to go somewhere really far away so they won't find us
Russet : also we need to cover our sent so they don't follow us .
Winter : alright !
Winter smirks slightly and jumps into the small river right in front of them splashing them all .
Flare : WINTER !!!
Winter : yes ~?
Flare jumps in and play fights with her . After that they all jump in and roll around in the mud and water .
Shadow : I'm going to get so dirty ...
Echo : it will cover your sent so be grateful
They all continue there walk .
After a couple of hours
Winter : yeah guys I'm tired so goodnight
Winter falls down and curls up sleeping .
Echo :me , Flare , and Squirrel will keep watch you all get some sleep .
They all go to sleep except those three .
In the mourning
They all slowly wake up .
Star : did you gu-
ROAR !!!!!!!!!!
Fear shot threw them .

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