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Remnants of that life-altering night slipped into my dreams.

There were flashes of fire that haunted the dark world that engulfed me. Clementine's eerie, glazed eyes watched me within the shadows of my sleep. My heart raced as I bounded my way through the woods, chasing after the rogue huntress who was always just out of reach. I felt the thrilling tingle of my fur ruffling in the wind; my dream accented with a foreign flavor, as if I was witnessing it all through a new lens in my perception. Then there was the taste of Everett on my tongue and a warm, tugging sensation that yearned to feel the way he stretched my walls.

I awoke in a twisted nest of sweat-drenched sheets. My body burned and glistened with the intensity of my nighttime visions. I threw the covers from me and spread myself bare to the cooling breath of the ceiling fan. I took in slow, deep breaths and once I brought my consciousness completely into the real world, I realized that I was alone within the room.

I frowned at Everett's vacant side of the bed before thinking better of my displeasure and checking to see what time it was. My hand slapped my nightstand in search of the little digital clock, only to find the space occupied with more clutter than usual. I propped myself up onto my elbows and found the time was a little past dinner. I also discovered a note and necklace waiting for me beside the clock.

And this wasn't just any necklace. I knew in a moment that it was my sachet, the one Clementine had Genevieve fashion for me. I picked it up and let the small weight press into my palm. Sniffing back the emotions it elicited, I turned my attention to the note that had accompanied it.

My dear Delilah,

I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I probably could have lied there with you until the world ended, but I couldn't ignore my duties—especially considering everything that happened last night. So I left to go speak with the elders. I'm not sure what will be decided or done, but there's no getting around the fact that there are currently two hunters imprisoned at the station.

I will be debriefing them about what Luc and the others found at the hunters' campsite. They clearly didn't expect to be caught and we got some good info from it. Plus, Luc found the remnants of your transformation. Your clothes were beyond saving unfortunately, but she did retrieve your sachet, which I've left for you with this note.

Once I get back, we're going to have to talk about more than what will happen with the hunters. I'm not going to bother the elders with it just yet because this is wolf business, but they will have to be told about your alpha status eventually. However, I'd feel better talking to them about it once we know how the pack will be addressing it.

I know this feels like a lot, but I'll take care of all of it. The only thing you need to do is rest. If you want to spend the next day, or even the next few days, in bed, I would understand. Last night must have taken everything out of you both mentally and physically. When you're hungry just open the door and let Damien know since I'm certain he won't be leaving from that spot until you've told him otherwise.



I looked towards the door with a groan, slumping back down onto the damp sheets as I considered my next steps. I didn't really want to face Damien and his assertion that I was his Alpha. Plus a twinge of embarrassment left me fearful of what greeting I might receive from the troublesome wolf.

How long has he been out there? I thought to myself. I know he went to join Luc in the search, but I don't know how long that took and if he came back soon after and has been waiting outside the door ever since... I shuddered at the thought of him being just outside the door as Everett and I... physically acknowledged ourselves as mates.

Despite reminding myself that Everett had soundproofed his room with magic, I still grabbed the nearest pillow and buried my face in it to hide from the stark reality of a very eventful night.

"I need a shower," I muttered to myself. "I'm not mentally fit to think this through." It was an affirmation that managed to peel my body off the bed before coaxing it into the bathroom. It, however, did little to quiet the more physical response to my thoughts on what to do next—my stomach was growling far louder than I did while in wolf form. It felt like I could eat a whole cow and a part of me thought that—given my full wolf status—I could very well do so.

After I wiped the sweat, sorrow, and sex off my skin, I used the hair dryer before the bathroom mirror.

Even with the foggy reflection marring my appearance, I didn't look any different. I was still rather short and my face fairly round, despite the weight I'd lost from my more active lifestyle and supercharged metabolism. I still had hazel eyes with long lashes and a square tipped nose with a sprinkling of freckles. My chin still had a slight cleft and my lips still presented as a rosy pink. With my hair dried, I found it as straight and strawberry blonde as it had always been.

Despite it all, it seemed like nothing had changed.

Yet, it also felt like everything had.

Maybe the shape and color of my eyes were the same, but there was a maturity that now glinted like steel. My chin and lips may have resembled those I've always had, but now they were set with unflinching firmness. My hair may have the same color and texture as usual, but it now shared those traits with a coat of fur that could enshroud me if I willed it.

Who was I now?

I combed out my hair and toweled off the last drops of water from my body. Stepping into the room, I retrieved a fresh set of clothes and turned my eyes towards the charm sitting atop my nightstand.

I didn't totally understand the whole awkward smell thing that followed me around after being "mostly bitten" by Natasha. I figured I was in some sort of state of lycan puberty and my hormones were all haywire which made me smell. However, given I had fully embraced my wolf side, I hoped the herbal deodorant was no longer a necessary accessory for making me a pleasant neighbor at the dinner table. And if I did still stink, well, I was at a point where I simply didn't give a shit.

The ward hidden in the sachet, however, was a completely different story.

I may not have had any desire to go back into the woods after what I witnessed the previous night, but there was no doubting the value of the rune I removed from the little bag of dried plants. Not only was it a gift from Clementine, but it still would protect me from Graham's notice—or at least it would until he got around to updating his security system.

I poured the herbs into a waste bin that Everett kept in the corner of the room, but didn't discard the little canvas bag. At some point, I would find someone to properly attach the warding rune to a chain that I could keep on me whenever I left the safety of the Alpha's bedroom. Until then though, the oblong oval about half the length of my palm, had no easy way to attach it to a chain. So I placed it back in the bag, retied the snapped string that formed the necklace, and slid it over my head before tucking it beneath my shirt.

I gave one last longing look at the disheveled mess that was the bed and sighed with the growl of my stomach. I didn't want to face the world after the state we left it in last night, but I also didn't want to wither away in boredom.

I shook my shoulders out, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

It was like I unsealed a vacuum chamber.

With the ward over Everett's room broken, the reality of the day burst through like floods overpowering a dam. I fell back as a putrid stench filled my nostrils and I heaved dry, painful air. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Damien in the hallway—his face rigid with concentration and his breathing shallow.

"Alpha," he said through a stiff jaw that desperately tried to limit the air he took in, "I regret to inform you that there's been a major development during your rest."


Del rested in quiet security while the world continued to turn outside her sanctuary. What awaits her now that she's stepped beyond the seal?

Happy 2023! I hope you had a good holiday, whatever it may be! I've been mostly recovering this week. As much as I love my son, I am an introvert and having someone as energetic as him around me 24/7 for two straight weeks took a lot out of me. That being said, I did at least complete the outline for the remainder of this book! My hope is to have this all wrapped up by the end of February.

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