Chapter 5: The Agents and the Squints

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Author Note: The length is getting better, so is the character's voices. I haven't really watch Bones in a loooooong time so I've rewatched a few episodes to get a feel for how the characters talk. Let me know if there are any glaring issues with their talking or if anyone seems really OOC. Also this a little boring but it gets exciting soon once they start doing stuff. 


“I don’t see why they have to set up at the Jeffersonian?” Brennan asked from the passenger seat. Booth sighed and ignored her. Ever since they had left the crime scene Brennan had been asking Booth questions about the BAU, never mind the two agents crammed in the backseat with Zack. Morgan had elected to ride with Hotch and JJ to the police station.

“The bodies are at the Jeffersonian,  the police department is tight on space, and Hotch doesn’t want us at the FBI agents because he thinks they will try to get in on the case,” Reid said from the backseat. He was wedged between Prentiss and Zack, a messenger bag on his lap. Booth hardly spared a glance at the two agents in the rearview mirror. He was still hoping to figure out if the kid was smarter than Bones. The kid looked too young to be an FBI agent; Booth assumed that’s why Hotch had introduced him as Doctor instead of agent. The other agent, Prentiss, had the look of an FBI agent. Booth was hoping that the BAU agents would forget Bones judo flipping their boss.

“Just worry about your bones,” Booth said when Brennan opened her mouth. His phone started ringing again. Booth pulled it out of his pocket and frowned at the caller id.

“I assume from that look that it is Rebecca calling,” Brennan said.

“Who’s Rebecca?” Reid asked.

“She’s Booth’s ex-girlfriend,” Zack said.

“Not really helpful to the case Zack,” Booth said. He ignored the phone call.

“Why does she want Parker this weekend?” Brennan asked.

“That’s their kid,” Zack informed the two agents in the backseat.

“Zack!” Booth snapped. “She wants to take him on some stupid field trip. Which I already told her I could take him on. But, moving on from Parker.”

“How are things going with the lawyer Teresa?” She asked. Booth, surprised by the question, nearly turned into oncoming traffic.  

“What?” Booth asked. “Everything’s fine.”

“Oh everything’s fine?” She asked with a slight grin.

“Really Bones?”

“What? It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Booth. Humans act on a hierarchy of needs, and sex is very highly ranked. It’s an anthropological inevitability.”

“Thank you, Bones. I really appreciate you boiling me down to your anthropological inevitabilities.”


“That was sarcasm, Bones,” Booth said. They pulled up outside the Jeffersonian. “Look we’re here. Everyone get out.”


The bodies were wheeled into the Jeffersonian, taken out of the body bags, and set up on the tables. The members of the Jeffersonian were preparing to examine them when the rest of the BAU team arrived.

“Oh look out big brother alert,” Hodgins said. He and Angela were standing on the platform in the middle of the lab. Hotch, JJ, and Morgan were headed towards one of the small offices that Cam had cleared out for their use. Reid and Prentiss were already going over the information they had obtained already.

“Shut up Hodgins,” Booth said. He was still irked at Brennan and Zack from the embarrassing car ride.

“How was meeting with the BAU agents, sweetie?” Angela asked Brennan.

“Hodgins, can you take samples from the bodies? We need to figure out time of death,” Brennan said, ignoring Angela’s question. “Zack, can you clean the bones. Than get the skulls to Angela so she can start on the facial reconstructions.”

“Oh come on, Brennan,” Angela said with a smile. “You’re not telling me you weren’t a little distracted by that?” She nodded towards Morgan and Prentiss who were discussing something outside the office.  

“Angela,” Brennan said. “We need ids for the bodies."

“Oh joy,” Angel said. “Dead bodies over handsome sexy FBI agents, what fun.”


The Jeffersonian members set about collecting whatever evidence was on the bones while Hotch and JJ went to interview the couple who found the body and several of the park rangers. Less than two hours later, the skeletons of eight victims lay on the tables. 

“Do we have any ids yet?” Booth asked. He had followed Hodgins onto the platform.

“Angela is still working on the facial reconstruction,” Brennan replied. She turned back the skeleton remains in front of her. Cam and Zack were examining the other victim’s remains.

“Victim was male, late teens to early twenties,” Brennan said. Cam picked up one of the ribs.

“Looks like there are several stab wounds,” Cam observed.

“I counted between twenty to forty stab wounds on all the bodies,” Zack said.

“Pupal casings and insect remains suggest that this guy was buried out there seven to ten years ago,” Hodgins said.

“Oh, look at that,” Brennan said. She bent over to peer more closely at the shoulder.

“Yeah,” Zack said. He looked at where she indicated. “Wear to his right lateral epicondyle and rotator cuff. Also repetitive motion damage to the lower lumbar vertebrae.”

“What’s that mean?” Cam asked.

“Golf,” Zack replied. Angela walked up the steps to the platform. She was chatting with Morgan and Prentiss.

“Angela, do you have faces for the victims?” Booth asked.

“Yeah, I did a facial reconstruction, extrapolating skin tones from the hair samples,” she said. Angela pressed a few buttons on the computer and eight pictures opened.  

“Brown hair and most of them have brown eyes,” Morgan observed. “Looks like this UNSUB has a type.” The squints all looked at him confused.

“UNSUB stands for unknown subject,” Morgan explained.  “Do we have actual ids for them yet?”

“I’m running them through the missing person’s database,” Angela said.

“I can do you one better,” Morgan said. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, putting it on speaker.

“You’ve reached the office of supreme intelligence,” a perky female voice said. “What can I do you for?”

“Hey Garcia,” Morgan grinned. “I’m going to send you some pictures.”

“What kind of pictures?” Garcia asked. “Are they the gross kind?”

“They’re drawings of what the victims looked like,” Morgan replied. Prentiss typed a few things into the computer and sent the images to Garcia.

“Got them,” she said. “I’ll get back to you in a jiffy.” The call was disconnected.

“Garcia is our technical analyst,” Prentiss explained to the others. “She takes a bit getting used to.”  Hotch walked through the door with JJ.

“What do we know about the victims?” He asked.

“Bug decomposition indicates that these four bodies were dumped there between 2007 and 2010,” Hodgins indicated one group of bodies. “Those two were dumped there in the last two years and the two closest to you were dumped less than a week ago.”

“Eight bodies, starting sometime around 2007,” Reid said. He had walked up to the platform behind Hotch and JJ. “That’s averaging about a body per year, except for the recent two which were both killed this year within the last two weeks.”

“There isn’t a possibility that it could be a body from a hiking accident or another murder,” JJ suggested.

“This guy’s dumping ground is pretty far off the beaten path for there to be victims from multiple killers,” Booth said.

“It couldn’t have been a hiking accident either,” Zack said. “He has forty-six evident stab wounds.”

“What else is there?” Hotch asked.

“There are perimortem stab wounds evident on the ribs, manubrium, and clavicle of all the victims,” Brennan said. “There are no defensive wounds.”

“There are perimortem fractures to several of the wrist bones along with extensive contusions to the epicondyle’s and rotator cuffs,” Zack said.

“The UNSUB, as you call him, hung the victims with their arms bound above their head,” Brennan said.

“Add the bone damage and elongation of the spine I concur with Dr. Brennan’s findings,” Cam said.

“Any idea for how long?” JJ asked.

“For this type of damage to occur to this victim’s spine and rotator cuffs I would say he was suspended for two to five days,” Brennan said.

“Soil taken from the crime scene indicates that the bodies were only dumped there,” Hodgins said. “There wasn’t enough blood in the soil for eight stabbings. There are some metal particulates in several of the stab wounds. I’m running some tests to see if they are from the murder weapon or wherever the victims were held.” Morgan’s phone rang.

“Hey baby-girl,” he said answering it. “You got the names of our victims?” Morgan listened to whatever she was saying. “Got it, you’re going to send over the rap sheet? – Got it.”

“Garcia get the name of the victims?” Reid asked.

“That she did,” Morgan said. “She sending them over. It turns out that the first victim; Howard Hunter was a prostitute, got beat up a few times by a guy named Andrew Meyers. He was reported missing by his boyfriend in March 2007 when he didn’t come home from work.”

“Garcia sending over sending over Meyer’s information?” Prentiss asked. Her phone pinged with a message. “Never mind, looks like he lives about twenty minutes from here.”

“Agent Booth,” Hotch said. “You know the area better than my team does. Why don’t you take lead on this case?”

“Sure,” Booth replied. Hotch wasn’t that much older than him but Booth still felt slightly intimidated taking the lead on this investigation, especially since serial killers was not his area of expertise. “Bones and I can go interview this Meyer’s person with a member of your team."

“Morgan, JJ, go with Agent Booth,” Hotch said. “The rest of us will start looking into the other victim’s background.

“Come on Bones,” Booth said. Brennan paused to give Zack some quick instructions before she headed after the other three agents.

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A lot of the scientific dialogue was taken from the Bones episodes: Mother and Child in the Bay, The Blonde in the Game, and a few others. 

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