I'm back!!!!

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Hello, my little Warriors!

Surprised to see me alive? :D

Well, let's start talking, well in this case typing.

I finished school on Friday, finally! And have already started thinking about the new chapters for "Never Again" and "Cursed Child".

As for "Secrets revealed and lies told", that book will still be on hold.

I thought maybe I should update tomorrow, but not only for one book, I will update both "Never Again" and "Cursed Child"!

Why so? You ask.

Well, my Birthday is on the Sixth of June, and since tomorrow is one day before my Birthday, I thought maybe I should do something for you guys.

One chapter takes me like 3-5 hours to write, so 2 updates will take at least 8-10 hours, but that is not counting the time I research stuff for the books.

It will take a long time, but I will do my best!

I'm really sorry for not updating for so long, because of school, but now that we got that out the way...:3

I'll be more around, I passed my Math and Serbian exams :D

Got my grades up, and went to prom which was fun.

I have been talking to 2 amazing girls lately:



We have been talking about Inazuma Eleven! Please go follow them and read their books.

I'm still a little depressed, because of some stuff in real life, but that isn't going to stop me from updating.

I will try as much as I can to try and find someone to replace @Serena-Daniels 

But that will be hard since she is such an amazing person and writer, finding a new co-author for "Secrets revealed and lies told" will be hard.

Even tho, I promised to update as much as I can for Summer break, it will be a bit hard.

Maybe my stories are good to some people and bad for others, I try and make every chapter interesting but...

I kinda came to a block, I always plan out the next chapter and the book, in general, I got kinda stuck.

I know what's supposed to happen in the future in the book, but I don't know how to get to that part.

I can't just skip chapters, there is supposed to be something interesting to happen in every chapter and not be just boring.

As a reader myself, know the feeling when you can't wait for the a new chapter to come out and when it does you get disappointed a bit since it wasn't interesting much.

I try to make all my chapters interesting so it takes a long time to update, I really do apologize deeply, but please bear with me.

I will try my best to make every chapter interesting, well written and most of all update more.

Thank you all for reading, see you nest time


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