(Don't) Let Me Go 4.0

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Jun opened the door, Jisoo couldn't see who because Jun's big body and about to opened his mouth. But eventually closed it back as he heard the familiar voice.

"Jun. I know Jis--"

"Hmm. About time, Seungcheol ? is also this part of your revenge ?"

Revenge ?


"Junhui, that is the past."

"But its still called revenge, right ?"

Jisoo scrunched up his face, he was confused on what the two men bickering about in front of Jun's house. He wanted to ask but seeing Seungcheol making him shrink back on his spot.

"Don't think I forget it, Cheol. I always keep an eye on you because I know what you're up to." Jun sounded angry

"I don't know what you're talking about." Seungcheol sighed.

"Oh yeah ? Well, let me remind you. Last 4 years, we're enemies. You and I rivals is anything we did. You beated me in our college's last semester game, stole my works that I worked hard on, made me broke my arm and you know the most important thing ?" Jun smirked.

"You knew back then that I liked Jisoo first, and so, you took him away from me just to make me angry, didn't you Cheol ? You kissed him in front of me and smirked at me but you're not even focusing on Jisoo. You thanked me that you got your new toy because of me. But this 'toy' of yours is a new record. And let me tell you Seungcheol, you asked Jisoo as your boyfriend but you don't even love him, right ?"

Seungcheol was left speechless with his mouth open wide.

Seungcheol don't know what to say because believe me, NONE of what Jun said is lies. All of it is the truth.

Jisoo, who was still listening from the back felt like his body was strucked by lightning. He didn't even try to stop his tears from flowing out.

He felt betrayed. His heart that was broken in hundred pieces, is now a million. How dare that Seungcheol used him like that ?

All this years, I'm just a toy ?

"Jun, don't you dare tell Jisoo--"

"Saved it, Cheol. I knew it already."

Seungcheol gasped as he saw Jisoo appeared from behind Jun and Jun smirked.

"Jun, can I talk to Seungcheol for a moment ?" Jisoo looked at Jun with pleading eyes. Jun nodded and left for the two of them to talk.

"Is it true ? That you're only using me ?" Jisoo started the talk and his voice is hoarse. He looked into Seungcheol's eyes and didn't even bother to wiped his flowing tears.

"Babe..." Seungcheol tried to trap Jisoo in his embrace but Jisoo was quick to avoid him.

"ANSWER ME, CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!" Jisoo yelled with his broken voice and non-stop tears. Seungcheol looked regretfully sorry but nodded after that.

"But, babe, you don't know that I've fallen for you throughout the time that--"

"That you used me ? Is that what you gonna say, Choi ?" Jisoo sighed. "Don't talk to me again, Seungcheol. I don't wanna see you anymore."

Seungcheol felt a lump on his throat as shook his head violently. He took a step closer to Jisoo who was crying his eyes out.

"Jisoo, I do love you--"

"ENOUGH! I don't wanna hear any of your bullshit anymore."

Seungcheol don't waste anytime and forcefully wrapped his strong arms around the sobbing boy.

Jisoo struggled to get out of his embrace but Seungcheol wouldn't let him go. Instead, he tighten his hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, forgive me Jisoo please."

"Let me go!"

"Don't ! Don't let me go, Don't let go of each other, Jisoo please. I love you."


Jisoo used all his strength to push Seungcheol away and slapped him on his right cheek.

"You fucker! Don't you dare say that love word when you fucking used me and cheated on me. I am just your toy!" Jisoo growled and ready to get back into the house when Seungcheol grabbed his arm and spin his around.

Seungcheol crashed his lips onto Jisoo's and looked into Jisoo's eyes that is open wide.

Seungcheol parted and said, "You are not a toy."

Jisoo pushed him away and slapped him again, harder. He was fuming and literally broken.

"I wasted my three years by spending it with you and wasted my innocence for a bastard like you when I should go with a better person, like Jun. Don't touch me, don't call me and don't come to me ever again."

And with that, Jisoo ran back into Jun's house, leaving a speechless Seungcheol. Seungcheol felt his cheek where Jisoo slapped him but the pain is nothing compared to his broken heart.

Seungcheol falls onto his knees, still in the same spot in front of Jun's door, while chanting Jisoo's name and forgiveness and how he regretted all his action.

But deep down his heart, he knew he will never be with Jisoo anymore.

While Jisoo is in the house. He hides himself while crying and cursing Seungcheol's name, specifically in Jun's arm.

Jisoo is sure, that he will never accept Seungcheol again.

With both of the broken heart knew that they will not be mended again, at least for a long time.


Seungcheol blankly staring at the black screen of his television for about an hour ago. Sometime, he would sigh or let a tear freeing itself.

He can't accept the fact that Jisoo is not his anymore. Jisoo is not here for him anymore.

It was true he was only using Jisoo just to get on Jun's nerves. But, things changed. He fallen in love with Jisoo, hard but he is stupid. He didn't appreciated it when Jisoo is there for him, cared for him and loved him. And now, he regretted for not being honest with the person he love.

His phone suddenly ring twice, indicated a couple of messages just arrived.

Jeonghannie ♡
2 messages

Oh, he almost forgot about Jeonghan, the guy he met at the gay bar.

Jisoo wasn't lying when he said Seungcheol cheated on him, because he is.

Jeonghannie ♡:
Seungcheolie ~ let's meet at the club tonight, I miss you baby <3

Jeonghannie ♡:
Baby, are you there ?

Seungcheol sighed. Seeing only Jeonghan's name only makes him feel worser and more guilt is rushing in him.

he left a simple reply.

We're over, Jeonghan. Don't text and call me.

And he throw his phone on the floor, making it a little crack but not broken. Maybe his phone doesn't understand him enough.

He hides his face in his arms and scream, letting out his frustation. He loves Jisoo and he is really sorry.


"Thank you, Jun." Jisoo smiled at the younger who had finished cooked him dinner. Jisoo had a rough day, he probably can passed out now.

Jun melted inside seeing Jisoo's smile but quickly cover it with a charming smile himself.

"It's nothing, its just a simple dinner. You're probably tired. You can eat this and then go to sleep, okay ?"

Jisoo feels flattered. Its been a long time since someone was this caring towards him, Seungcheol just doesn't do his job.

"Also, thank you for today. Because of you, all the hidden truth were revealed. If I knew earlier, I wouldn've left him in a heartbeat. By that, I don't make much memories with him and in result, not getting me hurt this much." Jisoo said. He took a spoon of Jun's cooking, and its beyond delicious

Jun felt bad. He knew it all along but didn't have the courage to tell Jisoo. He can't bare seeing Jisoo get hurt, especially by a asshole goes by the name of Choi Seungcheol but it happened already.

"I'm done. This is so good, Jun-ah." Jisoo showed his clean plate making Jun smiled proudly.

After cleaning up, he lead Jisoo to his room and tuck him in, just like he did earlier that morning. By that, Jun was left wondering actually Jisoo is really older than him.

He started to left the bedroom, but felt an arm tugged on his sleeves.

"Sleep here, Jun-ah. I don't want to burden you by letting you sleep on the couch. Also, I need someone to stay by my side." Jisoo slowly said making Jun melted again.

"O-okay." Jun was nervous, he is sleeping beside his long time crush.

Jisoo snuggled in Jun's chest and Jun was biting his lips, trying to hide his squeal at how cute Jisoo was being.

After a long night, they both sleep tight, except for the one who lefted alone in his apartment, regretting all over again.


I did this in one writing.
Sorry i made Jeonghan the guy that sc cheated with. i love jeonghan.

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