Joshua Day (Birthday Special)

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"Hyung !" a deep voice shrieked through the whole dorm, suprising the latter he called. Joshua who has peacefully making breakfast adverted his attention to the overly excited younger.

Mingyu hugged Joshua from behind tightly as the poor male trying his best to be steady on his feet.

"Ya, Kim Mingyu ! Be careful !" Joshua said, wiggling out of Mingyu's deadly grip but the tall baby just continued to snuggled in his nape like a spoiled baby he is.

"Joshua hyung, why are you making breakfast ? you should be chill today." Mingyu mumbled against Joshua's nape making the latter squirmed at the hot breathes. Joshua just confusedly looking at the younger.

"Why would I ?"

Mingyu suddenly released the backhug and spin Joshua around. "Hyung, you dont know what day is it today ?" Mingyu shakes his shoulder back and foward.

"Ya, ya, ya ! It's 30 december ! Its not even new year yet !" Joshua spank the side of Mingyu's head. Mingyu ignored the pain at his temple as he looked at Joshua bewildred.

"Ahhhh you forgot. Well hyung, today is your--"

"Kim Mingyu hyung, what are you doing with our favourite hyung ?"

Joshua and Mingyu turned their attention to Seungkwan and Vernon as the two maknae crossed their arms and pouted. They are sulking because Mingyu stole their beloved hyung.

The maknaes ran towards Joshua and engulfed the confused male in a hug with each on his side.

"Hyung is so warm." Vernon mumbled and Seungkwan nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey, Jisoo hyung is my fav hyung too !"

as the three member of maknae line bickering about who's their hyung's favourite maknae, Joshua felt a sneaky hand around his arm and without anyone knowing, Joshua was already being pulled to the living room.

"Hey hyung, having a great day ?" Joshua looked down to see Woozi grinning happily to him. Seeing Woozi this happy, making Joshua flashed one of the member's favourite smile.

"Of course ! Eventhough hyung don't know what everyone is this happy today--"

"What ?"

Woozi looked at Joshua with his cute confused expression. But then, he suddenly nodded as if he understand that the latter forgets his own birthday.

"Hm, I have a song to finish to I'm gonna give you your present early."

"What present, I--"

Joshua was cut off as he felt the tiny boy's lips on his cheeks. Woozi peck his cheeks long enough and parted after like 5 seconds. Woozi's own cheeks blush after he delivered his present.

"That's your present, hyung, bye !"

And with that, Woozi shyly ran away to his own small studio in the corner of the dorm. Joshua unconciously smiled as he rubbed the cheeks where the small boy's lips landed.

Though he still didn't know why he get kiss as a present.


"Hyung..." A small cute voice interrupted Joshua's reading session. Joshua looked up and smiled to see his real favourite dongsaeng though he said to the other three its Mingyu (because the giant baby has threathen to kissed him).

The younger shyly sat beside Joshua and hugged his arm while he seems to think what can he say to the birthday boy. The younger suddenly beamed at him as a thought came across his mind.

"Hyung... I'm sorry I didn't prepared any present for you but I have something to say !" The younger cutely smiled at Joshua as he patted his head lovingly.

"What is it, Minghao-ah ?" Joshua slowly spoke and Minghao cleared his throat.

"Joshua hyung has helped me many times with my english and I am thankful for that ! Now, I can speak english com.... com..."


"Yes! Comfortably ! See, you helped me again." He excitedly clapped his hand as if i gave him a huge reward. "And all I wanna say is, thank you for being to the nicest hyung and, Minghao loves Joshua hyung."

And with that, Minghao tightly hug the flustered male who is still oblivious why was everyone this affectionate to him, but nonetheless, he hugged his baby dongsaeng back (saya sayang minghao).


(dont u find it frustating how none if the members ever say happy birthday to him)

It was already 12:30 in the afternoon and Johua didn't know how, but he ended up with his other baby, Chan, on his back.

"Joshie hyungg ! To appa !" Chan cutely pointed his chubby finger to one of the closed bedroom and Joshua seems to know who's Chan referring 'appa' to.

Joshua chuckled but instead of going to his boyfriend's room, he ran around the whole dorm with the cute little dinosaur on his back, giggling like the baby he is.

"Joshua hyung !" Chan suddenly called him. "Yes, Channie ?" Joshua looked up to see the bright smile of one of his son (?).

"Thanks for being the greatest, prettiest and kindest hyung ever !" Chan exclaimed happily and hug him from the back.

Joshua thinks he might explode at the small baby's cuteness and sweetness.


"Okay, that's enough, Chan. My turn."

Joshua turned and saw Jun picking up Chan from his back. It was a little hetic when Chan refused to let go of Joshua's warm back and Jun have to carry Chan like a baby.

"You're not gonna climb on my back right ?"

"Yes, I'm gonna."

And Jun miserably falls on his butt after one attempt. "You're too small !"

"No, you're too big."

Jun suddenly wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh, am I ?"

"Stop yourself."

Jun cracks up laughing and attack Joshua with a big, friendly hug. "Oh my god, you're so warm. Good thing that possesive boyfriend of yours let us just for this day."

Ugh, back at it again with that unknown event of today.

"What so special about today anyway ?"

"Of course it's your-- wait. You don't know ?" Jun looked at Joshua with a pout on his face. "I don't know what you're talking about." Joshua sighed again as he desperately trying to remember why everyone loves him so much today.

"Aww . It's okay hyung. I'm sure someone will tell you later." Jun smiled and cupped his hyung's small face in palms.

Jun leaned in close to Joshua face. His hot breathes nearing his lips, eyes bore deeply into each other. As Joshua thought Jun was going to his lips (whic he was so worried about) but instead, Jun only brushed his thumb against it.

"That boyfriend of yours still warned us not to near your lips, though." Jun only pecked his nose and pulled him into a tight hug while Joshua chuckled at how cute all of the members to him.


It's almost 4 in the evening where all the members seems to disappear all of a sudden. Joshua thought he was alone but then a sudden chear suprised him.

His room's door almost break when Dokyun and Hoshi slammed it open and both of them ran towards Joshua. Joshua thought this craziness already ended.

Hoshi ended first in Joshua's embrace and Dokyum tripped making him fall in the bed beside Joshua.

"What is it, you guys ?" Joshua sighed as he felt his body being squeezed again for the hundred times that day.

"Ugh, I could hug you forever !" Hoshi screamed against Joshua's chest before find himself being thrown away to the floor. Now its Dokyum's time to fall into the poor latter's boney arms. "I seriously didn't know why I'm being a teddy bear for today." Joshua sighed again as he heard the duo giggled.

"I knew it. He doesn't remember." Hoshi giggled and attack Joshua from his back. Eventually, he stopped caring about what he doesn't remember anymore.

Actually, their hugs is really warm.

"Hm, where's the others ?" Joshua asked while he felt himself drown in the two younger's affection. He laid down the bad he got himself two koala's clinging from his front and back.

"Doing something." Hoshi simply replied while he played with his sweet hyung's lavender smelled hair and Dokyum just stared at Joshua's nape.

"Dokyum, its creepy. Stop." Joshua turned around and meet with the younger goofy smile.

Dokyum cupped the male's cheeks and steals a peck on Joshua's forehead. "Yay !"

"Me too !"

Hoshi forcefully turned the older's head around and cupped his cheeks hard, making them round. "Awe, my hyung is sooooo cute." He said before stealing a peck on the puffy cheeks.

He can say he's pretty glad none of the members steal a kiss on his lips ... yet.

"Hyung, let's enjoy this moment." Both of them said and he joined them, closing his eyes to sleep.


Eventually, both if Hoshi and Dokyum felt asleep on Joshua's bed. The birthday boy left them alone as he brought himself to the kitchen.

He expected everyone is out but there, Wonwoo, is stealing one of the cookie that Joshua and his man made while silently humming.

"You know you do need permission right ?" Joshua chuckled as he saw Wonwoo's halfway eating the cookie.

"Can I ?" Wonwoo asked with a stupid grin on his face. Joshua laughed and nodded while he heads to Wonwoo.

"Hyung, this is delicious." Wonwoo mumbled with the chocolate chip cookie exploded in his mouth. He moaned making Joshua raised a brow on him.

"Oh yeah, hyung ?" Wonwoo finished the cookie in his mouth and turned to Joshua happily. "Yes ?" Joshua was gonna face Wonwoo but then he frozed when he felt a lips on the corner of his lips.

So close to his plump lips that everyone wanna taste it. But of course, his possesive man get jealous easily.

"Wonu !"

Wonwoo laughed at the flustered male as he felt the hard slap on his arm.

"Wonuuuu." Joshua whined again and at last, he smiled. He maybe don't know what day it is but surely everyone is happy.


Joshua was left all alone in the dorm when he get a text message from his man that he got something for him in the practice room.

Joshua was left again confused as he wear something nice and left the dorm to head to the practice room where he thought everyone was waiting.


"Hannie !" Joshua ran towards his best friend when he saw the latter waiting for him in front of Pledis building. Jeonghan smiled doubled up as he saw how cute his friend running to him.

He attacked Joshua in his arms. Jeonghan missed his friend even though its only been a day he haven't saw him.

"How's my Joshua been today ?" Jeonghan ruffled the latter's hair and smiled cheekily. "Hyung, save it. He doesn't remember." Mingyu suddenly appeared from the back making both of the male screamed.

"Woah, I'm gonna say that everyone is waiting." He said and than ran back into the building.

"Hm, I wonder what I didn't remember ?" Joshua slowly mumbled but Jeonghan hears it.

"You'll know later." Jeonghan poked Joshua's nose and pecked it afterward. Joshua was caught off guard and then hides his blushing face in the laughing male's chest.

"Come on, Joshua. Let's find out what you're missing for today." Jeonghan grabbed Joshua's hand and ran with him to the building.

(guess who's left)

Joshua suddenly found Jeonghan disappeared from his side and in a super dark room.

"Jeong... Hannie ?"

The light suddenly goes on and a massive screams of "Happy Birthday" was heard making Joshua took a step behind.

He observed the situation only to found all of the member's smiling behind the a table full of snack and a cake as a cute banner spelled "Happy Joshua Day !".

And then all of the information suddenly clicked with the addition of the date.

"Ahhhh ! It's my birthday. I can't believe I forgot." Joshua cutely rubbed his head and the members laughed.

He ended giving another hugs and pecks to the members and being fed by them. That's why they were so happy.

"Thank you guys." Joshua smiled at everyone and a screams of "welcome" greeted him.

A sudden throat-clearing from behind them was heard and as if it was a signal, everyone started to leave the room. Except one.

Joshua looked ahead and smiled contently as the male opened his arm for an invitation. Joshua giggled and ran into his lover's arm.

"I wonder why you can't you remember ? I can see that you're so happy today."

"Seungcheol. Everyday when I know that I'm with you, my happiness can't decreased even if it's not my birthday."

Seungcheol felt like he couldn't get more in love in his life. He squeezed his birthday boy excitedly.

"Thank you, Seungcheol." Joshua mumbled against the broad chest and felt a kiss on his hair.

"It's all for you, babe."

They stayed quiet for a moment before Joshua started to speak. "Is it true you gave permission to all member to get close to me ?" Joshua looked up from the chest and met with Seungcheol's adoring eyes.

"Ah, yes. Though I said not to close." Seungcheol pouted. Joshua laughed again. "Don't worry. No one is that close to me, yet."  And they smiled meaningfully.

Seungcheol slowly lowered himself until his lips is close with Joshua's lips. "I love you, Joshua. And Happy birthday." And their lips touched.

Their kiss is full of love. Seungcheol missed his baby because he sneakily avoided Joshua for a couple of days just to test the latter. But when he saw the members get so clingy to him, he was so so so jealous that makes him realised that he love Joshua so much, he didn't anyone to get near to his love.

The kiss lasted for some minutes and they parted, looking into each other's eyes, smiling like a love-sick couple.

"I love you too."


sekali cheolsoo , selamanya cheolsoo.

happy birthday joshua hong <3 my ultimate bias !


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