Monstrous Nightmare

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Class: Stoker Class
Wingspan: 68ft.
Speed: 16
Size: 61ft.
Stealth: 9
Jaw Strength: 6
Weight: 5,040lbs
Abilities: Can set themselves on fire and breath fire. They can also secrete Monstrous Nightmare gel, a green, highly flammable gel that burns at extremely high temperatures. The gel is good for melting Death Song amber. Can unhinge their jaws like some snakes can.
Features: Double-clawed wings, two long horns, sharp spines, snake-like neck, snake-like tail with frills, nasal horn and flammable gel on skin
Diet: Corn, crab, fish, mutton, rat, wild bore and yak
Habitat: Forests
Trainable: yes
Nicknames: none
Other Information: These fiery-tempered dragons are loyal to their Riders and mates, and will do anything for you. You don't, however, want to be on their bad side.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison


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