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Class: Stoker Class
Wingspan: 300ft.
Speed: 15
Size: 150lbs
Stealth: 4
Weight: 150ft.
Jaw Strength: 10
Abilities: Can shoot flames from their underbellies and launch fireballs from their tales and shoot fireballs from their mouths.
Features: Four wings, gills, articulated eyes, flat body and three rows of spines along back
Diet: Ice Tail Pike
Habitat: Non-volcanic regions
Trainable: yes (but they are stubborn and hard to control)
Nicknames: none
Other Information: Singtails respond to the distress fire of another Singetail and come to help. They are highly maneuverable and agile. They are smart dragons, but hate high altitudes. Amazing fighters, but are stubborn and are hard to control.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison


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