Lost & Found

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"I-is there any places that I-i could return... this ?" Mingyu speaks in his very limited chinese. He held up a brown, plain, dusty wallet that he had found at the side of the road. He had look inside and could tell the owner must be a college student living alone in an apartment he rent with his friend. There's an ID card but it looks old that he couldn't read it properly.

The security inspect the wallet up and down cautiously. He then return it to Mingyu and point to the left. "If you make a turn here and walk a bit further, there should be a small lost and found center."

"Thank you so much, sir." Mingyu bowed and started to walk on the direction the man had just told him.

The occasion is, Mingyu joined his school's exchange students program to China along with his few friends and it's their last week there. It was saturday that day and Mingyu thought it would be a great day to explore the city but all of his assholes friends doesn't feel like it. Mingyu is going alone.

Two hours of wandering around the city, Mingyu felt his knees goes numb so he took a break at bench under a shady tree. Not a long minutes after, he noticed something what seems like a wallet. He doesn't felt right to just leave it there so he, being a sweetheart he is, decided to return the wallet.

And now, here he is, walking to an unfamiliar road to some town he never seen. He catiously walk down the pavement as his eyes wondering around trying to find the Lost & Found centre that was mentioned.

"Yey, I found it." He cheered when he found a small door that enprinted chinese words for one he could read. The open sign was hanging loosely so Mingyu being the happy bean he is, pushing the door wide open with a huge smile.

Problems, it was so quiet. Very quiet. Buzzing sounds and the door creaks open. There were chairs against the wall and it doesn't have a single life in there. It was so quiet that makes chills run along Mingyu's skin.

"H-hello ?" Mingyu called as he stood infront of a small counter. He looked around like a lost puppy, only accompany with the clock's clicking sound.

"Excuse me ?" Mingyu tried again. He sighed in discontent. Poor wallet couldn't find its owner. He slowly walk out of the shop as he look around once more. The shop was probably haunted.

As he was pushing the dusty door open, a rough yet delicate voice speaks behind him with thick chinese accent, "Need anything, kid ?"

Suprised, Mingyu turned around. Greeted by a boy, not sure of his age because he had some cute and small features. The boy put on some old blue uniform with small print of his name on the high left.

The boy, Minghao, who seems to be working there, raised his brows when Mingyu was standing there like a fool. He spit out his gum into the trashcan, missed, and wipe his mouth.

"Kid, seriously, what you need ?" Minghao asked impatiently.

"O-oh ! I found a wallet at the park right there. Um, I , ah, I need to return it because there's school cards and ID in it." Mingyu said, scrambling on his feet. He fumbles with the wallet before putting it properly on the counter.

Minghao looked at him with bored expression before turning his attention to the said wallet and back to Mingyu.

"This wallet is rotten yet you still came here, wasting your time. The damn owner probably threw it away and a kid like you still have the heart to return it." Minghao said without even thinking of his words. He pulled out a pack of cigs, took one into his mouth before pulling out his lighter and started smoke infront of Mingyu.

Mingyu frowned at this. This guy is a thug. Who throws away useful cards ? Well, of course there's no money in the wallet but one doesn't dump it like that. All those thoughts make Mingyu upset.

"You still here ?" Minghao broke his thoughts when he noticed Mingyu still standing there.

"Um, can you please just look at the wallet ? I really think the owner dropped it." Mingyu pointed at the really ugly wallet, still not giving up.

Minghao looked at him unbelievable. "Fucking stubborn kid. Fine !" Minghao exclaimed and mutters some more chinese curse words.

"Look! There's nothing in this damn wallet -- oh, wait." Minghao rustled into the empty wallet and cards started to scattered on the counter top. Mingyu only looked at him in confusion.

As Minghao rested his cigs at the side of his lips, Mingyu unknowingly study his features. He doesn't know why but this boy really looks familiar and young.

"Did I have seen him at the other day or..." Mingyu began to thought but it was broken out suddenly when Minghao slammed his hand infront of him.

"Where did you found this ?" Minghao started off harsh and demanding but Mingyu still calmly stand there. Not to mention the obvious height difference.

"I told you, at the park not far from here." Mingyu replied, poor chinese attempt rolling off his tongue. Minghao give him side-eyes from the top of his hair to his shoes.

"Guess what ? I think I've this wallet's owner." Minghao said. Mingyu was taken aback.

"Really ? Did someone came to report their missing wallet ? You should call them" Mingyu said suddenly getting excited that he messed up his words and leaned in into Minghao's face with a huge grin on his face.

Minghao back away from the joyful puppy before scoffing. "If you haven't noticed kid, this store is actually abandoned and it's not a real Lost & Found centre. People don't come here anymore because there is a new one at the town and I just come here to hang when I get bored at home. So no, it's been months since someone came here to file some report." Minghao finished with a huff of smoke at Mingyu's face.

Mingyu coughed a little but he was dumbfounded. No wonder this part of town seem to be haunted.

"Seriously ? but why did you say you found the owner ?" Mingyu asked, still hasn't got the guts to leave that place.

Minghao heaved a huge sigh. "This is my old wallet. I dropped it long time ago, probably last year. I tried to search for I just couldn't find it." Then he looked at his wallet, well used to be. "I got a new one so I don't need this anymore."

"Oh." Was only Mingyu get to muttered. Well, mission clear. The wallet has found its owner.

"Take this home with you or throw it away, I don't care. Bye kid." Minghao pushed the wallet to Mingyu and bout to head to the backstore but Mingyu called him again.

"Wait !" Mingyu waved his hand frantically. Minghao glared at him but still come to him.

"What ?" He spat. He look really scary right now but Mingyu have to know one thing. "Can you look into your card for me ?" Mingyu asked.

"What ? Why ?"

"I need to know something about you."

Minghao scoffed. "Why am I matter to you ?"

"Because you seem really familiar to me." Mingyu smiled for the first time at him and Minghao was shook. "Damn, he have pretty cute smile."

"Now that you say it, you're very familiar too. Can I know your name ?" Minghao didn't know when did he became very gentle but this kid have some effect on him.

"My name is Mingyu." Mingyu said a little bit too excited.

"Mingyu ? Mingyu..." Minghao trailed off a little. But then, what suprised Mingyu is that Minghao suddenly talked to him in Korean. "Wait, are you Kim Mingyu ?"

"Y-yes. Yes ! I'm Kim Mingyu. Wait, how did you..."

"It's me, you motherfucker. Minghao ! Xu Minghao, stupid."

It took a while Mingyu to process. "My long lost love..."

"Fuck you. I haven't seen you since ten." Minghao leaned over the counter and slapped him softly. Byt then, a smile creeped onto his face.

Oh look, a cute reunion between two bestfriend who got seperated when one of them have to go back to hometown.

What Minghao did next is he jumped over the counter and attacked Mingyu with a huge hug, which Mingyu didn't prepare, and both of them fall on the floor.

They laughed happily and Minghao started to tickles him. "Fuck, its been ten years. Why didn't I recognize you earlier ?"

Mingyu finally got the strength and pushed Minghao away and slapped his mouth. "Stop swearing, your breath smells like cigs." With that, Minghao pouted but Mingyu pulled him into a bigger hug.

And there they are, hugging each other on the dirty floor but none of them minded anyway.

"What are you doing here, Mingyu ?" Minghao asked, slightly pulling away from Mingyu. "Its just my school program I joined."


"Looks like being in your hometown only make you a... thug."

"Stup the fuck up."


After a while, Minghao decided to bring his old friend (crush) to the park. Swaying along the breezes, Mingyu grabbed Minghao's hand and interwhined it.

"Hey, Minghao ?" Mingyu suddenly broke out the silent moment.

"Yeah ?"

"Truth to be told, I've been holding some feelings for you for these 10 years but I still couldn't recognize you at the first sight." Mingyu's cheeks were blazing red with embarassment.

"Oh, what kind of feelings ?"

"You know, romantical."

Minghao stopped both of them from walking any further and make them face each other.

"You know what, I do too."

"You serious ?"

It was Minghao's turn to be embarassed.

What suprised him next is Mingyu suddenly hold his chin up and peck his lips for a couple of seconds.

"Did you just ?"

"Yes, I did."

Minghao giggled before pulling Mingyu back into another kiss.

After a few minuted they pulled out and only started at each other with lovesick smiles on their faces.

"Looks like I found my lost love in your Lost & Found centre. Wow, the coincidence."

"Fuck, you're right."


its been months since i updated. hi.
I will try to make more thughao in my next update.

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