Today's a Sad Day...

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Piper's got a few doggo cousins.

There's the Golden retriever, Chili.
The springer, Abby.
The Chocolate Lab, Meatball.
IDK what Trufa is, but she's adorable.
But Yesterday, we unfortunately had to say goodbye to one of the goodest boys I've ever known.

This is Bruno.

Bruno was a month away from turning 10 years old. He was a Friendly golden doodle who never had one ounce of sadness in him. He was always the happiest dog ever. By all standards and metrics, he was a *very* good boy.

He was the goodest boy. He visited St. Judes children's hospital In Milwaukee to comfort sick kids for 7 years. He brought smiles to so many little faces who needed them most...

But on December 27th, they found stage 4 cancer all over his stomach and spleen. He was in immense pain and they had no choice but to let him go and end his pain.

You'll be missed, Bruno. We love you, boy. <3

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