Bro.... Another Flipping Tag

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I got tagged by my homie Sakura_Skye again....... Plz I want this to be the last time....... Let's get right into it:

Have you ever...?
1) Been Drunk?
No...... At least not on alcohol.....

2) Kissed someone?
Not on the lips, on the check though, multiple times.

3) Broken up with someone?
Yes I have, my first boyfriend, I'd rather not talk about it so....

4) Had Sex?

5) Had a threesome?
Once again.... NO I AM ONLY 13 WTF (plus, seeing people naked scares me tbh)

6) Cried yourself to sleep?
Yes, but over something that my parents did.

7) Self harmed?
No no no no no no no no no no I have not and I NEVER WILL (who TF came up with these questions?!)

8) Been in love?
Hell no. Once again, only 13, I am too young to know the concept of love (besides my family of course)

9) Cheated?
No. I have only had one boyfriend and I don't plan on becoming "the girl who cheated on SoandSo with SoandSo" so yeah.... Not a fun title to have in middle school.

10) Standing on stage (is it supposed to be "Stood on a stage"? Idk)
But yes, I have, I have done multiple plays in elementary school and I used to dance at my church so.....

11) Been depressed?
No. I have never been depressed. I have been sad, but, who hasn't. But never depressed.
12) Smoked?
Once again, I am only 13! I am seriously questioning the person who wrote these questions..... But no, and I don't ever plan to.

13) Felt Lonely?
Well, considering I don't like being alone, and I've been left in the house alone, yes I have.

14) Sneaked into a bar not being old enough? (Once again, grammar much?)
Ok, no. Why would I go to the bar? To hang out with my 20 year old friends and have a good time and drink beer? Hell no. I am too short to sneak in anyways....hehe...

What's your...?

15) Age?
My age is 13, my birthday was this year so I have to wait till next year to turn 14..... :(

16) Biggest Wish?
I don't exactly know...... Well, I know it may seem childish but I have always wanted to be a mermaid..... Don't judge me.....

17) Relationship status?
Single and ready to mingle bitches

18) Biggest fear?
Oh idk....... Afraid of falling (very different from afraid of heights) and afraid of pain/death.... I am also DEATHLY afraid of guns....... Not bows and arrows though...... Huh..... Weird.

19) Longest Relationship?
Uhh.... It's actually funny, I have had a longer relationship than most of my friends..... 3 months and 2 weeks before I dumped him, it was right before school ended for 6th grade..... Yeah he hates me now...... Oh well!

Do you?

20) Masturbate?
Hell to the flipping No bîtch that shit is nasty. I know what that leads to and once again I would like to stay a virgin until marriage.

21) Have a boy/girlfriend?
Well, no, but I want one because I have my eyes set on someone but I'm pretty sure they don't like me back and the other person already likes another guy so she is a no....... (Sakura_Skye  you know who I am talking about...) oh well, what can you do?

22) Like yourself?
Of course I like myself! I mean beside the fact that I am pretty sure I am going to die someday of a disease that I didn't know I had until I get hospitalized for hypothermia. But other than that, yep! I love myself!

23) Have/Want and tattoo?
Yes. I want a tattoo on my wrist, and/or on the side of my wrist.

(Only on my left wrist, not my right)

24) Have/Want and piercing?
Yes I do, I have my ears pierced but I also want a belly button piercing when I am old enough. Idk why but I have just always wanted one.

25) Smoke?
Once again, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO BITCH!!! And I never plan to.

26) Party Sometimes?
No, I don't really plan on going to any parties during high school or college because I want to keep my grades up like a good person.... Ok, maybe one or two parties. But I won't get drunk, I am too smart for that.

27) Believe in ghosts?
Uh yeah. No further explanation.

28) Want a boy/girlfriend?
Yeah, sure why not?

What's your favorite...?
29) Artist?
Actual artist: I don't really know, there are so many (since I am an artist myself  I look at so many other people so)
Music artist: Either Pegboard Nerds or the lead singer for Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie.

30) Movie?
Uhhh...... There are too many........ I guess it would have to be Aladdin. That is my all time favorite Disney movie.

31) Song?
There are too many......

32) Tv series?
I don't watch Tv........ Whoops.

33) Animal?
Either a dolphin or a bunny because they are so cute :3

34) Book?
Uhhh either Waiting for the Magic or Fortunes Magic Farm. They are so good. But my favorite Book Series is either A Series of Unfortunate Events, or 39 Clues, which btw, why is only 39? Why not 40, why does it have to be an uneven number? Oh well.

35) Color?
Sky Blue *giggles*

36) Juice?
Uhhh........ Idk...... Coconut juice?........

This or That?

37) Twitter or Facebook?
Uh..... Twitter.... I guess......??

38) Coke or Sprite?

39) Tea or Coffee?
I personally like coffee better......

40) Taco or Pizza?

41) Beer or Vodka?
Uh.... Probably Beer but you never know I am too young to drink either one so.....

42) Country or Rock?
Uh..... Don't know..... Rock I guess because I don't like country......... I grew up listening to Classic Rock so.....

Would You Ever?
43) Be anybody's boy/girlfriend?
Yeah sure why not?

44) Bathe naked?
Well who wouldn't? *looks at Shane Dawson* *cough* never mind.....

45) Smoke Pot?

46) Have a treesome?
Uh no..... Im pretty sure I am a human not a tree......trees aren't my species......

47) Get Married?
Yeah sure one day I will.....

48) Have Children?
Uhhh....... Maybe..... Not until I am married at least for 1 or 2 years....

49) Swim With Sharks?
Nonononononononono...... No

Uhh..... Either I misses one or there is t actually 50....... Hold on....... One sec.... *checks for the 4th time* nope not crazy! Whoever wrote these questions completely forgot number 47) ......... Wtf......

Anyways I am not going to talk any more because this chapter is more than 1150 words. I'm not going to tag any people because I don't want them to endure the long ass process of creating this chapter..... Ugh. Ok. Enough talking, bye, I have a show to watch *cough* H2O: Just Add Water *cough* ok bye!

*unedited*  exactly 1200 words lel ok Bye!

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