Can someone please kill my sister?

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Can someone please, PLEASE kill my sister? I hate her so much. I'm not kidding. A lot of you think that's wrong or that we will get along in a matter of time, but no. We will never get along. We have 2 VERY different personalities and I can't deal with her.  She has a different dad than mine. That makes a ginormous impact on the way she behaves. Not to mention, her dad is a Fûcking asshole to my family. Her dad lives up in Tennessee, so it is quite a long distance away from where I am in Florida.

My family is kinda weird. So my mom and dad were together, and they had me and my older brother. Then, they broke up and got together with different people, my mom with jerk dad (my sisters dad) and my dad with jerk mom (my little brothers mom). They are both assholes to my family and I hate them with all of my guts. Anyways. My (at the time) step mom, had my baby brother, and my mom (when she was with my step dad at the time) had my baby sister. Then my mom broke up with jerk dad and my dad broke up with jerk mom, and then my mom and my dad got back together and got married. It was a miracle for me and my older brother, but not so much for my sister. My little brother  was fine, he has always been a high spirited boy, always happy about something, that's one of the things I love about him. My sister though... Not so much.  After my mom broke up with jerk dad, he has always been trying to win custody over my sister, and so, she was up in Tennessee with her dad for more than a year. It was so peaceful down here when she was gone. I have to share a room with her so you can imagine that I was super happy when I had my room to myself.

  So, the bad thing about her being up in Tennessee with her dad is that, up there, there is no discipline. They get whatever they want up there, and if they don't, they throw a fit until they do. It's complete bullshit because I was raised by a guy who knew what he was doing. I was raised and taught proper manners and not to whine when I don't get what I want and to be grateful of what I have. My sister was not. I am the way I am today mostly because of my dad. He taught me to not care what other people think of me and to have manners and to be respectful and all of that normal stuff that a good person would do.  My mom was kind of the same, not exactly but still. But when my sister was born, my mom was completely changed. My mom babied my sister. So did her dad. She got whatever she wanted by whining and throwing a fit. She never learned any manners, she was never taught anything that I was taught. She is a little brat who thinks she can get what she wants by ordering people around like she is some sort of queen. I'm so sick of it.  And everyone in the house always wonders why I want to go over to Sakura_Skye's house every weekend... I need to get away from my sister. She needs to go somewhere and never come back. She has caused us so much crap. When she was up in Tennessee with her dad, my mom cried almost every night trying to call her, but fucking jerk dad wouldn't let her talk to my sister. If my sister was never here, my mom would be as happy as a fly eating cake. When she came back down, we have had to deal with her acting like she is the fucking boss of this place. We have to call my mom almost everyday, just so she deal with my sister. We have to waist precious time of my moms working hours to bother her with stupid ridiculous things that my sister can't do. If she was never here, my mom wouldn't have to be stressed out and trying to deal with work and my stupid ignorant sister at the same time.

    Do you see where I'm coming from? My whole family would be, SO much happier, if she wasn't here. Oh, also, my mom, wouldn't let us go anywhere fun until she was down here. We couldn't go to the beach, we couldn't go to the water park, we couldn't go to Wet'n'Wild.  All because my sisters stupid ass wasn't down in Florida. If she wasn't here, we could have fun every once in a while! Let me tell you, my whole family (beside my mom of course) would do just perfectly fine without her here. We would be happy and not stressed out and having to deal with stupid crap all day long.
   I think I'm done ranting. Sorry for just telling you guys my problems, like you can do something about it, but it helps to write stuff down, you know? Well. I think I'll just enjoy my time with my grandma while I'm here.
     Yeah. I'm gonna go. Bye.


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