So Many Signs

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Ok. I am super confused. Help. (Is it bad that I imagine Shane Dawson saying that? Idk I've been watching too many of his videos lol)
So my friend has been telling me all these things that are like signs that my crush likes me and I get all giddy when I hear them but that's just regular cliche crap.
Ok. I guess I'll tell you guys one of the... Events? I guess you could call it that. Idk. But anyway.
So at my school, around Valentine's Day, the teachers had all the students take little red paper hearts and write something nice on it and stuff like that. So like 3 days after that, I found one of the red paper hearts on the ground. I picked it up, you know, thinking that I would just doodle on it or something. Well in my 2nd period, my friend dared me to write me and my crushes ship name on the heart. Thinking "whatever I'll just throw it away" I wrote the ship name on it. I decorated it and made it all pertty. Then, then, she stole the paper from me and kept it with her. I was angry and scared at what she might do with it. So then 3rd period rolls by and I have that period with her too. It was band. I play the flute and she played the trumpet. Well guess what, so did my crush. She sat literally right next to my crush in band and that was a bad thing. So she told me the story after she did it since I wasn't there to see it happen. It went like this:
She put the heart paper thing on his chair. He walks up grabs it, Sits down and immediately asks her what it is. She says "just open it" he doesn't open cuz he's scared to. Then my friend goes "just open it! You'll see" so she reaches over and opens it for him. He sees the ship name and all that. (I'm kinda mad by now when she is telling me the story.) but then, his reaction is this:
He smiles. Then laughs. Then smirks. And then rips the heart up. BUT HE SMILED AND LAUGHED AT THE SHIP NAME HEART THING!! AHHHHH
Ahem* sorry. Just so many signs.
What do you guys think I should do? Should I make a move?
Should I let him make a move (even though he prob won't )
Should I just be blatant and tell him that I like him?
I was thinking about saying to him like "I know you hear stuff but I don't care. I like you. I don't know if you like me but whatever you probably don't cuz no one has liked me. I don't care if you know that I like you because I know that I have a VERY small chance with you. I know that you wouldn't want to date me because no one has, and that's probably not going to change. Now you know. Make fun of me. I don't care. I just can't take it any longer." Maybe something like that. Idk .
Leave a comment saying what I should do. Love you all! Sorry this is like random and at like 10:30 at night but whatever.

~ Mads

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