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I got tagged by my lovely friend EternityFire02 (go check her out she's awesome) so.... Yeah. The only reason I'm doing this is because I'm bored and I have nothing else to do soooo Ye. Let's get started! (Anyone else read that in Rosina Pansino's voice? Nerdy Nummies? No? Just me? Ok...)

1) Favorite Anime?
It would have to be Free!
It's the only anime I watched so it's my favorite.
Btw, I'm just saying, all the anime crack for Free! Is just hilarious....(MR STEAL
YO MAKOOT AMIRITE HOLY) but Ye..... (I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my back and forth..... Sakura_Skye gets it.....hehe)

2) Nickname?
Well as of right now, I have like 3. And they are all from xXPAHXx XDD


So Ye.......

3) Face features?
-Blonde hair (don't worry, I'm smart I swear)
-Brown Eyes
....... You have already seen a picture or two of me.... What am I doing 😂😂😂

4) Fun Fact

Uhhhhh........................ I mean...... I play the flute...... And I draw.......... I hope that's good enough lel.

5) Fave color?

-sky blue

6) Favorite Animal?

Hmmmmm..... Not sure, I mean jk. Totally a Dolphin (once again, Sakura_Skye knows why it's a dolphin *cough cough* Huru *cough cough*)

7) Favorite song?
Sorry, there are too many..... I like to
Listen to Nightcore songs like everyday,.... And I hear ones that I like and then I hear ones I don't like and then I listen to the ones I like again XD

8) Favorite song Artist?
-Pegboard Nerds
-Almost any nightcore artist
Yeah that's about it...... I'm so boring wow..... Wtf.

9) Favorite Movie?

Aladdin. No doubt about it. It's Aladdin. I have watched it so many times....... I can literally say everything from it by heart like, no joke. Anyways....... Hehe

10) Do you have a crush?

That is private information, that only secret members of my Magnolia/Squeaky/ Madison Friend group are aloud to know..... Aka Sakura_Skye and......... Wow....... I don't think anyone's else knows who my crush is..... Oh whale.

Ok that's it. I'm done. Good riddance. I'm not gonna tag anybody because I know people do not liked to get tagged so Ye. Ok, I'm gonna go now, so bye.


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