All I want for Christmas(Christmas Collection(FFIV)

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All I want for Christmas- song by Mariah Carey
*some potential spoilers to my other story as , and a what-if situation*
Warning: tears were shed in the writing of this one shot...

"Your Majesty?" A maid asked. "Where would you like this bow?" The fair haired king of Damcyan glanced at the large yellow ribbon in her hands, and held back a tear.

"Please, he whispered, "I'll just take that." Taken aback by the typically cheerful king's current mood, she quickly held the bow out to him and scampered off. King Edward held the ribbon as if it were a tender baby bird in his hands.

All around him, the palace had been decorated for Christmas. Lights had been strung along the railing, and tinsel above the glowing, warm fireplaces. Garlands draped from the high ceilings of the chambers. As tradition, local palm trees had been cut and placed in pots to be placed throughout the palace and decorated with lights and glittering baubles. His dear friends, Cecil and Rosa, the king and queen of Baron, had sent him an enormous pine tree from their kingdom for the occasion, as a gift. Now, it stood proudly in King Edward's throne room. Holly hung over every doorway, and even mistletoe too, for lovebirds to kiss under if they so chose.

But there would be no kisses for the young Damcyan king this Christmas, nor ever again.

Edward didn't understand how the maid had gotten ahold of this yellow bow he held; it was not a decoration. The young royal didn't hate Christmas, no, he loved the holidays. But... He shouldn't have been alone this Christmas.

He couldn't stand looking at the ribbon anymore, and he closed his vivid green eyes to escape to another time and another place; a more joyful time that took place not so long ago....


"Edward!" A melodic cry of joy came from beside me as my fingers tickled her ribcage while we sat on a small chaise together. Roses bloomed in her slightly-tanned face, and her ocean blue eyes glittered constantly. She pretended to fight me, but her body said she was happy. "Edward, stop!" She giggled. My own face formed a smile.

"My darling, tell me you don't like it then," I spoke softly. Anna's mouth opened to protest, then huffed in irritation.

"You're impossible!" She laughed, then dove in for the kill; she knew my weakness.

Her slender fingers brushed my skin just under my earlobe, and I squirmed immediately. "Anna!" I laughed.

"How do you like it now? That's payback." Both of us grinned, and I took her into my arms. She put her head down on my chest, smiling as brightly as ever.

Suddenly I felt like breaking this serene quiet and spoke. "Anna, what would you like for Christmas? It's only a few months away, now." The brunette grinned bigger than ever before.

"My love, I'm a simple girl. I don't care about presents under the Christmas tree. Someone could fill my stocking by the fireplace, and I wouldn't hold preference as to what I received." My hold on her tightened, she was so sweet. "Now," she said turning to me, "what do you want for Christmas?" I thought hard on this. There was one thing, but it now seemed incredibly selfish after Anna had just told me she wanted nothing.... "Love," she said softly, "please tell me. Believe me, nothing you could ask for would be too much."

"Snow," I said quickly. At this her face lit up. "Since Damcyan is a desert, I've never seen snow. I've always wanted to see snow, especially on Christmas...." Anna smiled at me, then leaned over and pecked me softly on the lips.

"Then, your highness, you will have snow on Christmas."


You didn't let me finish, Anna....

Reality came back to me harsher than ever, and I retired to my bedchamber. Shortly after that day we talked about our future Christmas together, Anna was deemed unfit to be my bride due to not receiving her father's blessing. However, even that would have been preferable to what wound up happening.

Later that day she was to return home, but the Red Wings arrived and bombed Damcyan castle. When troops infiltrated the walls, so many of the Damcyans were killed, including my own parents. The worst came when archers aimed their arrow, meaning to kill me. While I stood there, waiting for my death, Anna jumped and shoved me out of the way, taking the arrows into her own heart.

She died so that I would live....

After then, the Damcyan Crystal was stolen from us, and with other brave souls, we retrieved it. Over the course of the past year, we have rebuilt Damcyan Castle. But that does not restore the lives lost that day and after.

I would never celebrate that Christmas with her. And while she had asked for nothing, I'd asked the impossible: snow in the desert. Guilt wracked my heart tremendously.

Finally shaking my head in defeat, I laid the yellow ribbon down on a chest and rested my body on the bed. Why, oh why, did I not finish telling her my Christmas wish? I closed my eyes in defeat. If only I could be with her again; I would tell her my full wish:

I've always wanted to see snow, especially on Christmas... With you.

The tears that escaped from my shut eyes, washed my consciousness away. Perhaps if I were lucky, I would awake to find that this nightmare I survived, was little more than a dream.

Now I stood in the throne room once more. The decorations were absolutely perfect. Oddly enough, I didn't feel alone now.

There was a light tap on my left shoulder, and I was met by a slender hand. I turned slowly, and was met by the pure blue irises I've always loved. Without a word, I reached for her and pulled her into my embrace.

After standing for God knows how long, I looked long and hard at her. Yes, this was my beloved Anna. Even her brunette hair was still in its long, straight style. The only difference was that she now wore a stunning white gown with silver lace, and a green choker adorned her slim neck. On the choker were holly berries. "Is it actually you?" I croaked. This was far too cruel a fate should it not be....

The girl in front of me laughed, and leaned in to hold me closer. "If course it me, silly." Her face darkened a bit though. "But I don't have much time." I grabbed ahold of her arms lightly.

"Please, Anna... My love, stay with me...." She only shook her head.

"I was very fortunate to even have this time with you now, Edward. After this, the Great Spirit will call me to be a part of it again. Please," she whimpered, "don't make this so much harder than it already is."

"I wish I'd known you would come back though..." I muttered to myself, "I could've at least gotten you something." She whirled around so fast and pressed her lips to mine, forcing me to melt against her thrall.

"Edward," she said sternly, "listen to me. I don't care about those presents." She quickly pressed another kiss against my lips, words slipping out. " I just want you for my own, more than you can ever know." Now, she pulled away and looked straight into my eyes, blue on leaf green irises. "Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you." Now it was my turn to pull her against me and press my lips to hers.

Hearing that this had been her true Christmas wish made me so happy. It also reminded me of something. I broke our kiss apart. "Anna, do you remember when we said what our Christmas wishes were?" She nodded. "Well, there was more to mine than just snow. I wanted to have snow on Christmas, and spend it with you." Her face lit up so much, it was brighter than even the sun. She came even closer to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders lovingly.

"Darling, I knew. I hadn't planned on forcing you to celebrate alone either. That's why I wanted to be here now. I couldn't bear the thought of you being alone on Christmas." She firmly took my hand and led me to a balcony. "I wish I could be with you again," she whispered. "But, there are a few perks to being with the Great Spirit." She dropped my hand, and waved it over the edge of the balcony. White powder began falling as soon as her hand fell to her side again. I held my own hand out, and it accumulated quickly. Snow. A grin came on my face and I hugged her, kissing her tenderly.

"I told you always, didn't I?" I took her hands, and we began dancing across the powder. Soon, everything dissolved into white.


I awoke to bright sunlight. This was going to be an amazing day.

Wait a minute... I was on the balcony- with Anna!

I shot up out of bed and tugged a robe around me, running out to the balcony. I ignored the odd glances the maids sent me. It was Christmas morning, and I'd just been with Anna! However, when reached the balcony, she wasn't there.

I walked to the railing, feeling hopeless. It was only a dream, a product of my own wishful thinking. And the I felt the cold beneath my bare feet. Then under my hands on the railing, so I looked down. The snow remained! And my heart lifted when I saw that two pairs of footprints swirled all across the balcony. I froze when a flash of green caught my eye. Bending down to pick it up, it was the choker Anna had worn before, with the same Christmas berries adorning it. She had been here, she was real. I hadn't been dreaming. In the desert vista sunrise before me, the warm desert remained even for Christmas. Yet, here on this balcony, I had danced in the snow with my beloved Anna. A gust of cool air brushed my earlobe, and I shivered.

Snow began falling over me once more, and the yellow ribbon appeared in my hands. The chilled wind brushed my ears again and again, but it was actually calming.

"I'm gone darling, but I'm always with you. Feel the snow, and let it remind you of me. Please, don't let my death keep you from being happy. Merry Christmas, Edward." And then it was gone, but the snow remained.

I smiled brightly to myself, tear stains still present upon my face. Although now, they were tears of joy. "Merry Christmas to you too, my dear Anna."

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