*Cassie_Rose.exe has crashed. Please try again later.*

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Jesse: *walks in* Hey guys, where's the Order of the Stars?

Petra: *hides her Netflix immediately* Uh, IDK, why do you ask? Something wrong?

Ivor: *creepy stalker* Were you just watching- *punched by Petra*

Jesse: o-o'Just curious

Cassie: Oh, yeah, they went to Busch Gardens

Lukas: *eating a cookie* Without us?

Nell: Dudes, I don't know about you guys, but, I think Hadrian's trying to hack the game again...

Hadrian: *is hacking into Episode 8* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!

Ellegaard: *next to him 100% ACING Flappy Bird* Need some help there, Hadrian?

Olivia: *glances over from her redstone structure and looks over* Are you... trying to model swap?

Everyone: *looks over curiously*

Cassie: Did you just switch mine and Olivia's models?

Otto: And mine and Axel's?

Hadrian: *silence as he continues model swapping*


Hadrian: *nods* *switches Mevia and Petra's models*

Petra: I WILL F*** YOU UP *grabs her sword and goes after Hadrian*

Mevia: 0.0' *holding Petra back*


Soren: FOURTH WALL! *rebuilding it immediately*

Magnus: *smirks, blowing up the fourth wall again*

Soren: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-------- *knocked out by Em*

Em: PG. 13.

Human Reuben: Ya there's kids here, y'know.

Human Benedict: *nods slowly*

Isa: *fixing Benedict's hair*

Harper: *sees Ivor passed out on the ground* Awww... he's so cute when he's knocked out!

Olivia: cough*KISS HIM*cough

Harper: 0/////0 *kisses Ivor anyways*

Ivor: *startled, wakes up to see Harper kissing him* 0/////0

Olivia and Ellegaard: *fangirling*

Magnus: Is Ellie really fangirling??? Didn't know she did that.

Old Order besides Ellie and Magnus: *facepalms*

Hadrian: *done model swapping* Alright! Let's try this out...

*About an hour later, when Hadrian/Jesse is talking to Jesse/Hadrian about Tim's armor*

Axel: Why's the game lagging so much?

Harper: Maybe he did it wrong?

*in-game Hadrian/Jesse reveals Olivia/Cassie and Axel/Otto trapped*

*Cassie's model is glitchy and messed up*

Cassie: ?!

Everyone Else: ',:/

*game freezes*

*pop-up window appears*

Hadrian: *sweatdrops*

Cassie: >:|

*Window: *Cassie_Rose.exe has crashed. Please try again later**

Blaze: *comes in on a wrecking ball* I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING- *crashes into a wall*

Ivory: *griffon form, facetalons* Seriously, Blaze?

Lapis and Diamond: *shake their heads*

Blaze: *deathglares*

Ivory: Blaze, NO! *sees the group huddled around a computer* Wait, what-???

Blaze, Lapis, Diamond: *looks over* *sees Cassie two inches away from Hadrian's skull with an axe* NOPE!

*Order of the Stars leaves*

Jessica: *enters the room with Maya, Gill, and Aiden* Hey guys, there's a- *sees Cassie* *turns around and leaves*

Maya: *sees the model swap fail* HAHAHAHA HADRIAN YOU FAILED!

Gill: #GitRekt

Aiden: *facepalms* You really should've asked Harper or Olivia or someone.

Hadrian: *turns to be impaled by Cassie's axe* *POOF*

Aiden, Gill, Maya: 0.0' We just witnessed murder.... CYA! *run away*


*sounds of a smack and crying come from the hall*

Everyone: *stares at Cassie in disbelief*

Cassie: What? There's respawn zones in the house. And anyways, my character in the game is a murderer.

Everyone: *flees the room*

Cassie: :|

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