bully in lace 2 -Hyunin

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[Take your time to read this LOOOONG chapter💕
And hopingthatthere won't be grammatical errors!🎀]

They finally found a place to seat in the bus and, since it was a single sit, and Hyunjin offered it to Jeongin "You can sit"

"Tch! You sound too cheesy for me"

"Jeez I was just trying to be nice.." Hyunjin sat down and placed his bag on the ground in between his legs.


The bus was slowly getting empty, only some old people who didn't even care about who was on the bus.
Hyunjin looked up at Jeongin "Why don't you get a sit?"

"I just don't want too"

Hyunjin kept on staring at the younger and than...
He grabbed his arm and pulled him to sit on his lap.

"H-Hwang! Let me go!" Jeongin tried to get away but nothing, Hyunjin held on him tightly "at least ask no?!"

"Can I gently hold your waist and take you on my lap?" Hyunjin tried to say it in the most calm way.

"No." Jeongin said getting up "anyways we are here"


When they entered the house, the fist thing Hyunjin noticed, most likely felt, was the strong scent of...something sweet, candy?

He started to look around, while Jeongin just kept on walking and went to his room.
Hyunjin looked at the way the house looked...warm? Yeah, something that you feel well in. Completely the opposite respect to Jeongin.

"What are you doing coming or you will just stare?" Jeongin yelled from his room on the second floor.


Hyunjin knocked on the bedroom door and Jeongin opened it.
Somehow, his heart started to flutter! Jeongin had changed outfit and now he was wearing a pastel purple hoodie...but no pants...wait...NO PANTS!?!?!?

He was wearing really similar knee high tights to the ones he was wearing earlier, but this time he was wearing even suspenders.
Actually, the hoodie was pretty big so he couldn't see anything else...he actually wanted to see like (you get what I mean).

"Come in don't stand there" Jeongin pulled Hyunjin inside.

'This room...is all...PINK! WHAT THE HELL MAN!? NEVER THOUGHT A GUY LIKE HIM–  nevermind'

Hyunjin looked back at Jeongin who was slightly bent down and you cond see his ass from Hyunjin's prospective.
He felt like, the urge of slapping Jeongin's ass...but–

"Here take it, I mean use it, now. I guess you know what you need it for right? Or are you still a virgin and never bought one?~" Jeongin gave Hyunjin a strawberry flavoured condom.

"For who did you get me?! I had more than a girlfriend and all of them were satisfied with my skills in bed!"

"Ok but first I'm not a girl, second I don't get satisfied easily and third, you are not even my type" Jeongin turned around and stated playing with his long sleeves.

"So why did you even pick me to be your human toy?" Hyunjin asked, but didn't get an answer.
He followed with his eyes as the younger took out a pastel pink vape out of his school bag.

"Oh right. You can rest and shower after this but you need to be out for 8PM ok? My parents are coming back"
Jeongin looked at Hyunjin.
"So? Just start, you can do anything you want"

'I mean! I'm not a sex expert when it comes to boys, I never did it with a dude...but I guess it works in the same way as girls...right?'

Hyunjin got closer to Jeongin and placed his hands on the younger's hips caressing them up and down than went under the hoodie and started touching Jeongin's body, feeling each muscle of it.

He than started to touch his spine and it made Jeongin flick and bite his lip "Soyou like it when I touch your spine?" Hyunin kept on tracing a line right on Jeongin's spine, making him have goosebumps on his skin.

Hyunjin got on his knees and pulled up Jeongin's hoodie, now seeing how his body was made.

'Damn it he had more abs than me'

He grabbed Jeongin by the waist and pulled him closer, and stared to leave hickeys on each pack of his abs, than he moved down and right when he was going to take off the younger's underwear he got stopped
"N-No, it's n-not your turn to suck"

Hyunjin got up and hugged Jeongin by the waist pulling him as close as possible "Than what do you want me to do?" Hyunjin's voice got somehow deeper.

"Just do me already" Jeongin whispered as he pushed Hyunjin on the bed and got on top of him "now I take the leads~" Jeongin took out of the pocket of the hoodie a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs.

He was about to put them on Hyunjin when the older grabbed them "not today honey~" he handcuffed Jeongin, whith the hands at the back.

"Hey this is not how–"

"You didn't say anything" Hyunjin licked his lips and started to massage Jeongin's butt cheek and playing with the edge of his thong.
"Lace looks really good on you~" Hyunjin licked a spot of Jeongin neck that made the younger moan.

"And you were the "I'm not an easy person"~" Hyunjin wanted to kiss Jeongin's lips, but when he was close enough Jeongin got away from him "Why not?"

"B-Because we are not together–"

"Who cares" Hyunjin grabbed Jeongin's face with a hand and started to kiss him using his tongue and sucking on his lips and slightly biting them.
After some seconds of kissing even Jeongin kissed back.

They pulled away and Jeongin was panting heavily with swollen red lips and such big heart eyes...

"Unzip your pants" Jeongin pointed with his head to the other's crotch area.

"Why don't you do it?" Hyunjin pushed Jeongin's head down "Use  your teeth~" Hyunjin smirked.

Jeongin looked up at Hyunjin for a moment 'is this guy serious? He is turning me out...' Jeongin got closer and bit the zipper pulling it down slowly.
Jeongin pulled down even his underwear and Hyunjin gripped on the younger's hair, making him whine  in pain.

"Come on suck" Hyunjin smirked "isn't it something you are good at?~" As Hyunjin said it Jeongin licked his lips and started to suck on Hyunjin's dick, making the older grip harder on the younger's hair.

Jeongin was still sucking when Hyunjin pulled his head up hard making a tear fall from the younger's eye "OW! IT'S NOT A WIG IT'S REAL HAIR YOU BEAST–" Hyunjin grabbed Jeongin by the jaw and opened his mouth, and kissed him passionately sucking on his tongue, with the other hand he was touching and pinching the younger's body making him tumble.

"I s-said no kissing Hwang" Jeongin looked at Hyunjin angrily.

"What? Come on you let random guys kiss and touch you and I, the one YOU asked to be fucked by, can't? Ha, it sounds like a lot of crap to me"

'Fuck it! Just one night stand!'

Jeongin wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck and pulled himself closer to the older's body, and with his hands he pushed back Hyunjin's hair out of his face.
Suddenly the atmosphere got different...Jeongin saw an old scar on Hyunjin's cheekbone and touched it with the thumb "Did I make it?"

Jeongin sounded calm and his voice was even...nice to hear...not the same shouts...

Jeongin looked up and saw the clock, ir was 6:35PM...his parents still had more than an hour before coming back home...

"Wanna go shower?" Jeongin got up and offered his hand to Hyunjin, who took it "Uh...sure".


Jeongin was taking off the last "clothes" he had on and went in the shower.
"Come on take ur clothes off you slow ass"

'I don't want to! I'm slimmer than him, I don't have his muscles, and I'm embarrassed as hell!!'

Hyunjin took off his underwear and went in the shower too.
There was an awkward silence, only the water could be heard...
"Hey Hwang"


"Can you wash my hair?" Jeongin passed the shampoo to Hyunjin that took it and squeezed some of it in his hand, he applied some on the younger's head and started massaging it with his fingers, making lots of bubbles.

Jeongin washed his hair under the warm water and than turned to Hyunjin, who was struggling with the soap that was going in his eyes.

"Wait let me help you" Jeongin chuckled, showing his true gentle nature to Hyunjin "sit down, you are too tall" Hyunjin sat down in the shower, while Jeongin was washing his long black hair.
The younger even noticed one big bruise and a smaller one on the older's back and slightly touched it.

When Jeongin was done with Hyunjin's hair, he turned around and washed himself "Sorry can you wash my back? I can't reach it".

Hyunjin started to put soap on his hands when Jeongin all of a sudden turned around with his head low, with water dripping from his hair.

"Y-you are ok....?–"

Jeongin looked up at Hyunjin and placed his hands on the other's face and pulled him into a kiss...
It got deeper and deeper...
Hyunjin picked Jeongin up and pushed his back onto the shower wall

"Do me in the shower" Jeongin breathed heavily and went back on kissing Hyunjin.


"HONEY WE ARE BACK!" Jeongin's mother yelled out, giving the door keys to her husband.



His parents, not hearing any answer from their child, went to check in his bed room.

They knocked on the door, but no answer "Maybe he is asleep darling" Jeongin's father said.
They opened the door, and as Mr.Yang said, he was sleeping...

They closed the door and went to the kitchen.

Fortunately they didn't see the black haired boy who was sleeping on Jeongin's chest.


The next day at school started awkwardly. Hyunjin and Jeongin arrived at the same time, too late for Hyunjin and too early Jeongin.

Hyunjin was about to put his black mask on, like he used to do every day, but Jeongin stopped him "Why do you even wear it? I mean" Jeongin coughed and whispered "With such a pretty face".

Hyunjin looked at Jeongin, and smiled with his cheeks getting red, and putted the mask back in his school bag. He took a hair tie and tied them in a messy ponytail.

They entered the school gates and on a side, there was Jeongin's gang, on the other Hyunjin's friends. They looked at each others and went on opposite directions.


The day started on soooo well for Hyunjin, not being thrown around, not his back being slammed on walls or lockers, not being kicked...a paradise!


For Jeongin it was a mess! His back hurt so much that he needed to take painkillers for it, he couldn't stop thinking about Hyunjin, and about how they slept together.
He was like a high school girl who had a toxic crush on a guy. He was scribbling the older's name everywhere! Looking on his phone is he had any social media, and even found out that he was a sort of singer.

It was math class for Jeongin, and since he was at the back of the class, he putted earphones on, and started listening to all of Hyunjin's songs, and started drawing him...
Until one if his gang mates came "Hey IN what are you drawing there?"

The guy tried to look but Jeongin covered the paper, and closed his book "Nothing! J-Just scribbling"

"Ok, just wanted to tell you that I sent two of the guys to kick to death that Hwang boy he–"

Jeongin got up, putted his books away and went out of the class to go search for Hyunjin.


Unfortunately...he was too late...
Hyunjin was crouched on the ground covering his head shaking, blood dripping on the ground...
He was mumbling something...

"I-I thought t-today it would be a great d-day" he sniffed and whipped his tears "what did I do wrong..."

"Hey" Jeongin said, in his low thone.

"What do you want? Just kick me already! You yourself said that at school we are just a bully and his target! So kick me..." Hyunjin looked up, yelling at Jeongin and with blood dripping from his nose.

Jeongin walked closer to Hyunjin...he sat on his knees and with some tissues whipped the blood away from the other's nose and mouth.

"...I'm sorry..." Jeongin bit his bottom lip and frowned his eyebrow...and hugged Hyunjin putting his head on the older's chest "...sorry..." Jeongin's voice cracked and he started to cry on Hyunjin's chest.

"I-I didn't send them here, I was just minding my own business. I d-didn't want to hurt you today" Jeongin raised his head and hugged the older by the neck.

Hyunjin was hesitant but he ruffled Jeongin's hair softly and kissed his head "It's ok"


They left the school gates and looked at each others.

"Let's go get ice cream" Hyunjin smiled.

"But I pay" Jeongin said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Stop acting tough, I know that inside you are thinking about the ice cream"

Jeongin looked at him, than back down and sighed...

"Come on they sell even cupcakes there!! All the place is pastel pink, blue, green and yellow!! There is all the types of ice cream!! Tell me if that's not a paradise!!" Jeongin said jumping around.

'It's so nice to be with him...'

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