(don't) Cheat on him -All

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[It's a really long chapter sorry, so take your time to read it❤
3058 words]

"So, since when you and Hyunjin are together?" Minho said annoyed.

"Since middle school! I confessed to me and than we got together!...but unfortunately I lost one of my best friends...you remember Jeongin?"

"Mhm I do, I thought you two where still in touch"

"Nope...he had a crush on Hyunjin too but never told me...and when we got together we had a little fight and since then...I didn't hear a thing from him..." Jisung said looking down and playing with his fork.

The two were talking and laughing when a guy covered Jisung eyes.

"Who am I~!"


'I really need to see all of this...?'

"So, how was your day baby?~"

"Fine, math, chemistry...oh! A new guy came in my class this morning, he reminds me of someone but...really I don't remember"

When Hyunjin said about this "new guy" all the people in the cafeteria turned to the entrance door.
A guy with white-blonde hair, a tight light blue jumper and high waisted white pants with a black belt, and black leatherboots with heel, came in the cafeteria.

Everyone stopped and started at him, all whispering about how handsome he was, and already fighting for who would be with him.

But Jisung screamed out a name, and now all the eyes were on him...


The blonde male turned to him and widened his eyes...
Even if he looked heartless and kinda rude back in the days, he changed...

Jeongin ran towards Jisung and hugged him nearly crying, not caring abou Minho, Hyunjin, and all the guys in the cafeteria.

"Jisung!! I'm so sorry! I was rude and selfish back in the days! I was so happy about it but didn't want it to happen, I wanted it to happen to me but I don't care anymore I'm sorry! I want to be your friend again! Please forgive me...!"

Jisung had no words...but just hugged him back...

"I-I, s-sure" Jisung looked a little bit surprised.

"Thank you!" Jeongin said climbing on him and hugging him with both arms and legs.

Minho cought and made the two stop hugging and all the students in the cafeteria started to talk again.
Jeongin sat in between Jisung and Hyunjin, not minding the couple.

"So, yeah, you already know everyone at this table"

"Nha, who is this tall idol like dude?" Jeongin said in a sort of disgusted face, though he didn't mind his presence.

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin, and actually we are in the same class" he said scratching his neck.

Jeongin opened his mouth like an O and turned to Jisung and than back to Hyunjin.
He was about to get up bit Jisung just pushed him back on the sit he was in.

"It's ok you can stay there"


"Soooo I don't think I ever told you my name, I'm Lee Minho, but call me Lee Know, or whatever-"

"OH! You are the cat lady!!?"

Hyunjin burst into a laughing mess and slapped Jeongin's thigh, making him blush and mentally scream.

"Uh, can I have your numbers guys?"

"Sure" Minho said taking Jeongin's phone and typing in his member and saving himself as 'handsome LeeKnow'

He passed the phone to Jisung and he did the same and he called himself squirrel-J.

Than he passed his phone to Hyunjin and he typed in his number. When he was done with it he looked at Jeongin and than back at the phone, he wrote his nickname and gave it back to him.

"Ok thanks I need to go back to class and I think you too Hwang" Jeongin got up and squished Han's cheeks, and waved at Minho.

"Yep I need to go too" Hyunjin kissed Jisung's cheek, and went to hug Minho but he hissed like an angry cat.

"You have more classes?"

"Nope you?"

"Neither. Do you wanna go to the new amusement party?"



They sat next to each others, more like Hyunjin followed Jeongin.

It should have had been art class, but the teacher was ill and so they had two hours of free time.

"Why are you looking at me like that Hwang?"

"Nothing, just, you were I the same middle school as me right?"

"Yep, unfortunately"

"Aish, you are so cold hearted" Hyunjin said with his head on the desk and painfully grabbing his heart.

"You know you are the reason of all of this right? Jisung and I stopped to see each others because you were there.
And that Cat Lady dude? He likes Han since elementary school but never told him to not ruin their friendship, than you came, and broke his heart"

Jeongin said with a blank face on and turning to Hyunjin at the end of the sentence.
He looked really serious.

"You could have told me, you are really handsome" Hyunjin said playing a hand on Jeongin's face and rubbing his thumb on his cheekbone.

"Stop it...you have a boyfriend I remind you"

"Ya! You are no fun!"

"I will tell you this one more time, You, Have, A, Boyfriend. Even though you have a pretty face, I won't fall for you one more time" Jeongin said looking down at his backpack and starting to put all his books in it.

The bell rang and all the class got up from their sits and started to go out.
Hyunjin was right behind Jeongin, and before he could turn the corner, Hyunjin pulled him in the cleaning room room and closed the door behind them.

"Hwang what do you think you are doing!?"

"You of course~" Hyunjin said picking him up with his hands under his ass and pinning him at the wall.
He than started to lick on his neck, making Jeongin panick more than before.

'H-He can't take my ass virginity! No! Not Han's boyfriend!'

"Wait Hwang- what abou Han!?" Jeongin said trying to push him away from his neck.

"Shut up. I started to hang out with him just to make you fall for me, but since you ran away from me I was stuck with Jisung. Now, I see you after what, five years? You look even more sexy now, have you seen your curves? Damn boy. Your ass is fit, your stomach flat with not too much abs, and slender finger that only miss a ring on them"

Hyunjin kept on talking about how pretty Jeongin was. He was licking on Jeongin's earlobe and biting it from time to time.
Jeongin didn't know what to do, he was basically stealing Jisung's boyfriend, even though he really liked Hyunjin...he didn't want to make Jisung sad....

"H-Hyung I think w-we should stop"

"*sigh..."...fine..." Hyunjin said letting go of the younger and picking up his stuff.

'U-Uh!? I-Is it my fault now!?' Jeongin thought to himself and picked his stuff and went after him.

"W-WAIT! I...I'M SORRY(?)" Jeongin said running towards the older that was storming out of the school.

"Wait Hyunjin...I...ok you see me sexy but what about Jisung?-"



"Do you want to go eat sushi?" Jeongin said hugging his arm and smiling at him.

"Sure" Hyunjin answered not looking at him.

"You pay~" Jeongin said brushing his hand on the older's cheek and slightly kissing him. Than he started to run away.



"So...um...since when did you start to like me?"

"Hmmm I think since the start, I didn't want to tell you become I am just fine with our friendship...and don't want to ruin it...really I know how much you like Hyunjin but...aish nevermind"

"N-no you can say it..."

"Come on Hannie, you saw how he looked at Jeongin when he saw him, the only thing he missed was a boner for him. And when we were in middle school? He lost interest in you when Jeongin left our school, like I saw it, he is only acting"

"And I don't say it because I like you or whatever, ask him, maybe he is already fucking with him!"

"Jeongin is not the type to get fucked so easily...and I get what you want to say...thank you for the advice...I guess" Jisung said looking down with a pout and tightly hugging his teddy bear.

[Meanwhile with Hyunjin and Jeongin...do you think they are fucking?]

"Ya! This sushi is so good!! It melts in your mouth!"

"Well I brought you to one of the best sushi restaurants in here bro" Jeongin said, looking at Hyunjin happily eating his sushi.

Hyunjin had some soy sauce dripping from his mouth and Jeongin grabbed his chin with one hand and pulling him closer and than licked it off.


"Listen you wanted to have sex in the cleaning room" Jeongin said crossing his arms.

"...fine fine you win"

"Hey listen dimples man, since me and Jisung live in the same apartment and I smell like you, I don't want him to get suspicious, sooo-"

"Yeah you can sleep with me bit you know that my apartment is full of my parfume right? So you basically you should sleep on the balcony" Jeongin said eating Hyunjin's sashimi.

"Ahhh! Thank you, I own you a favour" Hyunjin winked at him.

"Give it to me"

"Uh? The sashimi? O-"

"No you stupid your dick" Jeongin looked up at him with fox eyes and a little smirk.

"Such an innocent looking guy but naughty on the inside~" Hyunjin bent on the table getting closer to Jeongin's face, nearly kissing him-

"Your tie is in the soy sauce-"



Hyunjin and Jeongin walked to the younger's apartment together, with Hyunjin trying to hold Jeongin's hand but the other didn't want it, he really wasn't the type for skinships.

They arrived and got in, the apartment's walls were white, and the couch was of a light leather pink, and the floor was in wood.
The rest of the apartment's furniture was white and of a wooden material.

"Wait here I go get you a pair of slippers"


Hyunjin stranded on the door frame and looked around, he even noticed that he had had an old art work that they made back in middle school.

Jeongin came back with a pair of back slippers and handed them to Hyunjin.

"They were of my old roommate...he left them here"

"This si the only black thing you have in this house?"

"N-no you dummy!" Jeongin looked away and blushed.

'Ha, he said dummy...cute'

"So, how long is it that you live alone?"

"Hmmm two years. I used to have a roommate but he left, more like I threw him out, but yeah two years"


"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure princess" Hyunjin winked.

"I told you to stop it" Jeongin rolled his eyes and closed the door with the key.

Hyunjin went to the living room and looked for the remote control.
When he found it he bit his lip to not laugh. The control had a pink cover with bunny ears.
Anyways he turned it on and went on Netflix and looked for a film.

Jeongin was making popcorns and a Cocacola for him and a beer for Hyunjin.

Jeongin came back with a bowl full of caramel popcorns, then went back to the kitchen to get the drinks.
He handed Hyunjin his beer and went upstairs to change.
He putted on a pair of short (really short ones) and a long black hoodie that covered him till half of his thighs.

"Are you naked under there?" Hyunjin said with wide eyes.

"No I have pants you hoe" Jeongin rolled his eyes and went to sit next to him.


At half film Jeongin har finished his Cola and was thirsty as hell!
He looked over Hyunjin's hand and saw that he had some beer left. Even though he is not the drinker type.

He was about to grab it when Hyunjin sneezed and made Jeongin jump and making his hand land on the older's intimate parts.

"W-what are you actually doing?"

"I-I! I wanted your drink..."

Jeongin's still had his hand on the older's pants and felt the other slowly getting hard.

"You are hard?"



Jeongin removed his hand his hand from Hyunjin's bulge and replaced it with himself.
He was now sitting on Hyunjin's laps facing him.

"I know I might get killed by Jisung but at last I wont die as a virgin" Jeongin said attacking Hyunjin's plump lips, in a passionate kiss rolling his hips and making Hyunjin to have a boner.

Hyunjin inserted his tongue in Jeongin's mouth and rubbing it with the other's.
Hyunjin putted his hands under Jeongin's butt cheeks and pulled him up and down, up and down.

Jeongin grabbed to the older's long hair and clenched on them.

"Hyung...I-I actually feel like the slut of the situation right now..." Jeongin said panting and looking down.

"Actually I am the one who provoked you, but actually...yeah you are the sort of bitch of the situation"

Hyunjin started to suck on the younger's naked clavicle, than neck, making Jeongin moan in pleasure and tightly holding Hyunjin's Hyunjin's shoulders.

Hyunjin turned th position, making Jeongin lay on the couch with his legs around the older's hips.

Hyunjin started to take off Jeongin's hoodie and even shorts, leaving the lil one only in his underwear.

"Oh damn~ you have abs, tiny waist and damn boy you thick down here" Hyunjin said slapping Jeongin's thigh.

"W-well I work out you nasty"

Hyunjin took off his tie and tied Jeongin's hands together than proceeded on taking off his shirt and unzipped his pants.

"W-wait I don't like if my hands are tied, I want to be free to do whatever I want with my hands!"

"Nope, since I am the one who is taken, we need to put some rules"

"Come on!!"

"So, you can't take off the tie from your wrists, you can kiss me but not bite my lips, you can't make bites neither make hickeys on my neck, and, you need to call me master when you want me to slow down of stop ok? Or I will go rough on you~"

"But I don't want to call you master!-"
Than Jeongin got cought by surprise by Hyunjin inserting his middle finger inside Jeongin.

"Ah! Wait it hurts!" Jeongin said kicking Hyunjin is the stomach.

"Ow!~ ok ok you won't call me master and I will go slow on your tiny little body~" Hyunjin said hugging Jeongin's naked body in a cute way.

"Stop ittttttt!!"


"Break up with him"

"W-what? Why...?"

"Because he ain't right for you!! You can see that he doesn't love you!!"

Han covered his ears and looked up at Minho disbelief, he wasn't the type of guy to rise his voice all of a sudden.

"...I'm...sorry...I didn't mean to...yell at you.....if I can't even stay calm how can i ask you to be mine...."


"It's late, I have the last bus in an hour" Minho got up from his sit but got pulled back.

"I'm not a baby...I get that you are angry, or at last disappointed...I never saw your love for me, and I was too blinded by my love for Hyunjin that I didn't see yours...sorry..."

"Ugh, you shouldn't be the one to make me cry" Minho rubbed his eyes.

Han hugged him and rubbed his hand on his back trying to make him feel better.

"Be mine..."

"Ok ok...let's go home now"

"Come to my place!...I want to sleep with you..." Minho hugged him shaking and crying.

"...ok, but let me call Hyunjin first" Han said taking out of his pocket his phone and called Hyunjin.



Hyunjin's phone started to ring and he looked at who was on the other side.
It was Jisung.

"Ok now you stay shut, and if you make a noise you wont walk for a week, ok honey?"

Hyunjin picked up the phone, still inside of Jeongin who was biting his lip to not let out loud noises.

"Hey Hannie~
Oh, I am at my parent's place, my mom needed me.
See you tomorrow~"

"Good boy~ but I still want to do it rough~"

"N-not fair!!"


The next day, Hyunjin and Jeongin arrived at school, Jeongin with a terrible face and holding his back. Hyunjin looked fine.

"WooooW Innie you look absolutely awful"

"You always do" Jeongin said looking at Minho.

Hyunjin received a text on his phone, and it was from Jisung....

"Ok I need a second, you two go in!"

Hyunjin ran to the front gate of the school, and than spotted Jisung.

"Hey babe"

"Hey..." Jisung looked up at him with a sort of smile.

"What is it? You don't feel well-"

"We need to break up Hyunjin"


"We need to break up. I saw how you look at Jeongin's butt...like who can lie he is thick :/ and I can see that your feelings for me changed..."

"You like Minho don't you?"

"I-I don't, he does!"

"Haha! It's ok. Well, we'll see around" Hyunjin gave Jisung one last kiss on his cheek and went back to Minho and Jeongin.

Jisung was left there near the gate, alone. He looked down at his feet and some tears fell from his eyes.
Someone came in front of him and lifted his chin up and hugged him.

"Let's skip and go get ice cream ok?" Minho said playing with the younger's hair.

"Mhm" Jisung noobed his head and hugged the older.

"Let's go"



"But you have a thick ass!!~ And I like it!!~"

Jeongin turned around and pulled Hyunjin by the neck and whispered in his ear.

"When we get home you can touch my ass how much you want ok? Not in public. Or I won't make fried chicken tonight"

"Ok, anything for butt and chicken"


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