"사랑해" -Hyunin

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Between the young Jeongin and his lover Hyunjin there is a toxic relationship.
Jeongin can't go out without Hyunjin knowing, and if he isn't with at last two of his friends. He can't go to parties, only the ones where there is illegal drugs and alcohol. And one thing that Hyunjin really hates is when Jeongin goes out wearing clothes that for him are "too revealing".

When they are out Hyunjin turns into the hot, possessive, psycho guy that he really is...but when they are at home, he lovable, kind and gives his best to make Jeongin fall for him even more...

"W-wait Innie I'm s-sorry" Hyunjin said with cracked voice.

"No! It's literally impossible to live like this! I can't do anything!! Damn it Hyunjin I'm 18! I'm not a baby!"

"O-ok b-but don't leave...!"

"...no...we need time...you need time to think about yourself, and how you are" Jeongin said going out of Hyunjin's apartment slamming the door.

"Haha...he left you"

"He will find better, maybe
he is already with someone"

"He won't come back for
a psycho like you..."

"AHH STOP IT!" Hyunjin said with his hands on his ears and pulling his hair.

Hyunjin's parents never took care of him, thay gave him to the nuns to take care of him most of the time.
Hyunjin grew between nuns and priests, Jesus, God...
With his body, he grew a big hate for all of this...and since he turned 18, and could finally leave the church, in his head he keeps hearing voices telling him that they will never come back, he will never come back...

His worst nightmare was being left alone...in the darkness of his thoughts...with all those voices...but he never told Jeongin about this problem....

Now he is alone...

No one with him...

Only the voices in his head...

"LEAVE ME ALONE!! PLEASE!!" the voices were going on, telling him that he will never come back.

"JEONGIN...! come back please..." Hyunjin was slowly secreting the door, waiting for an answer o the other side...but the only thing he could hear were the voices in his head...

"WHY EVERYONE LEAVES ME! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!? AM I SOME SORT OF...OF PARASITE?! I JUST WANT LOVE....n-nothing much..." Hyunjin said putting his head between his knees with his hands on the back of his head with the back attached to the door.

His dog, Kkami, was hiding under the couch because of all that noise, but when it got quite he came out and went to Hyunjin, who wasn't caring about Kkami wining.


After what seemed like an hour Hyunjin finale got his head up...and looked at Kkami, who now was sleeping on the near white carpet.

Hyunjin's eyes were red and puffy, like his nose and lips. He had two circles on his cheekbones, made by the pressure of his head on the knees.

He was completely surrounded by darkness now, it got late...and he should eat...but he doesn't feel like so...so he went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

While drinking his hand got numb and the glass fell on the ground, shattering in many pieces.

Hyunjin kneeled down to get all the pieces out of the way, but cutted with one.
Blood came out of his hand, not too much but a little...
He didn't care and just finished to pick the pieces making a lot more cuts on his hands and fingers, and went straight to the bedroom.

[That night...]

Hyunjin woke up, with a stinging pain on his abdomen, more like near the hip. What he saw literally scared the shit out of him...

A tall black shadowy figure with the face only some centimetres away from his, carving one of his fingers in his hip deeply every second.
The figure had no mouth, no nose, no ears, only two red circles per eyes...it only had 6 horns on his head, 3 on a side 3 on another...

"..G-GHAHHHHH!" Hyunjin threw his head back in pain, while blood was flowing out of the scar, getting deeper...

"Ahhh! LEAVE ME ALONE! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Hyunjin tried to move the figure but his hand were going through it...without moving it...

"W-what did I do!?‐"

The figure took the finger out of Hyunjin's flesh and stranded up...staying still for some time...leaving Hyunjin to wait while his heart was pounding at incredible speed...

The figure slowly turned his head to him again...Hyunjin saw nothing...the only thing he remembers is feeling like if his neck was being tipped apart.
The figure was now aggressively chomping on his neck, causing Hyunjin to stay without breathing some times.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK! WHY ME!-" his breath got cut off by a lack of air.

The figure stopped and disappeared...leaving Hyunjin agonizing on the bed, twisting from the pain, with both hands on his neck to try to stop the bleeding...but nothing...

After some seconds he was in a lake of blood...the sheets under him covered in his carmine red blood...

'I...I don't want to...die alone...'

He slowly got up from the bed...but fell on his knees...
He reached the door and opened it...the weather was cold...and foggy...

Jeongin's house wasn't too far from his...but still a 10 minutes walk...

He arrived at Jeongin's parents house...with no more breath...no more strength in his legs, his heart pounding fast but skipping beats...

let me in..." Hyunjin banged on the door with his fist...but the sound was too faint to be heard...and his voice no longer in his lungs...

He turned to see the same black figure, staring at him...his knees got numb, and he hit his back hard on the door making a louder noise...

"W...what you looking at huh? And...what even are you? A burnt noodle?" Hyunjin said with his smirk on his face.

"I'm your selfishness my dear Hwang...I'm your regrets, I'm your fears...I am you..."

"You cant be me...if you were me...than why did you do...this" Hyunjin's eyes getting heavy...

"If you die, he will live a better life...and he will live without all your fears, regrets and selfishness, he will turn into the best of him...
I consider myself as your and Jeongin's guardian angel...and Jeongin wasn't happy anymore with what you were doing...so I helped him..."

Hyunjin didn't answer...he simply let go of his neck, letting all the blood left to flow out...not caring anymore...

He turned around and faced the door...his finger was covered in blood...and he wrote "사랑해" on the door...

[The next morning...]

"Hey Jeongin! A dead man was found on your front door! And there was written "I love you" on the door!!"


When Jeongin got in the living room, his friends were all looking at the TV. The News were talking about a man who bled to death in front of his house.
The man was identified by the police thanks to the track of blood that went from the Yang's house to the man's house.
This man was Hwang Hyunjin, 20 years old, a JYP student.

Jeongin covered his mouth in disbelief, with tears already rolling down from his cheeks...
A black tall slander figure appeared in front of him...

"...are you happy now....?"

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