Why I'm Self-conscious of My Skin

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Back in 2017, right as I was making my most popular book to this day, the Kindergarten x New Teacher! Reader book, I did a face reveal to celebrate... something I can't quiet remember now.

If you go there now, you will notice that it is gone. Anything (except for what my friend's have posted) with my face, skin, or anything is no longer on Wattpad or the Internet as long as I have a say in the matter.
Why did I do this? Easy.

No one really knows this, but I have a skin condition called PK. PK (Keratosis pilaris) is basically when the body makes too much keratin, and block hair follicles, making really rough, acne-like patches on the skin.

Back when I was a lot younger, this was pretty much a mystery disease for me and my family. My parents thought it was just whiteheads on my arms and legs, so we never really worried about it.

Until I was about 9 or 10, it had been manageable, but then it started to get worse. Most of my upper arms were really flaky cause of it, and when I would go to scratch it, it be really, really noticeable.

We finally went to a skin doctor, and there she gave us some lotion to put on it.

Turned out I was allergic to it, I broke out in hives a lot every time we'd use it, and eventually we stopped.

So, I've always have worn long sleeve shirt or jacket with jeans to try and cover it up. My worst patches are on my arms and thighs, and sometimes I'll get them on my scalp which hurt a lot.

Also, it turns out it's very common to have this, but I seem to just have a really extreme version or something. It has finally toned down a lot, to the point I can show my arms a bit more, but I can only wear shorts when I feel like I'm okay with it.

For those curious on what this stuff looks like, it's like a tiny, less red, baby version of Ceriasis (the large red itchy patches of skin, I doubt that's spelt right), that don't itch, thank goodness.

Here's a picture I found of it 

It's nothing threatening, but it's something I have always been self-conscious about.

The looks people give isn't fun, the people who comment on it and think they're 'helping' just makes me more self-conscious about it.
So, Miss F, please go screw off and quit talking about it.

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